The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, September 07, 1905, Image 2

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mine w m a r h u s b a it d
A G r e a t Benefit t h a t t h e G i r l Paauetl
o n lo H e r F r i e n d .
T he last of the dear, restless, noisy
little feet had clattered down the stairs.
The a ssista n t, a fte r tak in g an endless
tim e to close the piano and put things
aw ay, had finally pinned her h at to her
satisfactio n over her fluffy pom padour,
slipped a couple of daffodils through
one of the buttonholes In her Jacket,
and w ith a blithe good-by followed the
A t la s t G race w as alone. W ith a
sigh of relief she burled her head In
her arm s. She w as asham ed of her­
self, w hen m other w as getting on ho
nicely; she ought to be glad all
through, but she w as so tired! If only
she could get aw ay som ew here and
shake off the clinging m em ory of those
terrible days before the fever yielded!
B ut get aw ay— w ith those doctors’
and nu rse s’ bills to be paid!
An hour later, In m other's room, she
w as reading a note th a t J a n e t had
left for her. It w as only a couple of
lines, telling her th a t she w as to m ake
J a n e t a visit from F rid a y afternoon
till Monday m orning, and forget th at
th ere w ere any such thin g s as kinder­
g a rte n s or sickness In th e world. G race
looked up and m et her m other's eyes.
“ Of course you are to go, dear,” her
m other’s glad voice said. " I ’ve been
T he pluck and energy of th e wom en of the g re at W est who have blessing Ja n e t all day for thinking
gone down Into th e m ines w ith their husbands and helped lay th e foun­ of It.”
So G race w ent. I t w as only on the
dations of fortunes w hich a fte rw a rd enabled some of them to a tta in
high social position In th e E a s t a n d hobnob w ith royalty abroad w as n e x t square, but w hen she reached the
never more strikingly illu stra te d th an In the case of Mrs. C harles L. house w ith her su it case and w as de­
Geym an, wife of one of the Independent m ining operators of B utte, lightedly escorted to the guest room by
Mont., who donned m ale a ttire and took the entire m anagem ent of the Ja n e t, she drew a long b reath of Joy,
Yankee Boy mine w hile her husband served a sentence of forty days In Jail T he Im possible had happened—and so
for contem pt of court, arising out of num erous m ining controversies w hich easily, a fte r all.
T he guest room w as only th e begin-
have arisen there betw een th e ow ners of adjoining claims.
W hen released Geym an again took control of his property, b u t found j nlng. T here w as a concert th a t night
th a t d u rin g his absence It had been conducted w ith as m uch Judgm ent a s It I and a long country afternoon the next
had ever been before, and Mrs. G eym an has been so pleased w ith her , day, followed by an evening w hen the
success th a t she will probably tak e a g re a te r Interest th a n ever In the Yan­ two, w ith a chafing dish, had one of
the tim es d ear to girls’ h earts; and
kee Boy.
Geym an, w ho had been prom inent In m ining and political atTalrs for a fte r th a t th ere w as still a long, happy
some years, w as sent to Jail by order of a Judge of the U nited S tates C ourt Sunday to follow. M onday m orning,
for contem pt for m ining In territo ry w hich his neighbors said w as outside eager and rested, G race looked round
his claim, but w hich he believed a n d still believes w as In his own property. th e p re tty room.
“ I never can tell you w h a t It has
T he engineers for the o ther p a rty to th e dispute w ere able to convince the
court th a t he w as w rong a n d so G eym an got a term of forty days In Jail been to me,” she said. “ H ow did you
ever th in k of so lovely a plan?”
and served the full time.
“ I t w as done for me once when I
M eantim e, his mine, th e Y ankee Boy, w as not Idle a m inute. The place
of general m anager, w hich otherw ise would have been vacant during his Im­ w as all tired out,” her friend an ­
prisonm ent, w as taken by his wife. And she ran thin g s Ju st as sm oothly as sw ered. “I never have forgotten It.
She w as a poor w om an—th e one who
her husband could have done, o r as he had done.
A round the m achinery of a m ill a n d In the w e t d ep th s of a m ine r did it—but, oh, the lovely things she
w om an's sk irts a re eith er not safe to w ear or Inconvenient to work In. So thought of for me I I determ ined then
Mrs. G eym an put on overalls and a Jum per and wore boots w hen she had If I ever had the opportunity I ’d pass
a n ything to do about the m ine or the mill. She can push a car or run an It on. I never supposed It w ould be
engine or do any of th e o th er thin g s th a t go w ith th e profession of mining. to you.”
