/ Estacada News V No. 9. I $1 Estacada, Oregon, Thursday, January 26, 1905. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS. Rich and W . S. Hyde. Floor man­ H. H. T aylor goes to California agers: W . A . Jones, Geo. Cathcart, Lew Tucker, and Noah Stingley. to live. John B. H aviland went to Port­ Baker Lichthom was doing busi­ land last Saturday and took part in ness in Portland, Tuesday. L. A . Beck and wife of Spokane are at T h e Estacada spending their honeymoon. the big meeting and banquet of the LOOK FOR OUR AD N EX T W EEK M ystic Shriners in that town. Forty two were taken in among whom were President Nickum of the E sta­ L . L . Cook and wife of Wood- lawn were guests of H. W . Downing and family Sunday. J. E. Shutte has rented the Park hotel of H enry Landwehrfor a term of fourteen months. cada Brick & T ile Company, and George J. Currin of Heppner. There were no preaching services in either the Congregational or the Baptist churches in Estacada last Sunday. W h y the pastors failed to Miss dessie Boys is out from the appear is not known to us. There city visiting with Major and Mrs. was a good sized crowd out to Sun­ Wm. K. Haviland and family. day school, but went away dissap- H enry Landwehr, John Cassidy, pointed at not hearing a sermon. John Zobrist and Prop. Shutte were in the city on legal business, Tues. Later. A letter from Rev. Mac- Pherson says that he was taken ill J. A break in the water pipe at the last week and was advised by his corner of Main and Second caused physician not to venture out. a big leak which was mended yes­ terday. Dr. REED, SPRINGWATER NEWS Many of the Springwater pupils GENERAL Smith has been kept very are absent from school on account of M aggie A lb righ t is out MERCHANDISE busy the past few weeks attending sickness. patients, but the sickness producing from Portland visiting her sister, weather has passed. Mrs. Wallen. Miss Cook arrived , , . . . . e . recently from Colorado and is stay- A s car 26 was going in last S a t - 1 . , , , . J , „ .. , . . . - mg at the home of her aunt, Mrs.- urday a China pheisant smashed T. , , through the head end window. T h e K,gg,DS’ and she * * * * * * t0 rema,n bird is a beauty and was not hurt. ° / f g0,\ ^ ru v .n e n tly . Several . ^ t . , members of the local grange attend- A Gresham party now has it. i , . _ . 1 ed the Pomona grange meeting at Ed. Oblander of the Palace meat Logan, W ed., among them were market shipped a quantity of bacon Mrs. Gordon, Della Guttridge A . and hams to Portland this week for M. Shibley, Earl Shibley, R ex Gor- those who insist on having the best don and Carl Howell. to be had in smoked meats. Great in­ T h is terest was shown in the meetings at should be a pointer to other Port- the Presbyterian church here by Dr land people who are particular about Milligan of Portland. what they eat. Thos. J. C U R T I S . . . . . P i o n e e r R e a l E s ta te M a n o f E s ta c a d a . . . . # Improved farms, Wild lands and Timber claims for sale Also some excellent town lots T h e annual NOT A R E P U B L I C installation of officers of the Spring- T he Bourbonia-Brunsonorchestry water grange took place Saturday a will be ready for business the first week ago, and Mr. Miller and wife of the month. It will be composed ° f Highland acted as installing of- of: piano, Mrs. Bourbonia; 1st vio- ^cers- Following the installation lin, Chas. Brunson; 2nd violin, Neal was a short but very nice literary Brunson; trombone, C o m tt, E. Bourbonia program, among the principal fea- Roy E. Meyers; flute and tures of which were some recitations cornet, Lee Brunson. T he N ews family are enjoying a visit with Mrs. J. B. Root and her dauglier, Anna, Good Things? Yes b y Mr. Miller. GARFIELD Luella Huffman returned Friday former North Da­ from a short visit with kota friends of Mrs. W illiams. T h ey cross the Clackamas. relatives a- Mrs. Bald are on their w ay from San Francisco win visited her old-time friends, the where they have been living, to De Lockabys. T h e Garfield Literary Moines, Iowa, where Mr. Root has & Debating society held its regular You can get along without good coffee. So can a wagon go without grease, but it goes hard. We have the finest used by the best families all over the U. S. Our teas are of the same class— a Good English Breakfast Tea for 25c and a chance to draw for a Beautiful been established as general agent meeting Friday eve. T h e question for the Heinz Company of Philadel­ debated was: Resolved, T h a t the phia. girl is of more benefit to the home O live Bills are out announcing the fire­ and farm than is the boy. men’s masquerade dance Feb. 14, W agner, A d a Davis a n d j E Stubbs for the benefit of the fire department spoke for the girl and R ub y W agner T he admission will be only 50c and Grace D avis and H H W allace told the ladies will each bring a basket of the boy’s redeeming qualities. lunch. These will be sold at 12 T h e judges' decision favored the Four prizes will be offered girl. T h e mock trial holds the foot lights for the 26th. the best sustained and comical cos­ o ’clock. tumes. Committee on reception: W. Boner has been given the job A . Yocum, Jas. Guttridge, H. Mat- of putting up the tower for the fire Tracey, Chas. Linn, E. S. bell. txrn, H Parlor Lamp C. F. Howe. W illiam K. Haviland, PHYSICIAN and Office a t the d ra g a tore , NJght cada D o c to r SCtGCON. - C. B. Smith, PHY SIC U N and SUffGfON f «ta ra d a a nsw ere d . N ig h t b e ll a t S e c o n d S t . e n tra n c e O ffic e in H o w e ’s s to re . Office h o a r« a t E sta ca d a, 9 a . m . ta 4 p. « . Office h o a rs a t Eagle Creeh, night* J> m o rn ing s ...All calls promptly answered...