The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, December 01, 1904, Image 7

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U nited S ta te s G overnm ent Has Not
Been O ffic ia lly Inform ed.
S trik e rs a t Z eiq ler, Illinois, Send In
5 0 0 S h ots.
Benton, III., Dec. 1. — Zeigler was
Washington, Nov. 30.— Gratified by Japanese Officials Insist Port
fired upon last night from sundown to
A rth u r Be Taken.
the spirit which has animated the con­
daylight. It is intimated that no less
tracting parties in agreeing to intrust
than 500 shots were fired at the town.
RUSSIA READY FOR BAD NEWS The town was completely surrounded,
the questions of fact connected with
and the firing came fiom every quarter.
Classed as One o f the M ost Im port­ the North Bea incident, the United C ertain T h a i S to e sse l W ill Make the Response to this fusilade was made by
four Gatling guns placed at various
A s s a u lt One o f the C o stlie st
States government will cordially co­
ant Im p ro v e m e n ts — W ill Be
points about the mine buildings. As­
T a k e n Care o f f ir s t .
sistant Adjutant General Reece and the
sion by the designation of one of its
Carbondale militia company arrived at
Washington, Nov. 28. — The Associ Zeigler today, and General Reece will
Washington, Nov. 30.—The house high naval officers as a member of that
body. The outcome is especially pleas- j a(ej pri'HH learns on excellent authority remain several days to investigate the
committee on rivers and harbors held a
ing to tbe administration, following [ tl,at the Japanese army has received situation.
It is thought that still
preliminary meeting today to prepare a j as it does so closely on President orders to renew its attack on Port Ar more troops will be brought.
bill which will be ready for presenta­ [ Koosevelt’B invitation to the powers of tliur and to take the main fortifications
Joseph Leiter reached Zeigler today
with more miners from Chicago.
tion to the house before the Christmas the world for a second Hague confer­ at any cost.
amination of the ground this morning
The measure was discussed
The popular impression lias been all
showed that the men who were firing
Prepared fo r Bad News.
only in a general way, but an agree­ along that Admiral George Dewey, the
They were sta­
St. Petersburg, Nov. 28.— There is a have powerful guns.
ment was reached that the more im­ j ranking officer in the American navy, lack of news from the front today. The tioned from one-half to three-quarters
portant projects would be taaen care of would be asked to be the Ameiican rep­ report that the Japanese are concen­ of a mile from the town. Almoet a
firet by the committee and the less im­ resentative on the commission, al­ trating their energies for a desperate bushel of empty shells of every size
though other names have also been
were found in the woods.
portant afterward.
Representative mentioned in connection with the ap­ assault on Port Arthur, in view of tbe
A trail of blood was found on a rail
approach of the Baltic squadron, is
Jones, of Washington, will look after pointment. A decision will be reached quite generally credited in official quar­ fence, and from this it is slippered at
the interests of the Columbia river, the
Such a move has been expected least one person was wounded. Fur­
improvement of which means so much has been received from the Russian to transpire as soon as the Japanese ther trouble is anticipated.
and British goyernments as to who learned that the squadron’ s trip was
to his constituents in Washington. ehall be designated.
a reality and no mere demonstration.
Members of the committee who were
This formal invitation has not yet
The authorities are prepared to hear
seen today were of the opinion that the been received, the two governments in terrible reports of the projected assault.
R iv e rs W ill Soon B ea r the W eig h t
Columbia project properly came within the negotiations which have been in While not hazarding a guess whether
o f T ra n s p o rt W agons.
the fortress can be carried, for the be­
the classification of important, and it
Tokio, Nov. 30.— News receiver! from
on the presumption that tbe United siegers are utterly regaidless of life,
will be among those considered first.
States would cheerfully give its assist­ they are confident that General Stoessel the region of the Shakhs indicates that
Mr. Jones was present today. In ad­ ance and detail a naval officer
will be able to make such an attack the Japanese have been across the Hun
dition to caring for the Columbia river
Further reports are to the
of tbe costliest in hietory.
work, Mr. Jones will control to a large
effect that the Russian outposts on the
degree appropriat one for improvements
right hank of the Shakhe were within
R u ssia n s Lack A m m u n itio n .
in the state of Washington.