■ G race’s eyes brightened w ith resolve
I t Isn’t absolutely necessary th a t she should do these things. B ut she took
to doing them Ju st to find out how they should be done, and w hen Mr. Gey­ “P e rh a p s some tim e I can give a next-
m an w as around to look a fte r thin g s him self. D uring his absence she found sq u are vacation to somebody, too,” she
j said. “ I ’m going to w atch .”—Y outh’s
h e r knowledge of thin g s pertain in g to m ine and m ill handy.
j Companion.
An A p p eal.
su it of existing conditions, but a s the
rapidly w asting rem nants of a former When humorists have no Ideas,
But lots of space to fill.
They scribble rhymes with final lines
T he studies undertaken by Dr. O. F.
T hat
Cook on the G uatem alan a n t called the
kelep, which the D epartm ent of A gri­
culture th in k s of Introducing Into
T ex as to m ake w ar on the cotton-boll
Among the curious observations weevil, have brought out some Inter­ So when yon read your newspapers.
And come across such stunts,
mnde by stu d en ts a t the Berm uda Bio­ estin g facts about these curious lPtle
Think how each word takas up a whole
logical S tation Is th a t some of the In­ creatures.
T hey a re not tru e an ts
h a b ita n ts of the w a te r there a re able any m ore th an term ites are. T h eir so-
to Im itate the color of the rocks and ulnl s 's te m . Doctor Cook says, does not
re efs am ong w hich they sw im . The follow "th e m onarchical system of the
common fish called the grouper pos­ a n ts and term ites, but rep resen ts an
sesses this power. Its chrom atic v aria­ entirely different system , m ore like And then remember how the bard
May be an office slave,
bility runs through a considerable th a t of the honey-bees. In th a t new
range of colors. A specim en of the colonies are founded by the subdivision Who's slipping repidly toward*
O ctopus vulgaris, a fte r Jerking an oar of the w orkers of older com m unities
from th e hand of an Inquisitive n a tu r­ Instead of by solitary queens.” The
alist. escaped p u rsu it by Its ability to keleps have gone a step fa rth e r th an
im itate the exact shade of any brown th e bees, for Instead of depending upon
o r gray rock on w hich it rested.
a queen to lead the colony, "they take So pity him and do not chide;
Among the results of the recen t Brit- her by the Jaw and carry her over to
T he poor man may be ill.
tlsh A ntarctic Expedition, as explained the new burrow In case she falls to And tottering helplessly beside
by C a p t R. F, Scott, w as th e discov­ go voluntarily.” T hey ap p ear to be
ery th a t the edge o f the g reat Ice b a r­ able to w ith stan d cold w eather.
rier m et by Sir Ja m es Ross, 00 years
hill I
M en W ere D e ce iv ers E v er.
before, has retreated In places as much
•Tw o syllables. Police lin n s . No. 4004,
Mrs. K yndley—B ut you prom ised —Cleveland Leader.
as 30 o r 30 miles. N evertheless, Ihe
soundings m ade by the new expedition th a t If I gave you your b re ak fa st you
T ake tw o slaters, one fifteen, and
show th a t several hundred fathom s of w ould c u t the g rass and ra k e the
the o th er tw enty-tw o.
T he one of
w a te r still Intervene betw een the bot­ law n.
H om eless H olm es— And I lied. Let fifteen looks so superior to the one
tom of the Ice a t the present position
of tw enty-tw o th a t yon doubt they are
of the h a rrie r and th e floor of the sea. th is be a lesson to you, lady, not to
T he g re ater portion of th is Immense p u t your tr u s t In stran g e men. They related. _____________________
W e have become convinced th a t
Ice-sheet C aptain Scott believes. Is are all gay deceivers.—Cleveland
soma people enjoy quarreling.
• J e a t a n d he regards It not aa a re- Leader,
T he S h o w s W orth Seeing W hen You
Visit the City.
P ortland, O re., Aug. 30. — Am use­
m ents in P o rtlan d have bean active all
sum m er, largely in consequence of the
1905 F air.
Septem ber looks as if it would be a
gay m onth both for th e thousands of
visitors to th e city and also th e resi­
dent citizens.
