The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, September 07, 1905, Image 4

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    The Estacada News
Baron Kaneko is in this country for
the purpose of forming a trade alliance
between Japan and the United States.
Issued Each Thursday
E S T A C A D A .................... OREGON
Japanese day at the Lewis and Clark
fair drew the third largest crowd of the
exposition, the admissions being over
Five hundred Chicago printers are
on strike because their employers want
them to work alongside nonunion men
Both sides are confident.
In a Condensed Form for Oor
Busy Readers.
San Fracnisco immigration officers
have unearthed a scheme by which
hundreds of disesed Japanese were be­
ing brought to in thiB country.
A Return* o f th* L e ts Importent but
The latest trolley scheme is for a line
Not Lee* Interesting Events
extendin from Portland to Puget sound.
o f tho Psst Week.
A party of army officers w ill make a
tour of Pacific coast fortifications wtih
Thirty live thousand people attended a view to making recommendations to
congress for their improvement.
the lair Labor day.
Western Nebraska has reported its
The battleship Vermont, one of the
first frost of the season.
largest in the navy, has been success­
fully launched. 8he w ill have a speed
A doctor has been imprisoned in at
of 18 knots and carry four 12-inch
New Orleans for hiding yellow fever
guns, eight 8-inch and twelve 7-inch,
besides a large number of small caliber
A small engagement took place in rifles and rapid fire guns. She w ill
Northern Corea after peace had been carry 800 men.
Philadelphia is stirred by the expos­
Hundreds oi Japanese are pouring ure of wholesale fraud in registration.
into Southern Manchuria and establish­
A cold storage plant is being installed
ing colonies.
on the canal zone for keeping food for
A new volcano is forming which the employes.
threatens the valley and city of San
Japan and Russia have agreed on a
Lucas, Mexico. The people are fleeing. truce, to be arranged by the command­
Chaos reigns in the city of Baku, ing generals in the field.
The whole population is
The board of engineers of the Pana
armed and engaged in a fierce faction ma canal w ill soon have decided
whether the waterway w ill be sea-level
A few new cases of yellow fever are
reported from Mississippi river points,
but lor the most part the health officers
say they have the disease under con­
or lock.
Oregon, Washington and Idaho P ro­
duce 60,000,000 Bushels.
Portland, Sept. 5. — Unless there
should be some unexpected light re­
turns from the late sown grain not yet
harvested, it now seems quite probable
that the three states, Oregon, Washing­
ton and Idaho, w ill for the first time
on record harvest a crop of approxi­
mately 50,000,000 bushels of wheat.
The figures now submitted do not, of
course, possess the same degree of ac­
Visit o f American Statesmen to Can­
curacy that would be possible a month
ton Expected to End Anti-
later. However, they have been com­
American Movement.
piled from information secured by a
large number of men in very close
touch with the situation. The totals
Hongkong, Sept. 5.— The Taft party
estimated for the three states are:
arrived at Canton this morning and
Oregon, 12,400,000; Washington, 32,-
proceeded to the American consulate,
800,000; Idaho, 4,800,000.
where its members were met by a bat­
The crop, if these figures are sub­
talion of the viceroy’ s guards. After a
reception at the consulate the party be­ stantiated by the final returns, avail­
came guests of the new Canton railway, able at the close of the season, w ill be
covering its entire distance.
more than 3,000,000 bushels greater
A t 1 o’ clock the visitors were enter­ than any of its predecessors and w ill be
tained at luncheon by invitation of the
viceroy, who, however, was ill and un-1 nearly 6,000, bushels greater than that
able to be present. His representative of last year. Practically all of the in­
made a speech referring to the friendly crease is in the state of Washington,
relations between China and America. Oregon falling slightly behind laBt
Secretary Taft in his response said
year’s figures.
that, by direction of the president, he
was pleased to note the friendly rela- i This shortage in Oregon is due to the
tions of the two countries. The United | damage by hot weather in the river
States did not want one foot or one counties, where the crop was exception­
acre of the soil of China. The secre­ ally heavy last year. The W illam ette
tary said he thought the boycott of
American goods was an unreasonable valley, while turning out a very dis­
violation of treaty rights and conditions appointing yield compared with that
between the two countries, and de- j which was expected early in the sea­
dared that he was glad the viceroy bad son, has a better crop than that of last
year, and the Grand Ronde probably
ordered the boycott stopped.
The party’ s trip to Canton has had j has twice as much wheat as it pro­
an immense effect, and it is believed j duced last year.
The big gainB in Washington were
that within two weekB the boycott w ill j
end. The viceroy on Monday morning largely due to an immense amount of
gave notice that he had ordered the i new land that is this year turning off
boycott to be declared off and al' of its its first crop, and also to excellent
yields where crops were very poor last
leaders to be arrested and punished.
The greater part of this new
Old residents of Canton say they year.
belive the agitators are using the boy­ land is in the Big Bend, but there ie
cott as an excuse for a demonstration also a large amount of new acreage in
the Washtucna and Horse Heaven dis­
against all foreigners.
During the stay in Canton a few tricts.
Tait Tells Chinese That Boycott
Violates Treaty.
Cholera has appeared in scattered
localities of Germany and the govern­
ment is taking steps to prevnet its
Cholera has been shut out of Amer­
W itte says he bluffed the Japanese
ica by the immigration authorities re­ into granting concessions by his seem­
fusing to admit persons from the in­ ing indifference, though inwardly full
fected districts, but the disease is of anxiety.
spreading in Germany and Austria.
