The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, August 17, 1905, Image 2

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    The Estacada News
Many firemen were terribly burned
in a New York soap factory fire.
Issued Each Thursday
President Roosevelt makes vigorous
speech on Monroe doctrine and trusts.
E S T A C A D A .................... OREGON
Japanese delegate says Japan w ill
not yield a point from terms offered.
In a Condensed Form for
Busy Readers.
Forest fires near Mullan, Idaho,
nearly smothered a number of miners
in a tunnel.
Governor Folk, of Missouri, wants
to attend the Lewis and Clark fair, but
fears to leave bis state for fear gamb­
ling w ill be revived.
Peace Conference Agrees Upon
Terms on Three Points.
W itte
positively rejects two of Jap B o th R ussia an d Ja p a n to E vacuate
Russian opinion is
M a n c h u ria and R e sp e ct T e r r i ­
united against terms offered by Japan.
A R uum e o f the Le ss Importent b u t anese conditions.
Not L e ss Interesting Evente
o f the Pest Weak.
A woman was entombed for two
hours in a crevasse in a Montana gla­
cier for two hours.
She was finally
Russia is buyinfg supplies heavily in rescued without serious injury.
Russia thinks the peace terms be­
Russia may propose a joint govern­ yond reason.
ment of the island of Sakhalin.
Russia is about to remove the duty
Oyama is ready to tight at once on American machinery and tools.
should peace negotiations be broken off.
About 550 deaths from smallpox
Y ellow fever in New Orleans is on have occurred in Valparaiso, Chile,
the decrease, but is increasing on plan­ during the last week.
tations near the city.
President Roosevelt addressed the
Graft in the army has been found in coal miners at Wilkesharre, and was
connection with contracts for supply­ enthusiastically received.
ing clothing and other supplies.
Nearly 2,000,000 immigrants have
President Roosevelt is said to have arrived in the Untied States from
selected a Federal judge for the district Europe in the past three years.
of Oregon, but w ill not make the an­
French and British sailors parade the
nouncement for some time.
streets of Portsmouth, England, arm-
The contract for a new custom house in-arm, while admirals dine together.
at San Francisco has been let. The
Japan’ s terms of peace include reim-
building is to be finished by March 1, bursemnet] for the entire cost of the
1908, and w ill cost $1,194,000.
war, and ceding of the island of Sak­
Chairman Shonts, of the Canal com­ halin.
mission, says one of the first considera­
James I I . Lewis says he was offered
tions must be the proper housing of bribe of $100,000 if he would not
employes, and buildings w ill have to be prosecute Chicago saloons for keeping
erected for them.
open after hours.
The Interstate Commerce commission
Farmers in the vicinity of Seville,
w ill shortly increase the minimum per­ Spaih, are forced to eat roots of wild
centage of air brakes used on freight plants to avoid starvation, and bread
trains engaged in interstate commerce riots are frequent.
to lessen the danger of accident.
Dakota wheat was damaged $1,000,-
There are now 840 cases of yellow 000 by a hail storm.
fever under treatment in New Orleans.
A genuine yellow fever case has de­
It is believed Judge R. 8. Bean w ill veloped at Callao, Peru.
be the next Federal judge for Oregon.
An extensive bomb factory lias been
France fears her Indo-China colonies discovered at Gomel, Russia.
are in danger of Japanese domination.
The Russian cruiser Pallada, which
was sunk at Port Arthur, has been re­
F o u r A g e n ts H ave B een R e qu ested to
H a n d in R e s ig n a tio n s .
Eleven boys from the Oregon state
reform school made a tuccessful break
Washington, Aug. 15.— The Star to-
for liberty.
I night says:
There has been a big
The Peary expedition has left Labra­ shake-up among the agents of the in­
dor for the Greenland coast, and re­ ternal revenue service, but just bow far
| it has gone is a matter of speculation.
ports all well.
: It is stated, however, that four well
Russia is angry rt the peace terms known revenue agents have been asked
offfered by Japan. The whole nation for their resignations and that at least
denounces them.
j two of the four have come here for a
Work has been suspended on the conference with Commissioner Yerkes,
Culebra division of the Panama canal of the Internal Revenue bureau.
