The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, April 06, 1905, Image 2

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H a l f - B r e e d W h o M a d e 1 20 M i l e «
T e n H o u r « a t a G a llo p .
“ Yon people w h o came here since
the railroads w ere built h a re an idea
that w e used to h ave a bad time o f It
In getting about W ashington T e rri-
tory," said the old-tim er the other day.
" T h a t ’s w here you are wrong.
D is ­
tances were no greater than they are
True, w e didn’t a lw a y s go so
fast as you do now, but w e m ade speed
that w ou ld astonish you.
“ I remember one trip an old friend
o f mine made, a big cattleman from
— ——— —
Weakness Is Usually Pelvic Catarrh.
Cures Catarrh Wherever Located.
e, St.
3134 B Clifton Place,
“ I found after trying many different medicines to re-
store me to health, that Peruna was the only thing which
could be depended upon.
I began taking it when I
was in a decline, induced by female weakness and over-
wrought nerves.
“ I began to feel stronger during the first week I took
Peruna and my health improved dsily until now I am in
perfect health and enjoy life as I never did before.’*—
Lizzie Redding.
Mrs. Lizzie Redding
Louie, Mo., writes:
Kittitas county, afterward the owner
o f considerable property In Seattle.
His divorced w ife was living here,
und she took It Into her head to go
after him through the courts for non­
payment of alimony. There were a
number o f reasons why he shouldn’t
pay, but he didn’t care to stay here
and argue it out with the courts, so
getting a tip on what was doing he
decided to go back to the cattle In
“ About 6 o’clock one evening, accom­
panied by his horse wrangler, who hap­
pened to be here with him, he struck
out horseback for Ellensburg. The two
rode all night— it was In midsummer
and at the full of the moon—and the
next morning they ate breakfast In
Ellensburg— 110 miles away.
And j
they didn't think It was much of a ride
at th at
P e -ru -na
“ A t that time nearly all the In dian s
on the reservation had a h alf-breed or
at least one pretty good horse In his '
rid in g string.
T h is particular youn g j
h alf-breed boy had an extra good one,
an d he w a s selected to carry the dls- »»♦ »♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ eeeee e e e e e e e e e e 1 1 »«»»«♦ «.«»«»«•»««»«♦ »*«»««♦ «♦ »♦ ♦ * * * * * *
Iiatches, being a reliable and faith ­ |
Mrs. Mable Bradford, 13 Church street, J
ful tellow.
W ell, be rode through to
Burlington, Vt., Secretary W hittier Oratorio |
W a lla W a lla In ten hours, a distance | ilociety, writes:
o f 120 miles, and d urin g the ride he j
“ Peruna is certainly a wonderful medicine for I
never slow ed d ow n from
gallop. I the ills of women. I have heard it spoken of in ;
T h a t w a s In m idsum m er, and If you J the highest praise by many, and certainly my ex- •
ever h ave been In that Snake rive r 1 perience is well worthy of a good word.
“ I began to have severe pains across my back ;
region at this season o f the y e a r you
: about a year ago. brought on by a cold, and each j
can Im agine that w a s some rid in g ."—
! subsequent month brought me pain and distress. ;
Seattle Post-Intelligence.
"Y o u r remedy w as prescribed, and the way it j
j acted upen my system was almost too good to be j
t true. I certainly have regained my health and :
t strength, and I no longer suffer periodical •
T h e L ife o f W i llia m H . B a ld w in an
! pains and extreme lassitude.” — Mable Bradford. 1
I n s p i r i n g a n d H o p e fu l S u c c « .
•:.................. » ............................................................
T h e noble career, untimely ended,
of President W illia m H . B ald w in , of Thousands of Women Cured Every Year pelvic organa or any other organ of the
by Correspondence—Tt.b is What
the L o n g Island R ailroad, Illustrates
human body.
