The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, June 22, 1905, Image 5

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To save the knees of boys* ribbed
stockings one on ner re-enforces them
by sewing a piece of strong black cloth
behind them before they are worn at
all. It is remarkable how much longer
stockings wear when treated in this way.
Freak Coatumea Worn in Different
Parta of the World.
Tbe oriental magnificence of Lord
Anglesey’s wardrobe, which excited so
nrach amusement at the recent Rales,
The best way to clean brass Is with
is probably without parallel In Europe,
sweet oil applied with a soft rag. Only
says London Tit-Bits. But even queer­
in extreme necessity should any scouring
er, If less costly, apparel has beeu and
substance be used, as this scratches. In
Is being worn by cranks all over the
case of a scourer being needed, powdered
Economy.— The economies of our In­
At any rate, you seem to be
bath brick is excellent.
tellectual and spiritual lives, like tbe
getting rid of it on auction-sale
economies represented in money, con­
courts, the relatives of Herr Szeinlckl sists of little savings, care of tbe little
p r in c ip le s : “ going, going,
applied to have him adjudged a luna­ things.— Rev. David Utter, Unitarian»
g-o-n-el” Stop the auction
tic. As the only allegation against Denver, Colo.
Pretty Girl Suffered From Nervousness
Szelnickl’ s conduct was that he w o n
with A yer’s Hair Vigor. It
and Pelvic Catarrh— Found Quick
The Saloons.— I believe we can win
queer clothes, the court refused tbe
the temperance cause if we go about
Relief in a F e w D«®-«-
checks falling hair, and always
application. But In tbe course o f tbe
It wisely and in earnest. Tbe saloon
restores color to gray hair. A
evidence, It appeared that Szelnlcki,
handle* matters in politics with
when on bis country estate. Invariably
splendid dressing also. Sold
So must the church.—
dressed himself like a tortoise. He Rev. John Thompson, Metbodlst, Chi­
for over sixty years.
wore a leather suit designed with big cago, 111.
“ My hair ca m « out ao badly I nearly lost It
scales, an exact imitation of the slow­
all. I had heard so much about A y e r ’s H air
The Uplift.— There Is nothing that
V igo r I thought I would give It a trial. I.d id
est of animals.
•o and it com pletely stopped the falling, and
made m y hair grow very rapidly.” — M a r y H.
The Madrid newspaper, Herado, so thrills the heart and lifts a man
F i e l d , N orthneld^M a*«.
some time ago devoted an article to up as to know that somebody loves
the freak costumes Imposed by a re­ him and Is willing to endure shame
M ade b y J. C. A y e r Co.. L o w e ll, Maes.
A ls o mauuflkoturers o f
tired electrician, named Linares, upon and suffering for him.— Rev. N. M.
_ - _
his domestic servants. Each person Waters, Cougregatlonalist, Brooklyn,
p il l s .
In the bouse represented a particular New York.
b W W # O
Morality.— Morality without charac­
flower, their outer garments being em­
broidered with roses, lilies; violets and ter is like a lamp without oil; valu­
| so on. Senor JJnares’ own garments able, but a mere ornament. Keeling
A Balanced Account.
without practice is like oil without n
j were adorned with carnations.
" A fair exchange la no robbery." So
In Athens exists a society for reviv­ lamp; unctlous, but nonlumtnous.—
the text-books have taught us. and ing the ancient classical dress. The Rev. Krank Crane, Unitarian, Worces­
now another Instance, quoted by the , members go about In (»redan robes, ter, Mass.
New York Tribune, arises to Illustrate and wear real sandals Instead of boots.
Force.— Physical force cannot re­
the proverb anew. An American, well
One of the queerest characters of strain or fetter spiritual Influence.
known for his wealth, receives Innu­ Montmartre, In Paris, some years ago, Whatever burdens may crush us, how­
merable letters asking him to sub­ was a miser, reputed to be a million­ ever difficult the service, remember
scribe to eharitlea, and often, when aire, who paraded the streets garbed tbe eye of the Great Father Is upon
the crrtlentlals of the project Mem du­ In brightly printed cotton, of the kind us, and He holds the scale.— Rev. C.
bious, he has to refuse.
generally used for women’s blouses. B. Galloway, Metbodlst, Montgomery,
Not long ago he had a letter from Pere Grevllle, as he was called, had a Ala.
