NEWS OF THE WEEK i Russian cruiser Variag have been dis continued. It will l)e impossible to re- I commence work before spring, by which time the steel plates forming the hull w ill be useless. In a Condensed Form for Our Busy Readers. The Colorado canvassing board has given certificates of election to two Re publican senators, whose places were contested by Democrats. Democrats regard it as highly probable that Gov ernor Peabody w ill be reseated by this action. HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A Resume o f the Less Important but Not Less Interesting Events o f the Past Week. Prince Yildaroff has been reported as among the killed in a recent list sent to St. Petersburg. The recent retirement of Rear Ad- m ifal Silas Terry has resulted in the promotion of Captain Joseph E. Craig to be admiral. An officer from an English steamer Bitter cold marked the incoming oj just out from Vladivostok says no Rus the new year throughout the old world. sian torpedo boats have arrived there A British steamer has just arrived at from Port Arthur. Reports from points along the shore New York with a cargo of 1,100 tons of j of Lake Michigan indicate that the European wheat. 1 damage resulting from the storm w lil The Oklahoma statehood b ill w ill j aggregate $500,000. come before the senate immediately The president is presenting hiB ideas after the holiday recess. on railroad freight rates to congressmen Several torpedo boats escaped from personally. Port Arthur and took refuge at Shang An unknown steamer has been hai just prior to the surrender of the stranded in H e ll’ s Hole, off Cape Hat- fortress. teras, as a result of the storm raging Before surrendering Stoessel sunk along the Atlantic coast. the damaged warships in Port Arthur harbor. The Japanese severely criti Two Japanese cruisers have been cise this. sighted off Hong Kong. It is believed Now that Port Arthur has fallen the they are scouting vessels from the fleet bulk of the besieging army w ill be sent lin t after the Russian Baltic squadron. north, but some of them w ill go home. M. A. Meyerdorff, a special land The army before Port Arthur is vari agent, on the way to Portland to help ously stated as being between 70,000 in the land fraudj cases, attempted to and 120,000 men. commit suicide at Denver. I f Senator Mitchell follows the inex Governor Pardee desires to have the orable rule of seautorial etiquette, he Mission type of architecture exempli w ill not appear on the floor of the sen fied in the construction of the Califor ate again until the courts have taken nia state building at the Lewis and final action in the matter of the indict Clark fair. The work will start soon. ment against him. Chinese warships are keeping a close The cotton m ill strike at Fall River, watch on the Russian war vessels at Mass., continues with both sides deter Shanghai to prevent their escape or of mined not to give in. the officers and men on them. The grind of the Federal grand jury 1 Vice Adimral Lord Charles Beres- goes on, and another report for the ford w ill assume command of the Brit expectant public w ill soon be made. ish Mediterranean squadron May 1. Silver is growing scarce. The price Several lives have been lost in Chi- has rdvanced, and the market is such that the consumer waits on the pro caog as a result of the severe storm. ducer. Chicago held memorial services De- New Zion in Mexico. ceml>er 30 in remembradle of the Iri- Chicago, Jan. 4.— John Alexander quois theater disaster, the occasion be Dowie, in addressing his followers in ing the first anniversary. Preparations are being made at Vlad Shiloh temple, Zion City, today, gave ivostok for the reception in the dry defiinte confirmation of the report that docks of any of the Baltic squadron he proposes to establish a second Zion that may need docking when the fleet City. The new Zion City w ill be locat reaches that port. ed in Mexico, Dowie told his followers, The London city police have arrested and w ill <x:cupy a portion of a tract of two members of an international gang 1,000,000 acres fronting on the Gulf of which for two or three years is alleged I Mexico. He announced that he ex to have been conducting extensive forg pected to have the modern Zion City in full operation before January 1, eries in £5 Bank of England notes. 1906. Boston’s submarine tunnel is open for business. The tube is a mile and a half long, and connects Boston and New Navy for Russia. East Boston, running under the harlsir. St. Petersburg, Jan. 4.— W ith refer The cost was three million dollars. ence to the report published in the About three and one-half years was consumed in constructing the tunnel, j I ’ nited States under a St. Petersburg date that Emperor Nicholas has peti Owing to the crisis in Morocco, the French navy yards show great activity. tioned the expenditure of $80,000,000 for rebuilding the navy, the fact is England is again enveloped in a that Russia’s naval program has not heavy fog and all ships are detained at yet been definitely decided or promul the mouth of the Thames, unable to gated. A ll that is positively known is proceed. that the plans cover a long period of The absolute necessity of a sea Admiral Kaxankoff has been recalled years. as Russian commissioner in the North power is one of Russia’ s latest lessons sea inquiry and will be replaced by of the present war. Vice Admiral Douhasoff. Sickness is given as the reason. Bay City Is Shocked. San Francisco, Jan. 4.— This city The Montana agricultural exhibits at St. Louis are being parked for ship experienced a number of earthquake ment to Portland. The mineral ex shocks today. At 3:20 o’clock a severe hibit w ill leave Butte for the Lewis shock, which lasted for six seconds, occurerd. A t 4 :25 o’clock and a few and Clark fair shortly. minutes before 8 o’ clock tonight other Kumpatkin is absolutely certain that shocks were felt. The plate glass in a he w ill ultimately win over the Japan few buildings was shattered. One of ese, while tire vice governor of Japan’s the small towers on the city hall was national liank says Japan must win; twister!. Officials at the hall, how that no sacrifice is too great. ever, say that the tower was • faultily The Japanese attempts to raise the constructed. FIND THE T R U T H . IN HANDS OF JAPS Denver Election Frauds to be Probed to the Bottom. Denver, Jan. 4.