The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, December 15, 1904, Image 2

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Newsy Items Gathered from All
Parts of the World.
Many shells sent to the R ussians at
M ukden have proved defective.
A son of G eneral Nogi was killed in
th e attack on 203-M eter h ill a t P o rt
A rth u r.
Japs Make Fewer Assaults on
Port Arthur.
T he Japanese have sunk a ll the R us­
sian b a ttlesh ip s and cruisers a t P o rt
Ja p a n has signified her w illingness
General Review of Important Happen- to p a rticip a te in a second H ague peace Sinking of the Russian Fleet Was
pcnlgs Presented In a Brief and
Condensed Eorm.
Main Object of the Recent
Desperate Attacks.
So far in the F a r E astern w ar Rus­
sia has lost 23 w arships of all classes
and the Japanese four.
T he R ough R iders will have a place
of honor in the inaugural parade.
Tokio, Dec. 12. — In disabling the
Roosevelt has abandoned th e idea of
a special session of congress in the R ussian fleet a t P o rt A rth u r, preclud­
A Chinese c ap italist declares th a t he spring to consider tariff revision.
ing the possibility of its being able to
knows P ort A rth u r has provisions for
A b ill will be introduced in congress reinfarce th e second Pacific squadron,
th ree m onths.
to connect the canal zone on th e isth ­ the Japanese have accom plished the
Of th e 100 locom otives ordered for m us w ith the U nited States by cable.
m ain object of th e desperate assaults
th e H a rrim a n lines, 50 are for the
against th e fortress w hich they have
Secretary Shaw w ill urge congress to been m aking for the past th ree m onths.
Southern Pacific.
inciease the ap p ro p riatio n for th e Ta­
i.'owie has paid th e last in stallm en t coma public b uilding from $400,000 to There is now a strong pro b ab ility th a t,
w hile c o n tin u in g th e siege, tbey will
on bis debts and Zion C ity is again on $800,000.
avoid losses of th e m agnitude already
a sound financial basis.
The h andw riting experts in th e Den­ atten d in g th eir efforts, anil, instead of
T he R ussian b a ttlesh ip Sevastopol a t
ver election frauds found evidences of assaulting will rely on starving out the
P o rt A rth u r has not been sunk and is
repeating for both th e D em ocratic and garrison u n til it is finally captured.
adopting defensive m easures.
Considerahe a stonishm ent is ex­
R epublican tickets.
pressed here over th e fact th a t the R us­
The Japanese have turned th e ir a t­
Senator M itchell has a tight on his sians in no way resisted th e disabing
tention to Golden H ill fortress and
hands to secure th e c h airm a n sh ip of the of th e P ort A rth u r fleet. In certain
some dam age has been inflicted.
canal com m ittee, m ade vacant by the q u a ite rs th e opinion is expressed th a t
A d ispatch from M ukden says the d eath of H an n a. T he stand he took th e R ussians opened the seacocks of the
Japanese have driven th e R ussians on for th e N icaraguan loute two years ago subm erged vessels to lessen th e ir ex­
th e rig h t bank of th e H un river w est­ is th e cause.
posure to th e Japanese fire.
w ard .
The recent cessation of m ine clearing
L iberal app ro p riatio n s for C olum bia
was taken as evidence th a t the fleet did
The p resid en t has sent the nom ina­ riv er jetty are assured.
not intend to m ake a sortie.
tio n of C. P . N eill to succeed W right as
R ussians have lost 3,000 men trying
T here was nc sign of life on the Rus­
com m issioner of labor to the senate for
to retake 203-M eter h ill.
sian sh ip s during the bom bardm ent,
confirm ation.
Cooos county will spend $100,00 on and from th is fact it is c included th a t
The P ritis h Am erican a rb itra tio n
th e bluejackets took refuge on land or
treaty has been signed by Secretary Hay Lew is and C lark fa ir e x h ib it.
th a t th ey are engaged in th e land de­
Japanese from 203 M eter h ill are fenses.
and the B ritish am bassador.
It is ex­
pected th a t the Ita lia n treaty w ill be shelling R ussian fleet and have sunk
W ith th e R ussian second Pacific
one battlesh ip and set a num ber of
ready soon.
squadron approaching, those in Tokio
A R ussian captain has been ariested
cannot com prehend th e failure of the
A grand ju ry has been em panelled to R ussians to die h ard and to inflict all
for criticisin g the a d m iralty .
investigate th e Denver election frauds. possible damage on th e Japanese fleet,
W ashington has four asp iran ts for
T aft acknowledges he m ade a m is even a t th e coBt of weakening th e ef­
th e office of fish com m issioner.
tak e in extending Dingley tariff to ca­ fective g arris n.
The S outhern states are flooding nal zone a t P anam a celebration.