London, signed by an unfamiliar mania for pockets. He usually had at
Extremes.— There are too many
name. "Knowing as 1 do your gener- least six on the front of bis cotton
church snobs and sycophants and
osity, the stranger wrote, “ I have pnt jacket and out of each projected a too many autocrats. The rich are
you down for a two-hundred-dollar sub- packet of grimy papers. Grevillc nev- often so coddled and flattered that
scription to our miners’ widows' fund. er wore a hat, but carried an umbrella
they demand their own way as a nat­
Christmas is approaching, and we pro­ over his head In all weathers.
ural right which none shall gainsay.—
pose to give a fowl and a Christmas
Gold lace seems to have been the fad Rev. A. K. Hussey, Independent, Bal­
pudding to each miner's widow, on
o f a gentleman described In the Berlin timore, Md.
Christmas eve.”
Post as a “ rich Silesian land owner,”
Blessings.— God promises ns rich
The millionaire replied: "Though I
who was fined at the police court for blessings if we accept His challenge.
know nothing of you or your fund, I
causing a crowd to assemble. “ The These blessings are not only spiritual
respond gladly to tbe call you make
accused’ s clothing, which was made of but temporal. I f we entrust our world­
Miss Sadie Robinson, 4 Rand street, upon me. I, too. am Interested In a blue serge,” says the report, “ was com­ ly possessions to God's care He will
Malden, Mass., writes:
pletely covered with gold lace and return them to us many times multi­
“ Peruna was recommended to me American charity, and since It stands braid. Even bis shoes were thus dec-
plied.— Rev. H. Hezlep, Presbyterian,
about a year ago as an excellent remedy
I have not hesitated to put you down °™ ted- Th® ncc,IHe<1'9 brother ex- Pittsburg, Pa.
for the troubles peculiar to our sex,
for a subscription o f two hundred dol- P‘* lned hls
°n the ground of
Unity.— May the day be hastened
and as I found that all that was said of
eccentricity and stated that he pos­
this medicine was true, I am pleased to lars. Thus no money need pass be­ sessed no fewer than 20 suits of wtyen all who profess the Christian
endorse it.
olothea, all embroidered with gold in name will all unite together under
Oie 8ame leader, profess the same
“ I began to use it about seven months
various designs.
ago for weakness and nervousness, caused
ttilth, so that the word of Christ may
from overwork and sleeplessness, and
for many bizarre garments. D u r in g !^ fulfilled.
There shall be one fold
found that in a few days I began to grow
Mrs. Bejenks (to a casual caller)—
the height o f the new art craze in |and on* shepherd.” —Cardinal Gibbons,
strong, my appetite increased and I began Why. how do you do
It's such a pity
to sleep better, consequently my nervous­ you didn't come a little earlier; we’ve Vienna, Herr Kanparowitch, a Pole, Roman Catholic, Baltimore, Md.
ness passed away and the weakness in the
Business.—You cannot be a true dls-
wore the most marvelous clothes on
pelvic organs soon disappdared anp I have Just finished luncheon.
•nple of Christ unless you follow his
Tommy Bejenks (reproachfully)— Oh, record. His sleeves were adorned with
been well and strong ever since."
sinuous maidens In colored braid. teachings In business life. Let your
Address Dr. 8. B. Hartman, Presi­ ma. ain't we goin' to have any more? i while anemic, unnatural tree* similarly j tradings be strictly honest, notwltb-
dent of the Hartman Sanitarium, Co­
* ha.d“ t *lnd *la1/
wh<>n ,h* embroidered sprouted from the bottom [ Standing that you may have dally op-
. . .
. .