300 yards of the Japanese picket line.
It has been definitely determined H err M ost T a k e n Into C u sto d y by
Shanghai correspondent cables that, Frequent exchange of gun fire occurred
that a river and harbor bill ehall be
S t. L o u is Police.
according to reliable infoimation re­ and minor attacks are quite everyday
passed at the approaching session of
St. I.ouiB, Nov. 30.—John Most, ceived there, the guns at Port Aithur affaire. The rivers will soon be frozen
congress. Chairman Burton decided to alias Herr Most, anarebiet of New
have been silent for the past few days sufficit ntly to hear the weight of the
get his committee together in advance York, was arrested at 11 o ’clock to­
The follow­
owing to lack of ammunition. This heavy transport wagons.
of the convening of congress, so as to night after a fruitless effort to hold a
sudden turn for the worse in the con­ ing report has been received from Field
complete work on the bill and have it meeting in St. Louis, and is now a pris­
dition of tbe defenders of the fortress Marshal Oyama:
ready to present to the house just be­ oner at the Four Courts, held for Chief
“ From the n'ght of the 25th to the
has been caused by the recent blowing
fore the holiday recess. Once the bill Kiely.
up of the most important magazine by morning of the 20th bodies of the
is called „up in the house it will take
enemy’s infantry attacked us in the vi­
For ten days St. Louis detectives Japanese shells.
but a short time to get it through that nave watched Most. He was to have
cinity of Signlutsu, Fagsig and Shaotu-
body, and it will go through tn practi­ made a speech in National ballon Sun­
kau. All these attacks were repulsed.
cally the shape in which the committee day afternoon. November 20, but the
In the afternoon of the 20th the
reports it.
enemy’s artillery east of Taeha hotly
police piohihited it in view of the ap­
In the senate, however, there in likely proaching visit of PieBident Roosevelt.
C onsul W in a n s Charged w ith G iving cannonaded us, but we suffered no in­
to be considerable discussion of various
He remained in St. Louis until last
Im proper B ills o f Health.
features of the measure, and there is " ’ sdneeday, when it was announced he
“ The greater part of the village of
apt, before the bill reaches the senate, had gone to Chicago.
Changt-aimun has been burned by tbe
Instead, it is
to be considerable discussion and declared he went across the river to here that Senor Martinez, the Chilean Russians.”
amendment by the senate committee. East St. Louis, where he remained at minister to the United States, will re­
The Benate will, of course, pa.s the the home of a friend until last night, quest the State department at Wash­
N egotiating fo r S te a m e r.
bill about as it comes frout the com­ when he recrossed the river.
With ington to cancel the authorization of
New York, Nov. 30. — Negotiations
mittee on commerce, with probably a the presence of Most in the city, it has Charles 8. Winans, American consul at
are reported to have been nearly com­
few amenmdetns, increasing individual developed that an international con­ Iquique, to take charge ad interim of
pleted whereby the steamship J. L.
appropriations. Then it will be a vention of anarchists w s b held in St. the Peruvian consul at that place. The
Luckenbach may eventually become the
question of holding the senate increases Louis for ten days just pricr to the ar­ request, it is said, will be founded on a
pioperty of the Russian government.
in the bill, and this will have to be rival of President Roosevelt. Chief of j charge that Mr Winans. has given im-
She was formerly in the trans-Atlantic
done by the combined efforts of the P o 'Î Ï m k w 7 ' hüdY
*— m
v 11*
t v r r e
v v m u n j 1 • P r o P » e r bi" 8 o f h e a ‘ t h t0 8 t e a m e r s l e a v -
M " it'th
service under the name haale, and was
i n » In n in tiA
various members of delegations whose who
made a complete report to him o f ! ln?,-, ,UUIU®'
, , , . partially destroyed in the great fire
states are interested.
the proceedings.
It is declared that
While the Prevalence of bubonic which swept the Hoboken water front
the chief business transacted at the Pla* ,B. naB,
several years ago. The steamer, which
Burled bv Cave-In.
