The Estacada News No. 20. Estacada, Oregon, Thursday, April 13, 1905. Exclusive Ladies’ Goods I know you like $1 Good Bread & Butter and I have it I am now prepared to furnish the ladies with the latest in MILLINERY Olympia Ribbons, Laces, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Notions -------- Ladies’ Summer Flour Is all right, and you will find it is a bread winner Underwear------- Am always pleased to have you call and inspect what I have in stock MRS. D. C. C R A N E The Meadow Cream plant except putting upthe machin­ Is a reliable brand of butter. It is made by the Hazelwood Co. L O C A L A N D P E R SO N A L NEWS. ery in the main building. The en­ Mrs. J. W Reed spent last Sat­ gine and boiler rooms, the dryer urday and Sunday in Portland. If you have a sweet tooth that needs filling try some of those are completed. The loading plat­ Merchant Cooper attended busi­ forms are building. Chocolate Chips & Creams at ness matters in town, Saturday. Dr. U. B. Shontz and wife were Pearl Foster and Gussie Githens out from Portland, Sunday. Mr. of Eagle Creek were in town Mon­ Shontz is a graduate of the North­ day. west School of Dentistry at Chicago S. H. Van Leuven, a special op­ also a graduate of the North Pacific tician, spent a couple days in his Dentil College in Portland. Notice is given elsewhere of the Doctor’s work here. intention to practice his profession A. W. Heylntan has decided to in Estacada 1 «.'ginning the 24th and establish a general banking business if the call is sufficient he may re-1 main here permanently. in Estacada. Quite a crowd witnessed another Geo. Grimshaw and family were from Portland, Sunday and visited ball game here Sunday between the home and Cazadero nines. The at A. Havens. I have just added to my stock of Furniture a nice line of game was Estacada’s,, 13 to 20. C. G. Carlson is canvassing the Estacada Cazadero c ■ Gardener neighborhood for the Chicago por­ N. Bronson B Wallace Mallory p trait Company. ss I Phelps Cathcart that I am selling at prices that cannot be beat Al. Lindsey started work, Mon­ L Bronson Stubbs ib day, on J. F. Lovelace’s warehouse P Phelps 2b Bourbonia Ridgeway Park which is 30x40. 3 b Maskel P Wallace If In the language of one considered Maskel cf Ervins good authority, this weather is dis­ Pierco rf Havens I have a good variety of samples of Carpets to select from tressingly healthy. Boultman , umpire. Manager Mas- and can give perfect fits for your floors Rugs in almost any size, style and price Dr. Smith contemplates entering kel takes the team over to play Ell- wood next Sunday. the drug business, and may build at Well Stocked and Doing Business Main and Second. A visit to the clothing store of A Mrs. Sailing, a lady 77 years old, and living with her children north F. Shultz & Sons shows the store When wanting anything come and get prices and see m y stock of goods to be a great credit to the town. of town, is quite ill. Undertaking Goods and Work a Specialty Carl Cary, a nephew of W F. The store is well stocked with most and R. W. Cary, arrived from Pe­ anything made in the gents furnish­ ing line, and an assortment from tersburg, Indiana, last week. which anyone can get pleased both Merchant Howe was talking, on in quality of goods and in price. It Tuesday, of an addition to his store is not necessary to go to Portland to extend to the rear end of his lot. to get your cjothing, when the best A. B. Cooper and wife of New- and latest in style and make can be CAN S U P P L Y YO U W ITH May be paid at the office of the C lack­ berg are visiting the former's par­ had at home, and at prices that will amas Title Com pany, 608 Chamber of Com­ ents, Merchant and Mrs. Cooper. meet your approval. Fresh & Salt Meats, Bacon, merce Bldg, in Portland, where a copy of A petition is in circulation for an­ the Tax R oll is kept. Wedding Bells Hams, Lard, Mutton, &c. other saloon in town. It will open Tax payers finding it more convoient The expected has happened. It to pay in Portland may save themselves up in the room opposite the drug ****** the cost and time of a trip to Oregon City was at 4 o’clock last Thursday after­ store. Fish Thursday evening and Friday for a nominal fee of 25 cents. noon, April 6th, 1905, that Miss Barrett Clark, a relative of the Until March 15th the office of the Sher­ morning Shaffords, arrived last week from Reta Pullen and Mr. F. M. Lantz iff is apt to be very busy while a few m in­ utes suffices to pay at the office of the their old home at Tippicanoe City, were united for life's journey. The I tell as cheap as possible Clackamas Title Company in Portland. O. He will work in the wood factory. ceremony was performed by Justice Payment before March 15th will save-a — Ed. Oblander — Reid of Portland. The young peo­ A i.umber of the girl friends of ple are of Gresham where their kin PH O NE, W EST 15. 3 per cent rebate. Rachael Reed gave her a pleasant folks and friends reside. Mrs. surprise party Wed. p. m. The Mr. Peabody and wife were here Since starting his large feed barn Lantz is a daughterof Mr. and Mrs. family expects to live at Sell wood George Pullen. They are keeping last week looking for a business ri­ W. M. Durrell has entered into dif­ until Mr. Reed finishes work there. house in rooms in the Lovelace feed pening. Mr. Peabody is a brother ferent business arrangements which About everything is completed at s ore. The News wishes the happy to Governor Peabody of Colorado. will keep him at Gresham perhaps Your name should be on our Sub list. another year. the Estacada Wood Manufacturing couple much happiness. C. F. HOWE’S EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE! AT PAY IN PRICES YOU PORTLAN D! Toilet Sets, Wall Paper and Rockers, 0 CARPETS and Rl G S ^ 0 Floor Matting and Oil Cloth H. COOPER, the Furniture Dealer The Palace Market Clackamas Co. Taxes