The Estacada News Issued Each Thursday ESTACADA..................... OREGON NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Condensed Form tor Our Besy Readers. Paul Morton, chairman of the Equit­ able Life Assurance society, is prepar­ ing to make those who have accumulat­ ed millions from the society in a few years, disgorge. BLOW TO MITCHELL France’ s reply to Germany’ s Morocco demands is unsatisfactory and negotia­ tions are again deadlocked. A peace­ ful solution of the difficulty 'seems fur­ ther off than before. Robertson T ells Vivid Story Land Fraud Trial. Castro has created several new cus­ tom house ports in Venezuela in order to dodge his creditors, who are to re­ ceive 30 per cent of the receipts of the regular ports of entry. WAS ASKED TO COMMIT PERJURY FAIR T R E A T M E N T . President Will See That Courtesy is Shown Chinese Exempt Classes. Washington, June 27.— By direction of President Roosevelt action has been taken by the administration which not only facilitates the landing in this country of Chinese of the exempt class, but will also eliminate from the Immi­ gration bureau such administrative features as have been the subject of criticism by Chinese. It is the de­ clared intention of the president to see that Chinese merchants, travelers, stu­ dents and others of the exempt classes shall have the same courtesy shown them by officers of the Immigration bu­ reau as is accorded to citizens of the most favored nations. Representations have been made to the president that in view of alleged harsh treatment accorded to many Chinese seeking a landing in the United States, the commercial guilds of China have determined to institute a boycott on American manufacturers. The representations, backed by ths> au­ thority of the American Asiatic society and commercial bodies throughout the country, induced the president to make an investigation of the situation with a view to remedying the evils complained of, if they were found to exist. The subject was discussed thoroughly with Secretary Metcalf, of the department of Commerce and Labor, who has super­ vision of the Immigration bureau. As the result of the inquiry orders haveb een issued to the diplomatic and consular representatives of the United States in China by the president him­ self that they must look closely to the performance of their duties under the exclusion law and see to it that mem­ bers of the exempt classes coming to this country are provided with proper certificates. These certificates will be accepted at any port of the United States and will guarantee the bearer against any harsh or discourteous treat­ ment. Senator's Former Secretary Tells the The czar has abolished offices in the A Resume of the Less Important but Court He Was Afraid to Face Far Eastern territory. Not Less Interesting Events Tanner After Decision. of the Past Week. The torpedo boat destroyer Perry, at Portland, has established a new record for faat time on the Columbia, having Portland, June 27.— Harry C. Rob Lord Curzon threatens to resign the made 11 miles in 16 minutes. This is at the rate of 41 miles an hour. ertson, former private secretary to vice royalty ol India. Roosevelt will renew his efforts for Senator Mitchell, has told his story. Germany has assumed a more peace­ an armistice The scene in the United States court ful tone toward France. The United States has been officially I Not The Japanese are said to be engaged notified of Norway’ s separation from son took the stand was dramatic. a word told by the witness missed the in a great turning movement. Sweden. | ears of the defendant and the auditors Oyama’ s army is enveloping the present. Generals Linievitch and Kuropatkin Judge Tanner’s testimony Russians and they must retreat or be wa9 a blow to Senator Mitchell. appeatr anxiousto continue lighting. The surrounded. | testimony of Robertson was even heav- A heavy gale in the outskirts of New York wrecked several buildings under A Rio Grande train was wrecked near I ier, for in many details it corroborates construction. Pinto, Colorado. No one was killed, what Judge Tanner has already told ¡nI | the jury. The witness declared with A foreign diplomat at Washington but 29 passengers received painful out reservation that he had been asked says Germany desires Russia to con­ juries. to commit perjury so that Senator tinue the Far Eastern war. John Parmelee, of Chicago, left his Mitchell and Judge Tanner might evade entire estate of $400,000 in trust for Secretary Taft says trial by jury in the necessity of appearing in court. the Philippines could not be wisely the purchase of fuel for the poor out of He told of the stormy interview with the income. adopted at the present time. the defendant when the latter found that he would not be a tool and of hiS' A Danish training schooner and a The wreck of the Twenteith Century own fear of meeting Judge Tanner on British Bchooner collidedl near Copen­ Limited on the Lake Shore road cost 19 hagen. The cadet ship sunk and car­ lives. A boy is Buspected of having his return to Portland from Washing ton because he thought that he would ried 22 cadets with her. caused the disaster. be too weak to resist Judge Tanner’ B The president has been informed In an address at New fMilford, Con­ attempts to get him to commit perjury. that M. Nelidoff, Russian ambassador necticut, the president Bpoke of the ne­ The witness stated that he delayed his at Paris, and Baron Rosen, the newly cessity of having a strong navy. visit to the senator’ s law partner for appointed ambassador at Washington, this reason It was this delay that re The Chicago grand jury has secured will be two of Russia’s peace plenipo­ suited in placing in the hands of the new evidence against the beef trust. tentiaries. government that particularly damaging Chicago teamster employesr have “ burn thiB letter” document of Sena­ Reorts of strikes and demonstrations BIG FIRE A T N A S H V IL L E . against the government pour in from notified their men that they will have tor Mitchell, a letter which was given all over Russia. Red flags fly from to either dispense with their union to Robertson by Max Pracht to deliver to Tanner. Department Store is Destroyed, with barricades in the streets of Warsaw and button or keep it out of sight. Adjoining Buildings. Cossacks and police charge the crowds, The lard refining building at the killing and wounding. Nashville, Tenn., June 27.