The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 31, 1930, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    THE MXtJPitf tftMfiS
TKuitday, July SI, 1188
Jo Ho 0 Runm C
Offers greater values. Larger selections
anc most complete home finishing service,
quality considered, and our prices are con
sistently lower, maintaining free delivery
service and a large exchange department
where you can dispose of your old goods
at a fair price to apply on the purchase of
new goods; and of course you are welcome
to our unusual time payment plan.
Inlaid linoleum standard household weight At
tractive patterns, priced
square yard
Linoleum For Every
Room in the House
We are showing: the greatest assort
ment of new linoleum patterns ever
displayed in our store; all the new
pastel shades and color combinations.
You will find the proper patterns here
for kitchens, dining; room, bath room,
living: rooms and some uplendkl bed
room pattersn. Bring your floor
covering problems to us, we will be
glad to help to select the right colors
and quality.
Felt Base Floor Coverings, extra heavy
enamel finish, attractive patterns, blues,
greens and ivory combinations, square
Linoleum Remnants bring your room sizes and
save one-half Several choice patterns
Heavy quality mlaids, assorted patterns, new
color. Will give many years service
priced, square yard
A Small Additional Charge for Laying Linoleum
J. R. Docherty Furn. Co.
Your Credit Is Good We Deliver Free
10 Big Improvements
Cleaner, Grader and Treater
See these Improved Machines
Cleanout In Bottom
f Elevator Avoids
Larger Capacity
Grain Hopper
Accessible Efficient
Grain Feed Control
New Light-Running
Suction Fan
Controls Duit
Removable Auger
Trough Eliminate
Larger Capacity, All-Mtal
2-Way Bagger
Grain Hopper Only
145, Inch High
Improve 4 Scire Double
Cleaning Efficiency
Retur Grain Feautres
Increa Grading
Shaker Attached
Direct to Grading .
And lO Big Advantages
1 Selects Only the Large Vital Seeds
2 Thoroughly Treats Seeds for Smut
8 Removes All Chaff and Weed Seed
i Eliminates Cracked and Small Seed
5 Efficient and Easy to Operate
6 Handles from 40 to 60 Bushels i-er hour
7 Adapted to all Kinds of Seed
8 Eliminates All Mixtures
, 9 Built for Permanent Service
10 Adapted to Power on Any Farm
Sold for cash or on terms by
Shattuck Bros.
Local Agents, Maupin, Oregon
More than 31,000,000 visitors en
joyed the recreational oportunitics
of the national forests in 25 states,
-Alaska, and Porto Rico in 1929.
Three-fourths of these visitors were
transient tourists, and seven out of
every eight traveled in automobiles.
The: possibilities in fur farming as
a business enterprise are Illustrated,
according to the Biological Survey,
U. S. Department of Agriculture, by
the fac,t that all the silvcrfox pelts
sold "on the raw-fur markets to-day,
more than 98 per cent are from
ranch-bred foxes.
If your sheep, calves, or pigs have
a husky cough at this time of the
year, look out for lung-worms. Iso
late infested animals and give them
special care and feed. Put the ani
mals on high, dry pasture, or put
them up and feed dry feed. Give
plenty of pure water and provide
them with some kind of shade.
An intertilled crop following clo
ver or alfalfa is a good thing in crop
rotation, but it is a mistake to grow
two or more intertilled crops and
several small-grain crops in succes-
New Words
spelled, pronounced,
and defined in
Tho "Supremo AathotHf"
Hart are a fow tampUi i
hot pursuit Red Bur
Air Council
mud gun
& P. boat
rial cascade
capital ship
mystery ihlp
American Legion Blu Cross
girl scout airport
cypar crystal detector
sipplo auperheterodyne
It thh tlerai
e Information
toning you?
2700 Pa
Ca tetteeraad Biographical Dictionary
Get th But I Write for ample
pace of the AW Wordn, tptclmtn of
Regular and India Papori, PRES.
Via ; - "kJei?-. Ml IT w
Springfield, Mat., 1 8, A.
We have joined wlili fWCOCOCO
to not only meet but BEAT Mail Order
and other Special Brand tires on
Coat tm mnd the taci$
YOU no longer nee J to tend for
tlret by mail, nor do you have to
buy lire made by nome unknown
manufacturer. Firestone prices arc
now the lowest in tire history, but
more important than that, Firestone)
quality hat never been higher.
Wve taken the mystery
at ! tiro buying
Visit oar store and we will show you
the "Inside facts" about tires. We
have actually rut up new tires and
have the rross sections for you to ex
amine -you will easily see why
Firestone quality Is so outstanding.
Don't worry about puncture
and blowout
Punctures and blowouts are bother
some and most people far them
but NOW, because of the pntcntcd
Double Cord Breaker, Firestone hat
practically eliminated litem. Come
In and let us show you this feature
that puts two extra plies of cord
right under the trend where most
road wear comes and where punc
tures and blowouts start.
