G et Rid o f S crofu la OUR C O N S U LA R SERVICfc BETTER Bo K a y » L o n d o n W r it e r , C o m p a r in g I t w it h t h e B r itis h . Comparison of the British and the American consular service is made in a recent number of the London Cham­ ber of Commerce Journal, says the New York Times. “ Comparisons have frequently been drawn,” this article says, "between our consuls and thoeo of the United States of America, to the effect that the latter do much more Eradicates it, cures all its manifestations, to promote American commerce than I the former do for the trade of the em­ and builds up the whole system. pire. This Is undoubtedly the case, Accept no substitute. owing to the reasons we will endeavor i to set out Heroism in Animals. “ The American consul has at his Animals are capable of what we should call heroism in man. In one command far greater facilities for field was a donkey, in another a horse. gauging the trade and commerce ac­ Through the first went a mastiff and tually transacted at the place to which made for the ass, seized him by the he Is appointed than his British col­ throat, pulled him down, and that to league possesses under the existing suddenly that the donkey looked like­ conditions of the two survlcea He re­ ly to be killed. The horse in the next ceives all the assistance he can reason­ field leaped the hedge dividing the two ably expect from the Department of pastures, collared the dog with his State, which forwards to him all sta­ teeth, swung him on the fall— ball tistical matter relating to the general teeth, swung him and like a baseball trade of the United States, and. If re­ player caught him on the fall— with quired, the advance sheets of the re­ his heels. The mastiff was whisked ports of his colleagues on particular over the hedge which the horse had subjects. “ On the other hand, a British consul Just crossed, and the donkey was left Is, we believe, officially supplied only in peace to recover from his wounds. with the Board of Trade Journal and When mothers hear of a young girl copies of consular and diplomatic re­ who likes to take care of babies, they ports on trade aud commerce, whicn make as much of her as if she were moreover, are not sent as soon as pub­ pudding. lished, but In bundles once or twice a Mothers w ill find Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing year. Syrup the best remedy to use for their childrea "A n American consul has not to per- during the teething period. j form marriage ceremonies. His no- 1 tarlal duties are a source of Income, Soft wood is now artificially hardened the fees from this source being per­ and toughened by a process of vulcanis­ sonal He has not Intricate legal ing __________________ questions to deal with, such as our A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES men have, owing to our Immense mer­ Itching Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Plies* cantile marine. He has not to bear In Your druggist will refund money If PAZO O IN T ­ mind all the frequent changes as to M E N T falls to cure you In • to 14 days. 60c. regulations relating to distressed citi­ zens from a world-wide empire. He During twelve hours an average of 60,- Is not the ‘maid of all work’ for the 750 foot passengers passed over Black- friars Bridge, 95,330 over London Bridge war office or the navy. “ W e believe we are correct In say­ aud 24,920 over Southwark Bridge. ing that the American consular offi­ cer Is better remunerated than the British. The salaries may average about the same, but with the fees the American Is allowed to retain he is. as a general rule, better off. It Is In what may be called administrative ex­ penses that the American has a de­ cided advantage over the British con­ sul. “ He gets adequate allowances for In July, 1883 , I began to break out with Eczema on my head, lega and anna, and office rent and clerical assistance, the latter never being refused when nec­ essary. As a result—given men of 1 quit them equal ability— the American baa the and tried varioua ointments and soaps for another two years, tut as soon as cold advantage. In other words, an Am eri­ weather came I was as bad off as ever, bo I can consul, who Is not always a man finally decided to let medicine alone, and o f first-class education, is able to per­ for twelve or thirteen yeers did nothing form better and more appreciated towards curing the Eczema, except bath­ work than one of bis majesty’s con­ ing. Thia seemed to do about as much sular officers, simply by being able to good as anything I had tried. During the time I lost about one-half of get particular work done for him by a my hair. I began S. S. 8 . doubtful of a paid exp ert” cure, because the disease had run ao long, but soon discovered yonr medicine was A Magazine Story a la Mode. doing me good, and continued to take it. Bnlfflrr’ a heart txvit like a «team I used seven bottles, when I was com­ hammer. Yarvard waa two point, be­ pletely cured. not having a single spot on my body, which before was almost com­ hind Pennaton and there remained bnt tw o minutee In which to acore. Sud­ pletely covered. t < F. C. N o x ro tx . denly, he knew not how, he found the 1017 Hack berry St., Ottumwa, la. ball In his hands. A shrill voice from The head, feet and hands are usually the grandstand— how well he knew the parts affected, though the disease ap­ that voice— roue above the din. “ Sick pears on other parts of the body While ex­ ternal applications allay the itching and ’em. Sniffy,” It cried. Sniffy— his pet burning temporarily, it is the acids thrown name— and from Her! He gritted his off by the blood that cause the irritation remaining teeth, and steering by the and eruptions upon the akin. The acids eye that still remained open, be went must be neutralized anc and the system cleans­ madly down the field. Five yard* and •d ed of all humors and poisons before the hla last rib was stove In. Ten yards cure is permanent. and hla other leg wax broken. Twen­ S. S. S. is guaran­ teed entirely free ty yard* and hla neck waa broken. of Potash, Arsenic He fell acrosa the line and fainted. and other miner- From the grandatand a ahrlek rang Book on the out. “ Do!gum It!” cried a lovely voice skin and its dis­ “ if they've hurted my Sniffy I'll—” eases sent free. Then Rnlffler knew he had won her.