The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, April 27, 1905, Image 1

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    The Estacada News
No. 22.
Estacada, Oregon, Thursday, April 27, 1905.
Exclusive Ladies’ Goods .
I know you like Good Bread & Butter
and I have it
I am now prepared to furnish the ladies with the latest in
--------------- Ladies’
Is all right, and you will find it is a bread winner
Ribbons, Laces, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Notions
Underwear--------- —
Am always pleased to have you call and inspect what I have in stock
D. C. C R A N E
Watch Estacada grow.
The Meadow Cream
Baker Litchthorn had busiuess
that took him to Portland, Tuesday.
Attorney Heylman expects his
parents and a brother here in a few
Our farming district is not sur­
passed in Oregon.
A . F. Shultz has thé lumber on
Lee Bronson was in Portland yes­
the ground for a large addition to
terday on business.
his building on Main street.
Mrs. W . A. Heylman returned, 1
J. H. Thatcher of the Pac. States
Monday, from Spokane.
T. & T . Co. and his wife were at
G. W . Morrow returned, Monday the Hotel Estacada, Saturday.
from a business trip to Salt Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. E . F. Surface spent
Captain Curtis has sold lot io in
last Saturday and Sunday at the
block 2, on Main St. to A . Stubbe.
home of Mrs. Surface's parents on
Miss Ada Lee is visiting at the the farm fishing etc.
home of Mr. and Mrs. A . E. Barr.
Olympia pancakes, Saratoga drips
Contractor Wills is shipping sev­ and Crystal blend coffee make good
eral carloads of fence posts along breakfasts— Reed & Barr tell you
the line.
about them in their ad.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Masked and
The Estacada Orchestra ha* been
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Phelps were in given the privilege of conducting
the city, Tuesday.
public dances in the park pavilion
Best of weather and prospects.
Is a reliable brand of butter. It is made by the Hazelwood Co.
If you have a sweet tooth that needs filling try some of those
Chocolate Chips & Creams at
Have just added to their stock of
pets & Rugs
Mrs. D. C. Crane went to Port­ during the summer season which
land Tuesday to do some purchas­ begings next Sunday.
ing for her millinery store.
Through it’s city agent, E. L-
M. L. Ryckman is getting out a Meyers, the Springwater Mill Co.
large number of railroad ties, and has secured the contract to furnish
shipping them from Estacada.
the O. W . P. Ry. Co. 2012/56 feet
Miss A va Lovelace went into the of material for the railway's new
The lumber is
W e believe in a nimble panny
city, Monday for a visit of several bridge above here.
to be delivered on board the cars at
Rather than a slow sixpance.
days with friends and relatives.
Morrow at the rate of
feet a
P. C. Boultman has purchased
two lots on Currin St. and he is put­
The first piece of machinery has
ting up a nice five room cottage.
Iteen placet! in position in the Esta­
H. Cooper's building is nearing
cada Wood Mfg. Co’s factory. It
completion, and it will be one of the
is a fine new four side No. 1 2 Her-
finest business structures in town.
mance moulder, capable of turning
Miss A. Z. Stites representing
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Groves from out many styles of fancy mouldings.
Clackamas Co. Taxes
Germania Life Insurance Com­
Spokane were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Other machinery will soon be in­
pany, and an old acquaintance of
May be paid at the office of the Clack­
B. O. Boswell, old friends last Sun­ stalled, and the company is getting
Mrs. M. L. Ryckman, is in town.
amas Title Company, 608 Chamber of Com­
ready to start work.
Another accident happaned at the merce Hldg. in Portland, where a copy of
Major Wm. TC Hut ¡'and has not
the Tax Roll is kept.
dam Wednesday afternoon. One of
Want Ycur Teeth Fixed? the workmen lost his toe hold and Tax payer* finding it more convenient
been feeling well this week, conse­
to pay in Portland may save themselves
quently he couldn't attend the State
I am in Dr. Smith's office over slid down the rocky emtxinkment, the cost and time of a trip to Oregon City
Development League convention.
The rail­ for a nominal fee of 25 cents.
Howe's store, prep«red to do all receiving a few bruises.
C. S. Allen, a cousin to Mrs. C. kinds of dental work including pain­ road surgeon was called, and dressed Until March 15th the office of the Sher­
iff is apt to be very busy while a few min­
Bronson, was visiting here the first less extraction all this week and the wounds.
utes suffices to pay at the office of the
of the week.
He has engaged to next week except Tuesday after­
Mr. Kitching, near Currinsville, Clackamas Title Company in Portland.
run one of the engines at Cazadero noon.
All persons wishing me to while working a stump puller, yes­ Payment before March 15th will save a
Paper, Mattings Etc.
Special attention given to Undertaking.
Rev. H. E. Stubbs has been do­
ing considerable work towards get­
ting funds for a church, and he has
met with quite good success, enough
to build a good church, and Mr.
Stubbs says it will be built this sum­
mer, or sooner.
attend to any work for them had
probably latter see me as early as
convenient so their work may be
handled to the last possible advan­
tage. After May 6th I will be gov­
erned by the demand upon my time.
— U. B. Shantz, D. D. S ., I). M. D.
terday, had one of his hands hurt by 3 per cent rebate.
getting it caught in the machine.
Mr. and Mrs. Heylman and Dr. doors and other building material.
The picture on the meat market
and Mrs. Shantz are stopping at the
awning shows what grade cattle
Oregon produces.
The Cary Hardware Comp>any is
50c Sunday fare after May 1.
expiecting a carload of goods, sash,