The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, December 15, 1904, Image 7

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Makes its presence known
b y many signs,— glandular
tumors, bunches in the neck,
c u ta n e o u s eruptions, in­
flamed eyelids, sore ears,
catarrh and wasting diseases.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Effects permanent cures.
A man cannot have an Idea o f perfec­
tion in another which he was never feasi­
ble o f in himself.— Steele.
Mow’s This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward fox
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
H a ll’s Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transac­
tions and financially able to carry out any ob­
ligations made by their firm.
W est & T r u a x , Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
W ald ino , K in n a n A M a r v in , wholesale Drug­
gists, Toledo, O.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act­
ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur­
faces of the system. Price 75c. per bottls.
ists. Testimonials
Bold by all Druggists.
lla llrf r Family Fills are the best.
The banana and the potato are almost
Identical in chemical composition.
When a child I had a very severe at-
ack of Diphtheria, which came near prov­
ing fatal. Upon recovery the glands of the
neck were very much enlarged, and after
the free use of iodine, the right one was
reduced to its normal size, but the left
one continued to grow—very slowly at
first, until it was about the size of a goose
egg, which began to press on the wind­
pipe, causing difficult breathing, and be­
came very painful. An incision was made
and a large quantity of pus discharged.
The gland was removed, or as much as
could with safety be taken out. For ten
years I wore a little piece of cloth about an
inch long in my neck to keen the place
open. During this time I had to have it
cut open by the doctor every time I took
cold or the opening clogged. In the Spring
or early Summer of 1884 I was persuaded
by my wife to use S. S. S., which I did,
strictly in accordance with directions. I
took twenty-six large bottles, and was en­
tirely cured, for I have not suffered since
that time.
B. S. R a g l a n d .
Royal Bag Mfg. Co., Charleston, S. C.
can reach
Only a constitutional remedy r c
n hereditary disease like
Scroful When
the blood is restored to a normal condition
and the scrofulous deposits are carried off
there is a gradual return to health. S.S.S.
is well known as a
blood purifier and
tonic. It is the
© nl y guaranteed,
strictly vegetable
remedysold. If you
have any signs of
Scrofula, write us
and our physicians
will advise you free
The Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga.
On the Trail
•with* Fish Brtnd
Pommel Slicker
** I followed the
trail from Texas
IVT shbr Y n S
8licker, uaed for
an overcoat when
cold, a wind coat
when windy, a rain coat when It rained,
and for a covar at night if we got to bed,
and 1 will say that I have gotten more
comfort out or your slicker than any other
one article that 1 ever owned.”
< Th* i h m u 4 U d n n of the
w rite r o f U te aaoollcltod lot-
tor w a r baked oa appUeatloa.)
W et Weather Garments for Riding,
Walking. Working, or
A. J. T O W E R CO.
sorrow, u . b . a .
J iL frp w
CO , Limited
Arc Never Without Pe-ru-na in the Home for Ca­
tarrhal Diseases.
Crumb* of comfort never come from
eating crackers In bed.— Philadelphia
Scribbler— Have you read my last
novel? Cynlcus— I hope so.— Philadel­
phia Record.
Mistress— Do you love babies? Maid
—Not at three dollars a week, mum.—
Detroit Free Press.
“ They were disappointed in love,
weren’t they?” "Yes. Each thought
the other had money.” — Life.
She— Have you a copy of “ Prome­
theus Bound?” He— No, ma'am; but
we can get It bound for you any way
you like.— Minneapolis Tribune.
“ This Is not such a snap as I
thought It was,” remarked the camera
fiend whose victim had Just kicked
him and smashed the machine.—
“ I told uncle Simon that he was
getting too old and feeble to attend
to business.” “ Did he take It kindly?”
“ He threw me out of his office.” — Van­
ity Fair.
Mother— What seems to be the trou­
ble? Mrs. Netiwed— 1— I always heard
Charles wns fond o f the turf, but I
simply can't make him touch a lawn-
mower.— Ex.
"D o
“ I never visited ’em,” an­
swered Mr. Cumrox, absentmlndedly.
“ What does he manufacture?” — Wash­
ington Star.
Summer Boarder— You sat up rather
late last night, did you not? I heard
you going to bed about 3 a. m. Farm­
er— Shocks! I was Just a-gUtin’ up.—
Chicago Journal.
“ Young man. have you stopped to
think where you will go when you
“ Gad, no— I haven't even
thought where to go on my summer
vacation y e t ” — Puck.
Johnson— I ’a thinkin’ oh tna’ayin’
dat youngest Thompson gal. Jackson
— Don’t do It, nlggnh. Don’t do It. Dat
gal cannot keep a Job ’ more’n two
weeks. Don’t do I t — Albany Journal.
MR~ond MRSÎ,
JN 0 . 0 ./TONS 0 N,
■KRand MRJ.
“ I have been troubled with rheuma­
Under date of January 10, 1897, Dr.
Hartman received the following letter : tism and catarrh for tw en ty-five years.
not sleep day or night.
“ My wife lias been a sufferer from a
having used Peruna I can sleep and
complication of diseases for the past 25 nothing bothers me now. If I ever am
years. Her case has battled the skill affected with any kind of sickness P e ­
of come of the mo9t noted physic ans. runa will be the medicine I shall use.