P a in ’s fiieworks a t “ The O aks,” a
m ile or two up th e W illam ette R iver
from P ortland, is a conspicuous feature
of th e first week in Septem ber. I t is
a wondrous spectacle, show ing the
eruption of V esuvius and th e “ last
days of P om peii.”
W ilton Lackaye comes to the Mar-
quam for a week beginning Monday,
Septem ber 4, w ith a fine com pany in
“ The P i t ,” a dram a from F ra n k Nor­
ris ’s novel of th e same nam e, which
w ill be played th ree nights, and th en
give place to a revival of “ T rilb y ” for
th e balance of th e week. M r. Lackaye
was the original Svengali in th e first
Droduction in Am erica of “ T rilb y .”
The Belasco Stock com pany is now
increasing in popularity by its change
of leading people.
L illian Law rence
and Frank W alling have succeeded
Miss Moore and Eugene Orm onde, and
the change is for th e better if th e in ­
creased attendance is a therm om eter of
popular approval. The plays superbly
m ounted an^ excellently played at th e
Belasco are: T his week “ Alice of Old
V incennes;” week beginning Septem ­
ber 4, “ H a rrie t’s H oneym oon,” M ary
M annering’s sta r play of last y ear;
Septem ber
“ J u d a h ;” week beginning Septem ber
19, “ C aptain J in k s .” T h is stock com­
pany and th ea tre offer a splendid, sa t­
isfying show .
The E m pire opens for th e fall season
Septem ber 3, presenting “ Escaped
From the H a rem ,” by C harles A. Tay­
lor, followed th e next week by “ T he
W hite Tigress of Ja p a n .” I t is under­
stood th a t th is theatve w ill be given np
th is season to m elodram a of th e u ltra -
th rillin g sort.
The Baker th ea tre ,u n d er th e manage­
m ent of George A. Baker, (w ho also
m anages the E m pire,) opened Sunday,
A ugust 27 w ith m usical burlesque.
The Fay Foster company crowded th e
opening week, and is succeeded Sunday,
Septem ber 3, by “ T he B rigadiers.”
“ The K entucky Belles” opens the fol­
lowing week, nam ely, Septem ber 10.
T hus, a t th e Baker th ere w ill ,b e a
th irty -e ig h t week seaeon of m usical
burlesque w ith a change of b ill each
T he ten-cent vaudeville houses are
doing a sm aller business— good bills a t
th e Star and G rand.
The L yric still
continues a stock com pany a t ten cents
adm ission.
K n ew H is B la c k sto n e .
" I ’ll co m m it you, s ir," s a id th e ju d g t
to th e noisy fellow in c o u rt. “ Y’o u a re
a n u is a n c e .”
‘‘Y ou d a r e n o t, y o u r h o n o r,” re p lie d
th e noisy c h ap .
“ D o y ou m e a n to d e fy m e ? ” asked
th e ju d g e.
“ N o t a t all, y o u r h o n o r,” c a lm ly a n ­
sw e re d th e d is tu rb e r of
th e p e a c e fu l
q u ie tu d e , “ b u t y o u s a y I am a n u is a n c e
— a n d you m u s t b e w ise to th e f a c t that
it ia u n la w fu l to c o m m it a n u is a n c e ,”
How’s This?
We offer One H undred Dollars R ew ard for
any case of C atarrh th a t c a n n o t be cured by
H a ll’s C atarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., P ro p s, Toledo, a
We, the u n d ersig n ed , have know n F. J.
Cheney lor th e la st IS years, and believe him
perfectly hon o rab le In all business transac­
tions and finan cially able to carry o u t any ob­
ligations m ade by th e ir firm.
w e s t A T r i a i . Wholesale brngglsta, Toledo, O.
w a l d i n u , k i s s an A M a r v i n , » holeaale Drug­
gists, Toledo, O.
H all's C atarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act­
in g d ire c tly upon the blood and mucous sur­
faces of th e system. Price 7Sc. per b o ttls
Bold by all D ruggists. Testim onials Ir a s
H all's Fam ily Pills are the beat.
I A t L o n e l y V ie w .
“C an't say th a t I am m uch Im press
ed w ith the neighborhood,” rem arked
th e m an who bad been through the
eubnrban cottage.
"W h a t’t w rong?” grow led the real
eatate agent.
“ Well, to begin w ith, I can h ear the
m oequltoes tin g in g .”
"W ell, w h a t do yon expect taoeqoh
toe* to do— w hittle!”