minutes in getting the fish near shore when Dr. Smith caught it with a gaff hook. Once the doctor lost his footing PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY and slipped on a soapstone rock, and but H. A. W ILLIAM S for the timely assistance of Dr. Motter of Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, Or. St. Vincent's hospital, he would have as second class mail. passed under Eagle Creek falls. The party returned to Estacada in the evening well Advertising rates made known on appli­ cation. Copy for publication and change pleased with their fishing excursion. of ad copy must be handed in not later F. M. Lantz is having living ap- than Wednesday morning to insure pub­ partments added to his meat market. lication for that week. The ESTACADA N E W S One Year StlBSCMPTKM RtftS Sis Months If pmié In advance Cap. Curtis contemplates a trip t l 00 to see his illustrious son who is the .SO MAY 4, 1905 pen warden at Salem. Mrs. T . J. Mathews has been tak­ en to Portland for her health, and if the change does not benefit her she will be taken elsewhere. Mrs. Margaret Phellps died at Eagle Creek 6 o’clock Tuesday morning of a complication of causes and was taken to Portland for bur­ ial. The family are newcomers. Sunday last was the first of the 50c excursion days, and hundreds of people from Portland and other places came to Hstacada to enjoy a country outing afishing, picnicing and strolling through the park, and country by-ways and woods. It was A pen and brush artist took a a trifle chilly, but the crowd didn’t mind that, the good time was had sketch of the town Monday, and will paint a large picture to be used just the same. as an advertisement. It will be ex­ W. H. Holder, who sometime ago hibited at the railway company’s sold his farm—80 acres in Sec. 23, offices in Portland. 3-4 E —has purchased E. F. Sur­ Drayman Jones and C. E . Dubois face’s farm of 145 acres in the same are interesting the business men in neighborhood. After a personal in­ spection of the alleged productive improveing the r6ad south of town. irrigation districts in Eastern Ore­ The work will mostly will be done Mr. Jones gon Mr. Holder preferred tieing his this side of the bridge. has taken the contract to haul out kite to Clackamas county soil which is good enough for any one. H. D. the lumber company’s lumber. Henry Wilbern, of Eagle Creek, Trapp bought the old Holder farm. who has been postmaster at that Oregon City would like free pos­ place for over thirty years, has gone tal delivery, but unless the receipts to the St. Martin Hot Springs in of the postoffice exceed $10,000 be­ hopes to get relief from rheumatism. tween Ju ly 1, 1904 and June 30, of R. this year the city will not be given Mr. Wilbern is in his 72 year. J. Devine is helping in the store dur­ the delivery this year. Postmaster ing Mr. Wilbern's absence. Randall reported at the department Several thousand acres of Govern­ that the receipts had exceeded the required amount by $74 from April ment land a number of miles South­ 1, 1604 to March 3 1, 1905, but the east of Estacada were thrown open the department has notified him that May 1, and quite a number have al­ the figures must be based on the ready made filings on claims. . The lands are well up in the mountains fiscal year receipts. and is timber, coal and stone lands. W. S. Hetininger and Jas. Johns A crowd went out Wednesday to file have been in Estacada several days on claims. acquainting themselves with our Has B o u gh t 2130 Fleeces people and business interests. Both D. F. Warner has been busy buying are from North Dakota, where Mr. Henninger is cashier of the First wool the past week or more, securing in all 2130 fleeces from the following fanners Bank of Goodrich. Mr. Johns has V. Llngelbach. 37; W B Lemon. 20: John Hon- been extensively engaged in business ebon. 55: Will Oetfeld. 11: C Krlgbaum, 19; Otto Kleatsch. 20: Sarah Palrr.ateer, 21; N Tracy. 15: in North Dakota, but is at present E Heiple. 93: J P Stefnman. 