— Medical advice Portland Oregonian. furnished free. The Swift Speciflo Company, Atlanta, Ga. There la a mistaken impreaslon that — ------------------------------------------------------------------------ every time an old maid la Introduced to an unmarried man. abe sees Hope Ahead. Bunches, eruptions, inflammations, sore­ ness of the eyelids and ears, diseases of the bones, rickets, dyspepsia, catarrh, wasting, are only some of the troubles it causes. It is a very active evil, making havoc of the whole system. Hood’s Sarsaparilla K ha sss The new version la that the prodigal son Is not worth the prlc, of a fatted calf. A Happy Horse. Said the man whose equine acquaint­ ances outnumber the hurnaus be knows Intimately, and who seems glad of it: “There Is a wise old horse belong­ ing to a grocer in Wentworth avenue, and he might appropriately be called the children’s friend. The store Is close to a schoolhouse, and this horse friend of mine spends much of his time ataudlng In front of the store when his wagon Is not in commis­ sion. "H e has a habit of standing with bis forefeet on the sidewalk gazing Into the store. A t such times the chil­ dren fairly swarm on him. They Jump into the wagon and hold the reina; they climb on top of and walk under­ neath the kindly animal, and he looks benlgnantly down upon them, and is often' rewarded for his good nature with bits of sugar and candy and oth­ er things that horses like. “ There are few happier faces In town, if you know ho ar to read horse face*. than thlfe of my four-legged friend. May he live long and always be as happy.” —Chicago Inter Ocean. A yer’s Cherry Pectoral quiets tickline throats, hack- ine coughs, pain in the lungs. It relieves congestion, sub- Cherry Pectoral dues inflammation. It heals, strengthens. Your doctor will explain this to you. He knows all about this cough medicine. " W « have used A yer’s Cherry Pectoral In our family for 2ft years for throat and lunar troubles, and we think no medicine equals it.’’ M rs . A. P o m e r o y . Appleton, Minn. 2Sc..90c.. 91.08. J. C. AVER CO., A H _dTUggists. Lowell. Mass. Weak Throats for For fo rty year's n s o a Cure for Cop- A y o r T p i i i ^ ^ ^ z r t i T a i d ^ J ^ t r y sum ption has cured oougha and oolda. A t Purely v e g e ta b le , g en tly laxative, druggists. Price 26 cents. ' ________ * * y l I To curb his wife’s extravagant habits, Dakar, a French port in Senegal, West Africa, is being connected with Franc« a carpenter in Budapest keeps her locked in the house on week days, but kindly by a direct cable. The connecting point lets her out on Sundays, when the stores on the French side will be Brest. are closed. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. A ll drug­ gist« refund the money If It tails to cure. E. W Grove’s signature Is on each box. 26c. Two Ways. Magistrate— You are charged, sir, with trying to commit suicide. Prisoner— I was driven to it, your honor— driven to it by a woman. Magistrate— H ’m! Did she refuse you, or marry you? L A N D S C R I P FOR S A L E Forest reserve script for securing title In any quantity to farming, grazing, desert or timber land without residence or improvement for sale at lowest mark­ et prices H . M . H A M IL T O N , riha P o r t l a n d , P o r t la n d , O ra . “ A ll Signs Fall In a D ry Tim e Til E CASTOR l A SIG N N E V E R F A IL S OF T H E IN A W E T FISH T IM E I n o r d e r in g T o w e r ’ s S lickers, cu sto m er w r it e s : " I k n o w th e y w i ll bo a ll r i g h t i f th ey h ave th e ‘ F i s h * o n them .** T h i s c o n f id e n c e Is t h e o u t - g r o w t h o f s ix ty -n in e years o f c a re fu l m a n u fa c tu rin g . a Tor Infant* and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A. J. T O W E R CO. ThfiSignofthfiruh H e r Only Wish. “ You told me that when we were mar­ ried you would see that my every wish was gratified,” remarked the bride of a few weeks. “ Well?” replied her husband, rather curtly. “ Well, I wish I was single again.” — Philadelphia Press. B oston , U .8. A . ^ 0 W E R 'S Tower Canadian Co. Limited ' J ^ T o ro n to , C a n a d a Maker» o f Warranted Wet Weather Clothing r i T Q Permanently Cured. No fits or nervousness I I 10 after first day’s use ofD r.K line’s Great Nerve Restorer. Send for F r e e 9 2 trial bottle and treatise. Dr. R. H. Kline, Ltd., »31 Arch 8t., Philadelphia, Pa. For the Study of BOOKKEEPING OR SHORTHAND is important. We can show results, for every one of our graduates are employed. Write for our Catalogue How It Happened. Geraldine— Did you hear about Misa Elderleigh’s elopement? Esmeralda— Elopement! Geraldine— Yes. Her horse ran away with her yesterday. I f you want to get the biggest returns for your labor and your ground, you can't afford to plant anything bu FERRY& I f 1 -th e standard after 49 years' ■ test. They Always produce J the largest and enreet ■ crops. A ll dealers sell ■ ■ ■ them. Our 1903 .¿ffatHBMHbs. T g S g jg y N eed An huh I DETROIT, MICH. HOLMES BUSINESSCOLLEGE T. a C A. Bldf. rORTLAND. ORE. Ns. 1 [w a r il w r it in g t o a d v e r t la s r s p ls m a s I m e n tio n t h l . p n p s r . I RUSSELL “T oilers mills High Grade M S sRS Machinery) W rite for Catalogue and Prices 1005 ’ The A. H. Averill Machinery Go. XR1