These are Captain Charles H . In­
on account of a shortage of funds.
gram, in charge of New England work,
A petition signed by 100,000 French
stationed at Boston, and C. H . Burg,
people nrges the establishment of an
who has had a section of the Southwest
armistice and the conclusion of peace.
under hie charge and has been located
City oil inspectors of Kansas City in Texas. The names of the other two
have found 20 out ot 36 measures used agents could not be learned today.
by the Standard Oil company at that
place to be short.
V o lc a n o In N evad a.
Reno, Nev., Aug. 15.— A volcano,
Excavations for the new newspaper
building of M. H. DeYoung in San throwing off molton lava and in active
Francisco have seriously endangered operation, has been discovered in Neva­
da by cattlemen of Lovelock. The vol­
the Chronicle building.
cano is located in Rye Patch, Humboldt
An automobilp occupied by four
Although that section has
prominent men of Pueblo, Colo, was
been traversed for years, the crater has
struck by lightning near that town and
just been found for the first time. The
one of the men instantly killed,
men were in search of cattle when they
Charles M. Schwab w ill spend three came upon the stream of lava, and trac­
months in Europe studying the latest ing it to its ^source, located the vol­
shipbuilding plants, and then erect cano.
plants at all Atlantic coast ports.
In q u iry b y S ix S ta te s .
It is now generally believed that
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 15.— Insurance
agents of Japan are behind the Chinese
boycott movement, as American goods Auditor Pierce announced today that
in China are being replaced by goods of the insurance department of Nebraska,
working with Wisconsin, Minnesota,
Japanese manufacture.
Louisiana, Kentucky and Tennessee,
A heavy vote is expected on the re­ would on October 1 begin an investiga­
ferendum in Norway.
tion ot the affairs of the Equitable,
Roosevelt tells China boycott is in New York Life and Mutual insurance
companies in the states named.
violation of the Chinese treaty.
to r ia l In te g rity o f C h in a .
Portsmouth, Aug. 16. — Although
very rapid progress was made with the
peace negotiations yesterday, three of
the 12 articles which constitute the
Japanese conditions of peace having
been agreed to by Mr. Witte and Baron
Rosen on behalf ol Russia, neither of
the two articles to which Mr. Witte in
bis reply returned an absolute negative
was reached. The crisis, therefore, is
still to come. It may be reached to­
day, as the cession of Sakhalin comes
fifth in the list.
The three “ articles
found,” as they are officially designat­
ed in the brief communications author­
ized to be given to the press, which
were disposed of yesterday, are in sub­
stance as follows:
First— Russia’s recognition of Ja­
pan’ s “ preponderating influence” and
special position in Corea, which Russia
henceforth agrees is ontBide of her
sphere of influence, Japan binding her­
self to recognize the suzerainty of tht
reigning family, but with the right to
give advice and assistnace to improve
the civil administration of the empire.
Second— Mutual obligation to evacu­
ate Manchuria, each to surrender all
special privileges in that province, mu­
tual obligation to respect the “ territo­
rial integrity” of China and to main-
tain the principle of equal rights of j[all
nations to that piovince (the open
Third— The cession to China of the
Chinese Eastern railway from Harbin
There was never any question about
the acceptance on the part of Mr. Witte
of these articles, the first two covering
in more emphatic form the contention
of Japan in the diplomatic struggle
which preceded hostilities.
C a r B u ild e rs C o m b in e .
C itiz e n s o f P rin c ip a l C itie s T u rn O u t
En M a sse w ith N a tio n a l C o lo rs .
Chrisitana, Norway, Aug. 15. — The
Norwegian people, in a referendum
vote, have pronounced in favor of the
dissolution of the anion with Sweden
with rémarkable, though not unex­
pected, unanimity. Of 450,000 voters,
320,000 cast ballots.
W hile the full
result w ill not be known for some time,
up to midnight returns show that abont
one person in 3,000 voted against disso­
The difference between the
total number of voters and the number
of votes cast is attributable to abeent-
ess, such as sailors abroad and others
who are out of the country at present.
