The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, May 04, 1905, Image 2

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B a lt im o r e D o c to r M a d e U n h a p p y b y
L e t t e r s l i e R e c e iv e s .
Nothing is more offensive than an old sore
I f tbe people do not stop writing let­
ters to Prof. Osier he will have no that refuses to heal. Patiently, day after d^y, it is treated and nursed, every
chance to do anything In all his wak­ salve, powder, etc., that is heard of is tried, but does no good, until the very
ing hours but cut open envelopes and sight of it grows offensive to the sufferer and he becomes disgusted and mor­
bid. 1 hey are not only offensive, but dangerous, because the same germ
glance over the written stuff within,
that produces cancerous ulcers is back of every old sore. The cause is in
says a Baltimore special to the New the blood and as long as it
York Press. Letters by the hundreds remains the sore w ill be
Some years ago my blood became poisoned, and
and by the thousands have been pour­ there and continue to vrow f t * doctor told me I would have running sores for
ing In on the unhappy man since be worse and more deitmrH™» h*e, and that if they were closed up the result
t would be fatal. Under this discouraging report I
vaulted Into fame by declaring man e™
T h e fact that thousands o f left off their treatment and resorted to the use of
was no good after he was 40, and old sores have been cut out S. S. S. Its effects were prompt and gratifying,
ought to be chloroformed at 00.
and even the bones scraped, It took only a short while for the medicine to en-
Some persons write to him In all and yet they returned, is in- tirely cure up the sores, and I am not dead as the
seriousness. Some have fun with him. disputable evidence that the doctors intimated I would be, neither have the
He destroys most of his letters, but blood is diseased and respon- sores cve.r broken o u t again. J o h n W. F c n d i s .
Wheeling, W. Va., May 28, 1903.
a few have come to light through ac­ sible for the sore or ulcer.
quaintances who read them. Here Is Valuable time is lost in experimenting with external treatments, such a3
Salves, powders, washes, etc., because the germs and poisons in the blood
"Dear Dr. Osier: I am 27 years of must be removed before a cure can be effected. S. S. S. cleanses and puri­
age. I was married a year ago to a fies the circulation so that it carries rich, new blood to the parts and the
gentleman of means, who has a large
sore or ulcer heals permanently. S. S. S. not only
and prosperous manufacturing busi­
removes the germs and poisons, but strengthens the
ness. My husband is Just 60 years old
blood and builds up the entire system by stimulat­
ing the organs, increasing the appetite and giving
energy to*the weak, wasted constitution. It is an
" I read your speech recently pub-1
the digestion and puts every part of the body in
llsbed In the newspapers. I hall your
Book on the blood, with any medical advice wished*
views as opening a new era in our
social life and I am a firm believer in •»ithout charee.
and an admirer of your Ideas.
•'Kindly accept an Invitation to dine i
E d i b l e M n a ils .
G o o d A d v ic e .
with us at your earliest convenience. !
Daughter— The paper says that edible
Sylvia— I ’m invited to the Upperton’s
I will introduce you to my husband snails are advertised in English restau­
ball next week, but I really can’t decide
and my husband's business manager, rants.
what to wear. What would you advise?
a very Interesting young man, whom
Old Lady— Land sakes! W ho’d ever
Phyllis— W ell, dear, if I had your com­
*a’ thought that edible snails were fit to plexion I ’d wear the thickest veil 1 could
l a m sure you will like.
"Hoping you will bring your chloro­
form along and treat ns to a demon­
M o th ers w ill find Mrs. W in slo w ’s Soothing
Perm anently Cured. S o fits or nervousness
stration of your theory, I remain yours 8 y ru p the best rem edy to use fo r th eir ch ild ren r J i I T 1 f 0 t after
first day’ s use o f I)r. K lin e’s Great N e rv e
d u r in g th e teeth in g period.
Restorer. Send for F r e r
trial bottle and treatise.
Dr. U .H . K lin e, Ltd., 931 A rch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
A n o t h e r P o in t o f V ie w .
Another read as follows:
H yker— As Shakspeare says: “ Jesters
S o m e w h a t D iffe r e n t .
"Respected Dr. Osier: In these days, do often prove prophets.”
Pyker— Yes. and he might have truth­ Fond memories of the loug ago
when the power of wealth is throt­
with songs I used to sing;
tling our time-honored Institutions and fully added that prophets often prove
jesters— especially political and weather But when songs I send to publishers
debauching even the fundamental prin­ prophets.
Come back— well, that’s another thing.
ciples o f our civil government, we may
well acclaim tbe change in our polity
which would obtain If your theory
were put into practice by law. I am
a lawyer and am frequently in touch
with Incidents which prove to me that
wealth can obtain for certain men
even the highest positions In our gov­
ernment, where others, who should
receive these positions on merit and
ability, fall.
For Infanta
Infants and Children
"Hoping the theory you advocate
may soon become law, so that the
young men may have a chance, I amj
sincerely yours.
“ F R A N K B LAC K STO N E .”