Two revolutionists were killed in
Robert Bacon, of New York, has Odessa by a bomb thrown by one of
been appointed assistant secretary of their number.
state, to succeed Loomis, who expects
A Japanese financial agent in London
to get an appointment abroad. The says Japan has at this time no less
change w ill be made about the middle than $175,000,000 untouched in Lon­ members of the Taft party visited the
of October.
old city. They made many purchases j
d o n ^ ermany and the United States.
and were treated with great respect, j
Y ellow fever in New Orleasn is abat­
there being no evidence of ill feeling.
The entire party returned to Hongkong
Central American and Mexican Ports
Bulgarians have made a raid into
late tonight.
Three Vessels Wrecked by Furious
Refuse to Receive Goods.
Hurricane on Lake Superior.
Bonaparte has given naval engineers
Colon, Sept. 5. — The report by the
M ore Cases "t Pensacola.
Duluth, Minn., Sept. 5. — Eighteen
a warning to observe rules.
Pensacola, Fla., Sept. 5.— Four new medical authorities of the canal that
or 20 lives were lost and property val­
The total assessed value of Chicago ued at $500,000 sacrificed in the furi­ cases of yellow fever developed here the death, August 28, of employes
real estate for 1905 is (295,573,133.
ous storm that swept over Lake Super­ today, all being in the original infected working on the wharf at La Boca was
News of the treaty is suppressed in ior Sunday and Sunday night. The district with the exception of one, due to bubonic plague has given rise to
gale was the most destructive to lake
Japan for fear of a popular outbreak.
which was found on board the United much discussion. Jeromimo Ossa, the
shipping that has been experienced in
States dredge Caucas. The party on Ecuadorian consul at Colon, declares
Chief Justice Frear, of Honolulu, is
many years. Beside the wreck of the
board that vessel spent several nights officially that the report iB false and
disabled for several weeks by an inujry
steel steamer Sevonia, which broke in
in the district now infected after the j
to one of his ribs.
two on Sand island reef, seven of the
dredge had reached here from New that there have been no additional
A new star has been discovered by crew losing their lives, it is now be­
York. A ll the patients have the fever cases of bubonic plague on the isthmus.
Mrs. W. P. Fleming, of the Harvard lieved that two more ships were lost
in a mild form. There are several sus­
The direct result of this reported
observatory, in the constellation of with their entire crews.
picious cases. Sheriff Van Pelt tonight prevalence of the plague is that Cen­
One of these is the schooner Preto­
swore in 50 additional deputies.
tral American and Mexican ports refuse
Germany belivoes that cholrea was ria, of Bay City, Mich., the largest
to receive freight sent by way of the
introduced into the empire from Rus­
sia, but the czar’ s health authorities crew of eight men. The other is be­
Costa Rica and Nicaragua
lieved to be the schooner Olive Jean­
say not.
ette, which carried a crew of seven have been called to attend the first ses­ have been altogether closed to isthmian
New York life insurance officers have men.
sion of the legislative insurance inves­ ports. Several thousand tons of freight
found evidence of extensive fraud in j The storm at times reached the pro-
for Central America and Mexico are
the writing of insurance on risks known pbrtions of a hurricane and the tigation committee, which w ill be held
now tied up on the isthmus and this
to be bad.
staunchest new steel vessels were forced
have been made by the committee and freight is increasing with the arrival
Special deputy sheriffs and policemen to run for shelter in a more or less bat­
its counsel to keep secret the plans for of every vessel.
of Chicago, who have been used as
the opening session. A ll that any of [ Sweeping changes are taking place in
strike breakers, have organized a union
first trip with her hatch covers so bad­ the committeemen would say today was the management of the Panama rail­
and formulated a scale of prices.
ly sprung that water poured continual­ that it was probable witnesses would j road. H . G. Bierd, who has just ar­
Chicago plans a great municipal con­ ly into the hold. One of the crew was j be examined the first day and that they rived here from New York, has as-
vention and exhibition of civic im­ »ashed overboard. The steamer Sam -1 would be representatives of not one, j sun ed the duties of superintendent of
provements next year and w ill try to uel Mather also lost |one of her crew but several insurance companies.
the road, and William Rodman, who
capture conventions of municipal socie­ overboard.
accompanied Mr. Bierd, has been ap­
ties for a joint congress.
May Rebel Against T reaty.
pointed roadmaster.
The terrific battering the steel steam­
New York, Sept. 5.— It is reported!
Thousands of Indians in the North- \ ers received in the storm gives rise to
the gravest fears for the safety of many in Tientsin, says a London dispatch to
west are migrating to the hop fields.
wooden ships which have not yet re­ the Herald, that the dissent in Japan
Sailors T o Be Put in Army.
Tartars have massacred the Armenian
ported, and the record of deaths and oyer the concessions granted to Russia
Petersburg, Sept. 5.— One thous­
inhabitants ef Shusha, in Asitaic Cau­ destruction may reach much greater in the proposed peace treaty is so deep
and sailors who participated in the mu­
proportions than the present estimates. that it is feared that a revolution w ill I tinous disorders at Libau and in the
The monetary loss on the Sevonia is break out throughout the empire. This ; Black sea will be transferred to the
A prairie fire on Beaver cerek, Mon­
tana, destroyed valuable pastures and placed at $170,000, while that on the movement, it is declared, has manifest­ army and be sent to the Far East to
ed itself in Tokio. A ll cables are cut. I serve in the army of occupation.
Pretoria is estimated at $160,000.
800 tons of cat hay.