Now th a t the P o rt A rth u r fleet has
R oosevelt w ith in v itatio n s to visit
A prom inent cannerym an says greed been disabled, it is deem ed im possible
th em .
th e R ussians to overcome the infer­
and defiance of th e law are ruin in g the
The rem ains of K ruger, th e ex-presi- salm on industry of th e C olum bia river. iority of the recond Pacific squadron to
Togo’s fleet, unless a t present unfore­
dent of the T ransvaal, have arrived at
T he ju ry in th e land fraud cases
seen, th e B la c t sea fleet should pass
P reto ria.
found five of th e defendants guilty as the D ardanelles.
Severe sk irm ish es have occurred on charged, but cleared Miss M arie W aie.
th e Shahke river in which the Rus­
sians were defeated.
A Japanese cruiser struck a m ine at
th e entrance to th e P o rt A rth u r harbor Appropriation for Fair Due to Influ­
ence of the President.
and su n k .
Of th e crew cnly 39 were
W ashington, Dec. 14.—Oregon has
A num ber of prom inent R ussian offi­ reason to congratulate itself on having
cials have resigned on th e czar declar­ secured the ap propriation foi its expo­
ing he w ill stand by the new m inistei
sitio n a t the iast session of congress.
of the in te rio r.
It now appears th a t the $475,000 a p ­
T w enty years ago, w hen both were p ropriated for governm ent p a rticip a ­
stationed at P aris, G eneral K uropatkin tion in the Lewis a r d C lark fair is the
and G eneral T eru rb i, now Japanese last money th a t congress w ill expend
m in ister of war, m et and became fast for expositions for m any years to come.
friends. On th e eve of th e present war
The action of the house com m ittee
an exchange of swords as presents took on expositions in flatly refusing to
place between th em .
m ake any ap p ro p riatio n w hatever for
T he first enow of th e season has fall th e Jam estow n exposition is an indica­
tion th a t congress has had enough,
en in E astern Oregon.
and has finally reached the stage where
8 t. Petersburg a u th o ritie s deny th a t it w ill put its foot down. H ad it not
a fam ine ex ists in S outhern Russia.
been for th e interest P resident Roose­
The torpedo boats a t P ort A rth u r velt took in th e Oregon enterprise
have not been sunk, and they may try and for the influence w hich he ex­
erted in behalf ot th e Lewis and C lark
to escape.
ap p ro p riatio n b ill Oregon would have
It is reported th a t the czar t a s order­
suffered the sam e blow th a t has been
ed the B altic fleet not to proceed to the d e alt to Jam estow n.
F a r E ast.
Congress was ju st as m uch opposed
Secretary Hay w ill ask congress to to exposition a p p ro p riatio n s a year ago
increase th e salaries of a num ber of as it is now, Dut Oregon had a friend
a t court, and th e only friend who could
diplom ats.
G overnor elect Douglas w ill appoint be of real service.
G eneral M iles as a d ju ta n t general
th e M aaachusetts m ilitia .
The School coal m ine, near Peoria,
llin o is, is on fire.
There were 100
men a t work a t tne tim e the flames
were discovered, b u t a ll escaped. The
property loss will be heavy.
The house com m ittee on rivers and
harbors has decided to send for some of
th e d istric t engineers, as they d e rire to
hear from them on the needs of rivers
and harbors in th e ir respective dis­
tric ts.
Oregon Senators Assured Support
of River and Harbor Committee.
W ashington,
Dec. 1 4 —S en ato rs
and Fulton h ave united in a
le tte r to C hairm an B urton of the Riv­
ers and H arb o rs C om m ittee, strongly
urging th a t liberal a p p ro p riatio n s be
m ade for th e Colum bia riv e r and o th er
O regon w aterw ays. T hey point out
the n e ce ssity for secu rin g a t th is ses­
sion enough m oney to com plete the
Jetty a t th e m outh of th e Columbia,
asking for $1,300,000. T hey urge th e
a p propriation of th e full am ounts rec­
om m ended by M ajor L angfltt for the
Dailes-Celilo canal and all o th er pro­
je c ts in w hich O regon is interested.
T his le tte r Is filed to back up argu­
m ents w hich th e S e n a to rs have m ade
orally to C hairm an B urton and to Rep­
re se n ta tiv e Jones, of W ashington, who
is on th e com m ittee. B urton and
Jo n es show g re at frien d lin ess tow ard
th e Colum bia and give a ssu ra n ce
w hich lead s to th e belief th a t ade­
q u ate am ounts will be appropriated.
j M itchell
Zero Weather In Manchuria.
G eneral K uroki's H e ad q u a rters In
the Field. Dec. 14.—T he arm y has had
Its first ta s te of th e re al quality of a
M anchurian w in ter th e p a st week.
