The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, July 27, 1905, Image 6

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Many Changes Are
40 Acres
Made in Wood Factory
Since the change in the manage­
ment in the Estacada Wood Manu­
facturing Company it has been de­
cided that many changes are neces­
sary in the factory. The mill is at
present closed down to allow these
Which is suitable for
changes to be made, and it will be
closed for about a month.
all the machinery is being taken up
and replaced in more convenient and
Between Estacada and Cazadero. 150 labor-saving positions. The machin­
yards from the railroad, and 3-4 of a mile ery is also receiving a cleaning and
from Estacada.
The shaftings and
belting will be changed, and the
work will take some time.
building is receiving some additions
and the foundation is to be strength­
Superintendent Kuhn is in
Call on or write
personal charge of the work. Three
E. C. HUNT, Estacada, Oregon new pieces of machinery are to be
added to the plant, they are a rip­
saw, another boring machine and a
lathe. Additional machinery will
put in later on.
When the change
is complete much more material can
be turned out at a lesser cost. The
working force will also be increased.
The capital stock of the company
has been greatly increased, and the
business is proving to Ire a gratify­
ing success.
Land with Heavy Fir Timber
Price, only $1,000
Mr. and Mrs. Killen, from near
Woodburn, are visiting their niece,
Mrs. Marrs, and family, and pick-
ng berries, fishing and having a
picnic generally.
Annie Bittner and Ernest Boylan
were calling on Harold Gordon and
What is known as the Bridenstine farm
wife, Sunday.
is for sale in small tracts. This land is
Charlie Myers is home quite sick. near town, and will %o fast at the price
Spencer Nash and family have asked,
been at Dodge several days berrying.
There is a slight change in the
Dodge mail route; it goes by Mrs.
Gordon’s now.
Mrs. E. Tracey has a No. 2 incu-
Adjoining Estacada
$25 to $50 an Acre
To see this land, learn terms etc call on
cessfully. She will be able to furn­
or write
ish her share of broilers to the visi­
tors to the fair.
Dodge is the home of the bee,
beeves and terries, and is truly the
Estacada, Oregon
land of milk and honey. If we had
a few more enterprising young G er­
F. B. R iley
mans like the Hazbelt brothers and i E. F. R ilky
Pres. & Mngr.
August Goble this little corner of
the world would be a paradise.
-------APPLY TO THE-------
Ernest Boylan and Mi s Annie
Bittner were married Ju ly 26 and Clackamas Title Com pany
left at once for Eastern Oregon and
we all wish them happinessaud suc­ 606—608, Chamber of Commerce Bldg.,
cess wherever they may go. They
are both very dear to us all.
For full information in relation to
A ..D o D O E R .
David Bridenstine
It is reported that W. W. Cotton
The atmosphere begins to look as
decided not to become judge.
if there were some forest fires not
very far away.
Reliable Abstracts of Title at reasona­
Good 360 acre stock ranch, partly im­ ble rates. Loans Negotiated. Clacka­
proved. 25 acres have been cultivated. mas County Property Bought & Sold.
Plenty good running water. | u an acre.
Taxes received at our Portland office.
Also other farms near Estacada. Write
Estates Managed
H. Epperson, Estacada, Oregon.
Those using Binder Twine should
Deeds, Mortgages and other Papers
not put off procuring same until the
Accurately Drawn
A fine 40 acre ranch in the celebrated
Springwater country, 35 acres can be cul­
tivated; 15 acres in cultivation now. A
flowing spring on place. All fenced and
on main road one mile from Estacada.
Will make a good farm for someone. Has
plenty wood on it. Only $25 an acre. For
more information call on or address the
owner, Wm. Bard, Springwater, Oregon.
vantage of the offer to get these papers
at nearly the price of one should do so at
once. It will not continue long.
for *4
Semi-Weekly Journal and Tlu- News
one year for #1.75
T. J. Mathews and wife and son,
David have combined their farms
south of town and have placed the
same on the market.
This tract comprises 240 acres
of rich, river bottom land with
plenty pasturage, orchard and
buildings, a small piece now in
Plenty of good
spring water on the place for
home or irrigation purposes.
Subscriptions must be paid in ad­
vance and orders sent to
The News,
The preacher who was listed for
last Sunday didn't come.
day ready for use.
We will make
an effort to have plenty of twine on
hand, but at the same time it would
be well for you to let us know not
later than Ju ly 29 as to the amount
you will need and then we can set
For a short time only The News will
club with the The Oregon Journal and it it aside for you.
— The Cary Hardware Co.
is urged that all who expect to take ad­
The Daily and Sunday Journal and
The News one year, $7.
Daily Journal and The News one year
Clackamas Co.
& Titles
The Clackamas river runs through
this farm affording a 3-4 of a mile
of water right. It will pay you
to look this farm up
____________________________ 0
Treasurer’s Statement.
Statements have been made by
Enos Cahill, the county treasurer of
the county, which gives the out­
standing indebtedness of the county
to be $66,302.83
This debt is all
in county warrants issued for the
years as follows: 1903, $ 13 ,7 6 1.17 ;
1904,34,883.54; 1905, $17,6 58 .12
Treasurer Cahill has called in some
of the oldest warrants to the amount
of $12,286 41 for payment, and in­
terest on these has stopped, but, as
yet they have not all teen presented
for payment.
Since the treasurer
has begun to collect taxes this sum­
mer he has paid $82,423.22 on old
Mr. Cahill says that
March of this year was the largest
j month they have had for redemp­
tion of county warrants, $32,8 53.15
being redeemed in that month.
Newspapers, in bundles, 5c each
| at the N e w s office.
f hos. J . Mathews,
—Good grade blotters at
office, 5cadoz.
Advertise in The News.
N ew s
Notice for Publication
Land Office at Portland. Oregon.
July 8. 1905.
Notice is hereby given that the following named set­
tler has filed notice of his Intention to make finalproof
In support of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before the Register and Receiver, at Portland,
Oregon, on August 22. 1905, viz:
H. E. No. 12,244 for the N I-2 NW l-4 & W l-2
NE1-4 Sec. 26. T. 5 S.. R. 3 E. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Carl Goranson
of Molalla, Oregon: Lea L. Boyer of Molalla. Oregon.
Harry Smith of Molalla. Oregon; Devid C. Ball of Mo­
lalla. Oregon.
Algernon S. Dresser, Register
Public Land Sale
(Isolated Tract)
Department of the Interior. United States Land
Office. Portland. Oregon. July 19. 1905.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of instruc­
tions from the Commissioner of the General Land of­
fice under authority vested fn him by section 2455.
U .S. Revised Statutes, as amended by set of Con-
gresa approved February 26. 1895. we will proceed
to offer at public sale on the 4th day of September.
1905, at 11 o’clock a. m. at this otflce. the following
described tract o f land, to-wit: SW g of SWH of Sec­
tion 10. T. 5 S. R. 3 E. Any and ell persons claim­
ing adversely the above described lands are advised to
file their claims In this office on or before the day a-
bove designated for the commencement of said sale,
otherwise their rights will be forfeited.
Algernon S. Dresser, Register
Geo. W. Bibee. Receiver
Administrator’s Notice
Notice is hereby given that the under­
signed has been appointed administrator
of the estate of W . H. Shankland, deceas­
ed, by the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clackamas.
All persons are hereby notified to pre­
sent any bill they may have against the
above entitled estate, with the proper
vouchers duly verified to Livy Stipp at
his office in Oregon City in said county,
on or before six months from the date of
publication of this notice.
E . S. SH AN K LA N D ,
Administrator aforesaid.