The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, March 23, 1905, Image 1

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No. 17.
Estacada News
Estacada, Oregon, Thursday, March 23, 1905.
and home-like cooking. Mrs. Mann [
who has charge of the dining room !
You lose
is an experienced hand at the work. ;
If you don't
The new management will, no doubt j
enjoy a very good business this sea­
Read the ads.
Indications: Big year for Oregon. son.
Roger Cary got too familiar with
Postmaster Haviland has received
Poison Oak, the native villian, and |
the new office fixtures.
he was somewhat indisposed for a
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Adkins were few days this week.
Portland visitors, Monday.
Mrs. A. F. Shultz has gone over
to Oregon City for a short time.
On the first of April I will have
Wm. Bard was in town yesterday a Millinery Opening at my store in
Estacada, and theladiesof the town
the first time since taken sick.
Vester Mitchel, of Holton, was and country are cordially invited to
call and inspect the new Spring
visiting at Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Van styles in hats, etc. ‘
Dyke’s this week.
— Mrs. D. C. Crane.
Major W. K. Haviland, has been
M r. M . W in e g a r is v isitin g at his
elected Asst. Supt. of the Estacada d au gh te r, M rs. H. W . D o w n in g ’s.
Sunday school.
, A t the shadow and w e ig h t social and
Get the habit j
¿■ »• »♦ ■»♦ • ».»• »'».»If-M-
While Fred Gillstrap was at work
Monday a hit nail glanced, striking
him in the eye.
It was a painful
hurt, and Fred was laid off a day.
It will be noticed that a change
has l>een made in Springwater M ill
Company’s ad.
E. L. Meyers has
been appointed local selling Agent
for the company.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Crane are
keeping house in their new home on
Main street.
They have repainted
and repapered the place, and are
putting in store fixtures.
Last Tuesday afternoon, says the
Enterprise. County Treasurer, Ca­
hill was carrying a sack of money
to the bank and it was about all he
cared to handle. Inquiry disclosed
that the sack contained $13,680 in
s ’lining twenty dollar gold pieces.
The weight of the gold was nearly
45 pounds.
Since its change in proprietors,
the Portland restaurant has been all
thoroughly cleaned and put in first-
class shape. The new proprietor,
Mr. M. H. Richards, intends mak­
ing place noted for its cleanliness,
placed in position, and the brick
Work will progress as rapidly as the
weather will permit.
The stone
foundation for he boilers and the
concrete foundation for the engine
are ready for the upper works Pip­
ing is being put in the dryer which
will soon be completed. The mag­
nitude and importance of this, the
first of Estacada’s manufacturing
industries, is not realized by the
The company has al­
ready received many inquiries for
different articles it expects to make,
and by the time the factory gets
running it will have any amount of
work ahead. There seems to be an
enormous demand for the material
which such factories turn tout. It
is said the new factory will give
employment to 30 or 35 men. This,
of course, does not include those
who will find employment in furn­
ishing the lumber. The $10,000.00
capital stock of the company is near­
ly all paid in, and we have seen the
best of proof that the stockholders
are all good, substantial business
men with plenty of capital to carry
on business.
» ♦■»».»nMlilnMii
Of using a good article in the grocery line.
Quality always regulating the price, and the
price always r ig h t ...................................................
Millinery Opening.
The 'phone and postoffice has re­ en tertain m en t at S p rin g w a ter last S atu r­
ceived the finishing touches, and to d ay eve, $¿4 w as taken in.
A d a Lee departed for her hom e in C al-
appreciate it one must see it.
I ifo rn ia th is m o rn in g. M r. and M rs. B arr
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sandstrum of j accom panied h er to Portlan d .
Po; tl md were guests of Mr. and
M rs. E m m a T alb ert, noble gra n d , and
Mrs. Henry Landwehr, Sunday.
Mrs. M. E . R v c k m a n , ch ap lain , of Sh am ­
Rev. N. H. Smith, of the Con­ rock R eb ekah lod ge No. H 3 o f C lack a ­
m as, atten d ed th e in stitu tion of C en ten ­
gregational church, was in Estacada nial R eb ekah lo d g e o f th is place, S atu r­
1 ist Thursday on Sunday school d ay o f last w e e k , and are spen d in g this
w eek w ith th eir son and d au gh ter, Mr.
W. F. and R. W. Cary have res- and M rs. M . L . R v ck m a n . T h e y are
v ery m uch d elig h ted w ith E stacad a. Mrs.
dence lots on Broadway on the side
Tu lb ert says th ere is q u ite an im prove­
of the hill which they are clearing m en t to w h at it was 35 years a go w hen
for a residence site.
she liv ed in th is part o f the co u n try.
'1 h; friends and neighbors of Mr. Work at the Wooden Factory is
and Mrs. T. J. Mathews will be
Progressing Rapidly
pleased to know that Mrs. Mathews
is gaining in health.
The boilers and engine for the
H. W. Downing has purchased Estacada wood factory arrived last
lo.s at the lower end of the Boule week, having been shipped direct
vard for a residence site and is hav­ from the factory at Indianapolis,
ing them fenced in.
Ind. The two boilers have been
Spring is here and you want
Garden Seeds and Choice Onion Sets
Thos. J. C U R T I S ,
P io n e e r R e a l E s ta te M a n o f E sta c a d a
Improved farms, Wild lands and Timber claims for sale
Also some excellent town lots
Palace Meat Market.
Edw. O B L A N D E R , Prop’r.
K eeps th e best of
Fresh & Salt Meats
I have just added to my stock of Furniture a nice line of
Toilet Sets, Wall Paper and Rockers,
that I am selling at prices that cannot be beat
I have a good variety of samples of Carpets to select from
and can give perfect fits for your floors
Rugs in almost any size, style and price
Matting and Oil Cloth
W hen w an tin g a n y th in g
com e
p rices’ and
sto ck
Undertaking Goods and Work a Specialty
H. COOPER, the Furniture Dealer
o f good s