WILL EXHIBIT Washington Is To Be Repre­ sented at 1905 Eair PINE BUILDING TO BE ERECTED E f f o r t s W ill Be M ade fo Expend A t L e a st $ 7 3 , 0 0 0 o n E x h ib it o f O r e g o n ’s S is t e r State . TO RU SH LA N D fR A U D C ASES. N a tio n A s k s A p p e a ls o f Hyde, B e n ­ s o n and D im o n d be Heard. W ashington, Dec. 13.— Solicitor G en­ eral H oyt, on behalf of th e governm ent, today filed a m otion asking th e su­ prem e court to advance for hearing the appeal taken by Frederick A. H yde and H enry P . Dim ond from th e decision of Judge M orrow, of San Francisco, who directed th a t th ey be brought to W ash­ ington for tria l on indictm ents for con­ spiracy to defraud th e governm ent out of large tracts of public lands. In his p etition the solicitor general states th a t th e appeals were “ taken for purposes of delay and to prevent th e appellan ts from being removed to th e D istrict of C olum bia for t r ia l .” A sim ila r m otion was also filed in re­ gard to the appeal of Jo h n A. Benson, also alleged to be a m em ber of the San Francisco land ring, who was arrested in New York on a W ashington in d ic t­ m ent charging him w ith bribing offi­ cials in th e general land office. Benson is out on $10,000 bail and try in g to escape tria l in W ashington. T he solicitor general expects to be given a hearing today in support of his m otion, and if the c o u it advances th e cases there ¡ b every prospect th a t the famous San Francisco land ring w ill be placed on tria l in th is c ity d uring the piesent w inter. DOINGS IN CONGRESS. M on d a y, D e ce m b e r 3. th a t th e b ill sh a ll take effect M arch 4, 1909. T he house passed a b ill to give th e ag ric u ltu ra l d e p artm en t control over forest reserves. The senate discussed th e p ure food and P h ilip p in e governm ent bills. T he sh o rt session of the 58th congress m et a t 12 o’clock. No business was transacted in e ith e r house excepting the usual routine work of opening day Both houses adopted resolutions of ree- pect to th e late Senators H oar, of Mas­ W A R C R A E T T O GO O N L IN E R . sachusetts, and Quay, of P ennsylvania, and th e ir adjournm ent was a furth er T o rp e d o B o a t s fo r R u s s ia Sh ip p e d m ark of respect. fro m New J e r s e y Y ard . T u e s d a y , D ecem ber 6. New Y ork, Dec. 13.— Nine torpedo boats, b u ilt a t P e rth Amboy, N. J . , for th e R ussian governm ent, have been com pleted, and left th e yarda today. They were loader! on a barge and towed, to New Y ork. T hey w ill be shipped as m erchandise on a liner. T he ten th boat will cross th e ocean under its own power. Two six-cylinder gasoline engines have been installed. Each is expected to develop a 300- horsepower, and drive the little boat a t a speed of 20 knots. The crew of eig h t men is already aboard Ihe boat, w hich is 80 feet long. Below deck it is not possible to stand erect, for th ere is only a five foot bpace. Should the passage be storm y, th e crew will be alm ost as effectually bottled up as it in a sub­ m arine. T he only entrance to th e com partm ents below deck is through a conning tower, from w hich the b o a t is navigated. E ach boat w ill carry one torpedo tube. One of th e five w a te rtig h t com ­ p a rtm en ts in to w hich th e h u ll is d i­ vided will contain the spare torpedoes. P re sid e n t’s message read. P ortland, Dec. 9.—T he W ashington A dum ber of resolutions have been state com m ission tor th e Lewis and introduced in the house looking to a Clark exposition w ill ask th e W ashing­ change in th e tariff laws. ton legislature (or an ap p ro p riatio n of The president sent a large num ber of $75,000 to carry o u t W ashii g t m ’s par­ appointm ents and nom inations for pro­ ticip atio n in the P ortland w orld’s fair. m otion in th e arm y and navy to the T his was decided upon by the com­ senate. m ission last evening after a day spent A bill has been introduced in the in in quiring into th e scope of the expo­ senate providing a pension of $15 a sition and inspecting th e exposition m onth for the widows of U nion sol­ grounds. diers, sailors and m arines. The comm ission agreed th a t not a dollar less th an $75,000 w ill be suffi­ W e d n e sd a y , D e ce m b e r 7. cient to m ake a su itable W ashington e x h ib it, and im m ediately upon th e ir T he legislative, executive and ju d i­ retu rn to th e ir state th e com m issioners cial ap p ro p riatio n bill, carrying $28,- w ill commence th e ir cam paign for the 838,709, was reported to the house to­ appropriation, w hich they anticipate day T his is $846,498 less th an th e es­ no great difficulty in securing. tim ate and $236,881 m ore th a n the The com m ission, four strong, reached cu rren t appropriation. P ortland yesterday m orning for the P la tt, of New Y ork, caused a stir in purpose of m aking an official investiga­ the senate bv introdeucing a b ill pro­ tio n . A m eeting was held a t exposi­ viding for a reduction of th e congres­ tion h eadquarters du rin g the forenoon, sional representation of th e southern D E C R E A S E IN W H E A T A C R E A G E . at w hich H . E. Reed and D. C. Free­ states, on th e ground th a t m any of the S e n s a t io n in P a n a m a M a tte rs. m an, repieBenling the exposition, ex­ citizens of theses states are deprived of D e p a rtm e n t o f A g ric u lt u r e A ls o Re­ W ashington, Dec. 10.