The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, May 18, 1905, Image 1

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    Thè Estacada News
No. 25.
Estacada, Oregon, Thursday,
18, 1905.
I know you like | Good Bread & Butter
and I have it
Is all right, and you will find it is a bread winner
The Meadow Cream
The New Time Schedule
Is a reliable brand of butter.
It is made by the Hazelwood Co.
Estacada is growing.
Cars leave Estacada
The charter goes into effect today. at 7:37> 9 = 37. n : 37> a. m. and 1:37 If you have a sweet tooth that needs filling try some of those
3 :47> 5 :37 and 9 o’clock p. m.
A . W. Eckerson and son were in
Chocolate Chips & Creams at
Cars leave Portland
Portland, this week.
Just two weeks from today the at 7 -3°> 9 :3°> 1 G 3 °a . m. and 1:30
great Exposition opens.
3 -4°» 5 44 an(t 7 :15 a. m.
Dr. Hill is permanently located in
Work was
Monday on At-
lvstacada with offices with Dr. C. B. torney W ' A ' Heylm an'snew huild-
*ng on Main street. A . A. Hall has
. t h e work in charge.
Mr. Barksdale has just recovered
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Lanta enter­
from a rupture received from heavy
tained Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lantz,
and daughter, last Sunday. They
The front of Cooper & Eym an's
„ .
are just out from Nebraska,
furniture store has put on new dress ;
James Corrigan and Chas. Ferry
of neatness.
returned, Monday, from the timber
Frank Busch of Oregon City is
belt where they were for several
spending a few duys on his Spring- ’
days locating claims, lines and mak­
water farm.
ing trails to get in over.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Emmett are
Uncle Jack: “ It is very go o d lemonade,
up from Maclay and are visiting at I'm sure; but tell me, 'Bonnie, why do
John Stormer s.
v,ours lorc th7 e « " * • a Klass
when Charley gets five for his?
Sam u el D elapp of
Miss Bonnie: “ Well you mustn't tell
Sheridan, Idaho, are here stoppin g
Lncle Jack, *'“ » the puppy (ell
in mine and I thought it ought to be
vwth th e ir son W m .
M r. and M rs.
Mrs. D. Nunennker is out from
Portland for a couple weeks, and
may remain all summer.
Miss Gertrude Shockley of Viola
has been visiting at her sister, Mrs.
W. A. Cunningham's home.
Saturday evening twentyfive mem-
bers of the local Order of Odd Fel-
lows went to Gresham in a special
car, and were royally entertained by
the Gresham lodge by special work
and an excellent midnight banquet.
Did you ever meet a lazy man
Mrs. T. J. Reagen and daughter
who wasn't very industrious con- arrived here, Monday, from Boise
cerning other people's business?
City, Idaho. Mr. Reagen, who has
Have just added to their stock of
Carpets & Rugs
Paper, Mattings Etc.
We believe in a nimble penny
Rather than a slow sixpence.
Special attention given to Undertaking.
Henry Wilbernhas returned from t,een here for some time' is making C O O P E R & EY M A N ,
the Hot springs. He received very preparations to buitd a residence on
little or no benefit at the springs.
their ten acre lot on the east side of
The Estacada Wood Mnfg. Co.
Chinook salmon in captivity for
has been turning out cross arms this
Mr' and Mrs. Charles Bronson first time. Five villages of Filipino
week. It has several orders to fill. were Portland visitors, Monday, to tribes. $50,000 live stock show.
consult physicians in regard to Mr.
First Angora goat show ever held
The News family enjoyed some
Bronson’s condition. They returned
in West.
Chimes in government
delicious strawberries, Monday that
to the city again, Tuesday, and Mr.
building largest in the world.
werepickedon B. O Boswell’s place.
Bronson will undergo an operation
California building represents 4
Mrs. C. S. Allen arrived here last and treatment at St. Vincent hos
Spanish missions.
Concerts every
week and visited a few days at Mrs. pital.
day in music pavilion.
C. Bronson. They are at the Oaks.
Baby incubator on the Trail.
Ed. Closner, of Springwater. has Rich Bottom Land for Sale
Boats run on Willamette river to
1 >een at work with a crew on the new
The fine8t of rich t)Cttonl ,an(,
Exposition grounds.
First engine
road from Estacada to the Spring- slnall tracts. j or IO acres soitab)e
ever used in Oregon.
water road
for any kind of use, for sale at $75
Mountain pack train contrasting
(y. W.‘ Morrow in company with an acre and up. Land is only a few with mogul locomotive.
Roy Tucker of Geddes, S. D. were hundred feet from Currinsville de­
Competitive military drills by the
li re last Saturday,. Mr. Tucker is pot. and is in rich state of cultiva- crack companies. Exhibit showing
editor of the News a t Geddes o i .e < f t i Ml. App'y or write to
method used in Klondike mining.
the lively Dai o a tow ns'of
J. H. K IT C H IN G ,
Demonstration of tantalum that
whuh M r. Morrow i s father.
Currinsville, Oregon. is used in mining.
Adjoining Estacada
What is known as the Bridenstine farm
is for sale in small tracts. This land is
near town, and will tfo fast at the price
$25 to $50 an Acre
To see thin land, learn term» etc call on
or write
David Bridenstine
Estacada, Oregon