The Estacada News i Clackamas $1 Estacada, Oregon, Thursday, March 30, 1905, No. 18. Co. Taxes M ay be paid at the office of the Clack­ amas T itle Com pany, 60S Chamber of Com­ merce Bldg, in Portland, where a copy of the T ax R o ll is kept. T ax payers finding it more convnient to pay in Portland m ay save themselves the cost and time of a trip to Oregon City for a nominal fee of 25 cents. U ntil March 15th the office of the Sher­ iff is apt to be very busy while a few m in­ utes suffices to pay at the office of the Clackam as T itle Company in Portland. Paym ent before March 15th w ill save a 3 per cent rebate. Hon. Geo. C. Brownell has his professional card in The N e w s . Mrs. A. E. Barr remained in the city with friends for a few days. The N e w s enjoyed a call, Mon­ day, from Uncle James Gibson, of Eagle Creek. Mr. Gibson had been on a visit to hisdaughter, Mrs. John Read, and family across the river. I Get the habit Of using a good article in the grocery line. Quality always regulating the price, and the price always r i g h t ............................................... T. J. Reagan arrived here a few days ago from Boise, Idaho. He is formerly from South Dakota and has a number of old acquaintences here. Spring is here and you want He is thinking of making his home here. Garden Seeds and Choice Onion Sets LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS. Proprietor Richards has had sev­ Estacada: Hello, Springwater, at eral rooms newly furnished in con­ the ’phone? nection with the restaurant, and in­ Springwater: Yes, and it is all- tends conducting a lodging house right, isn’t it? W e'll enjoy and ap­ with the restaurant. The furnish­ preciate it. ings were purchased of H. Cooper, Now for warm sunshine. the local house furnisher. Everyone should be loyal to home The Estacada Telephone & Tele­ interests. graph company has engaged Miss Born, Monday, March 27, to Mr. Stella O. Wotner to perform the and Mrs. Ralph Phelps, a eleven duties of telephone girl in the com­ . . . . P io n e e r R e a l E s ta te M a n o f E s ta c a d a . . . . pound son. pany’s central office. Miss Womer Born, on Sunday, March 19, to is a daughter of E. S. Womer. In Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Masked, a nine connection with the 'phone work Improved farms, W ild lands and Timber claims pound girl. she will be appointed deputy post­ Also some excellent town lots H. Cooper: Yes, we are getting mistress, and take care of the office. N O TA R Y P U B L IC in new goods, new stock, nearly ev­ Miss Womer will arrive here soon from their home in Tyrone, Pa. and ery day. The W. C. T . U. will hold its in the meantime Mr. Womer will as­ next meeting April 8th at the home sist in the office. C. F. HOWE’S Thos. ✓ of Mrs. Williams. Carpenters Havens and Lindsey have put up the building for the fire company’s apparatus. Several who are working at The Oaks came home and spent Sunday last with their families. Herbert Tracy, of the Portland Machine Company, was here a part of last week, assisting the Estacada Wood Mfg. Co. Every' lady will profit by reading v the ad of the Cary Cash Hardware this week. This store makes an extraordinary offer. Attorney Buchanan, who is doing the landscape gardening for the O. W. P. & Rv. Co., expects his wife home next Monday. Articles of incorporation for G ar­ field grange 3 17 , were filed in the County Clerk's office last week with Wm. Holder, worthy master; Chas. Duncan, worthy overseer; and F. B Holder, worthy secretary, as incor­ porators. The grange is perpetual and it has property valued at $200. Rev. R. L . Cartrite, of Silverton, was in town Monday and Tuesday. Monday evening he preached to an audience in Reed's hall. He is a follower of the Christian faith, and possibly, he, or a brother preacher, will continue work here. Six fam­ ilies. members of the Christian de­ nomination, live in Estacada. Do not expect the other fellow to make all the concessions, you may be disappointed. Most everyone is a little selfish—even Russia. Ladies, Attention J. C U R T I S . for sale EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE! AT PAY IN PRICES YOU PORTLAND! I have just added to my stock of Furniture a nice line of Toilet Sets, Wall Paper and Rockers, On Saturday of this week, April that I am selling at prices that cannot be beat 1st, Mrs. Crane will have her first millinery opening. All the ladies, whether wishing to purchase or not. have a cordial invitation to call and see what she has in Hats, and other I have a good variety of samples of Carpets to select from Millinery goods. ^CARPETS and can give perfect fits for your floors Rugs in almost any size, style and price At the Floor Palace Meat Market Plain Steak 8c a lb Round Steak ioc a lb Loin Steak ioc Soup Meat 7c Bacon ioc a lb Lard 16c Fish Thursday evening a lb Matting and Oil Cloth When wanting an ythin g come and get price» and «ee m y stock of good» a lb a lb 8c a lb Pot Roast RU G S^ Undertaking Goods and Work a Specialty H. COOPER, the Furniture Dealer and Friday W. A. JONES m orning 1 sell as cheap as possible Delivery and Express Line Estacada Eeed & Livery Barn ♦ Pd Geo. C BROWNELL J LA W YER 0 A ll business promptly attended to O REG O N C IT Y , Dry wood in any length always on hand OREGON All business carefully and promptly attended to J