L ast n ig h t th e th erm o m eter fell to six
degrees below zero, F ah ren h eit. T he
days a re cold also, b u t su n sh in e and
e absence of se v e re w inds m akes
To Rush Traud Case.
life tolerable. T he hills a re covered
W ashington, Dec. 12.— The a ttorney w ith snow , which on th e Jilain is one
general will m ake a m otion in the sn- inch in depth. All stre a m s a re thickly
prem e court next Monday to advance frozen.
th e case of H yde and D im ond, under
Snow Falling In New York.
indictm ent in th e d istric t of C alifornia
for land frauds in C alifornia.
New Y ork, Dec. 14.— A snow storm ,
appealed from th e order of th e Federal accom panied by a high w ind, descend-
court in C alifornia denying them w rite ' ed upon New York early today and still
of habeas corpus, and the atto rn ey gen­ | continues.
N early two inches has
eral is anxious to have the appeal de­ fallen. Traffic in th e c ity has not been
cided in order to go on w ith th e tria l in seriously im peded, b u t craft of all
W ashington.
kinds have keen delayed.
Stamp Mill to Operate During Lewis
and Clark Fair.
P o rtlan d , Dec. 12. — N egotiations
were practically com pleted w ith a big
Colorado m ining com pany yesterday
for the in stallatio n a t th e Lewis and
C lark exposition of a stam p m ill, con-
centraticn p lan t and o ther m ining ma­
chinery, show ing the trea tm e n t accord­
ed raw ore in converting it in to bu ll­
ion. T his w ill form a valuable addi­
tion to th e m ining e x h ib it, w hich
prom ises to be the m ost notable ever
m ade.
The com pany in question is th e Colo­
rado Fuel & Iron com pany, one of the
largest of its kind in eixstence. The
proposition was m ade to th e exposition
m anagem ent in the form of an offer to
in stall th e m achinery providing O re­
gon m ining m en would furnish suffi­
cient ore to keep the m achinery busy
during th e exposition 'h o u rs.
A fter
a canvass of Oregon producers the ex­
position m anagem ent was able to assure
th e com pany th a t no difficulty w ill be
experienced in supplying a ll of th e ore
th a t w ill be required.
I t is possible th a t an annex to the
m ining building w ill be required for
th e new w orking e x h ib it, as the space
in the m ain building is now well taken
and no g re at allo tm en ts can be made to
one enterprise Bince the in terests of in­
dividuals and d istric ts w hich wish to
p a rticip a te m ust be protected.
General in te rest is being displayed
in the Lewis and C lark m ining e x h ib it.
M iners and m ining m en a ll over th e
country are preparing th e ir choicest
ores for shipm ent here, and judging
from the n um ber of offers of m inerals
now on file a t exposition h eadquarters
there w ill he m ore ores on hand th a n
can possibly be shelved. T his w ill ne­
cessitate th e selection of choice speci­
mens, a lth o u g h it w ill n o t cause any
exh ib it to be ruled out, as all e x h ib it­
ors will be given a chance.
Roosevelt Defeated Parker by a Ma­
jority O f 2,546,169 Votes.
New Y ork, Dec. 14—T he Tim es to­
m orrow w ill s a y : A canvass by th e
Tim es of th e popular vote a t the last
p residential election, com plete except
as to one county in Tennessee, and four
counties in M ichigan, w here estim ates
are given, shows th a t P resident Roose­
velt defeated Judge P arker by 2,564,-
He pol.ed th e largest vote ever
given a president of th e U nited States,
7,640,560. T h is is more th an 400,000
in excess of th e vote cast for M cK inley
in 1900.
The official figures for M issouri show
th a t Roosevelt carried th a t sta te by
In M aryland one R epublican elector
received th e largest vote, b u t his col­
leagues were defeated. T he Dem ocrats
of M aryland, therefore, w ill have seven
votes in th e electoral college, w hile th e
R epublicans w ill have only one.
A com parison w ith the vote tab le ol
1900 shows a m arked change in th e
Socialist vote. Debs, the candidate of
th e p arty th a t year, was also th is year’s
candidate, and his vote shows an in­
crease of m ore th a n 30.
W atson, the
P o p u list candidate, ran strongest in h is
own state, Georgia, where he received
22,635 votes. H e received m ost of h is
votes in the South and W est, b u t only
one vote was cast for him in South
C arolina.
The electoral vote will be
360 for R oosevelt and 140 for P a rk e r.
$1,000,000 For Improvements.
Denver, Dec. 12.—T he News today
days: P lans to spend $1,000,000 in im ­
provem ents a t Pueblo have been a n ­
nounced from th e office of th e C oloiado
Fuel A Iro n com pany in Denver. The
money is p a rt of th e $8,000 000 appro­
p riatio n u nder th e recent reorganiza­
tion scheme for extension of proper­
ties. The big tin plate m ill ami the
m erchant m ill, both of which are in ­
com plete, w ill be finished a t onre, and
th e latest m achinery for the m anufac­
tu re of a ll sorts of m erchant steel is to
be in stalled .