One of her worst troubles was chronic M y son was cured of catarrh of the
constipation of several years’ standing. larynx by Peruna.”
Mrs. Alla Schwandt.
She was also passing through that most
critical period in the life of a woman— W h y Old People Are Especially Lia­
change of life.
ble to Systemic Catarrh.
“ In June, 1895,1 wrote to you about
When old age comes on, catarrhal
her case. You advised a course of Pe*
Systemic catarrh
runa and Manalin, which we at once diseases come also.
commenced, and have to say it com­ is almost univeisal in old people.
This explains why Peruna has lie-
pletely cured her.
“ About the same time I wrote you come so indispensable to old people.
Peiuna is
about my own case of catarrh, which | Peruna is their safeguard.
had been of 25 years’ standing.
At tne only remedy yet devised that en-
times I was almost past going.
| tirely meets these cases.
Nothing but
I commenced to use Peruna accord­ an effective systemic remedy can cure
ing to your instructions and continued them.
its use for about a year and it has com ­
A reward of $10,000 has been de­
pletely cured me. Your remedies do posited in the Market Exchange bank,
ail that you claim for them and even
Columbus, Ohio, as a guarantee that
m ore.” —John O. Atkinson.
the above testimonials are genuine;
In a letter dated January 1, 1900,
that we hold in our possession authent-
Mr. Atkinson says, after five years’ ex­
| ic letters certifying to the same.
perience with Peinna:
iny many years’ advertising we have
“ 1 will ever continue to speak a good
word for Peruna. I am still cured of never used, in part or in whole, a sin­
Every one
catarrh.” —John O. Atkinson, Inde­ gle spurious testimonial.
of our testimonials are genuine and in
pendence, Mo., Box 272.
Mrs. Alla Bchwandt, banborn, Minn., the words of the one whose name is ap-
! pended.
“ I ’ll git de law on dat woman, dat’s
“ What’s the matter. Aunt
Caroline?” “ She done went an' call
me up by tel’phonln' when der'g small­
pox In her family.” — Cincinnati Trib­
Pa—I understand. Bobbie, that at
the party you asked for a second piece
of cake. Now. I told you----- Bob­
ble— No; I only said that If they liked
to make me the ofTer I would accept
Chinese will work nineteen hours a
He is Still the Boss.
It.— Pick-Me-Up.
The old man called his typewriter into day without complaining.
Her Mother— Look here, Ernie, I
thought your father told you not to his private office.
The population of the earth doubles in
‘‘Miss Hainmerton,” he said, “ you
encourage that young man? Ernie— have been a faithful worker during the | 2 tK) years.
Oh, dear, mamma, that young man two years you have been in my em­
doesn’t need any encouragement— Chi­ ploy, and I believe you would make a
cago Dally News.
desirable wife. May I hope to claim you 13»
‘‘Do you sympathize with the Rus­ as such?”
“ While I appreciate your kindness and
sians or the Japanese?” “ A t present,"
the honor you do me in making the offer,
said the man who strive« for nicety of Mr. Oldboy,” replied the little azure­
is so sensitive to cold as a
expression, ‘I sympathize with the eyed blonde, “ before accepting I wish to
nerve and this is the cause of
Russians and congratulate the Japa­ say one word. As your stenographer I
nese.” — Washington Star.
Beatrice (agdd 6, after remaining In if I become your wife I shall reserve
the right to do all the dictating myself,
deep thought for quite two minutes,
and----- ”
addresses her mother, who has been
“ Pardon me for Interrupting you, Miss
choosing frocks for her)— Mummy Hammerton,” said the old man, “ but I
dear, before you buy the frocks, I ’ ve think it will he best for you to continue
thought It all over, and I think I ’d In your present position. I shall add an
extra dollar to your salary, which will
rather be a boy.— Punch.
enable you to drown I d ice cream soda
“ I am strongly Inclined to think that any hopes that my words may have
your husband hag appendicitis," said ra ised.”
the physician. “ That's Just like him," :
answered Mrs. Cumrox. "H e always
HIs A w f u l B lu n d e r .
waits till anything hag pretty near
“ See here, young man,” said the so­
gone out of style l>efore be decides to ciety editor to the new reporter, “ don’t
get It.” — Washington Star.
let a thin* like this occur again.”
“ Why, whit's wrong?” asked the new
“ Here la another example of faulty
English." said the teacher of the class
“ In thia paragraph,” replied the a. e.,
In rhetoric; "In this essay you have
“ you any the lady was ‘handaomaly
written, ‘her sight broke upon a land­ drained' Instead of saying she waa
scape of entrancing loveliness.’ How ‘smartly gowned.’ "
by friction and penetration warms,
could any one’s sight ’break upon' a
soothes and cures the worst
landscape?” “ She might have drop­
P rice 25c. and 50c.
About one pineapple in 20,000 hit
ped her eyes,” timidly ventured the eeeda la It, aod It ia from these seeds
young woman who bad written the ee- that aaw varieties are produced.
ssy.— Chicago Tribune.
N o th in g
N e u r a lg ia
iiS t. Ja c o b s O il;
Beat Cuâfh ijrup. Testae Good. Lae
.n l i m a .
r>y I r ’i g f W o _________f f