The Estacada News No. 27. $1 Estacada, Oregon, Thursday, June 1, 1905. C u te s t S t y le s I know you like I Good Bread & Butter in M ILLINERY • j i t C o w est p r ic e s Olympia H a ts m ade to O rd e r a Specialty MRS. D. C. C R A N E , and I have it Flour Is all right, and you will find it is a bread winner Milliner, E S T A C A D A The Meadow Cream FOR SALE LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS. Fine rain yesterday. The Oaks blossomed Tuesday.’ Do you trade at home or abroad? Could theJapswallopUncleSam’s navy? No, of course not. Mrs. J. E. Bourbona was at the opening of The Oaks. Rev. Stubbs preaches at Spring- water again next Sunday. 40 Acres Of Good Fir Timber LOGS & PILING Price, only $1,000 Mrs. A. W. Eckerson came out from Portland and spent Sunday at their Estacada home. Call on or write Miss Mazelle Mulkey of Spring- water was the guest of Mrs. H. A. E. C. HEM , Estacada, Oregon Williams last Saturday. A few cottages in Estacada would ing better from the treatment. Mrs. D. C. Crane was in Portland Monday and purchased for her mil­ linery store a fine stock of ladies' neckwear, belts, Corsets and shirt­ waists and a new supply of millin­ Mrs. Covell and brother, D. N. ery goods of the best styles. Smith, were at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Henninger Mrs. S. E. Smith, Sunday. arrived here Tuesday from North The Cary Cash Hardware adver­ Dakota to remain permanently with tises its screen doors and windows us, and are already housekeeping and calls attention to its 3 leaders. in the Lovelace building where they Notices are posted forthe election will live until their house is built. June 19th of three school directors Admiral Rojestvensky was badly to serve one, two and three years. wounded in the big battle, was tak­ The Springwater Mill Company en prisoner, and is no\v receiving has a contract to furnish the City of medical treatment at the Japanese Portland with 75,000 feet of pave­ hospital in Sasebo. And Russia in­ sisted that the Admiral had arrived ment blocks. A 1 Lindsey has been making a at Vladivostok; number o f improvements in the Cary hardware store, and in the “ U. S .” postoffice. Dr. Smith and family attended Memorial Day observances at Ore­ gon City where the doctor’s mother is buried. The Estacada Wood Mnfg. Co. has orders from New York city for several thousand telegraph and tel­ ephone cross-arms. Charles Bronson is home from St. Vincent hospital where he under­ went a severe operation. He is get- If you have a sweet tooth that needs filling try some of those Chocolate Chips & Creams at C. F. HOWE’S Which is suitable for Mrs. W. A. Jones and Mrs. M. C. Adkins went to Portland yester­ day. Between Esticada and Cazadero. 150 yards from tile railroad, and 3-4 of a mile Ida Harkinrider, is at home tak­ from Estacada. ing a rest from her duties at Mier & Frank’s store. rent quick, and would be a paying investment for someone. Tuesday the Dubois Lumber com­ pany shipped a car of lumber to the Gresham planing mill. Is a reliable brand of butter. It is made by the Hazelwood Co. Cooper & Eyman We believe in a nimble penny Rather than a slow sixpence. W E C A N SE L L YOU E V E R Y T H IN G IN FERNITERE Carpets & Rugs, Wall-Paper, Mattings, PICTURE FRAMING CABINET MAKING Special attention given to Undertaking. EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE COOPER & EYMAN, ALL PARTIES Knowing themselves indebted to The Cary Hardware Company will please call and settle at once. the vacant store building on Broad­ way where the families will reside Notices have been posted stating until thouses are built. that the people are to vote for a J. W. Cave who was doing shoe $4000. bond issue for school house repairing in town has moved with purposes. It would appear that the his family to the Springwater neigh­ president of the school board should borhood and will live at Mr. and attach his signature to these notices Mrs. E. Ridgeway’s. Mr. Cave in order to make the proceedings will continue the shoemaker work correct. Bond buyers are very par­ and asks for the continuance of his ticular that every step is according old patrons' work, and hopes that he may gain many new patrons. to law. Work sent out by the mail carrier Arthur A. Pugh arrived here last will reach him. week with a carload of goods belong­ August Horger of Eagle Creek who re­ ing to W. S. Henninger and James ceived a paraletic stroke last week, is slowly recovering, and sat up for the first Johns. The goods were put into time yesterday. Estacada. Acreage Adjoining Estacada What is known as the Bridenstine farm is for sale in small tracts. This land is near town, and will go fast at the price asked, $25 to $50 an Acre To see this land, learn terms etc call on or write David Bridenstine Estacada, Oregon