The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, December 08, 1904, Image 1

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No. 2.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reed spent
Wednesday in Portland.
Subscribe for T he N ews no" '
and get it from the beginning.
Ralph Morrow and a young friend
from North Dakota were taking a
few photographic views of the city.
W. A. Jones has rented the new
livery barn of the owners and will
run it as a feed and livery stable in
connection with his dray line.
Reed & Cooper and J. F. Love­
lace have planked Main street in
front of their places of business,
which is a great improvement.
On the 8th the county board of
boundaries will establish the South
boundry of the new school district
in which Estacada is included.
Estacada News
Estacada, Oregon, Thursday, December 8, 1904.
well. In a few days they will begin
cutting lumber for the Springwater
road. On'y a small crew is at work
now, but a full crew will be put on
in a short time.
Are you a subscriber? If not, we
want you to become one.
Estacada merchants sell goods at
lower prices than the same goods
can be bought for in Portland.
Miss Nellie Githensand Miss H ei-1
pie two of Currinsville’s charming
young ladies, were in town Monday,
Supt. Fields of the O. W. P. & I ° * * ct Ls to Provide a 1>etter wav foT
the travel to get up and down the
Ry. C o., made the monthly rounds
lust Monday and cast a gleam of sun- hill at Fourth street.
The death of Emerson E. Allen
shine among the employees of the
company in the form of checks for o ccu rs hist Friday, Dec. 1. caus d
; by neuralgia of the stomach. The
their past month’s pay.
The young people of Eagle Creek !funeral ser' Hces were held SatUrday
are preparing to give a grand ball on at theJ ,0“ e of the deceased’s mice,
Christmas Eve. and they are going MrS' T ' A M,ller’ Rev Stubbs con-
to show their friends what a real d»cUn* them’ and the burial took
good time is. Quite a number from I place at Mount Zion cemetery. Mr.
Allen was a native of Bradford Co.
here are planning to attend.
. Penn, where he was bom 60 years
J. A. Reid, who has the job of |
* ago. He came here from Missoula
constructing the Iistacada-Spring-
last spring and had intended to make
water road, went to Oregon City,
this his home. Mrs. Allen is in the
Wed. and made his report. About
East visiting. The deceased was also
S400 in work has been done and he
an uncle of Mrs. Chas. Brunson,
is now ready to do the plank work.
Mrs. Flora Phelps, and Mrs. Mur­
phy of Poring. The lioys who were
will be prepared and served to the .wr. Allen’s comrades at work acted
public by Pietsch & Maes at Hotel as pallbearers at the funeral. Mrs.
T. A. Miller’s father, Dr. Allen, re­
Estacada at socts a plate.
They sides at Windom, Minnesota.
would be pleased to know at least
Dances at Estacada
two days in advance of all who in-
t nd taking dinner with them. All j Every Saturday night at 8 o'clock.
tne good things of a Christmas din­ Remember the Big 4, —
Christmas Eve
ner will lie on the bill of fare. *
New Year’s Eve, (Hardtime Ball)
C. Dube i; of the Duboise Lumber St. Valentine's Feb 14, and Wash­
Co., was in Mo iday, they havetheir ington's Birthday Feb. 22. Supper
served at midnight.
mill started and every thing works
P rof . A n d r e , Manager.
Our Groceries are the best and
A full line of Dry Goods, Rub­
ber Goods, Shoes and Rubbers.
Highest price paid for all Coun­
try produce.
Our prices are as low as the
Give us a trial and be convinced.
The Congregational church organ­
ization has secured the lot at the
northeast comer of Broadway and |
5th st. for a church site. It is said |
that a church building will be erect­
ed in the spring.
W. E. Wills has purchased all of
Tiffany’s timber land cruising
Mrs. Edward Oblander was call­
between three and four million feet.
ed to Portland, Tuesday, by a mes­ Mr. Wills is shipping daily to In­
sage announcing the serious illness man, Poulsen & C o., Portland, 1800
feet of green logs.
of her mother, Mrs. Anna Smith.
After reading this paper send it
Have you seen those pretty sets
It may be a means of bring­
of table ware at Reed & Cooper’s
There are
that they are giving away at whole­ ing more people here.
sale cost with every $20 purchase of opportunities here for many more,
and now is the tin e for people to
and take advantage of them.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Nunemaker are
Portland Stone Co. that has
now residents of Portland having
moved into the city on Monday so an immen; e ro:k crusher at work at
Cazadero, three miles from here, Ls
that Mr. Nunemaker can be near 1 supplying the City of Portland for
his work.
1 street improvement over 125 yds of
Postmaster Eyman, of Cazadero, ^ne s*one a day. Thirty men are
was down from that busy center on empl° ye<1 at the crusher.
Monday. He is having an addition | Tuesday work was again resumed
built to his store to keep up with 0,1 that part of Fourth street be-
the growth of trade. Louis Tucker tween Main and Broadway. This
is doing the work.
>s popular donation work, and the
Gotzian Loggers & Shoes are the Best
Reed & Cooper,
General Merchandise
T hos. J. C U R T I S ,
. . . . P io n e e r R e a I E s ta te M a n o f E s ta c a d a . . . .
Improved farms, Wild lands and Timber claims for sale
Also some excellent town lots
A Parlor Lamp FREE
Try a pound of our 25c tea, with every purchase
you have a chance to draw for a beautiful parlor
W e keep a nice stock of
C. F. H O W E
O re g o n W a te r P o w e r & R a i lw a y Co.
Cara leave Estacada at 8:07, 9:37, 11:37 A . M. and 1:37, 3:22, 5:37, 9 p. m .
Cars leave Portland at
7:30, 9.45, 11:30, A . M. and 1:30, 3:40, 5, 7,13 p . M.