NEWS OF THE WEEK i Russian cruiser Variag have been dis­ continued. It will l)e impossible to re- I commence work before spring, by which time the steel plates forming the hull w ill be useless. In a Condensed Form for Our Busy Readers. The Colorado canvassing board has given certificates of election to two Re­ publican senators, whose places were contested by Democrats. Democrats regard it as highly probable that Gov­ ernor Peabody w ill be reseated by this action. HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A Resume o f the Less Important but Not Less Interesting Events o f the Past Week. Prince Yildaroff has been reported as among the killed in a recent list sent to St. Petersburg. The recent retirement of Rear Ad- m ifal Silas Terry has resulted in the promotion of Captain Joseph E. Craig to be admiral. An officer from an English steamer Bitter cold marked the incoming oj just out from Vladivostok says no Rus­ the new year throughout the old world. sian torpedo boats have arrived there A British steamer has just arrived at from Port Arthur. Reports from points along the shore New York with a cargo of 1,100 tons of j of Lake Michigan indicate that the European wheat. 1 damage resulting from the storm w lil The Oklahoma statehood b ill w ill j aggregate $500,000. come before the senate immediately The president is presenting hiB ideas after the holiday recess. on railroad freight rates to congressmen Several torpedo boats escaped from personally. Port Arthur and took refuge at Shang­ An unknown steamer has been hai just prior to the surrender of the stranded in H e ll’ s Hole, off Cape Hat- fortress. teras, as a result of the storm raging Before surrendering Stoessel sunk along the Atlantic coast. the damaged warships in Port Arthur harbor. The Japanese severely criti­ Two Japanese cruisers have been cise this. sighted off Hong Kong. It is believed Now that Port Arthur has fallen the they are scouting vessels from the fleet bulk of the besieging army w ill be sent lin t after the Russian Baltic squadron. north, but some of them w ill go home. M. A. Meyerdorff, a special land The army before Port Arthur is vari­ agent, on the way to Portland to help ously stated as being between 70,000 in the land fraudj cases, attempted to and 120,000 men. commit suicide at Denver. I f Senator Mitchell follows the inex­ Governor Pardee desires to have the orable rule of seautorial etiquette, he Mission type of architecture exempli­ w ill not appear on the floor of the sen­ fied in the construction of the Califor­ ate again until the courts have taken nia state building at the Lewis and final action in the matter of the indict­ Clark fair. The work will start soon. ment against him. Chinese warships are keeping a close The cotton m ill strike at Fall River, watch on the Russian war vessels at Mass., continues with both sides deter­ Shanghai to prevent their escape or of mined not to give in. the officers and men on them. The grind of the Federal grand jury 1 Vice Adimral Lord Charles Beres- goes on, and another report for the ford w ill assume command of the Brit­ expectant public w ill soon be made. ish Mediterranean squadron May 1. Silver is growing scarce. The price Several lives have been lost in Chi- has rdvanced, and the market is such that the consumer waits on the pro­ caog as a result of the severe storm. ducer. Chicago held memorial services De- New Zion in Mexico. ceml>er 30 in remembradle of the Iri- Chicago, Jan. 4.— John Alexander quois theater disaster, the occasion be­ Dowie, in addressing his followers in ing the first anniversary. Preparations are being made at Vlad­ Shiloh temple, Zion City, today, gave ivostok for the reception in the dry defiinte confirmation of the report that docks of any of the Baltic squadron he proposes to establish a second Zion that may need docking when the fleet City. The new Zion City w ill be locat­ reaches that port. ed in Mexico, Dowie told his followers, The London city police have arrested and w ill