Another read:
“ My Dear Dr. Osier: I have been1
AVegetable Preparationfor A s­
married eighteen years. Before mar­
similating the Food andRegula-
riage I was a happy, light-hearted,
Ung the Stomachs and Bowels at
care-free youth. Now I am almost a
physical and mental wreck from the
i N K A N I S / i HI I . DKLN
troubles of married life. Yet my w ife
Is not a really bad dlsposltloned worn- j
Promotes Digestion.CheerFul-
ness and Rest.Contains neither
" I long ago concluded that the condl- j
(hrium,Morphine nor Mineral.
tlon o f our social fabric was not as It j
N ot N a r c o t ic .
should be.
Something was wrong.
Having read your theory, I have re­
newed hope.
Afeye * r o u o - sakitl a r c u s #
" I like to honor genius in my bum-[
Swollen Veins, Sprains,
Strains and Weak Joints
R elieved and Cured w ith
our S ilk E lastic Stockings.
P erfect F it Guaranteed.
Fine Stout
S ilk s ilk
W r is tle ts .................. 1.75 fl.iio
A n k le ts ..................... 1.75 2.50
K n ee ( ape............... 1.75 2.50
Legtfin s.......................2.00 2.75
G arter H ose............. 2.50 3.50
A b o v e K n ee H ose,.. 5.00 5.00
W e also m anufacture a 'l forms
o f Belts and «supporters.
Portland, Oregon.
To Convince You
tbe market, I will send you one,
freight prepaid, and wait fpr my
pay until October 1, 1905.
It was given the highest award
at the Oregon State Fair, held at
Salem last fall.
Write for our
Descriptive Catalogue of Incuba­
tors and Brooders and our tune
Dept. 12
Portland. Oregon
[The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
_ _
S e m i'
ble way. On March 31 we are to have |
a soclnl function at our home— a little
dinner to celebrate the 60th anniver- j
sary of the birthday o f my wife's!
mother. W ill you do us the honor to I
atten df Don’t forget your little bottle, j
Respectfully yours,
T h eory
«n il
M xSm
Jk we Semd e
jlE S & A ile
M in pSem i-
Aperfecl Remedy for Conslipo
Ron, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­
ness and L o ss o f SLEEP.
P r a o tio e .
l'rof. John Dewey tells the follow j
In , story to illustrate the futility of *
certain present-day educational meth­
ods when applied to the affairs o f prac-1
tleal life:
"There is a school in Chicago." said!
he. “ where they teach boys to sw im !
without any water. All the motions;
necessary for swimming are taught
sclentltlcally and correctly. I asked
one o f the graduates what hr did when
he got Into the wnter.
" H e replied, laconically, ‘Sunk.’ ”
Facsimile Signature of
A l b i nni i l l i s ol d*
) j
l>DSi S -
}> C l
For Over
Thirty Years
S 10 . 0 0 0 R E W A R D to sa y on* who
can disprove this statement.
W . !. . D o i i e U h S3.r>0 s h o e « (i r e t h f
g r e a te s t • s e e lf
lle r s In th e w o r ld b e -
r e x c e lle n t sty le, ea sy fit-
of th e ir
r in g a n d s u p e r i o r w e a r i n g q u a litie s .
thi a t *
T h e y a r — e ju — s t * a
s g o o d as th o se th
fr o m • 3 .0 0 . to * 7 .0 0 . __Tlie o n ly d if-
fe re n c e is th e p ric e . W . I.. D o u g la s
W . 5 0 sh oes c o s t m o r e to m a k e , h o ld
th e ir sh a p e !>etter, w e a r lo n g e r , a n d
a r e ° f g r e a t e r v a lu e th a n a n y o ilie r
3*3..»O s h o e o n t h e m a r k e t to -d a y . XV. L .
D o u g la s g u a r a n t e e s t h e ir v a lu e by
s t a m p in g h is n a m e a n d p r ic e o n th e
hot tom o f e a c h sh oe. I.nnk f o r it. T a k e
n o su b stitu te .
W . L . D o u g la s » 3 . 3 0
shoes a r e s o ld t h r o u g h h is o w n re ta il
sto re s In th e p r in c ip a l cities, a n d by
sh o e d e a le r s e v e r y w h e r e . N o m a t t e r
w h e r e y o u liv e , XV. L . D o u g la s shoes
a r e w it h in y o u r re a c h .
" T h a Bm at I F v . r W o r e . "
* / write to say that / hare worn t your #S..V>
shoe» fo r the part fire years,
fin d them
them the
_ _.... amt
R 'r . Frank T. lifp
hest ' r z r * o r f- - Her.
' lty , €08
East Jtffersan S t., Loutsrtlle,
ill*. Ky.
Boys wear W . L. Douglas $2.30 and $2.00
•hoes because they lit better, hold their
shape and wear longer than other makes.
Douglas uses Corona Coltstm in hit
#*>•50 shoes. Corona Colt ts conceited to
he the finest patent leather procured.
F a s t C o lo r E y e le ts w ill n o t w ea r b ra s s y .
W. L. Douglas has the largest shoe m all order
btnincssin the world. N'o trouble to get a fit
by mall. e* cents extra prepays delivery.
I f you desire fu rth er Inform ation, rente f o r
Illustrate,t Catalogue o f S p rin g Styles.
The telegraph announce« that Misa
Wee Roosevelt always has her own 1 .
way. Huh! A girl doean't have to be
> President's daughter to have that
All of them have It.
No. 18
H E N w r it in g t o a d v e r t is e r s p ie
m e n ii..n t h is p a p e r .
Brockton. Mass.