7: L P ae. 34: A E living in Por land. Mr. Henn n ;er Alspaugh. 45: John Cithens. 28: E E Sailing. 100 John C Brown, 20: J O Linn, 29; F J Mathews. is an old friend of The News family 10: Mrs. L M Park. 15: M Deuce, 18: F J Heark- and we were very pleasantly sur­ e rder.54: J Cox. 17;HLey. 20: A Lacy. 37: A Morrow. 8: W T Hencerson. 38: Mrs. Cranatski, 26: prised when, on Saturday, he walked Joseph DeShazer. 20: H B Ballou. 28: H C Clover, into the office, we not knowing that 21: H Ballou. 22: A Hauger. 81: R B Gibson. 15: H Hoffmaster. 90; A Suter. 50: E Foster. 45: Cus he was in the West. We visited Burnett, 18: JohnStormer, 14: J A Reid, 6: John Kiggins, 10:W E Shannon, 12: H C Pearson, 31: over Sunday. Dr. A. E. Rocky and Dr. Motter the well known surgeons of Portland were guests at The Estacada over Sunday. Accompanied by Dr. C. B. Smith they took a fishing trip to Eagle Creek falls at d they succeed­ ed in catching a fine mess of trout. Dr. Rockey hooked and succeeded in landing a trout which weighed six pounds, one and a half onces. The large trout gave the doctor an e x ­ citing experience. At one time it seemed as though the fish would not be landed, but Dr. R o.kev having an auto­ matic reel and a 150 foot line, succeeded after a great struggle of at least fifteen J C DeShazer. 28: A Malar. 14: Homer Dubois. 18: WL Crane. 10: R A Looney. 60: J F Douglas, 20: Peter P Heia, 90: Geo. Lockerby. 18; D Wilcox. 20: Jabelnglish. 20: W B Fairfowl. 17: Wm Ruther- fod, 5: Joseph Fellows. 27: M Randolph. 6: Jhomas Judd. 6: CW Wallace 45: W Rutherford. 10: C Me Sherry. 5: PC Davidaon. 14: W E Kandle, 45; N Graham. 14: Jake Gerber. 12: Christ Tellefson. 21: F S Hutchins. 34; Peter Smith, 30: Herman Fisher; 28; J Rebuff. 50. P M Kishem. 30. J L Davis. 24: Jocob Starkaker. 17: C C Armstrong. 19; Owen Per ry, 1 8: J W Linn, 59; Geo. Spees. 18: Wm. Sprague. 36: W F Harris. 25: F M Bluhm, 65: W H Willson. 15: D WThomas. 72; Jane Edwards. 45. and T Dan ial. 15. This makes a pretty good showing for the short season so far, and it show’s that there are quite a number of sheep in the country. There is still a number not yet disposed of. Mr. Warner is making a per­ sonal canvass. He has gone to Silverton for a short time. Coffee What is Breakfast Without it? Have You Tried Our CRYSTAL BLEND? IT IS UNEXCELLED 25c a Pound Olympia Pan Cake flour Self Raising, Prepared in a Moment Try a Package, 25c Saratoga Drips In Gallon Cans, 85c In 1-2 Gallon Cans, 45c The Best Syrup We are Headquarters for Good Merchandise at Right Prices REED & BARR . » -h i l l M +■»+■»•!■•«■ •»■t" t" l--t--fr* The Estacada Pharmacy Spalding Base Ball Goods Bats, Balls, Gloves, Etc. Fishing Tackle A complete assortment of fishing sundries. Split Bamboo Jointed Rods, $1.50 and up. Quadruple multiplying Reels, Baskets with the latest style shoulder straps, Propeller Baits, etc.................... Just In-W riting Paper The newest designs in box writing papers, Craepes, and Tissues—assorted colors Wakelee’s Squirrel Poison Is the best Mayor Reed was out from The Oaks camp, Wednesday. Another man hurt at the dam and taken to town. Dr. Haviland was at Oregon City. Herbert Tracy, the machinest, who installed the machinery at the Estacada Wood Mnfg Co’s plant, has completed the job. Mr. Tracy goes to California for his company next week to put up a $100,000.00 mill plant which will occupy him all summer. Mr. T racy's ability in his line of work is above par. Clackamas Co. Taxes May be paid at the office of the Clack­ amas Title Company, 608 Chamber of Com­ merce Bldg, in Portland, where a copy of the Tax Roll ia kept. Tax payers finding it more convenient to pay in Portland may save themselves the coat and time of a trip to Oregon City for a nominal fee of 35 cents. Until March 15th the office of the Sher­ iff is apt to be very busy while a few min­ utes suffices to pay at the office of the Clackamas Title Company in Portland. Payment before March 15th will save a 3 per cent rebate.