The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, March 30, 1905, Image 7

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Oregon Water Power and
Railway Company
First St. Portland, Ore.
Cars leave Kstacada:
at 8 : 07 , 9 : 37 , 11:37 A. M. and 1 : 37 , 4 : 5 ,
5 : 37 , and 9 P. M.
Cars leave Portland:
at 7 : 30 , 9 : 45 , 11 : 30 , A. M. and 1 : 30 , 3 : 40 ,
5 : 40 , and 7:15 P. M.
132 1-2
Grand Jnry Learn of Methods of
Beef Trust.
Price Are Kept Uniform—Big Profits
for Packers, Small Ones for
Retail Merchants.
Attorneys at Law
Notary Public. Estates Settled. Mortgages Chicago, March 25. — The Federal
grand jury which is investigating the
Poreciosed. Abstracts Furnished
business methods of the packers ac­
Money Loaned
quired a lot of information today from
two of the four witnesses examined
OREGON during the aay. Thomas G. Ruddy,
of Ruddy Bros., an independent pack­
ing firm of Kansas City, and Michael
R. Murphy, general mam g 'r for the
Cudahy Packing company in South
Omaha, Sioux City and Kansas City,
B a rb e r
contributed the bulk of the informa­
Best work at popular prices
tion, Mr. Ruddy occupying the chair
Agency for the
all afternoon.
Both of the witnesses, after leaving
the grand jury room, expressed the be­
lief that the grand jury was pursuing a
settled policy in asking questions which
C H A R LES L. F E R R Y ,
bore directly on the charges of viola­
tion of the interstate commerce law and
the Sherman anti-trust law. They
J e w e le r a n d
did not construe the questions asked
O p tician . . . .
of them to be framed for the purpose
of gathering general information con­
cerning the packing industry.
Testimony showing the profits of re­
tail meat dealers and prices of unfailing
Doctor C. B. Smith,
uniformity for meats at the “ big five”
packers’ branch houses was given. In
a detailed statement the cost and sale
Office in Howe’s store.
price« of beef handled by retailers in
Kansas City wae explained by Robert
Office hours at Estacada, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Office hours at Fagle Creek, nights & mornings
j Hall, a dealer from that city, and the
I high prices blamed on the packers
...AH calls promptly answered... | The gist of the evidence was that the
charge made by packers that retailers
were making 100 per cent profit on beef
i is incorrect, and, while on some cut«
William K. haviland, M. D.
j [he profit is almost that amount, it is
equalized by the fact that an equal per
is sold at a loss or at least no
Office at the drug store,
I stocada
Mr. Hall’s testimony also showed
Night colls answered.
! that the packer who pays $4.75 per 100
Night bell at Second St. entrance I pounds for beef on the hoof sells it at
$8 per 100 pounds to the
tailer, who averages a trifle less than
$10.43 in gross receipts for the same
There were 30 witnesses in the jury
room annex at the opening of the ses­
sion. Extra precautions were taken to
prevent witnesses from coming in con­
tact with outsiders. The doors were
locked and Deputy Marshal Middleton
sat inside, while Captain Porter stood
Estacada feed and outside the door.
O F F I C E : 2 , 3 &
4 , G A K D K III.IX'.,
W. S. H YDE ,
Kansas’ Fight with the Trust.
Topeka, Kan., March 28.—The Kan­
sas Natural Gas company, through its
attorneys, has filed in the Supreme
an amendment to its answer to
Delivery and court
the suit Brought to compel it to show
why it is operating iu Kansas.
Express Line cause
The petition asks that the suit tie dis­
missed at the cost of the state. The
I suit was brought against the company
i last fall by the attorney general. It
I as alleged that the company had no
' authority to transact business in the
DRY WOOD IN ANY LENGTH state, the charter hoard having refused
to grant a license.
In Very Strong Position.
fit. Petersburg, March 28. — A dis­
patch received from fiypingai states
that the Russian commander has suc­
ceeded in withdrawing Ull nf his rear
All Business Carefully and
guard to a very strong position, where
Promptly Attended to
they will be able to withstand any at-
taclir of the Japanese. The dispatch
states that the spirits of the men is of
the lest and that they are becoming
more and more confident. It is further
stated that General Knropatkin is dis­
Estacada, Oregon. tinguishing himself.
Livery Barn
Reclamation of Tract in Idaho and
Another in Montana.
Washington, March 27.—The secre­
tary of the interior today set apart $ 1 ,-
300.000 from the reclamation fund for
the purpose of beginning operations in
connection with the Payette-Boisa irri­
gation project in Idaho, and $1,000,-
000 for the same purpose in connection
with the Milk River project in Mon­
tana. It is calculated that 370,000
acres will be reclaimed in Idaho and
325.000 in Montana, and the ultimate
cost of the two enterprises is fixed at
$ 11 , 000,000 and $ 10 , 000,000 respect­
An international question is involved
in the Milk river case.^as a portion of
that river, from which it is proposed to
divert water, lies in Canada, and to
the matter Secretary Hitchcock has
been giving personal attention. After
conferring with the president, he has
instrue'ed Director Walcott, of the
Geological survey, to take immediate
steps to carry into effect the plans of
the reclamation service for storing
floods in St. Mary’s lake, diverting the
water of St. Mary’s river over into the
head of Milk river and ultimately
across the headwaters of Milk river in­
to the Marias and again out of the
Marias back into Milk river in Mon­
tana, thus creating a great artificially
regulated system of water supply south
of the international boundary.
