Interesting Facts Concerning NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION the Lewis and Clark Ex­ Notice iftjiereby given that in pursu­ ance of instructions from the Commis­ sioner of the General Land Office, under authority visted in him by section 2455, U. S. Rev. Stat., as amended by act of Congress approved February 26, 1895, we will proceed to offer at public sale on the 28th day of June, next, at this office, the following tract of land, to-wit: The Lot numbered One of section 32, T. 3 S., R. 4 E., containing 16 acres. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above de­ scribed lands are advised to file their claims in this office on or before the day above designated for the commençaient of said sale, otherwise their rights will tie forfeited. Dated May 16, 1905. A l g e r n o n S. D r e s s k r , Register. G ko . W. B i b e k , Receiver position, Portland 1905 Gates open Sundays at noon. Noetable religious and education­ al congresses. Main entrance reached by five double track car lines. Exposition city has population of 140,000. (Isolated Tract) P U * L I£ L A N D S A L K Springw ater Mill Co. If You Intend To build Consult us about your lumber. Portland is known as the “ Rose C ity.” Model irrigation plant shows meth­ od of redeeming arid lands. Peninsula in Guild’s Lake em­ braces sixty acres. Grounds patrolled by Centennial E. F. R ilk y F. B. R ilk v Pres. & Mngr. Secretary guards. Many side trips at small cost. ------ A P P L Y T O T H E ------- Music shell on lake front. City can accomodate immense Clackamas Title Company (Incorporated) crowds. Rough and Dressed lumber of all kinds, delivered at prices that will please. We^make everything needed in building matter Call on or address our agent, E. L. Meyers Excellent detective service pro-- 606—608, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. PORTLAND, OREGON tects visitors. For full information in relation to Oregon Estacada, Preaching next Sunday at the us­ ual hour by Rev. Jones. T h e News office is closed for to­ Clackamas Co. . Lands & Titles day to permit the family to visit the Reliable Abstracts of Title at reasona­ opening of the Lew is and Clark E x ­ position. ble rates. Loans Negotiated. Clacka- COUNTRY AND TOW N Two games of ball were played mas County Property Bought & Sold. Taxes received at our Portland office. • here last Sunday between the locals and a nine of young players from Estates Managed Portland. Both games were won Deeds, Mortgages and other Papers by the home team 4 to 6 and 6 to 21. Accurately Drawn PEOPLE Wanting any printing dona should call at The N E W S Shop and see what we can do. and get our prlc- eson what they want doneir»F*y ARE YOU INTERESTED IN HIGH QUALITY GOODS I At Low Prices? If so, Why not figure with us? WE ARE HEADQUARTERS OUR BIG THREE: }hcenix Pure Paint; Bridge, Beach & Co’s Stoves # Studebaker Vehicles •• .. •• and Ranges and the •• *• PHCENIX P U R E P A IN T S C R E E N D O O R S AND W IN D O W S T h e purest and best body paint We have a nice stock to se­ made. lect from and at low prices. Lead, Oride of Zinc, Pure Linseed Is made of Pioneer W hite Oil and Pure Colors. Phoenix Pure These doors are extra • Paint is the only heavy paint that well made and should hold does not contain Barytes and that their shape. bears on its lable an exact state­ ment of all its component parts. Window Screens. 25c up It is not a patent Door Screens, 95c up It is simply pure materials finely ground B U IL D E R S W ill do well to get our prices on Sash, Etc. W e have just received a able to quote you a low price. paint, and thoroughly and its superiority is due entirely to the pureity of the Doors, Mouldings car of these goods and are nor is it made by any secret process. mixed, materials used and the scientific manner in which they are combined. unsurpassed for ease of application, covering capacity, of color and durability. coats. It is permanency One gallon will cover 300 square feet two P R IC E , per Gallon, $1.75. Quarts, 5octs The Cary Cash Hardware I