I Tiïè Estacada News No. IO. $1 Estacada, Oregon, Thursday, February 2, 1905. Howard Day entertained his neph­ ew Mr. Schad last Sunday. E. E. Woraer was a visitor in Mrs E p Surface spent Sunday Portland over Sunday, j with her parents near Cazadero. M. C. Adkins was called tp Port- Mrs. C. F. Howe and daughter land on business, Monday. Lelia were Portland visitors on . _ , , . . . , 1 Monday. J. F. Lovelace is having a good , LOO K FOR OUR AD WANT A COW sized addition built to his residence Would like to buy a milk cow- on Zobrist street. N EXT W E E K The Park Hotel, Estacada, Ore. The Smith boys of Portland were | Another Change here Tuesday and were looking for a dwelling to rent. J. W. Reed has sold a half inter- You are going to the Firemen's est in his general merchandise busi- , . „ .. c ness to A. E. Barr of Portland and masquerade ball, the evening of the ^ ’ 6 the latter will move his family out 14th, are you not? here, and take an active part in the Agent D. C. Herrin of the Mass. business of the firm which will be Mutual Ins. Co. was talking policy known as Reed & Barr. to the f N p t e h w Tuesday. Laat Friday, the 17th, b e in g th e Mrs A. C. Bither returned home tenth birthday of Rachel Reed she Tuesday after a pleasant month had a birthday party and invited a sjient with her people at Browns- number of her young friends in to ville. join in having a pleasant timeon the The preliminaries are in progress ooc**'on' following are the names of by the local order of Oddfellowsand the little folks who were invited: their wives to have a Rebecca Lodge bva Downing, Ruth Downing, Helen Cook, T Lelia “ Howe, established here. ---- " Maggie ---- T Lin- kombock, Vivian Stratton, Edna R. C. Herring who was very sick Deeth, Neva Green, Lillian Puckett. with a cold and pneumonia is again Merchant Cooper is having lum­ up and around, which his friends ber hauled from the mills for the ex- - are pleased to note. tension and second story to his store Peter Hume, a weajthy resident Mr. Cooper keeps a very and banker of Browns ville spent last building good stock of furniture, and it is his Friday here seeing what the pros purpose to keep on hand what he pects for investment are. believes the trade wants. However, R. A. Stra ton has carpenters at . P io n e e r R e a l E sta te M a n o f E sta ca d a . , he has made arrangements with the work on the house he bought on Zo­ large wholesale houses whereby he I brist street, finishing it, and it will can furnish you any article in his lie quite a cottage when completed. line on short notice and at tcedroek Improved farms, Wild lands and Timber claims for Ed. Wonnacot of near Sandy, and prices. Those wanting anything in Also some excellent town lots • former acquaintence of the editor , „ rmUlre wjll *> well tocall and see from Douglas county, was in town lhe Estacada furniture dealer, N O T A R Y P U B LIC lust Saturday transacting business with Prof. Surface. A Slulltz :lml s,m ,,f * * * * * City have l>een in town a couple There are so many good things days this week. They are in the about the worst of us, and so many clothing business in- Oregon City I bad things about the best of us. that but are looking for a lietter place, it isn't nice of any of us to growl ane gainer! by attending this “ Short Course’ ’ or there_ would be a much greater at- tendance from among them. The course is given each year. Our teas are of the same class— a Good English Breakfast Tea for 25c and a chance to draw for a Beautiful Parlor Lamp C. F. Howe. Doctor C. B. Smith, William K. Haviland, m S IC M N and M »M O * PHYSICIAN and M RM UN. Office at the dree Mace, - I «teceda Sfaàt calla aeawered. Night bell at Second St. entrance Office in Howe’s store. Ottica h e a r , at I «tec ada. « a. a . ta 4 ». at. O ffice b e a r « a t le a le trea t,, n iq b t« i ip e ra ie e e ...A ll to lls prom ptly a n s w e r e d ...