The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, March 23, 1905, Image 8

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The Boring school has been named Ore­
Road Supervisor Boring has been at
work the last few days laying about 1-4
mile of plank road subscribed for by Bor­
ing citizens.
The Summit plant has received a car­
load of brick and are building the furnace
for their new boiler.
Boring Junction Mill Co. are in mourn­
ing. Maud the old yard hors1 laid down
and died last week.
Boring’s population has been increased
by one; a girl having been born to Mrs.
J B Jonsrud.
Mr. Reed has moved his Donkey en-
jine to Colton’s ranch where he is going
to pull stumps and clear land.
F M Chance and family have gone to
Fosse where he has a place in the saw
Mrs. Drill and her sister Miss I.awlie id
have left for Portland, where they will,
reside in the future.
Mr. Hartle was here last Sunday having
his furniture moved to Portland.
Several new families have moved to
Boring in the last week, the most of them
are going to cut wood O A Palmer.
Singing school was held at the resi­
dence of O A Palmer last Saturday even­
ing. A large class was present.
UNCLE B i l l .
W. H. Bonney, one of the
principal losers in reporting his loss
said that nothing was sayed, 70,000
new shingles being included in the
expensive blaze.
The fire’s origin
is unknown, but Mr. Bonney thinks
it may have been started by a spark
from a fire in a slashing near the
mill property.
Springwater Mill Co.
If You Intend To build
—Good grade blotters at N e w s
office, 5c a doz.
Tokio, Mar. 2 1— Amid loud run *
blings and clouds of various colored
smoke, a new island gradually
emerged from the sea off the island
of Iwo.
It has been many weeks
since the first signs of the upheaval
were noticed, and the inhabitants of
Iwo have watched the phenomenon
with an interest akin to awe.
A venturesome party of Japanese
finally rowed to the newly formed
island and raised the Japanese flag.
The new acquisition to the Mikado’s
territory is an island two and thret-
fourths miles in circumference and
rises to a height of 480 feet above
sea. It has been named Niish-
The Enterprise—There seems to
be a sort of an epidemic of sawmill ima.
fires in Clackamas county, and all
Senator C. W. Fulton of Oregon
of unknown origin. Following clos- occupies a unique position, one that
ly after the burning of Proctor & no other congressman has ever held.
Beer’s plantcomes the news that the Of the state's delegation in congress
Bonney sawmill and Bonney Bros' he is the only one that has no indict­
shingle mill, near Logan, were both ment pending against him, and he
burned at 1 o’clock last Friday caus has the serious difficulty of handling
ing a loss of $ 6,000 with no insur­ the patronage parcels. He has as
ance. Both mills will be rebuilt at difficult a task as his colleagues.
Consult us about your lumber.
Rough and
Dressed lumber of all kinds, delivered at
prices that will please.
W e make everything
needed in building matter
Call on or address our agent,
E. L. Meyers
Delivery and Express Line
Estacada Feed & Livery Barn
Dry wood in any length always on hand
All business carefully and prom ptly attended to
Let us figure with you on a
Buggy, Hack or Farm Wagon
-------------------------------- W E A R E IN A POSITION
TO GIVE YOU A L O W PRICE---------------------------------
At the
S i Louis
= The Cary Cash Hardwar