The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, January 05, 1905, Image 1

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    No. 6.
Thè Estacada News
Estacada, Oregon, Thursday, January 5, 1905.
them for a short time it would hely |
j greatly to advertise our town and1
Make it a hegpv New Year.
1 county, and the cost would be but
W. H. Shankland and wife near f a trifle.
Currinsville are recovering from a
C. C. Shafford, son of Mr. and J
sick spell.
Mrs. J. W. Shafford, has been 110m- ,
H. W. Downing came home from inated as Kstacada’s first city treas- j
A t the ratification meeting
Boring and spent New Years with . urer.
last Thursday his name was placed
his family.
Mrs. Noah Heiple of Currinsville on the charter for that office.
Changes are made this issue, in
who was quite ill last week, is rap­
! the ad. of Oregon Water Power
idly improving.
Mrs. Henry Laudwehr has been j Townsite Company, proprietors of
quite ill for some time, and does not the Estacada townsite; the ad of the
Cary Hardware Company, the ad of
seem to improve any.
W. A. Jones, livery and express
Mrs. John F. Lovelace is out at
and the ad of the Estacada
Woodlawn spending a week with
her mother, Mrs. Commons.
R. L. Ludlam, J r . , missionary for
All who are indebted to ns are re­
Southwestern W ash.,spent a couple
quested to settle at once.
days here this week investigating
— The C an Hardware Co
the religious field. Mr. Ludlam is
A. J. Hatfield, a merchant from
with the Baptist denomination, and
North Dakota, was looking around
I informed us that if they can get a
the town last week with a view to
lot given them that they would be­
gin at once the building of a church
F. M. Gill goes to Dufur, Wasco here, and station a minister to work
county, next week. Mr. Gill isone 1 in this field.
one of the active and best members
The News has it from a most re­
of the community, and his absence
liable source, the Oregon Water
will !>e felt.
Power Townsite C o ., that a bank
R A. Stratton an 1 son arrived
will be established in Estacada early
here from Sand Point, Idaho, VVed-
next spring. The townsite compa­
nesday. Mr. Strrtton is making
ny have the promise from a reliable
preperations for the remainder of his
i firm that the latter will put up a
family who will soon arrive here
building and start a general bank­
Mason Warnock of Springwater, ing house. This is another of the
an old resident of this part of Ore­ many enterprises that Estacada will
gon, has gone to Kastern Oregon to have w ithin a year.
spend the rest of the winter,
A t the regular meeting of the
went out there several weeks ago.
Estacada Improvement Club last
The government isaskingforbids week, the new proposed city charter
for carrying the mail from Kstacada l was read and finally adopted. It
to Springwater from Feb. I, ’05 to was our intention to review the char- j
June 30, 1906, six times a week. ter this week, but as it is to be re-1
The successful bidder to give a Ixrnd considered and some changes made
of $500,
at the meeting tonight further men­
Mrs H. Cooper, wife of Merch­ tion of it is put over for next week.
ant Cooper, met with a slight acci­ Attorney William T. Muir, council
dent one day last week which has for the Oregon Water Power &
caused her considerable pain.
In Railway Company, drafted the char­
walking the stairway she sprained ter and follows, in many respects,
the city charter of Portland.
a foot.
Our Groceries are the best and
A full line of Dry Goods, Rub­
ber Goods, Shoes and Rubbers.
Highest price paid for all Coun­
try produce.
Our prices are as low as the
Give us a trial and be convinced.
Gotzian Loggers & Shoes are the Best
Reed & Cooper,
G e n era l
M e rchandise
Thos. d. C U R TIS,
P io n e e r R e a l E s ta te M a n o f E s ta c a d a
Improved farms, Wild lands and Timber claims for sale
Also some excellent town lots
Major and Mrs. Wm. K. Havi-
land and Doctor and Mrs. Wm. K.
Haviland went to Portland last Sat­
urday and were present that evening
at the marriage of Miss Mary Boys,
niece and cousin respectively of the
Major and Doctor.
The Palace Meat Market is ad­
vertising its Old Reliable brand of
bacon. Mr. Oi.lander makes under
his own reliable process all the bac­
on that he sells, and the method he
uses makes a pure, sweet, palatable
bacon that pleases customers.
Ed. Hunt has T h e N ew s sent to
his father, John Hunt, at Lacey,
Iowa. If everyone who has close
relatives or friends outside of Ore­
gon would order the paper sent to
A Parlor Lamp FREE
Try a pound of our 25c tea, with every purchase
you have a chance to draw for a beautiful parlor
There has beer, some drainage
work done on the business streets
of the town, which has made quite
an improvement.
The work w’as
We keep a nice stock of
proposed by the City Improvement
Club and M. C. Adkins and W. F.
Cary headed a committee that o ver-;
seen the work.
Drains were dug
around at the foot of the terrace and
the water from the up-land diverted
from the business part of the town.
The water that gets down town now
E sta ca da ,
O regon
passes away by means of ditches, |
and a sewer has been put down on
the east side of Broadway between
Doctor C. B. Smith,
William K. Haviland,
Secondstreet and the railway. The
expense has been born by popular
Office in H ow e's store.
No more water is cross­
Office iMNira at latacada, 9 a. n . to 4 p. m .
ing the streets, and in they will be
Office hear« at f agle Creali, niqtit* A mornings
in a better condition.
...All calls promptly answered...
NightVfell at Second St. entrancé
F .H O W E