The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, October 05, 1905, Image 4

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    The Estacada News
A white woman of Missouri has been
sent to the penitentiary for ten years
for marrying and living with a negro.
Issued Each Thursday
George Maxwell, a wealthy Canadi­
an, will sue the United States because
he was denied admission to this coun­
At the Democratic state convention
of Maryland a platform was adopted
declaring in favor of disfranchising ne­
E S T A C A D A ....................... OREGON
I d a Condensed Form for Our
Busy Readers.
Guam, the smallest island possession
of the United States, now has a Su­
preme court and a system of wireless
A Resum« o f the L e ts Im p o rta n t but
N o t Less In teresting , Events
o f the Past W eek.
The deadlock between Hungary and
Austria may result in a revolution.
Heney Working Hard to Secure
More Convictions.
Indictm ent
Found Faulty
D efendants W ill G o Free on
S tatu te o f Lim itations.
General Stoessel, who commanded
the Russian forces at Port Arthur, is
suffering from a stroke of paralysis,
Portland, Oct. 3.— Willard N. Jones,
Japan will not have to make a new which affects his entire left side.
Thaddeus S. Potter and Ira Wade will
United States Attorney Heney says j face the Federal court this morning
More cholera haa made ita appear­ he will push the remainder of the Ore­ charged with a conspiracy to defraud
ance in Poland.
gon land fraud cases and dispose of the government, provided Judge Hunt
Texas troop have been ordered out to them as rapidly as possible, as he has overrules the demurrer to the indict-
other work commanding his attention. ! ment, which was argued yesterday by
prevent the lynching of a negro.
New Orleans is steadily recovering [ 8. B. Huston and M. L. Pipes for the
The Virginia City, Nevada, mines are
from the disastrous epidemic of yellow defense and District Attorney Heney
to be pumped out and worked again.
for the government.
The tuberculosis congress, represent­
Several moves have been made by
Gomez has retired from the fight for the defense to prevent the case coming
ing all nations, is in session in Paris.
the Cuban presidency.
to trial, but so far they have been un-
John Mitchell, prsident of the Unit­
\ successful, though their efforts have
ed Mine Workers, says he does not fear
Norway may have a popular vote on
hindered the consideration. The first
a strike..
monarchy or republic.
indictment against the defendants was
Switzerland has accepted the invita­
Secretary Taft and party have re­ admitted to be defective by the district
tion for a second peace conference at turned from the Philippines.
attorney and was dismissed, while the
The Hague.
j present indictment was returned just
A Liberal party has been organized as the statute of limitations was about
Witte has been offered the Chancel­
to run. A plea in abatement was filed
lorship of Russia. The title of count to control the Russian douma.
by the attorneys as the second Btep, but
has also been conferred on him by the
The larger part of General Linie-
this was overruled by the court, upon
vitch’ s army will winter in the field which the demurrer was presented.
Over 60,061 c'ectrical workers are where they are.
! Yesterday morning it was submitted
now on strike in Berlin and other
Riots have occurfed between Social­ upon a statement of contention by the
trades involving more men are expect­
different attorneys interested in the
ists and Coalitionists at Buda Pest.
ed to join.
The court listened to the argument
Further delay has occurred in the
on both sides and then took the matter
naming of a Federal judge for Oregon
of its decision under advisement until
and the president says he may not ap­
this morning, when it will make known
point one until in December
The president will appoint a district its opinion. If Judge Hunt should de­
A mutual bank haB been opened in attorney for Oregon as soon as Heney cide for the defense, the defendants
Chicago. The depositors are to receive concludes the land fraud cases now on would be enabled to escape prosecution
a share of the profits and the people hand and goes East.
entirely, as the statute of limitation
are eagerly seizing the opportunity to
has by this time run and no new in­
make additional maney on their sav­
The government gunboat Leyte was dictment could be drawn or voted to
sunk by the typhoon which swept Ma­ replace the present one.
The Milwaukee grand jury has in­ nila. The damage to the city is greater
than at first reported.
dicted more grafters.
The battleship Mississippi has been
successfully launched.
T R A IN H E L D U P .
N ew Y o r k Bank C le rk T a k e s
The emperor of Austro-Hungary is G re a t N o rth e rn E xpress C a r Dyna­
to P ro ve It.
seeking conciliation of the two fac­
m ited and S a fe L o oted.
Nwe York, Oct. 3.— By the confes­
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 3.— The Great
William Randolph Hearst is to run Northern overland train, leaving Seat­ sion of Henry A. Leonard, a young
for mayor in New York on a municipal tle at 8:20 last night, was held up and clerk in the employ of Halle & Stieg-
litz, brokers at 30 Broad street, the
ownership platform.
the baggage and express car dynamited mystery of the robbery on Wednesday
Turks have massacred many Mace­ half a mile east of mile poet ten, about ! last of $359,000 worth of securities
It from the National City bank waB clear­
donian Christians under the eyes of five miles from Ballard, at 8:45.
was 11 o’ clock before the train pulled ed up today. Leonard who lives with
European gendarmes
into Edmonds and the moat meager re­ his parents at 566 East 136th street,
Unless Williamson and Hermann re­ ports were sent to the local office.
was arrested yesterday and kept in
sign Oregon will have no representa­
Three men are known to have done 1 clcee confinement while the detectives
tives in the next congress.
the work. Two boys, who got on the continued their search for the missing
The steamship Alameda has piled blind baggage here, as soon as the hold­ securities, every dollar of which was
upon the rocks in the bay while on the up began entered the passenger coaches recovered today.
and began holding up the passengers.
way to sea from San Francisco.