— R epresenta­ plained e xisting conditions. Upon tire right to vote. p o r t s o n C o n d itio n o f C rops. learning th a t the exhaustive drains tive Shackleford, of M issouri, who has Senator H ale introduced a bill to .re­ upon e x h ib it space have left no great W ashington, Dec. 13.—The crop re­ quire th e em ploym ent of vessels of the a resolution in the house calling for an surplus for late comers, th e com m is­ po rt issued today by th e dep artm en t ol U nited States in the tran sp o rtatio n by investigation of th e Panam a railroad com pany acquired by th e U nited States sion a t once decided th a t a separate A griculture says: sea of all supplies of every description state b u ild in g w ill be required in R eturns to th e chief of the bureau of for use of th e Panam a canal com m is­ governm ent, is determ ined to for :e through an investigation, if it can bo w hich to house th e W ashington, ex- j S tatistics of the dep artm en t of Agricul sion or th e contractors in th e construc­ h ib its. done. F rien d s say he is collecting evi­ tu re indicate th a t (he new ly seeded area tio n of th e Panam a canal. dence to show th a t a m em ber of the President. Peaslce stated th a t the low of w inter w heat is ab o u t 31,155,000 Senator M organ, of A labam a, de­ canal com m ission was a m em ber of the ra ilio ad rates and o th er conditions acreB, a decrease of 1.6 per cent from clares be w ill oppose to his utm ost . railroad com pany It is understood tending to induce travel to th e West th e area sown in th e fall of 1903, as are such th a t th ere w ill undoubtedly finally estim ated. T he condition of th e proposed change in the Panam a | th a t some sensational charges will be canal from a lock to a sea level canal. m ade in dem anding a reorganization of be a trem endous attendance a t ih e fair. w inter w heat on D ecem ber 1 was 82.9, In consideration of th is fact he felt th a t as com pared w ith 86.6 in 1903, 99.8 in He says it is a schem e of th e tra n s­ th e pres e n t canal com m ission. continental railw ays to delay th e con­ W ashington's interests dem anded a full 1902, and a 10 year average of 92.1. representation of the s ta te 's resources The acreage as com pared w ith last year struction of an isthm ian w aterw ay. E x p e r ts E x a m in in g B a llo ts. An adequate e x h ib it cannot be m ade is 98.4 per cent. The newly seeded D enver, Dec. 9.— The ballot box w ith o u t a tine state building in which a res of w inter rye is provisionally e sti­ T h u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 8. from precinct 6, ward 6, was opened to house it. T his idea was afterw ard m ated a t 96 7 per cent of th e area sown today by order of th e suprem e court, in The senate held only a sh o rt session em bodied in a resolution w hich was in th e fall of 1903. T he condition of th e contem pt proceedings ag ain st offi­ unanim ously adopted by th e com m is­ w inter rye on Decem ber 1 was 90.6, as and adjoined u n til M onday. cials of th a t precinct, and its contents An a tte m p t to secure consideration were turned over to two handw riting sion. com pared w ith 92.7 on Decem ber 1, A fter deciding th a t a separate e x h ib it 1903, 98.1 a t th e corresponding date in of th e pure food law by Senator Hey- experts, who were directed to exam ine b uilding was a necessity, the com m is­ 1902, and 96.2 th e m ean of December b rrn was defeated. the ballots and report th e ir findings to sion adjourned to th e expositon grounds averages of the last ten years. T illm an brought th e case of W illiam th e co u rt tom orrow . The co u rt a d ­ for the purpose of secuiing a suitable The percentage of acreage sown to D. C rum , th e colored m an nom inated journed u n til tom orrow w ithout its de­ site. In com pany w ith M r. Freeman w in ter rye th is fall as com apred w ith for collector a t C harleston, 8. C ., into cision on the question of rejecting th e th ey visited every portion of th e expo­ th a t sown last year is 86.7, the average prom inence by asking for a report from e n tire vote of precincts in w hich its in­ sition, beinyToffered th e ir choice of any condition December 1, 1904, was 90.5. the com m ittee on judiciary as to th e ju nctive order was violated. T h is of the unclaim ed b uilding sites. A Corresponding averages for 1903 and statu s of recess appointm ents. would change the result or th e election. broad strip of land a short distance 1902 were 92.7 and 98 1, respectively, In th e house the civil service com­ south and east of th e A gricultural p al­ anil th e m ean of th e December average m ission was attacked because of a pro­ R e c k le s s T a rg e t Practice. ace, fronting on Lewis and C lark boule­ of th e last ten years 96.2. posed increase of 23 em ployes to con­ London, Dec. 14.