The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, December 01, 1904, Image 1

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    No. 1.
The Estacada News
Estacada is having an electric light
system put in.
Estacada, Oregon, Friday, December 1, 1904.
satisfied with an occasional mosquito
looked none the worse for that.
A t Matt Rickman’s camp up the
riverfront town there are thirty chop­
The park has been seeded with pers at work getting out cord wood.
lawn grass and clover.
Mrs. Annie Sehutte, of Lacenter,
Quite a lot ofnew sidewalk was W ash., has taken a short lease of
put down this week on Main street the Park hotel. She, and her two
and Broadway.
daughters, Bertha and Minnie, are
W. F. McGilvray, of the Blake, managing the house.
McFall Company of Portland, was
The cut and grade on Main st.
through here, Friday.
that has l>een about impassable since
H. F. Downing, who had charge
of the electric light power plant here
expects to go to Boring to work in
the company’s mill at that place.
the rains began has been fixed and
is thought to be in good shape for
traffic again.
A . Havens did the
work for the townsite company.
Henry Landwehr, who has rented
his hotel in town, will perhaps go
out to his valuable claim near Clear
creek, and spend a part of the win­
A mammoth fir ended its career
in the park last Sunday.
Its top
branches fell across the railway and
tore the electric wire from fifteen of
the poles. Cars, however, ran reg­
Chas. Ferry now owns a fine male
specimen of the Mongolian pheasant
birds. It is one he got of a farmer
who lives near Highland and whose
dog caught the bird when it was a
young thing.
It is not yet a year
old, and will be a very beautiful
bird when full grown.
Some changes of improvement in
the surroundings of the Hotel Esta­
cada are to be made by the O. W .
P. Co. A canopy structure is to be
built over the walks so that guests
mnv arrive from the cars and leave
without being exposed to the winter
raic.s or summer sunshine.
Several other changes and im­
provements are to be made about
the hotel.
Mrs. Dr. Charlton of Portland,
and her frietW, Mrs. Dr. Holmes of
Chicago, came out from the city,
Friday morning and were taken out
to Dr. Charlton’s country home five
miles east of Estacada where they
will enjoy a two weeks' rest. They
are old acqvaintences and friends of
Linn Bros.
Mr. John Tracy who has been
Portland a short time receiving trea j
ment from a medical specialist h ‘ ,
returned home practically a cur d
Previous to going to Po t -1
land Mr. Tracy was considered ii a
very dangerous, condition, but Dr.
Smith, in whose care he was, .d-
vised special treatment.
After i he
troublesome gull stones had be 4
removed the patient rapidly reL»v-
Mr. Tracy is one our most
prominent citizens, and has a beau­
tiful country home and farm near
The winter term of the Estacada
school Iregan three weeks ago and is
progressing nicely .under the man­
agement of Miss June Oakley who
is recently out from Wisconsin. A t
present there are 38 pupils enrolled
and the classes range from the be-
giners to the Hth grade. School will
continue for a term of six months.
A number of pupils in the district
have not yet enrolled.
It is quite
probable that the present school ac­
comodations will lie too small a year
from now, and that an addition to
the present school will have to be
kinds of stationery.
Blank books
Latest tablet and box writing papers.
Legal blank forms
Cigars and Tobacco, p > vnt ?.& 0ILS
A Parlor
Try a pound of our 25c tea, vith every purchace
you have a chance to draw for a beautiful parlor
We keep a nice stock of
F. H O W E
For several days of last week a
large, ripe, lucious looking straw­
berry, was on show parade in Reed
i ' c Cooper's store window.
It was
E s ta c a d a ,
O regon
grown on V. Lingelbach’s farm and
.Mr. Lingelbach has quite a patch of
the berries ripening. This is nothing
strange for Oregon.
A ny person,
by a little cultivation of the plant,
W. E. Wills, east of town, has
can have strawberries and cream in let a contract for 1000 cords of four
foot wood to be cut, and intends let­
Thanksgiving morning Govern­ ting another contract for 4000 cords.
ment Forest Ranger, Weruie Ward It will take considerable labor to get
and J. W. Reed started on a forty this amount of wood out, but its one
mile trip up the Clackamas to look of Oregon’s principle products atid
over some prospects they have up can be harvested any time of the
All work carefully and promptly attended to
there, and some they had in view. year. It is said that there is enough
They were well pleased with what timber in Oregon to feed the mills
tV - found, and report some quite and furnaces of the world one hun­
William K. Haviland,
Doctor C. B. Smith,
promising quartz claims.
They dred years, at the end of that time
Office in Howe’s store.
f atacada
returned Tuesday evening. Their tlere would be a secondgrowth large Office at the drug »tore.
Office hour« at f atacada, 9 a. at. to 4 0 . at.
trip would have been made without enough to do the same thing over
Sjght ra il« answered.
Office hours a t I agle Croeh, night a & morning*.
excitement had their provisions held again. Mr. Wills is also getting out
Night bell at Second St. entrance
...All calls promptly answered...
out, but as it was they had to V a large number of ties and pilings. \