~ ;r THE BANK Marrs was and he barely escaped being crushed beneath the three as they came down. It took several shots before the animal gave up and died. It was brought to town and sold to the meat market, and 125 pounds of sweet bear meat was dis­ tributed among the people. ESTACADA OF W. A. HEYLMAN, Cashier Capital, $ 6 ,0 0 0 .0 0 If you have money to loan, we will place it for you. If you have Real Estate for sale, list it with us, as we have no property of our own for sale and can push your sales We write Fire Insurance, Are Resident agents for some of the best companies Our lawyer will attend to all of your legal business, drawing papers of every kind A g e n e ra l b a n k in g b u s in e s s tra n sa cted A man digging in a ditch near E a g le C re e k Mrs. A E Alspaugh went to Portland Oregon City unearthed a Spanish last Wednesday to visit the Fair. coin of 1811. The piece of money Mr. and Mrs. Lord of Portland are in is the size of our dollar Its history camp on the creek. would be interesting, and no doubt Dick Githins who went to the hoppick­ more valuable than the coin itself. ing bazaar took sick and had to return home. He has recovered and is again at Feasted on Venison work. Quite a crowd of people from Portland Bear meat was the popular fami­ spent last Sunday on Eagle Creek, and they were unfortunate enough to miss ly luxury in Estacada last Saturday. the last car, and passed the night by a The day before James Marrs living bonfire swapping tales of daring among near Dodge killed a fine young black wild animals. j bear on the mountain side three Bob White. Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch is going into the banking business. We might all be bankers if we had the imag­ ination of Mrs. Rice. miles behind Dodge. Mr. Marrs was out with his two dogs and they lo cated Bruin up the mountain and chased him down to where Mr. The school district east of Gar­ field in which no school has been held for some time will be opened up again for school business. Mrs. Martha Gossett of Ellwood is advertising a sale of their House­ hold goods and personal property to take place Oct. 9. Mr. Gossett was in town, Monday. He says they will move from the old homestead estate at Ellwood onto a farm they own neai Orchard, Wash. H H. Eyman received word while in Portland and on his way to Indi­ ana that his mother, Mrs. Nancy Eyman, had passed away. This changed the plans Mr. Eyman had made, as he could not get to India­ na until after the burial, and after a day at the hop fields, he and his wife who has been picking hops, returned to Estacada. The Springwater Mill Co. has been reorganized. L. W VanDyke has bought W. H. Kendall’s inter­ est and Jonn Kiggins has bought J A. Livengood’s share. The bus­ iness will continue at the old stand with Mr. VanDyke as Secy. Notice of findl Settlement IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F T H E S T A T E O F O R E G O N FOR T H E C O U N T Y O F C L A C K A M A S In the Matter of the Estate o f } J. S . Bevens, Deceased I Notice is hereby given that C. K . Bevens. the un­ dersigned, Administratrix, of the Estate of J. S . B ev­ ens. deceased, has filed with the clerk of the above entitled court her final account as such Administratrix and the court has fixed Monday, the 16th day of O c­ tober. 1905, at the hour of 10 o ’clock A . M. at the county court room at the court house at Oregon C ity. Clackamas county. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing any and all objections to said fnal account and to the settlement of said estate. C. K . Bevens. Administratrix. Dlmick & Dimlck. Attorneys for Administratrix Dated Sept. 5. 1905. Notice for Publication Land office, at Portland, Oregon, Septem ber 9, 1905. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at Port­ land, Ore. on October 27, 1905, viz: Callie B. Charlton: H. E. No. 14,665, for the nwJi Sec. 34 T . 3 S . R 5 E. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Henry Epperson of Currinsville, Oregon: Edwin H. Stevens of Garfield, Oregon: Granville Linn of Currinsville. Oregon; Angela S te v ­ ens of Garfield. Oregon, Algernon S . Dresser, R egister. Notice for Publication Land office at Portland, Oregon, Sept. 16. 1905. Notice is hereby given that the following named set­ tler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof w ill be made before the register and receiver at Portland, Oregon, on October 27, t9 0 5 , viz: Edwin A . Stevens H. E. 15491 for the S w * of Sec. 34. T 3 S. R 5 E. H e names the following witnesses to prove his con­ tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: C. B. Charlton of Estacada. Oregon John Linn of Granville Linn of Currinsville, Henry Epperson of Algernon S. Dresser, Register. USE PHOENIX PURE PAINT Wc Sell These You want the best. Are you ready for it this season? W e are prepared as never before to meet your wants in vehicles and harness. There's noth­ ing superior to what we are showing, in taste, style and service. Absolute honesty in make and material. You w ill agree when we tell you i r s THE FAMOUS Stvdeb&ker Line WE CARRY. N o matter what you want— if It’s a harness or something that runs on wheels, w e’ve got it or w ill quickly get it. Com o in and figure with us. Everybody knows ths place. The Cary Hardware Company, Estacada, Oregon. P. S. T h s Studsbaker nameplate on a vehicle is its guarantee. Don’t forget this. Bridge and Beach Stoves and Ranges THE CARY CASH HARDWARE