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About The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1905)
liie Estacada News No. 21. Estacada, Oregon, Thursday, April 20, 1905. Exclusive Ladies’ Goods I know you like Good Bread & Butter and I have it Lam now prepared to furnish the ladies with the latest in M ILLINERY Olympia gibbons, Laces, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Notions --------------Ladies’ Summer Flour Is all right, and you will find it is a bread winner Underwear----------- Am always pleased to have you call and inspect what I have in stock MRS. D. C. C R A N E The next meeting of the W. C. T. U. LO C A L A N D PERSONAL NEWS. will be held at the home of Mrs. E. F. J. A. Lovelace is doing business Surface Saturday, April 29. All mem at his new stand. bers are earnestly requested to be present. The Meadow Cream Is a reliable brand of butter. It is made by the Hazelwood Co. J If you have a sweet tooth that needs filling try some of those Window screens and screen doors at Cary’s hardware store. ICE CREAM Mrs. C. A. Bither expects to have Merchant H. Cooper was transact Ice Cream to serve the public next Sunday, 23. ing business in Portland, Wed. B. O. Boswell was in Portland on SH OE M ENDING business a couple days this week. J. W. Cave is prepared to do all J. A. Johnson has sold his share kinds of shoe repairing. He has in the saloon business to M. C. Ad- purchased H. H. Eyman's cobbling kinst outfit and will devote all his time to Handsome young Yew trees hat e the work. If in need of his services been set out in the Hotel Estacada see him, charges right and all work satisfactory. At residence in north lawn. Mrs. J. W. Shafford returned home west part of town. Monday after a few days spent in Dentist Com ing Portland. I)r> U. B. Shontz, a practicing Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Palmateer of dentist in the North Pacific Dental near Garfield were in town Wednes College at Portland, will be in Ksta- day for goods. cada two weeks beginning Monday, Rain? Well, if it didn't rain here April 24, and will be prepared to do Tuesday evening just like it does anything in dental work. Crown, 'way down East. Bridge or Plate work, Filling and The Dog Wood trees— wild Mag painless extraction. Office with Dr. nolias— are in bloom, and a prettier Smith in Howe’s store. tree there never was. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferry have W . W. Boner is using each shin rented the Richileu restaurant and ing minute by improving his prop hotel, and took possession last Sat erty on the Boulevard. urday. Mrs. Mary Pierce has gone John Bacon and Edward Calvin, to housekeeping in rooms over the of Poitland, nephews 6f Mrs. Mary dance hall. Pierce, visited here Sunday. The O. W. P. & Rv. Co. began Some quite severe thundering Se work Saturday to extend the water cured near here, Monday, which is system west on Third street from Broadway to Zobrist street for the very unusual for this country. Agent Stevens of the board of in benefit of the Estacada Wood Man surance underwriters was adjusting ufacturing Company, and residents in that part of town. land and other marks, Tuesday. A NEW P A R T N E R SH IP Mrs. J. W. Reed and the children Mr. H. H. Eyman. of Cazadero, will camp out at The Oaks while Mr. Reed is engaged in work there. has purchased a half interest in the Fishing is in fashion now and it furniture and undertaking business is a question which is the most nu of H. Cooper, and he will take an merous, the catches or the stories. active part in the business at once. Mr. Eyman was one of the first to Cooper & Eyman, the furniture identify himself with the young city dealers, are selling a fine line of of Estacada. and he now owns two sewing machines. Want a machine? lots and a residence on Currin St. Work at the wood working facto He is a successful merchant and an ry was temporarily suspend _-d the experienced undertaker, and has al first of the week. Just a little mis ways born a reputation for square cellaneous work about the factory and honest dealing. A t present he remains to be done l>efore the ma is manager of Reed & Barr’s stote chinery is put in. The rain and at Cazadero, and postmaster at that We believe the new firm bad roads have delayed material! place. will do a good business. from the sawmills. Chocolate Chips & Creams at t F. N O W S COOPER & EYMAN Have just added to their stock of ^ Furniture Carpets & Rugs Paper, Mattings Etc. We believe in a nimble penny Rather than a slow sixpence. Special attention given to Undertaking. EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE C O O PE R & E Y M A N , ___________________ • _____________ Estacada. The Palace Market Clackamas Co. Taxes CAN S U P P L Y YO U W ITH May be paid at the office of the Clack- amas Title Company, 6o8Chamber of Com Fresh & Salt Meats, Bacon, merce Bldg, in Portland, where a copy of the Tax Roll is kept. Hams, Lard, Mutton, &c. Tax payers finding it more convnient to pay in Portland may save themselves ++++++ the cost and time of a trip to Oregon City Fish Thursday evening and Friday for a nominal fee of 25 cents. Until March 15th the office of the Sher morning iff is apt to be very busy white a few min utes suffices to pay at the office of the I sell is cheap as possible Clackamas Title Company in Portland. -------- Ed. Oblander---------- Payment before March 15th will save a PH O NE, W E ST is- 3 per cent rebate. Do not be envious of your neigh E.' S. Womer expects his family bor’s good fortune. Communities from Pennsylvania the first of next month. Two other families are are only big people, and what is a coming out at the same time, and ‘ help or a detriment to one has the they will all make their home here. same effect on the other.