The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, June 01, 1905, Image 3

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ited at the home of his wife’s peo-
pie. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilber» at
published e v e r y T h u r s d a y b y
| Eagle Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Heylinan
‘ ---- 1
— * --------------- %
Entered at tire postoffice in Estacada, Or. were at the metropolis, Monday.
as second class mail.
Advertising rates made known on appli­
cation. Copy for publication and change
of ad copy must lie handed in not later
than Wednesday morning to insure pub­
lication for that week.
One Year
Sis Months
C l 00
II oakI in advance
JUNE t, 1905
President Roosevelt and others of
of our nation’s prominent lawmak­
ers are realizing the seriousness of
the lameness in our immigration
laws in permiting so many old coun­
try poor people and criminals to
come to the United States.
fact is pretty well established that
a large per cent, of the country’s
internal trouble, and the crimes of
the country is directly traceable to
the foreign element among us. The
statistics show that about 1,000,000
foreigners will come to this country
this- year and a large portion unde-
sireable people. Can this country-
stand it? It would be a good thing
for this country if the immigration
laws were such as would put a stop
to this wholesale immigration.
The names of the Russian war-
vessels alone was enough to sink
the whole Russian navy.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Shultz are
fixing up their new building in an
attractive manner, and expect in a
short time to start an icecream, con­
fectionary and restaurant stand.
The fixtures and furniture have
been ordered. The back part of the
building will be used as a living de­
Last Sunday the Royal Italian
band came out from Portland and
remained all day at the Hotel Esta­
cada dispencing music to the people
of the town.
This band has been
engaged by the O. W. P. Ry. Co.
to furnish band music at The Oaks
this summer. The Italians are all
right in the band music line.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Ryckman
leave this week for the fish hatch­
ery thirtyfive miles up the McKin-
zie river east of Engene where Mr.
Ryckman will be engaged all sum­
mer with Mr. Talbert at the hatch­
ery. They will drive through with
a light rig.
Their residence here
will be occupied by, Mr. Harrington
The battle of Corean Straits is an and family.
exclamation point in the world’s
Poor, deluded Russia; Rich Bottom Land for Sale
with all her wailings and prayers,
The finest of rich bottom land in
her defeats increase in magnitude, small tracts, 5 or 10 acres, suitable
and add to her sorrow and humili­ for any kind of use, for sale at $75
ation. How the world is being sur­ an acre and up. Land is only a few
prised at Japan's wonderful show­ hundred feet from Currinsville de­
ing, and at Russia’s decayed and pot, and is in rich state of cultiva­
ignorant manhood! Peace talk has tion. Apply or write to
again begun, but there is no proba­
bility of peace for some time
Currinsville, Oregon.
Officers Sworn, and School Bond
Issue Discussed
A Rare, Old News­
paper Relic
What is Breakfast Without it?
Have You Tried Our
25c a Pound
Olympia Pan Cake Flour
Self Raising, Prepared in a Moment
T ry a Package, 25c
Saratoga Drips
The Best Syrup
l n Gallon Cans, 85c
In 1-2 Gallon Cans, 45c
We are Headquarters for Good
Merchandise at Right Prices
1R eed
& 1B arr
The Estacada Pharmacy
Spalding Base Ball Goods
Bats, Balls, Gloves, Etc.
Fishing Tackle
A complete assortment of fishing sundries. Split
Bamboo Jointed Rods, $1.5 0 and up. Quadruple
multiplying Reels, Baskets with the latest style
shoulder straps, Propeller Baits, etc...................
A public meeting of several of the
people of Estacada took place last
Thursday evening.
The meeting
Of all the newspapers published
was for the purpose of swearing in
the United States at the close of
the new city's officers. The admin­
istering of the oaths was before N o­ the 17th century, the Ulster County
tary R. A. Stratton, and the new Gazette, printed at Kingston, V ir­
The rtewest designs in box writing papers, Craepes,
officers are: Mayor, John W. Reed; ginia, was, perhaps, oneof the lead­
and Tissues— assorted colors
ing publications. And as a memen­
Councilmen, W. K. Haviland, W.
F. Cary, C. F. Howe and B. O. Bos­
One ward is without repre­ B. Smith has in his possession one
sentation, and someone will have to of the most curious and valued rel­
ics in the way of a newspaper. It
lie appointed by the board.
vious to the main purpose of the is a four colum folio, and is made
Is the best
meeting a general discussion took ; up of but one face of type.
issue Dr. Smith has is of January 4,
place on the question of bonding the
school district for a new school build­ 1800, and the principal feature of
ing. There was no opposition to the number, and which makes it es­
pecially valued, is the account it
bond issue and it was voted that the
contains of the burial of George
district might bond not to exceed
Washington who died Dec. 14, 1799
$6,000. A t the close of the meet­
E. M. LANTZ, Proprietor
was buried at Mt. Vernon. It
ing the mayor appointed as a com­
mittee on ordinances, Councilmen
Fresh and Salt Meats. Ham, Bacon, * Pork, Mutton,
Haviland, Howe and Cary.
J. B. on the death of Washington, and
Haviland took the oath as recorder, much other history-making news of
Lard & Sausage. Everything clean, and the best.
the times.
The whole contens of
and C. C. Shafford as treasurer.
the paper is very curious and inter­
Out of town orders carefully attended to.
The Doctor may
The News enjoyed a pleasant call esting reading.
Sunday from H. M. Malon, of The have paperframed and placed with
Your attention is directed to the I Fred Morris of the raitway com
Oregon City Enterprise.
Mr. Ma­ the Clackamas county exhibit at the
ad. of E. C. Hunt in this issue.
pany spent last Sunday in Estacada.
lon took in the sights here and vis- Lewis and Clark Expositon.
Just In-Writing Paper
Wakelee’s Squirrel Poison
The Estacada Market