The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, December 15, 1904, Image 4

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The Banner
Has a capacity of eight shirts. TEN
minutes operation will cleanse each
tubful. G EA R IN G has roller bearings
preventing any possible friction, con
sequently machine works with perfect
ease HIGH SP EED , 19 three-quarters
reversals of dasher to only 25 turns of
fly wheel. Dasher is 10 inches in diam­
eter and 1 1-2 inches thick, is corrugat­
ed on underside, same as the inside of
of tub. The entire tub is made of Lou-
isana Red Cypress, and bottoms and
sides are deeply corrugated.
Intermittent alarm clock.
certain alarm clock.
Alarms intermittently every 20 seconds
and 15 minutes
A LA R M Clocks, $1 1.25 1.75
Price, $7.50
A Note:
Let us figure with you
on your tin w o rk___
until you have our prices on Hardware, Sheathing and Roof­
ing Paper, Sash and Doors, Mouldings, Cement, Terra Cotta
Chimney, Paints and Oils, &c.
FARMERS’ INSTITUTE. The Estacada Brick and
Tiic Company.
Next Thursday, December 22, a
for $9.85
W e can’t say
more now. If
interested call.
W e are sending many copies of The News, marked “sample
farmers’ institute will convene in
This company was formed Sept.
Estacada. There will he three ses- 3, 1904, for the purpose of manu- copy”, to the people.
These are sent with the hope that the re­
sions,forenoon beginningat 10 a. m. factoring brick, tile, pottery ware
The copies are free
one in the afternoon and one in the and all articles which can lie made
e,cuing If the program is not fin-' from clay and kindred substances, when they are marked. W e want everyone in the Eastern part of
¡shed efforts will lie made to have and for other necessary purposes. j Clackamas county to take the paper, and will make every honora­
the meeting continued, another day. The incorporators are, G . W. Mor­
The institute will lie held under the row, W illiam T. Muir, A. F. Camp- ble effort to make the paper worthy of a generous and hearty sup­
auspices of the Oregon Agricultural bell, R. L. Durham, J. M. Nickum, port. It is difficult to see each one personally, and if we can not
Subjects relating to agri- A. C. Mowrey and W. H. Hurl- see you, kindly fill out and mail the following blank to us, and
culture, horticulture, dairying and | hurt. The capital stock is $75,000
The News will be sent you.
t ie home will lie presented. Stere- which is divided into 750 shares of
optieon illustrated lectures will he $100 each.
The principal office is
H. A. W ILLIAM S, Publisher.
a feature of the evening session. A at 134 First street, Portland, Ore.,
part of the program will lie occupied and the factory is to be in Estacada, P u b lis h e r N e w s,
by home people. These are:.
Ore. and occupy a site 8 acres in
Estacada, Oregon.
Address of Welcome by Major extent The company already owns
You may send me The Estacada News
Win. K. Haviland.
40 acres of clay-bearing land which
Al. Lacey, P;.p r on Apples.
cost $200 per acre. The estimated for the period of
F. M. Gill, Paper on Gardening, cost of the factory is $40,000 which
John Stormer, Article on Raising will include a 100 horse-power en-
gine and a 125 horse-power boiler.
A. M. Shibley, Paper on Grasses. ’ The clays are of several colors, red,
Win. Holder. Stock Husbandry, white, blue, black and yellow, but
N am e
Recitations by Della Guttridge all are of practically similar chemi-
aud I.aura Stormer.
cal composition. Exhaustive expert
Songs will lie rendered by the analyses of the clay show that it is
P . O. A d d re s s
Shi! ley family of musicians, and the of a very high grade, and the quan-
progratn will be interspersed with tity is practically inexhaustible,
music by the Brunson orchestry. A Brick that have lieen made from the
a good market for all the brick man-
This office had the pleasure, M011-
cordial invitation is extended to all samples taken from the clay-beds
ufactured. Enough stock has been day, of a visit from H. M. Looney
t > attend these meetings.
are the liest made. The location of
sold to put up the'factory and coil- Mr. Looney is one of theold citizens
this factory in Estacada will go a
struction work will soon begin. One here, and thinks this country to be
M rs. Mattie Bor bourn ia, of Pal- long way towards making this a
of the company is now in the East j far ahead of the East in the quality
mer has arrived on a visit to her town. Portland has heett using 40, on business and it is expected that ° f *fs soil, its productiveness, and in
folks. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brunson 000,000 brick annually, and this he will bring a number of expert *he mildness of its climate,
and family.
amount will soon be doublet!, bailee brickmakers hack with him.
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