(onvention, in addition to numerous 'J1
! *
. ,fi aI
ere are cases jB now at South Brooklyn, was rebuilt
J ’
8t. Louis, Nov. 30.— Eight to 12 speeches on ---
liberty and - free
speech, that the Chilean government daily con- after
the fire and fitted up as a cargo
laborers employed in the digging of a was a resolution binding each delegate I ceals in order that steamers may not carrier. She is valued at $300,000.
trench for the laying of water mainB in to use bis influence to bring about a | omit touching at ports at which there She will be used as a transport.
This al-
Southwestern St. Louis, were buried strike of all trades unions in the coun­ are no sanitary regulations.
j leged action is considered a great peril
today by a cave-in, and it is believed try next spring.
Taft at W ork in Panam a.
to the Peruvian coast, Panama and the
all have perished.
The men were
Panama, Nov. 30.— The first confer­
| entire country bo-dering on the South
working close together when, without
ence having for its purpose the adjust­
Pacific ocean.
R u ssia T ea rs C ris is is A t Hand.
warning, tons of clay fell on top of
ment of the questions in dispute be­
them. A bursting water pipe caused
St. Petersburg, Dec. 1. — Foreign
tween the United States and Panama
T ro o p s Rushed to A rth u r.
the cave-in.
Those who escaped at reports of the fighting at Port Arthur
once went to work and dug cut three of are accepted here very seriously. If
St. Petersburg, Dec. 1. — According was called this morning. There were
their companions, who were dead.
the Japanese have taken 203-Meter to information which has reached the ( present Secretary of War Taft, President
member of
hill, as reported, ommanding the war office, Field Marshal Oyama’ s i ^ n>a,*l” r^ Ricardo Aria“ ,
Coast Shipping C onsidered.
whole harbor, it is believed that the strength is much smaller than hereto­ the Panama fiscal commission, and
Washingtn, Dec. 1. — The Merchant situation is critical.
Experts on Pott fore believed, tending to confirm the , ,ener|G Guardia, Ihe Panama minister
The case for Panama was
Marine commission today made further Arthur topography assert, however, theory that a large force has been with-
progress toward completion of its report that it is more likely that the Japan­ drawn to assist in storming Port Ar- presented, but beyond this fact noth­
to congress. Some attention was given ese have occupied some positions at the thur. This information is to the effect ing was given out, the proceedings be­
to the difficult problems presented by base of the hill, and believe that ow­ that not much more than 150,000 men ing kept secret until an agreement ia
the conditions on the Pacific coast. ing to the concentrated fire of the cov­ are now confronting General Kurnpat- reached.
The commission regards American ship­ ered forts tbe Japanese will find the kin. but that tbe Japanese lines aie
Stu d e n ts Ceasing t h e ir Rioting.
heavily fortified in order to check any
ping relatively stronger on the Pacific top of the hill untenable, if taken.
aggressive movement which Kuropatkin
Budapest, Nov. 30.— As a result of
than on the Atlantic coast at the present
might undertake.
the order of the director of the univers­
time, yet the American ships, it is
ity forbidding stndents to participate in
stated, are being severely pressed by
Russia W ill Copy A m e rica .
New York, Nov. 30.—The Heralds
political demonstrations, which yester­
foreign competition.
St. Petersburg, Nov. 30. — A project day culminated in a riot in which sev­
Washington correspondent says: The
Japanese Capture Blockade Runner. powers are again urging America to for applying tbe American scheme of eral students were injured, it was fear­
London, Nov. 28.—The Japanese, ac­ end the conflict in the Far East. Dip­ free land for settlers in Siberia in order ed that there would be further trouble
cording to a dispatch from Chefoo to lomats attach great significance to to attract colonization from the con­ today, hut the big meeting of the op­
tbe Chronicle, are teported to have Prince Fusbimi’ s visits to Secretary gested districts in European Russia is posing parties was held and dispersed
captured the British steamer Tung Hay and Ihe interest of the United attracting much favorable comment. quietly after speeches hail been made
Chow, laden with 30,000 cases of can­ States in the return of Manchuria to The plan as proposed follows cloeely by Francis Kossuth, Count Apponyi
the American homestead system.
China is emphasized.
and others.
ned meat for Port Arthur.
House Committee Looks After
Rivers and Harbors.