There were scenes of the greatest en­
thusiasm everywhere.
Thousands of
women who did not have the right of
franchise signed petitions in the stieets
indorsing the dissolution. In Christ­
iana and other towns, the entire popu­
lation turned out, every one wearing
long streamers of the national colors
and pitures of Premier Michelsen.
One of the members of the cabinet
said to the Associated Press:
“ The result surpasses the most san­
guine expectations. The next official
steps w ill be taken after the storthing
meets, August 21, when the result of
the vote w ill be communicated to the
Swedish government.
The storthing
w ill repeat the request that the riks­
dag declare the riksakt in operation
and the union dissolved.
“ The storthing w ill also express a
willingness to negotiate concerning the
details of the dissolution.
“ I t is the earnest desire of Norway
to conclude the dissolution amicably.
Norway will never retract, hut every­
thing w ill he done to meet the wishes
of Sweden in other directions.
“ If peace depends npon abolishing
the forts they w ill be abolished. Nor­
way must remain a monarchy.
people do not desire a republic.”
M a ny N e w C a se s and R apid
D ue to B ad W a te r.
S p re a d
Washington, Ang. 15.— Twenty-nine
new cases of typhoid fever and two
deaths from the disease were reported
to the health officers today. The out­
break has passed in severity that of
1903, when the greatest number of per­
sons under treatment for the disease at
any one time was 224, and it had
spread rapidly.
Health officials are
bending every effort to fight the die- •
ease, including a house-to-house in­
spection of back yards and ceMars with
a view to remedying unsanitary condi­
One bed of the new filtration plant
will be opened probably tomorrow, thus
reducing to that extent the danger from
typhoid fever and other disease germe
which, it is believed, comee from
drinking unfiltered water.
Philadelphia, Aug. 15.— Eight hun­
dred of the heads of the largest firms
in the country have engaged rooms in s
local hotel for the second week in Sep­
tember for a convention that is looked
forward to with hope by the business
men as being the poesible forerunner of
one of the greatest consolidations of
recent years. It is an open secret that
numerous conferences have been held
during the last six months and that by
K ille d b y L ig h tn in g .
absorbing works at St. Lonis and Eliz-
Pueblo, Colo., Aug. 15. — W hile go­
abethport, a beginning baa been made
ing to Beulah, a summer resort 30
toward a general consolidation.
miles west of this city, early this after­
noon, George E. Bragdou, one of the
T a ft W o u ld Be P re s id e n t.
moat prominent business men of Pueb­
Washington, Aug. 15.— Men very lo, was instantly killed by lightning.
close to Secretary Taft declare that the Mr. Bragdon and a party of three other
secretary of war bas turned his eyes well-known men were making the trip
away from the supreme bench and now in an automobile, intending to spend
lias them riveted on the presidential the day with their families. Abont
chair. They say be has been listening half way between the two places a
attentively to the buzz of the presiden­ severe electrical storm was encountered
tial bee until he has lost all interest in and daring the storm the machine was
his prospect of becoming chief justice. struck and Mr. Bragdon was killed.
They further declare that the secretary
has now reached the stage where he
O il M e a s u re s A re S h o r t.
would decline an offer of the chief jus­
Kansas City, Aug. 16.— Information
ticeship, fearing it would injure his has been field against George W.
chances for the presidency.
Mayer, manager, and W illiam Shaw,
T y p h o o n D ro w n s H u n d re d s .
Victoia, B. C., Ang. 10.— News is
received here by steamer of the loss of
over 100 small vessels of the Japanese
pearling fleet off Goto island, 546 of
over 600 men on board being m ining
and believed to be drowned. Fifteen
boats with 74 men survived the ty­
phoon end abont 100 men reached
Mejima island.
local superintendent, of the Standard
Oil company, charged with selling coal
oil and gasoline from short measures.
Twenty out of 35 tank wagons’ meas­
ures tested were found short by the
city inspector. C. F. Wilson, president
of the company which makes the five-
gallon measuree used by the Standard
Oil company, is on hia way to Kansas
City, having been summoned here by
Mr. Mayer.