It is expected that construction will
be begun this season on the diversion
of St. Mary’s river into the headwaters
of Milk river, allowing the water to
flow for a time through Canada back
into the United States.
No More Money for Dredging
Columbia River Bar.
Big Dredge Chinook Will Not Con­
tinue Operations on Bar Dur­
ing Coming Season.
Washington, March 23.—The work
ot improvement at the mouth of the
Columbia river this summer will be
confined exclusively to jetty extension,
in accordance with the provisions of
the late river and harbor bill. The
chief of engineers will soon award the
contract for furnishing stone for the
jetty and as soon as possible thereafter
delivery will commence and the jetty
will be pushed seaward.
It has been finally determined to
abandon dredging on the Columbia
river bar. Major I.angfitt is not im­
pressed with what was accomplished by
the dredge Chinook last season, and in­
clines to the opinion that the money
required for operating this dredge
might better be expended on permanent
work on the jetty. This view is now
concurred in by the department officials.
What will be done with the Chinook
has not been determintd. She may lie
up at a dock or be sent to Borne other
locality where dredging produces better
The government will have to pay
more for stone this year than it <\id
the former contract, but the ex­
Every Clew Known to San Francisco under
act figure is not yet known, as all data
Police is Run to Earth.
is not now at hand.
San Francisco, March 28.—It was The engineers are not ready to com­
announced at police headquarters today mence construction of the Dalles-Celilo
that every known clew in the Stanford canal. Major Langfitt has been direct­
case had been run to earth, and that ed to submit to the War department a
the complexion of the matter had not j plan for utilizing the $300,000 carried
changed in the least. Rarring a con­ by the river and harbor bill. It is be­
fession or something “ turning up,” the lieved this amount will be ample to
police admit that they will never solve construct the first or lower lock.
the mystery of how, January 14, in this
city, strychnine poison was placed in CORTELYOU TO SUCCEED SHAW
the Poland water used by the late Mrs.
That portion of the mystery connect­ Will Become Secretary of Treasury in
Another Year.
ed with her tragic death at Honolulu,
the police say, has been solved on the Washington, March 28.—Leslie M.
theory that Mrs. Stanford died by Shaw, secretary of the treasury, has
natural causes and that the powdered signified his intention of retiring from
strychnine found in the bicarbonate of public office on February 1, 1006, at
soda was placed there by some druggist the end of a four-year term. It is re­
and intended as a tonic.
ported in official circles in Washington
The police detectives working on the that Postmaster General George B. Cor-
case have all turned their attention to telyou will succeed him. No authoriz­
other matters, and while nominally ed statement lias lieen made on this
men are detailed on the case, in reality point, but the assumption is generally
the department has entirely dropped it. accepted as correct.
Sweeping Increase in Wages.
Swamped with Flour Orders.
Minneapolis, March 27.—Japan flour | Pittsburg, March 27.—Officials of the
orders continue to pour in upon Minne­ United States Steel corporation are re­
apolis millers at a rate that has exceed- j ported to have completed all plans pre­
ed all expectations. The past week ! paratory to making the announcement
brought in calls fur consignments rang­ of a sweeping wage increase to go into
ing from 5,000 to 20,000 sacks. One effect Saturday, April 1. The amount
of the big companies states that it is 30 of the increase is not known at present,
days behind on Japan orders, with hut it is stated that, with the exception
every mill running to its maximum ca­ of tonnage men in the steel mills, all
pacity. Other companies report like employes will receive the full amount
conditions. These orders are all made 1 of the former reduction. The total in­
clearable from the seaboard within two crease, they say, will approximate $9,-
months’ time, showing that the flour is [ 000,000. The advai ce will affect 90,-
000 workmen in this d strict.
wanted immediately.
Washington Building Fslls.
Collecting Alaska Exhibit.
f^t. Louis, March 27.—While work­
Washington, March 27.—The Interior | men were razing the tall building
department recently sent Godfrey ] erected by the state of Washington at
Chealander on a tour of Northern Alas- I the World’s fsir, the building «nddenly
ka to collect exhibits for the Lewis and collapsed and three men were injured.
Clark exposition, in addition to those The work of demolition had been in
shown at St. Louis. He will cover the progress since the first of the month.
territory from Fairbanks to Cape Nome, Ail but three of the gigantic 110-foot
collecting specimens on the way and timber props that peculiarly character­
advertising the exposition as he goes. ized the construction of the building
J. H. Ridgeway, government taxiderm­ had lieen taken down. While workmen
ist, is now at 8 itka preparing the Alas­ were taking down another the building
ka fur exhibit for Portland.