Catarrh IS “ Y E L L O W P E R I L " Whether It is of the nose, throat, stomach, bowels, or more delicate organs, catarrh is always debilitating and should never fail or of ^ ~ attention. It is a discharge from the mucous mem brane when kept in a state of inflammation by an impure, commonly scrofulous, con* V Ì dltlon of the blood. C h in e s e A Little Lesson In Patriotism REAL? Ayer’i W r ite r R ld lc n le a A r g n m e a t S e t F o r t h b y A la r m is ts . Why Is It that England and America io not see the "yellow peril?’ Because they know that the Invasion o f Eu­ rope and America will never come, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * says a Chinese writer in the Review | >f Reviews. Because England and "When I first learned the subject of America have so shaped their courses ! this quarrel, my heart espoused warm- in their Asiatic possessions that the I ly the cause of liberty, and I thought natives cannot and will not be driven Cures all forms of catarrh, radically and of nothing but o f t » think of revolt, much less Invasion, permanently — it removes the cause and adding the aid of The liberty, freedom, fair play and overcomes all the effects. Get Hood’s. my banner.” privileges granted by England and It was at a din- America to their colonies insure con* | ner given by tbs tentment and stability among the na-1 The happiness and misery of men de­ pend no less on temper than fortune.—• c o m m a n dant ot tives. Anyone who compares the con- [ Hochefoucauid. the garrison at dition o f the Straits Settlements and Metz to the Duke Annam will be immediately convinced For bronchial troubles try Piso’s Cure ¡1 of Gloucester, the of their respective conditions and cor-; 60 for Consumption. 1 1 is a good cough brother of King responding prosperity. The troubles " I have used Aver*» Cherry Pectoral In my medicine. A t druggists, price 25 cents. family for eight years. Therein nothing e<|ual George 111., that In German Africa are the outcome of to It for coughs and colds, especially for chil­ L A F A Y E T T E . the dren.’*— Mus. W. U . B u y m k h , Shelby, Ala. Marquis de cruelty; the flourishing condition of Tlie Changeable Man. so c.. 91 .on. “ Mr. Vane says he wcin’t see you,” Lafayette first heard o f this quarrel, the Sandwich Islands Is the fruit of sw».. All druggists. the cause o f the American Revolution. Impartiality. The "yellow peril' o f the fo r i said that gentleman's clerk* “ When did you ask him?” inquired The noble heart of the French arista- Mongols under Genghis Kahn Is a Mr. Burroughs. crnt was stirred by the accounts of thing of the past—dead six centuries “ Why, only a minute ago, of course.” the struggle that the men over the a(?°- Asia then suffered far more than “ Well, ask him again, won’t you. lie sea were making against tyranny and Europe, only the eastern border of K eep th e b ow els open w ith on o oi which was visited by the Tartars. Ayer’s Pills a t b e d tim e , Just one. may have changed his mind since oppression. | His desire to akl them, however, Nearly every nation on the Asiatic ' ----------- ------------------------- then.” — Philadelphia Press. Insurmountable was conquered, and the Chi- , ^ New • York met with apparently .«u iu iv u iu a v io mainland ----------- ----------- -------------------------- « . char _ * » table » * woman who . is How's This? difficulties. His relatives and friends « « . t terribly from their « . I buttfrfl^.^Uh^he’m. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for opposed what th e v cnn.ldorod „ Invasion, any ca.e ol Catarrh that cannot be cured b , “ , " unl Ule} «»nsm eied a mad • H a ll’s Catarrh cure. Impulse. Lafayette found it impossl- The yellow peril” will never come We, *the uruler.1 Jnei 1 ^av'e°ituowu' F°' j! l,le to engage passage upon any out- « * » » “ • « “ “ me. at all It will be Cheney for the last 15 year«, and believe him going ship. Nothing daunted, but in- at the time when European civilization 1 thuis sarrl inancta/ly ablemcar’ry'oirt’any'ob- sf,|r,'d by ‘ he obstacles In his ’path, he hn8 retrograded and Europeans return ligations made by their firm. purchased a ship o f his own. The a conere<* an Kirkland Farm that “ He doesn’t seem to be making In the Hawaiian Islands and found them the only potash o r othet they wotll<1 re,t- The hilltop com- much o f a living for you.” returned her article that suited. I am mineral. Ourhom« manded a magnificent view o f the admirer, who clerked In the corner gro- n o w In t h is c o u n t r y (Africa) and think a great treatment b ook Oriskany Valley, across to the Adlron- eery and knew; “ you’d better get a deal of your coats.’’ ves all the sytnp dacks to the north, and often the elder divorce from him and come on with ( mams oh application ) — 9 of this dis of the pedestrians would say, as they “ «• Isabella.” — New Orleans Pica- The world-wide reputa- ^./v\VFT>«w i. Medical ad Parted on again: " I wish I owned y l,ne- tlon of Tower’s W ater- p ro o f O iled C lo t h in g • vice free. that tree. -I One dose of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral at bedtime prevents night coughs of children. No croup. No bronchitis. A Hood’s Sarsaparilla Cherry P e c to ra l doctor’s mediqine for all affections of the throat, bron­ chial tubes, and lungs. Sold for over years. Night Coughs raw f Another club woman, Mrs. Haule, of Edgerton, Wis., tells how she was cured of irregulari* ties and uterine trouble, terrible pains and backache, by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. A while W. *» “» —VST ....... 25 a a „ ••r ’- r r , . sss The Swift Around the World Specillo Company, Atlanta, 6a •/> PISO S C U R E FOR cum ___ «MIRI A ll (LSI fails . t C ou gh Syru p . T a » to * G oo d . L'a* In lim a . So ld b y d ru g g is t« P T IO N ?” T o I m p r o v e H e r C h a n c e. In the years since there have been inany changes at Hamilton and In the country round al»out, but the old hem- iock has remained untouched—and the other day Ellhu Root bought Kirkland Farm and the tree which, he declares, has long been a landmark ia kis life.— Sueeeaa. “ The fortune-teller says I shall mar- ry a rich man.” “ I)ld she say whether ho would be blind or n o t r — Illinois State Journal. ---------------------------- I f all dreams came true, the courts would be overworked with divorce case«. a ssu re s the the positive all garments this Sign of b u y e r of j worth of *■ b e a rin g /?« l * tb « Fish. fiR A N ' A. J. TOWER CO. Boston, U. &. A. T O W E R CANAD IAN CO.. LIM ITED Toronto, Canada