The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, March 30, 1905, Image 5

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    W hat Is Castoria.
A M i llio n P la n t s S o m e t im e * U s e d b y
M r . lt n r b a n k In a S in g le Teat.
How doea Luther Burbank work his
wonders? H ere are two plants—one
from A ustralia, perhaps, the other
from Siberia. Kaeh plant has lta
^ASTO RIA is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and rbaractorlstles,
its life habit.«, Its struc­
Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ture, lta hereditary
tendencies—a life
from all others. Each has
other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays distinct
preserved lta Identity a thousand
not varying to any great extent
Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, years,
through the long centuries. He takes
these two plants and gives them the
cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach opportunity
to unite. Struggle as each
fervor of 10,000 years
and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The children's Panacea—The of may, habit w ith all the
powerfully tjpon it, it can­
not overcome the change.
Mother’s Friend.
The pollen from one of the flowers
has found its way to the stigm a of the
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over other,
borne by the sensitive flnger-
of a man accustom ed to w ait w ith
30 years, has borne the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under tlps
patience the outcome of his projects.
year passes. The seed from the new
his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. A plant
is planted. From it may come
like both of its ancestors, or
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with a like plant neither,
like nothing yet born in
life of the world.
and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. the And vegetable
this is w hat is sought: to make
it different, to break up its life tenden
cles, to recombine the hereditary Infill
encaa of its ancestry. In the breaking
up it may produce a whole series of
monstrosities, the most strange and
Dr. F. Gerald B lattner, of Buffalo, N. Y.. say«: "Y our Castoria Is good for
grotesque plants th at ever took root
children and 1 frequently prescribe it, always obtaining the desired results.”
in the soil of the earth. Some of these
Dr. Gustave A. Elsengraeber. of St. Paul, Minn., says : "I have used your
planta are hideous, and all such are
C astoria repeatedly In my practice with good results, and can recommend It as an
put to death. For the object Is not
excellent, mild ana harmlesa remedy for children."
to produce abnorm ality, but a splendid
Dr. E. J. Dennis, of St. Louis, Mo., says : “ I have used and prescribed your
form, a plant which shall have the
Castoria In my sanitarium and outside practice for a number of years and find It to
be an excellent remedy for children.”
beet characteristics of both parents
end become a new and powerful fac­
Dr. S. A. Buchanan, of Philadelphia. Pa., says : “I have used your Castoria In
the case of my own baby and And It pleasant to take, and have obtained excellent
tor in the beauty or the utility df the
XVfegetable Preparation for As
results from Its use.”
race. The next year and the next
simila ting (lie Food and He? ula
Dr. J. E. Simpson, of Chicago. 111., says : ” 1 have used your Castoria In cases
are more seeds and more plants;
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
of colic In children and have found it the best medicine of lta kind on the m arket.”
and In a few years, so great Is the
progression, there may be flpO.OOO.
iN t A N T S /C H I L D K E N
standard famWy remedy. It is the best thing for Infants and children I have ever
Bear in mind th at some of the great­
known and 1 recommend It.”
est botanists of tills and other days
Dr. L. R. Robinson', of K ansas City, Mo., says: “Your C astoria certainly has
Promotes Digestion.Cheerful-
have carried on their investigations
m erit. Is not Its age. Its continued use by m others through all these years, and the
ness and Rest Contains neither
m anj attem pts to im itate it, sufficient recomm endation? W hat can a physician add?
into plant life and made their deduc­
Opium,Morphine nor Mineral
Leave It to the m others."
tions and form ulated their law s upon
N o t N a r c o t ic .
Dr. Albert J. W eston, of Cleveland, O.. says : “ I have used your C astoria In
a working basis of perhaps a dozen
my practice for the past eighteen years w ith the utm ost success.”
planta. Mr. Burbank has used as many
Dr Edwin V. Pardee, of New York City, says: "F or several years I have
as a million plants for a single test,
m ap* o f Old a-SAMUEL PfTCHKR
recommended your C astoria and ahall always continue to do so, aa It has Invariably
and be has more than once rejected
produced beneficial results.”
JlxJm vm *
every one of the millions, save, per
Dr N B Riser, of Brooklyn. N. Y.. says : "I object to w hat are called patent
i U dUSJ*-
medicines, where maker alone knows w hat lngredlsnu are put In them, but I know
haps, half a dozen or even less.
the form ula of your Castoria and advlae lta uae.”