The prisoner, who is only 24 years
They were captured. They say two of old and who has previously borne the
Owing to the many evidences of graft
the men were on the blind baggage reputation of an industrious and
among life insurance companies, Ger­
when they got on and the third got on thoroughly reliable clerk, made the as­
many may shut out Amecircan com­
at Ballard.
All were dressed with tounding statement in his conf. a don,
raincoats and slouch hats.
that he had planned and carried out
It has been found that the boilers in
his scheme of forgery not from a crim­
the cruiser Marblehead are in as bad
Blam e fo r W re c k Fixed .
inal motive, but solely to show by
condition as those of the Bennington,
New York, Oct. 3.— Responsibility what a simple device the elaborate safe­
and must be overhauled before the ship for the accident on the New York E le -' guards of New York banks could be set
can go to sea.
vated railroad recently, in which 12 at naught. That this statement is in a
An 0 . R. A N. freight train running persons lost their lives, was fixed today measure correct is shown by the facts
in two sections was wrecker! as it was by a coroner’ s jury upon two men. in the case.
coming into the Portland yards. The Cornelius A. Jackson, the towerman ;
first section bad stopped to take a who set the wrong switch, and Kelley,
A gitatin g fo r a Republic.
switch and the second section was un­ the motorman, who drove his train
London, Oct. 3.—The Christiania
able to stop. No one was hurt Two around the curve with a speed which correspondent of the London Post says
engines were badly damaged and eight caused one car to jump the track into the agitation against the terms of the
the street, were both charged with Karlstad agreement continues to grow.
cars smashed into kindling wood
Critics declare the terms have placed
The Baldwin Locomotive works is criminal negligence.
the government in a humiliating posi­
building 140 engines for the Harriman
tion, but the delegates shrunk from
Tokio, Oct. 3.— It is officially re­ rejecting them or taking the conse­
Leading Hungarians say Germany is ported that the damage caused by the quences. The object of those who are
the cause of the present trouble in their fire in the army storehouse at Hiro­ behind the agitation is to weaken the
shima amounted to 1,849,107 yen, government in order to prepare the
Peace has been restored at Baku, Rus­ equivalent to about (924,533, including way for a demand which is being ad­
sia, and workmen are returning to the buildings, provisions and clothes vanced for the establishment of a re­
which were destroyed.
their occupations.
G U IL T Y A S C H A R G E D .
V e rd ic t in the W illiam son, G esner and
Biggs Land C ase.
Portland, Sept. 28. — “ Guilty as
charged in the indictment.”
three trials, extending over three
months, John Newton Williamson,
Representative in congress from Ore­
gon; Dr. Van Gesner, hie partner, and
Marion R. Biggs, their friend and the
United States commissioner for the
general land office at Prineville, have
been declared to be guilty of the crime
of conspiracy to suborn perjury, and
have been thrown upon the leniency
of the court, by reason of their previ­
ous good character.
The long and tiresome third trial of
the case has passed into history, but
unlike the first and second, it has been
productive of a decisive result. Once
more the cause of the government and
the indefatigable energy of United
8tates District Attorney Heney have
been triumphant, and conviction has
come from the hands rf a jury selected
and sworn to try the guilt or innocence
of the defendants upon the law and the
But it was not a question easily de­
cided or quick of settlement, for the
jury wrestled with the decision from
5:20 in the afternoon until l l at night,
and it was eight minutes later before
the sealed envelope containing the fate
of the three men was handed to Judge
Hunt lor his perusal. For many bal­
lots the jury stood 11 for conviction
and 1 for acquittal.
As soon as the verdict had been read
Judge Hunt arose and thanked the jury
for their patient attention and uncom­
plaining service throughout the trial.
He then dismissed them.
Turning then to the defendants and
their attorney, Judge Hunt asked if
there were any motions to be made,
and Mr. Bennett, shaking off the spell
which seemed to wrap him round,
asked to be allowed on behalf of all
the defendants to file notice of a motion
for a new trial.
Judge Hunt stated
that he would like to have the motion
filed as soon as possible, as he desired
to leave the city within two weeks, but
he allowed ten days in which to com­
plete the written transcript of the mo­
tion and place it before the court.
The court announced that pending
the filing of the motion the defendants
would be allowed to go on the same
bonds under which they are now rest­
ing. Then the court adjourned, and
without speaking the defendants filed
silently from the room and into the
They had no statements to
make, they said.
It was not their
time to talk.
P ay* * 1 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 in C ash .
New York, Oct. 3.—The »10,000,00»
gift of John D. Rockefeller to the Gen­
eral Education board, which was an­
nounced last June, was paid to the
board by Mr. Rockefeller in rash today.
In his letter last June Mr. Rockefeller
announced that his gift would be forth­
coming on October 1 in cash or securi­
ties at his option. The money was de­
livered to the executive committee of
the board by F. T. Gates, a representa­
tive of Mr. Rockefeller and also a
member of the executive committee of
the board.
John A . D ow ie P aralyzed.
Chicago, Oct. 2. — John Alexander
Dowie, founder of the Christian Cath­
olic church in Zion, and of Zion City,
111., has announced that he was strick­
en with paralysis on one side before
his recent departure for Mexico. He
passed through Dallas, Tex., today, on
his way to that country. Dowie has
chosen his successor, but keeps his
identity secret.
Dowie attributes his
illness to the “ sin of overwork” and
has bidden his flock farewell, not ex­
pecting to recover.
Dowie was born
near Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1847.