— Fire in packing plant ot Schwarzschild A Sulz- D ISA G R EE S W IT H BOARD. the retail shopping district caused War fever in Sweden may overturn bergecr, at Armourdale, Kan., jias the present ministry. been destroyed by fire. Loss, 1200,- Chief Engineer of Panama Canal is damage estimated at between $500,000 and $600,000. The flames were located Agitation has commenced for a sep­ 000 . Forced to Resign. in the Palace, a big department store aration of Hungary from Austria. New York, June 27.—John F. Wal­ on the southwest corner of Fifth avenue Ex-President Alexander, of the Equit­ France an Object of Envy. lace, chief engineer for the Panama and Union street. The fire spread rap­ able, has returned $25,000 to the com Troyes, France, June 27.— In a ('Hnal commission, has resigned his po­ idly and when it was at last under con­ pany. speech here today M. Etienne, minister sition under pressure from President trol the following damage had been done: Oyama’ s advance is making the Rus­ of the interior, referred to the difficul­ Roosevelt and Secretary of War Taft. The Palace, occupied by Morris This statement was made here today ties through which France was passing. sian positions untenable, and monhs of He said the French nation was an ob­ by Theodore P. Shonts, chairman of Bros., wholesale and retail millinery, labor will be lost. and Jacobus Bros., owned by Norman ject of envy and jealousy. Because Bhe \ the commission, The mining town of Ophir, near Au­ was extending her frontiers and spread- ' Mr. Shonts declared that he was not Kirkman, burned. The Manix, six- burn, California, has been entirely ing her ideas abroad she had become a j at liberty to talk, and that the an­ story building, occupied by Nashville wiped out by tire. target for those whom she inconveni- ] nouncement would have to come from Dry Goods company, owned by Norman He de­ Kirkman; burned. He will then investigate the business enced, but the nation would preserve President Roosevelt direct. Two three-story buildings being fit­ methods of the various diplomatic poets its dignity by giving to the world proof clared also that the forced retirement | of its wisdom, and would assure her of the chief engineer would in no way ted up for Kress A Co., owned by of the United Sta'es in Europe. destiny by uniting for a realization of affect his (Mr. Shonts’ ) position with Browne heirs; wrecked by falling walls The illness of Count Lamsdorff, Rus­ the ideals of justice. the canal board, nor would it lead to a and burned. sia's miniser of foreign affairs, has Others who sustained losses are: reorganization of the board. On the brought peace negotiations to a stand­ other hand, the rumor is strong that Wright Bros., decorators; Cash Gro­ still. Valuable Furs from Alaska. there will be a reorganization of the cery store, R. W. Turner, Cumberland Baking Powder company; Alfred Steam Seattle, June 27.—Garrett Busch, board at an early date. Colombia is trying to sell the Gali- The resignation of Mr. Wallace came Dye works. pagos islands to the United 8tates. pioneer in the fur trade of the Lower Financial difficulties are given as the | Yukon, is here with $25,000 worth of after several stormy sessions of the skins he has brought out from Alaska. canal board, and after several confer­ reason. Bubonic Plague on Isthmus. Busch went to Nulato on a prospecting ences between the president, the chief The outbreak in Lodz, Russia, has tour in 1897, but went into the fur Panama, June 26. — A fatal case of engineer and Mr. 8houts. Disagree­ spread to Warsaw, and other cities. trade instead. He built his cabin from ment was entirely over the policy to be bubonic plague occurred at la Boca Hundreds of men, women, and children whipsawed lumber made by himself on The constant arrival of pursued in the construction of the yesterday. have been kil ed The wounded will the present site of Nulato and waited canal. It was found after Mr. Wallace steamers from infected South American number over 2,000. | for the Indians to visit him. Hispros- left for Panama that there was a seri­ ports, which are received at l a Boca Assistant Secretary of State Loomis 1 pector’ s supplies were traded for the ous difference between his ideas and without any extra precautions being has sailed for Europe. He will act as first fur stock and the fur trade grew those of President Roosevelt and Chair­ taken, must be a source of contagion. The man had been working on board special ambassador of the United States slowly until he now practically con­ man Shonts of the commission. the British steamer Chile, which the and formally receive from the French trols it. Nulato is an important post. authorities of Guayaquil would not al­ government the remains of Paul Jones. low to enter that port. The compan­ Iowa Farmers May Lose Land. Blame the British Newspapers. President Roosevelt has small hope ions of the deceased laborer have been Sioux City, la., June 26.— Proceed- Rerli^, June 27.— Chancellor Von of securing an armistice in time to stop isolated. Rats taken from the steamer the general engagement now imminent. Bulow received M. Bihourd, the French ings which may throw open to settle- Chill are being examined. ment $1,000,000 worth of Iowa’ s rich -1 amhassador, today, The newspapers The feeling aroused by King Oscar's continue to discuss the situtaion be- eat land have been started in O’ Brien proposition to recognize the independ­ tween France and Germany with heat. | county by the government. Puts Ban on Chinese Boycott. Of the ence of Norway is causing much uneas­ The North German Gazette declares 322,000 acres in Iowa, included in the Tientsin, June 23.— Viceroy Yuan iness in the Swedish capital. that “ in Premier Ronvier’ s note the old land grant to the Sioux City A St has prohibited students (rom holding The latest reports from Oyama show republic adopts no decided stand to­ Panl railroad, about 12,000 acres are meetings in reference to the boycotting that he will soon have the entire Rus­ ward a conference.” An attempt is be- still in the hands of those who pur- of American manufactured goods and sian army surrounded. Several small ing made to shift the responsibility for chased from the railroad. These farm- has also issued a strong proclamation engagements have proven victorious for the recent war panic to articles in the era have been in possession of the land against merchants interferring with for the last 15 or 20 years. affairs in tbs hands of the government. British pi the Japanese.