When the great mass of plants in a
given test is ready for the final acu-
H6rmS"J -
tlny to see w hat ones shall be allow ­
ed to live, then comes the exercise of
the most wonderful faculty of the
A perfect Remedy forConstipa-
Bears the Signature of
tnan. H e m ust go over every one of
tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
these plants, be it ten thousand or a
Worms .Convulsions Feverish­
million, and select from them such ns
n ess and L O S S OF SLEEP.
are fit for use In a continuation of the
Facsimile Signature of
test. This he does w ith m arvelous
rapidity. W ith aids to bring him the
plants, he passes upon them w ith such
N E W Y O R K . ____
rapidity th at a hundred thousand may
Atti, m o n t h -» o i a
be decided upon In a single day.
33 B « s , s T j ; , c i v i s
If all of these plants had to be test­
ed in the usual way. It would cost at
In U s e F o r O v e r 3 0 Y e a r s .
least ILOOO.ouO. Each would have to
be set out by Itself, covering a con­
siderable surface of valuable land;
each would have to be cultivated and
cared for for four or five years; each
would have to be grafted. In
a single day thla one man accom­
plishes w bat could be reached other­
Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye.
One 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton equally well and Is wise only by years of w aiting and by
guaranteed to give perfect results.
Ask dealer, or we will send post paid at 10c a package.
Write for free booklet how to dye,
an enormous attendant expense, his
bleach and mix colors.
MONROE DRUG CO., Unionville. Missouri.
m asterly Judgment, backed by a won­
Which would you rather, that a lion derful Intuition, enabling him to ac­
at* you or a lister? Ana.—Wtiy, you complish th at which Indeed seems lit­
$25 Per Day
would rather that the lion ate the tiger, tle short of a m iracle.—Century.
1 0 , 0 0 0 Plants for 16c.
of courae.
Mur« garden» and farina are planted to
,Sal«er’« Seeds than any other In -
- America. There is reason for this.
A S ure Teat.
W e own o rer 5,0)0 acre« for the pro­
duction o f our w a r r a n t e d s e e d s ,
"Mias Edith,” said Joe, the offlee
iln order to induce you to try them , we
T ak e Ixtxatlv« B m m o Q uinine Tablet*. All rtrniz- boy, “ were you ever In loye?” Miss
• m ake you tfce follow ing uopre- 1
refund th e m oney If It falls tn cure. K. W.
Made In all sizes and stylet
_ redented offer:
i »iM
irove's sig n atu re « on each bo*. 35c.
Thompson started, then said lightly;
Write lor Catalogs
F o r »8 C a n to P o o l p a id
and Prices
I non (tarly. «edit.« L»M t abb««*#,
“Why, yes, I guess I've been In
*------ rise Jot t urnips,
Slsachlag Celery.
Mr. Bigger, Mrs. Bigger and Baby love. H ave you?"
Kiel» lotir
. . . ^ Letter»,
Joe gave a deep sigh. "I’m In love
Is the biggest, and why the biggest? now," he said.
1000 VIerioenIjr Brilliant Ho«
Gen. Acts.
Above seven packages contain suffi­
Edith tried to check the smile on her
cient seed to grow 10.000 plants, fur-
n i-hing b u s h e ls o f b r i l l i a n t
face at till» woe-begone statem en t
f lo w e r s and lot« and lot»of choice
315 Comml Blk
vegetable«, together with our great
she asked. “How can you
ta log tellin g all about Flower»,
Fort land. O m .
For forty year's Fiao's Cure for Con­ t e •Ttenlly?"
>nes. Sm all Fruits, etc., all for
i in stam ps a n d th la n o t ic e .
B ig M0-i>age catalog alone, *o.
“ How can I tell? Why, easy. When
druggists. Price 26 cents.
I don't care to lick no m essenger boys
M i La C r o s s e , W ia .
and don’t take no Interest In life, then
M a t t e r o f Lien gth.
Husband (glancing over bill)—Why la ' 1 know I got I t ”—Llpplncott’a.
n *. 1 1 - u e j
it you pay three times as much for
fiM tf f ü l l A ll I I U I I I U .
. ,
Beal Cough Syrup. T u t a Oood. Use [ ~ ]
■ —
stockings as I do for mine?
Neglected rents come In a man's
tn t f a . Bold fry drag* nt»
C l _
1 V IT H E N w r it in g to a d v e r tis e rs p l ea oe I
Wife—Oh, that's all right. I wear my clot bee when be Is a father, and when
g J a l^ W H T .I ^ ïC T B E II
I »
naonUwt th is p a p e r.________________ I
•tockioga three time* at long as you du I he becomes a grandfather, the rente
become grandparents, too.
m am
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Austin Well Drills