- I
lumbus, O., for free medical advice. doorbell rang an you all Jumped.— . . .
of his trousers up to his waistcoat , portunity to take advantage of persons
A ll correspondence strictly confidential. Cleveland Leader.
His coat fell away In graceful curves ( to your financial betterment.— Rev.
and was embroidered on the back with | W illiam Gaston, Presbyterian, Cleve­
lotns flowers. Kasparowltch attempt­ land, Ohio.
ed to found a new scjiool of dress, but
The Forfeit.— When we seek to en­
his project was killed by ridicule.
ergize Individual forces we must for­
The sartorial effects of 8lg. Graeglla, feit quietude.
When In society wo
a rich Neapolitan contractor, were must forfeit contemplation and reflec-
acbleved with mirrors. A ll Graeglia’s tlons. When In the life and gayety o f
clothes had looking-glass buttons and cities, we lose the charm of country
humiliate life, is Contagious Blood Poison
Sorrow, shame and suffering
go were “ Inlaid” with medallions of the life. A t each advanced step we pay
hand in hand with this great enemy, and man has always hated and fought same dazzling material, "When he the price.— Rev. James Montgomery,
it as he has no other disease. It is the most powerful of all poisons; no mat- was out walking In the sunshine,” ssys Methodist Denver, Colo.
ter how pure the blood may be, when its virus enters, the entire circulation the Tribuna, In an obituary notice, hla
becomes S DO
i oisoned and its chain of horrible aymptoms begin to show.
Usu- appearance was blinding and It w a s ' Recognition of God.—One of the
ally the first sign is a small sore-or ulcer, not at all alarming in ap]
impossible to stand with one's bark to
before God, a wonder on
earance. Impossible
—hlch I have often meditated, Is this
but the blood is being saturated with the deadly poison, and soon i the mouth the sun and look at him
the gospel of Chrlstianl-
and throat begin to ulcerate, the hair and eyebrows drop out, a red eruption
<J Is not recognized by the understand­
breaks out on the body, copper-colored splotches and sores make thcif
Odd Names.
appearance and the poison even works down into the bones and attacks
Miss Death was brought to the Ger- ing and more, where It Is even formal­
the nerves.. Not only is the disease hereditary, being transmitted from man hospital in Philadelphia, says ly rejected, the heart recelvps and ap­
parent to child, in the form of scrofula, weak eyes, soft bones, weak, puny Fuel, to be operated upon for appen­ preciates It.— Rev. S. IV ('adman, Con-
constitutions, etc., but is also so highly contagious that many a life has I dicitis. She was a daughter, she said, fregatlonallatj Brooklyn, N. Y.
uy H a ir
at Auction?
A tiy^rc
N E K V O U S N E S * m itU
been ruined by a friendly hand shake, or from using the toilet articles of
one infected with the poison. To cure this blighting, deadly curse the
blood must be purified, and nothing 'will do it so
quickly and surely as S. S. S. It goes down to the
very bottom of the trouble, drives out every particle
of the poison and makes the blood clean and strong.
It does not hide or cover up anything, but from the
first begins to expel the poison and build up and strengthen the system.
S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable. We offer a reward of for
proof that it contains a particle of mineral of any kind. Book on the dis­
ease, with instructions for home treatment, and any advice desired, without
of an undertaker.
The name of the surgeon who was
chosen to perform the operation was
j Dye— Dr. Frank Haekett Dye.
j When the operation was over Miss
j { Death was placed In charge of two
| nurses.
Miss Payne Is the day nurse. Miss
Grone Is the night nurse The patient
recovered rapidly and In a short time
bade good by to I>r. Dju, Miss Payna
| The Law of God.—The summary o f
<8od's law for man Is this: Thou slmlt
love the Lord thy God with all thy
heart, and with all thy soul, and with
«11 thy mind, and with all thy strength,
»n d thy neighbor as thyself. Here Is
set forth the conquering force of all
the universe; this Is the center and
tlrrnmference of the uplifting and
Saving Gospel of the Son of God —
Rev. H. A. Tupper, Bsptlat, Brooklyn,
and Miss Grona.— Philadelphia Record. N