The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, December 01, 1904, Image 9

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No. 1. Voi. 1.
Estacada, Oregon, Dec. 1, 1904.
$1. a year
John Linn of the firm of Linn Estacada Am usem ent C lub. Estacada’s Fire Department.
Bros, proprietors of the large saw
, , .
... .
. ,
An amusement club has heen or-
and planing null ten miles east of
. , . _
.. ,
, ganized in Estacada with alxiut 40
here was transacting business in the
, .
. .
It is hardly possible that there is
members. The object of the club
city Saturday. Mr. Linn has lieen
town in the I'nited States
is to furnish pastime for its mem-
I bers. The first dance to be given of its size that has as good fire pro­
and is well pleased with the country
by the club will be held in Reed's tection as Estacada. These facili­
and its future prospects. He thinks
hall on Saturday of this week if all ties are certainly excellent.
a great many people will settle in
water is stored in large reservoirs
progresses well.
this country in the next two years,
on the high.hill adjoining town cn
and an old country will be trans­
the east. These reservoirs are ftd
formed into a new one.
large springs and from the Clack­
T h e N e w s shop is equipped to
The presure given is
| do Commercial Job Printing. When amas river.
150 pounds which thows a 1 ea\y
you want hand bills, posters, either
stream of water completely over any
Miss Ethel Knight, who used to large or small, give this shop a show
building in town. The water is 1 x-
live with her people near Currins- to do the work. All kinds of cards,
cellent for domestic use, clear and
ville, died at La Canada, Cal. on writing papers, envelopes, circulars,
of nice taste.
The town has a fire
November 28, aged 21 years, 1 , bill heads, statements, shipping tags
, . , ,
months and 11 days. The remains etc. etc. done to your entire satisfac- f ° mpany w ich has twe,lty
were sent home, Friday and funeral tion.
No matter how large the >*rs ma" y of Utem experienced firc-
services were held at Currinsville at order we can take care of it. and no ™ en'
le 0 ice^ h areu ‘ L C ' A d'
2 o ’clock p. m. A t the hour of go- matter how small the order we will ms, p i esa ent,
. owe, trea
ing to press it is learned that the ** very thankful to you just the urer: . ' '
chlef 1 L ' R° Ife'
freight carrying the body of Miss same.
.st ass,stant chief; Lou,s Tucker,
3 *
-T- ----- —------ -
2nd assistant chief; W. F. Cary,
Knight was derailed at Sycamore.
Our Electric Lights.
secretary; H. W. Green, foreman of
The O. W. P. & Ry. Co. is hav- hosecart Np. 1; Ed. Oblander, forc­
ing its electric light system in Esta- man of hosecart No. 2; L. Tucker,
cada extended. Poles are being put nozman cart No. 1; W. S. Hyde, a.1 -
up on Main street and Broadway. sistant nozman; Chas. Ferry, stump-
The wires will lie strung as soon as man cart No. i ; Ray Havens, assist­
the poles are in place.
Incandes­ ant stum pm an;J. W. Reed, noz»
cent lights will then be put up for man cart No. 2; B. O. Boswell asst.
lighting purposes.
A reasonable A. Havens, stumpman; J. A. John-
charge will Ire made for the lights, json, assistant.
There are twenty
department all of
I, you have a farm, timlier or
which kind of lamp will Ire used for whom are supposed to Ire on hand
wood land you wish to sell,
list it with me.
1 have a few-
street lighting purposes.
B. O. \ in case of necessity.
Meetings are
choice town lots in Estacada
Boswell has charge of the crew that j held at 7:30 every Monday.
for sale.
If you are looking
is doing the work. Poles are also property of the department consists
for a tiptop investment of that
being put up on Second, Third, of two hosecarts, 600 feet of 1 iose
kind, see me about it.
I can
Fourth and Fifth street.
| standard 2 1-2 inch size, forty yards
double your money on an in­
vestment of town lots in Esta­
cada in three months.
Agent for the NIAGARA FIRE
COMPANY of New York
Drop in and see me when in town.
If you know an item of news do
' ron P'P'nK
^he company has
not hesitate to tell the editor about a dri11 practice every Sunday at ,0
it. It is impossible for him to know j a. m.
of everything that is happening in j „
the local world, and he is more or . r,,E N e w s wantsacorrespondent
less, usually more, dependent upon i ln every. «'ide a-wake and sociable
the public for a knowledge of much c001" 1111»*}'
Eastern Clackamas
of what takes place that should re- j S?u? ty to /ierl< ,ln t le co,lntr>' news,
ceive notice in the country newspa- ^
us OT.
necessa%- mate-
per. So tell him the news even if it nal for 'vr,t,nK.„ , Se" d us ,n the
is concerning yourself.
I news an<1 we wl11 do the rtst-