Dr. Martman Proposes to Do
the encouraging fact that good men,
Pe-ru-na, a Natural Beautifier.
fo r You Without Charge.
also, w e have a lw a y s with us. A t a
Peruna produces clean, mucous mem­
Women who suffer should read the
time when certain men and certain
W e have branes, the basis of facial symmetry
com binations of men In great bu si­ evidences presented here.
from grateful I and a perfect complexion.
nesses are under public suspicion for thousands of letters
The women have not been slow to
friends who tell the same story.
selfish and unsocial
practices on a
Half the ills that are peculiarly; discover that a course of Peruna will
large scale, here w a s a brilliant busi­
woman’ s own are of a catarrhal char- j do more toward restoring youthful
ness man, at different times high In ,
Female weakness was not j beauty than all the devices known to
railroad enterprises In the W est, South
understood for many years.
and E a s t and
Dr. Hartman deserves the credit of | Many a girl has regained her faded
place In large affairs o f finance, w h o
having determined its real character. beauty, many a matron has lengthened
lied the perfect confidence of his finan­
He has made catarrh and catarhal dis­ the days of their comely appearance by
cial associates, o f w orkingm en and o f eases, including pelvic catarrh, a life­ using Peruna.
the general public. In addition to this
In Peruna theee women find a prompt
long study.
— though this Itself and alone w ou ld
Peruna cures catarrh, whether of the and permanent cure.
be sufficient honor— he w as endlessly,
wisely. Intensely Interested In some o f ,
F o r c e o f H a b it.
Dusty— W illie, if some one left you a
the most
enterprises o f J
“ Give me a two-ceut stamp, please,” lot of money would yer take It?
good citizenship, local and national;
said the young lady to the drug clerk.
W illie— Yes, if it was counted.
above all. In the cause of education In
“ W e are just out,” replied the d. c.,
the Southern States. H is benevolence absently, “ but here is something just as
You Can Get Allen's Foot-Ease FREE.
had the stamp o f statesmanship.
H e good.”
Write Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy.N. Y., for a
free sample of A lle n ’s Foot-Ease. It cures
And he handed her a couple of ones.
w a s truly a builder o f
sweating, hot swollen. aching feet. It makes
Y e a r by year his Influence and his
naw or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for
T r i a l s o f t h e R ic h .
Ingrowingnalls and bunions. A ll drug­
good fam e were Increasing; only a lit- j
Fuzzy Fred— Say, Lew, don’t youse corns.
gists sell it. 25c. Don’t accept any substitute.
tie past forty. It seemed that the f u - ' wish you had all de silver dollars wot
ture held for him tw ice the opportu­ youse could carry?
The bo* or cabinet in which a tele­
nities o f his already beneficent and
Lazy Lew — Naw; not ef I had ter phone is placed is called in England a
exem p lary
H ere
un­ carry ’em very far.
“ telephonium” or “ phonium.”
selfishness. modesty, devotion and men­
tal and moral strength splendidly com ­
H ts death, a fte r a short life not
m arked by dazzling g ifts of money,
but o f human service, w a s follow ed
b y an outburst o f praise and o f affec­
tionate regret.
W h a t a contrast here
to the spectacles o f men absorbed In
the preposterous fight for unearned
Known the world over as the
■ nil Bona: men whose paths are strew n
promptest, surest cure for
with the wrecks o f others' fortunes;
w hose exam ples are evil; w h o go down
to glided tombs with the cold regard
or the bKter execration o f their fe l­
lo w s '.— Ce n t u r y ________________
Thousands of testimonials to this
effect are received by Dr. Hartman
every year. The good that Peruna has
accomplished in this class of cases can
scarcely be over estimated.
| I f you do not derive prompt and
t satisfactory results from the use of
♦ Peruna, write at onee to Dr. Hart-
I man, giving a full statement of your
\ case, and he will be pleased to give
| you his valuable advice gratis. Ad-
\ dress Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Hanitarium, Colum-
bus, Ohio. A ll correspondence held
strictly confidential.
Misgive, that yon may not mistake.—
Mothers w ill find Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing
Syrup the best remedy to use for their children
during the teething period.
A watch taken to the top of Mont
Blanc will gain 36 seconds in 24 hours.
P. N. U.
No. 14-1905
St. Jacobs Oil
Rheumatism and Neuralgia
H e re Is an old question that la get- !
ting new life:
you bad to be Celer m ore fo o d s brighter and faster co lor« than any other dye.
One 10c pockoga colors sNk. w o o l and cotton eqoolly w ell and la
to gH e perfect resells.
Ask d ea ler, o r w e will send post paid at 10c a package.
Wrlta fa r fre e booklet bow to dye.
som e one else, who would you chooae guaranteed
bleach and ads colors.
MON ROC DRUG CO.. Ualaavdta. Missouri.
1» her