— Stretching its hands so as to cast a shadow over every man and woman in any way implicated in election frauds in the city and county of Denver, on, before or after Novem ber 8, tile supreme court has ordered an investigation so sweeping in its scope that every phase of the election may be scrutinized and everything that bears upon it in any way may be made Stoessel Confesses He Fouud Further known by judicial inquiry. Resistance Was Only a Useless Alva Adams, Democratic candidate Sacrifice o f Lives. for governor, who appeared *rom the returns to have been elected, but who New York, Jan. 3.— Port Arthur, has declared that he does not want the whose hills for months have run red j office tainted with fraud, asked the with the blood of the bravest of two court to open every Denver ballot box, warlike nations, lias at last succumbed but the order of the court goes beyond to the fierce tenacity of the Japanese the mere examination of the ballots attack. General Stoessel, most stub and provides for an investigation of the born in carrying out the w ill of his i registration lists, the campaign expen- sovereign, has seen the advance of the diturres, and, in brief, all election besieging army gain in momentum and | matters. Samuel W . Bel ford, attorney energy, until to hold out longer would j for Adams, and Henry J. Hersey, at have been a crime against humanity. torney for the Republicans, asked the The conditions of the surreneder are court to make its order of such breadth not yet known, but in all quarters it is that the court need not stop at anything anticipated that they ate such as an in the investigation. TlitS court said honorable soldier may accept from a that was what it meant to do, and in brave and victorious enemy. structed the lawyers to agree upon the A t 9:45 o’clock last night the com wording of the order, and present it to missioners completed signing of the I tlie court for arpoval. capitulation agreement. Both armies Chief Justice Gabbert said that had suspended hostilities five hours while the petition did not state facts earlier. The city of Port Arthur w ill entitling the petitioner to such an in be occupied by the Japanese today. vestigation as proposed, the court had The authorities at St. Petersburg, in decided that an investigation might tlie absence of direct official notice end in discovering the guilty persons from General Stoessel that Port Arthur who were responsible for the commis has surrendered, have not permitted sion of the gross frauds that had been the news to become public. Emperor revealed in the contempt proceedings. Nicholas is in the south of Russia, and There must have been some persons be his ministers are for the time being in hind the election officers and others tlie dark as to what dispatches have who committed frauds, the court be been sent to him from the front. Tokio lieved. is the scene of rejoicing, people finding in the outcome compensation for all W H IP WIFE-BEATERS. the sacrifice of life and money that was entailed in the ten months’ siege. To what extent the fall of Port A r Washington Grand Jury Adopts the thur w ill make for a restoration) of President’ s Suggestion. peace is an open question. There is Washington, Jan. 3.— The local an encouraging note in the expression grand jury in making its final report of Baron Havashi, Japanese minister to London, of the ‘ ‘ hope that in some for the present term of the supreme way it w ill facilitate final peace.” court of the District of Columbia today Both in Paris and London it is be recommended the establishment of lieved that the squadron under Vice whipping-posts in the district. The Admiral Rojestvensky, which started question lias been much agitated ever from Libau for the Far East three since the president in his last annual months ago, w ill have to retrace its way message recommended corporal punish home, as an adherence td the original ment for wife-beaters in the District of plans would invite disaster without Columbia. The recommendation of probability of effecting a juncture with the jury was as follows; the warships at present in the harbor “ The efficacy of establishing the of Vladivostok. whipping-post as a means of punishing wife-beaters and petty larceny offenses has been investigated by this body, and H ALL IS REMOVED. the majority of the members are of the opinion that it would prove very effect Summary Action by the President in ive in reducing the number of these reprehensible crimes.” Land Fraud Cases. Port Arthur Gives Up After Fight ing Eleven Months. CAUSES GREAT JOY IT TOKIO j Washington, Jan. 3. — President Roosevelt has directed the absolute re Island Under Water. moval of John H. Hall, I'nited States Vancouver, B. C., Jan. 4.— The district attorney for the district of Ore rich bottom land farms of Westham gon. The action was taken at the re island, at the mouth of the Fraser quest of Francis J. Heney, who was river, are all under water. Much prop been conducting, as the nominal assist erty has been damaged, and many head ant of Mr. Hall, the land fraud cases j of livestock drowned. Several breaks in Oregon. occurred in the dikes surrounding the The announcement of this action was j island last night, owing to the ex made by Attorney General Moody as he tremely high tide, together with the was leaving the White house after a rough weather, and the water streamed conference with the president. Mr. in on the farming lands all night and Moody declined to say what the charges now a great portion of the island is against Mr. Hall were, if any, but did covered to the depth of from three to say that it was for the good of the serv four feet. ice to dispense with him, particularly in regard to the conduct of the land Coal fo r Russian Fleet. fraud cases now being investigated. Bombay, Jan, 4.— Russian agents here are endeavoring to purchase 100 T w o Cruisers Return. tons of coal and to charter vessels to 8t. Petersburg, Jan. 4.— A report carry it. Up to the present no ship that the cruisers Orel and Iiumrud, of ments have been made, but it is be the second Pacific squadron, have been ! lieved that the British steamer Henry ordered to return is current here, but Bolckow, of 639 tons net, owned by the lacks official confirmation. I f the re Bombay A Persian steam naviagtion port should prove true. Vice Admiral company, lim ited, of Bombay, ha Rojestvensky may be obliged to await been sold to Russia. She has sailed reinforcements from the Third Pacific hence in ballast for Saigon, French squadron. Cochin China.