—C aptain Mills, of vard, was finally decided upon. The final estim ates of th e total acre­ stitu te th e rural exam ining board. the A m erican L ine ste a m e r P hiladel­ age production and farm values of the The pay of stenographers to the house principal crops for 1904 w ill be issued com m ittees has been reduced from $5,- phia. has ordered a p ro test ag ain st V e s s e l s to R e tu rn to M exico. reckless ta rg e t p ractice carried on off on December 28 a t 4 o’clock P . M. 000 to $3,000 per annum . Mexico City, Dec. 14.—It Is re p o rt­ Plym outh. H e says th a t as h e ap­ ed here th a t th e c o n tra c t for th e B rit­ A proposition to increase th e salary proached th e h a rb o r w ith n early 100# ish steam sh ip line betw een B ritish Co­ S ta te h o o d B ill S a fe in Se na te . of th e secretary ef th e civil service p assengers on board, th e ir safety w as lum bia and Mexico has been aw arded endangered by a gunboat w hich p e r­ W ashington, Dec. 12. — The senate com m ission was defeated. to Andrew W eir & Co., of Glasgow. sisted in firing even a fte r th e patrol Scotland. T h e ag ree m e n t calls for com m ittee on territo rie s will take up ¡launch apprised th e gunboat of th e first-class ste a m e rs capable of c arry ­ th e statehood b ill presented to the lin e r’s approach. C aptain Mills adds T rid ay, D ecem ber 9. ing 4600 to n s of freig h t each, 50 first- house last cession for th e adm ission of th a t he w as obliged tw ice to stop and The house passed th e legislative, ex­ Arizona and New Mexico and of Indian c la ss passengers and from 300 to 400 go full speed a ste rn to avoid disaster. ste era g e p assengers T he line will be ¡te rrito ry and O klahom a as two states. ecutive and judicial ap p ro p riatio n b ill subsidized, and will receive $50,000 C hairm an Beveridge expects th a t the alm ost as it came from the com m ittee K u ro p a t k in R e p o rt s E n c o u n te rs. from th e C anadian governm ent and a bill w ill bo perfected in tim e to take and adjourned until Monday 8 t. Petersburg, Dec. 13.—G eneral lik e am ount from the M exican govern­ it up after Decem ber 16. The fact th a t T hroughout the session today the m ent. It is th o u g h t th a t th e first boat th e bill is recom m ended by th e steering policy of retrenchm ent held fnll sway, K uropatkin reports some u n im p o rtan t encounters d uring th e n ig h t of Decem­ will sail from V ancouver J a n u a ry 14. com m ittee to be m ade th e unfinished and all a tte m p ts to Increase salaries ber 8. R ussian sharpshooters recon- 1905. business insures th e passage of th e b ill failed. noitering south of Bentsiapu, attacked w ith o u t opposition, if the states con­ The house passed a resolution to ad- a Japanese post, bayoneted a nun b 'r of cerned accept th e plan. journ December 21 u n til Ja n n a ry 4 for Japanese and took 11 prisoners, of S u lta n C h a n g e s H is M ind. th e usual C hristm as holiday. whom only four were wonnded. The London, Dec. 14.—T h e C onstantino­ sam e n ig h t a num ber of Japanese a t ­ G ood R o a d s B ill i s Reported. ple correspondent o t th e S ta n d ard tel­ tacks were made on Russian advanced W ashington, Dec. 10.— Senator L ati­ e graphs as follow s: C harles R. Flint, M on d a y, D ecem ber 12. intien ch m en ts near the ra ilro ad . They of New York, w hile here had an in te r­ m er, from the com m ittee on agi ¡culture The senate com m ittee on privileges were a ll repulsed. view with th e S u ltan 's se c re tary , who and forestry, today reported favorably declined to e n te rta in a suggestion on th e b ill known as the L atim er good and elections has taken up the 8m oot W ill P re v e n t R u n n in g Blockade. looking to th e purchase of A rgentine roads bill, ft carries an a p propriation case. T hree witnesses were exam ined w arships. M r F lin t left on board a of $24,000,fl B erlin, Den. 10.— According to a dis­ to be available in th ree and several new points brought out. Senator Stew art has introduced a b ill patch from Tokio to the Lokal Anzeig- «nouai in stallm e n ts of $8,000,000 each h is d e p a rtu re P alace M inisters sought to raise th e salary of the president to er. th e placing’of heavy cannon on 203- him everyw here, and finally telegram s for road b uilding in th e states. U nder $100,000 a year, of th e vice president M eter h ill will enable the Japanese to w ere se n t to S m yrna offering him s u b -. th e provisions of th e b ill states are to sta n tla l p ecuniary Inducem ents to re- 110 “ *e work and pay one-half of th e and speaker of the house to $20,000 fire on and sink ju n k s and o th er craft tu rn on business connected w ith the cost, the n ational governm ent paying each, and each senator, representative bringing supplies for P o rt A rth u r from and delegate to $10,000. I t is provided Chefoo. sale of ships. i th e o th er half.