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About The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1905)
The ESTACADA NEWS P U B L IS H E D E V E R Y T H U R S D A Y A Money Maker BY H. A. W ILLIAM S Application has been made at the post- office, at Estacada, Or. for 2nd class rates Advertising rates made known on appli cation. Copy for publication and change of ad copy must l>e handed in not later than Wednesday morning to insure pub lication for that week. SIBSIRIPIION RAIES One Year Six Months « I 00 .50 If paid in advance JANUARY 5, 1905. Never fail to speak a good word for your town. Grasp every oppor tunity to give it honest praise by telling its present advantages and its bright future. A lw ays give the the impression that you live in the best town on earth, and that you would like to have everyone else to move here and enjoy the good things you do. Be interested in everything that will help your town; give it all the encouragement you can, if noth ing more than your good will. And get busy. Have something to do for yourself, if not for others, No one ever got very rich laboring for other people. Renetnber that each one is a part of the whole, and what lwuefits one is, to a c. r ain extent a help or benefit to all. New \o rk City is considering the proposition to expend $90,000,000 in extending its sewer system. Es- taeada is just starting to catch up to its old cousin in the East. A real nice money maker about six times the size of ordinary money makers of a different name was giv en the N e w s manlast week. It is of a kind that grow and do well about here, producing big crops. The one in question was raised on Mr. John Stormer's farm and weighs 3 3-4 pounds and every ounce of it is good eating. The ball given by the Estacada Amusement Club on New Y ear’s eve. was well patronized. $38.50 was the receipts, and after all ex penses were paid the club had $2 1. 50 for its treasury A very pleas ant evening was spent, and the old year was given a happy good-by. The Bronsen orchestry played for occasion. A part of the proceeds will be used in purchasing parapha- nalia for the atheletic department of of the club. Cleve Heiple won the prize for having the most typical ! hard time costume. Messrs. Morrow and Boner are progressing well with the work of moving the warehouse building to the site where it is to stand as a nov elty wood factory. T h y moved the building across the railroad track Tuesday night, making 80 feet in one hour and a half. J. W. Shaf- for, an experienced lumber and mill man, and who owns a f ne property ggygra] acres in the east part of town has been associated with the : townsite company in this enterprise, and will have charge of the factory when it is put in operation. ESTACADA PHARMACY JOMN B. HAVILAND, Proprietor. P a l a c e Meat Ma r k e t . Edw. OBLANDER, Prop’ r. THE OLD Keeps the best of reliable bacon Fresh & Salt Meats A passenger from Portland got off DODGE NEWS a car here Tuesday. He looked care- There have been so many wed- wom, but after finding his bearings dings in our neighborhood lately he struck out for the snow line. It that serenading has gotten to be the f O re g o n W a te r P o w e r & R a i l w a y Co. is thought that the g. j. is after him. principle amusement among the TIME CARD male population. Cars leave Estacada at 8:07, 9:37, 11:37 A. M- and I: 37 . 4:5, 5:37, 9 P. M. Japan and Russia, in their bloody' Jas. Marr’s family have all been j Cars leave Portland at 7:30, 9:45, 11:30, A. M. and 1:30, 3:40, $4 0, 7,15 P. M. conflict, have received more encomi having a turn with the grip, but all ums than all the missionaries, and are improving now. C H A R L E S L. F E R R Y , Where to get your Christian philanthropists combined. Mrs. Mabel Jukes is visiting her It shows what the world admires mother Mrs. Gordon. Je w e le r and most. Married, in Oregon City, Dec. 22, Candies, Nuts, Optician. . . . Wm. Park and Mrs. Emma Boylen. A lasting shame on the West, particu- larlv Oregon and California, are the land fraud cases that are involving more and more of the “ upper crust,” as the Gov- eminent proceeds with its investigation. relat ve to the cases. A tt-. Heney says: The extent of the land fraud cises in Or- egon is far greater than I irn; gined, even :■ fter I learned the ex tnt of the Hyde- I'.enson frands through my connection with the prosecutor, of that case. Oregon is under the domination of a corrupt po- litical ring, which hesitates at nothing to accompl sh its ends. Hundreds of thous- ands f :cres of the finest timber land in the world have been secured from the United St ites within the last five years bv a half dozen indivi' U i‘s, through fraud, perjury and subornation of p* r,u- r, . The good people of Oregon will ^>e as much a tended when they hear the ev idence in the case against Senatot Mitch ell and Congressman Hermann as they were when they heard the evidi n -e inthe c u e of Puter, McKinley and otl e.-s that already been tried, and in which the deien lanu were convicted. The case a- gsinst Mit-hell and Hermann does not depend in the slightest degree ujon the testimony of Puter and M cKinley. The evidence is * uffi dent to warrant and sus tain a lonviction without placing either of them on the stnd. . . . ... , , J a s ' P a rk a,ld M att D ,bble w ere Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, ESTACAD A. and chewing gum . ill Dodge Sunday, Hal Gordon and wife from Esta- cada and M ls Parker from Clacka- , , ' " a s " ere vlslto rs at M rs ‘ Gordon s during the holidays. Mrs. Meyers is quite sick with la ^r jppe Marrjed> Wednesday, Dec. 28, _ . 1904 at James, Oregon, Mr. John Keller and Miss Nina Lacy', Mr. Bowdish's mother is making a vjsd with him th is week. There will be spelling school ct the Dodge school house Friday eve. — Good grade blotters at N ews office, 5c a doz. T h e N sw s w'ants a correspondent in every wide-a-wake and sociable community in Eastern Clackamas county to send in the country news, Write us for the necessary mate- rial for writing. Send US in the news and we will do the rest, BORING NEWS The young people of Boring gave a watch party New Y ear’s Eve. in Root’s hall. A large crowd was present, and played games and danced until the small hours of the morning. The Boring hotel has a- gain changed hands, Mr. Wakeley,- the hotel man of Sandy, now has the management, having sold his interests at Sandy. Several of the wood camps here have had their tools stolen in the past week. Mr. Kunitake, a Japane e contractor, cutting just North of Boring has had $66.00 worth stolen from him. The power plant has a new whistle on which the scale is run three times a day. H W Downing of Estacada is now working in the power plant here. — U n c l e B i l l . — Blotters with your business ad. printed'on them at 10c a -doz. No We want YOU to take the News. order less than $ 1 . N ew s office. •t Mrs. C. A. B ITH E R ’S STORE Soda fountain drinks served. and popular magazines kept. Stationery When you want fire insurance or life insurance call on JOHN B. HAVILAND Local Agent P h e n i x F i r e In s . C o. o f B r o o k y n . R id g e iy P r o t e c t iv e A s s o c ia tio n fo r sick and accident benefits to I. O. O. F. W . S. H Y D E , B a rb e r Best work at popular prices Agency for the STAR LAUNDRY.