The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, December 15, 1904, Image 1

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    No. 3.
Farmers’ institute, Estacada Dec.
A new stock of Christmas goods
at Reed & Cooper’s,
Don’t forget the Christmas dinner
to be served at the Hotel Estacada.
C. H. Shutte has sold his farm
at Lacenter, and has leased the Park
hotel until April i.
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. J.
F. Lovelace is just recovering from
quite a severe sickness.
The Estacada fire company is pur­
chasing a new fire bell, 34 inches in
diameter and to cost about 45.00.
W. J. Mountane of Mankato, and
T. J. Hanifyof Anoka, Minn., were
here with A . F. Campbell, Wed.
Rev. McPherson will preach in
Estacada next Sunday at 11 a. m.
and Rev. Stubbs will preach in the
Mrs. Bither has a very nice dis­
play of Christinas toys and novelties
at her Candy Store. Also fresh taffy
every week.
Posters will soon 1 * out announc­
ing a Grand Hard Time Ball New
Y ear’s Eve by the Estacada
Amusement Club.
The ladies of the Sewing Circle
wish to thank the public for the lib­
eral patronage given them at their
supper and luncheon.
Charles Perry met with quite an
accident Monday by falling against
a double bladed ax, receiving a bad
cut on the right side of his body.
R. A. Stratton of Sand Point, Ida­
ho, was here this week investigating
the future prospects of the tow r,
and he has rented the Carpenter
residence. His family will arrive
here later. Mr. Stratton is an old
friend and acquainta ce of A. F.
Messrs. Morrow and-Boner have
the contract of moving the ware­
house building across the railroad
track and put it on a lot in the west
jxirt of town for the new Estacada
Wooden Mat u'acturing Company.
This company is formed for the pur­
pose of turning out all kinds of fin­
ished wood material,and P. Turner
& Co. of Portland have agreed to
take all the factory will turn out.
T A L B E R T -R Y C K M A N .
On Saturday, December 10, 1904,
occured the marriage of Miss Jessie
Talbert to Mr. M. L. Ryckman.
The marriage took place at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Talbert,
parents of the bride, in Clackamas,
Rev. W. B Moore officiating. The
young people are well known here
and in Clackamas county, and have
many friends who wish them a long
and happy married life.
Estacada News
Estacada, Oregor, Thursday, December 15, 1904.
The past week has been rather
damp, yesterday’s rain ending in
a regular downpour. Today has
been bright and warm.
Mrs. Edward Oblander returned
home Saturday from Portland after
attending the funeral of her mother,
Mrs. Anna Smith.
H. W. Downing and three chil­
dren are expected home this week,
from Fair Oaks, Cal. where they
have been on a visit to Mr. Down­
ing’s parents.
Y e editor and wife were pleasant­
ly surprised last Friday by a visit
from Miss Adelle and Mazelle Mul-
key, former friends and acquaintan­
ces from Douglas county. They are
teaching at Dodge and Springwater
Garfield news came in just as we
were closing the last form, but room
is made for: A 2-year old, roan
steer, said to belong to Ed. Burnet
of Eagle Creek, is at the farm of J.
P. Irvin. The steer is marked with
a slit in the left ear, and a half un­
der-crop on the right ear.
Three of our young, town ideas
organized themselves into a royal
triumvirate last Sunday, and arming
themselves with artillery, they sal­
lied out to see and to conquor the
world. However, they got no furth­
er than Eagle Creek where they were
overtaken at 12 o ’clock Sunday
night in an old shack by a searching
party and were brought back and
were perfectly delighted to return.
Wednesday evening the Ladies’
Sewing Circle served supper to the
public at the Portland restaurant at
25c a plate, and Thursday noon they
served luncheon at 15c a plate.
The receipts amounted to $28.80
which is to lie expended in getting
up a Christmas tree for the children.
After seeing and partaking of the
dinner the Circle served we are cer­
tain the Chrirtmas tree and doings
will be a grand succe-s.
When In Town
put your horses up at the 10c barn
Our Groceries are the best and
A full line of Dry Goods, Rub­
ber Goods, Shoes and Rubbers.
Highest price paid for all Coun­
try produce.
Our prices are as low as the
Give us a trial and be convinced.
Gotzian Loggers & Shoes are the Best
Reed & Cooper,
General Merchandise
Thos. J. CURTIS,
P io n e e r R e a / E s ta te M a n o f E s ta c a d a
Improved farms, Wild lands and Timber claims for sale
Also some excellent town lots
A Parlor Lamp FREE
Try a pound of our 25c tea, with every purchase
you have a chance to draw for a beautiful parlor
We keep a nice stock of
F .H O W E
E s ta c a d a ,
O regon
Oregon W a te r P o w e r & R a ilw a y Co.
| Cars leave Kstacada at 8:07, 9:37, 11:37 A. M.
Cars leave Portland at 7:30,9:45,11:30, A. M.
and 1:37, 3:22, 5:37, 9 P. M.
and i : jo , 3:40, 5, 7,15 P. M.,