Compare Prices and
Because Firestone Tires hold all
world records on road and track for
speed, safety and endurance, many
people think they are high priced
but just check these low prices
then compare quality you will be
dollars and miles ahead.
Oar Tiro Ort
(Cadi Prita) Tire
4.40-21 $5.5$ $5.55 635 6.35
4.7S.W. 7.55 7455
5.00-23. 8.15 815
5,00-21. 8.45 845
5.25-is. 8.98 8.98
5.23-20. 9.40 9.40
5.2W1. 9.75 9.75
6.00-20.12.55 1290
Other Site Preserueaater- Lev
soxs.19.45 19.45
326 -34.10 34.10
Our Mall Order
Tire Tire
4.73 In. 4.72 in.
16.801b. 15.681b.
.598 In. .558 In.
81m 4.50-21
Vslahl of Tlr
TMrkneM of
Tlrs... .
Volume of Rubber
In Tread and
Sides -165 en. in. ISO cu. la.
Number of Plies
at Tread ( 5
EttublUh In facts br Asking to St
Crot SotUom of Both Tim
Super Deavy Daly
OarTIr atf
Caarrle Tire
4.50-ii $9.20 p.75
4.75-1910.20 10.1$
S.00-19 10.95 1175
5.25-20 12.35 13.65
5.50-20 13 90 15.15
6.0020 1470 17.10
6.5019 17.40 1895
7.00-20 19.05 23.45
Other Ibe PrrU4lf te
ftftf Batteries
13-Pl.le 25
Advantages of Our Tiro
Wider Tread, of Long-Wear Non-Oxidizing
Thicker Tread, of LongATear NonOxIdUlng
Heavier and Bigger All Around.
10 More Rubber In Tread and SldewalL
7.2 Thicker Tire Section.
Double Gum-Dipped Cord Breaker 6 Flies at
manufacturer who controlt own sources of
raw materials and who uses the most modem
manufacturing methods In the Industry
Leadership, gained in actual performance on
race track and other endurance runt. The In
ventor of the Balloon Tire, "Moil iftfet Per
All Tiret Guaranteed Without UmhaUont by
Ut and Firestone,
We Mount Your Tires FREE Drive in TODAY!
Richmonds' Service Station
Bion on the same land. Two small
grain crops of the same kind or two
intertilled crops are the maximum
number of nonlcguminous crops
that should be grown in succession.
Sowing winter wheat on the latest
safe date in the fall helps to pre
vent injury from the scab disease,
which reduces the yields and lowers
the quality of much wheat in the
Central States and eastward. The
seed should be thoroughly clean,
graded and treated. The scab fun
gus also attacks corn, and in regions
where scab flourishes wheat should
not be sown after corn unless the
stalks are removed and tho stubble
plowed completely under.
in making pies and cuwtards. Sweet
potato flour, used with wheat flour,
makes bread of good texture, color,
and flavor.
French toast is an appetizing way
of using stale bread, and provides a
main dish for, lunch or
upper. Allow one-half to three
fourth cup of milk to 2 eggs. Heat
the mixture, salt lightly, and dip
slices of bread into it until well
soaked. Fry in butter or well-seasoned
fat in a heavy smooth skillet.
Use moderate heat and let the toast
become golden brown on one side
before turning.
In the summer, high-producing
dairy cows need grain to supple
ment the pasture. Cows giving
more than 20 pounds of milk a day
should have, in addition to good pas
ture, 1 pound of grain to each 4
to 6 pounds of milk produced. The
grain mixture, which may be corn,
oats, wheat bran, or barley, should
be ground. For cows producing more
than 35 pounds of milk, there should
he at least one high-protein con
centrate, linseed oil meal or cotton
seed meal, in the grain ration.
At the markets this fall you may
find potatoes in handy size cotton
bags of unique design. The "Bureau
of Home Economics of tho U. S.
Department of Agriculture, and the
North Carolina Agricultural College
developed, this now ''consumer pack
age." One side of the bag is an
open-mesh fabric through which the
buyer may inspect the slxe and
quality of the Potatoes. The other
half of the bag is a close weave to
display the producers brand. (The
hag increases the incentive for grow
ing good potatoes and marketing
them as a graded product under a
trade brand. The sacks also expand
the market for the cotton crop.
Attention, Wheat Haaters
We have a heavy duty trailer for
sale. Has a good rack and is one
and one-half ton capacity. Tra'.!tc
in a J.! from rear end of tw)tsn
f uck. See it at the B. B. Wreck
ing plant, The D.i'.hs, and ink for
price and terms.
Carrots are a good sourco of vita
mins, if quickly cooked or grated
raw in a vegetable salad.
Solid spruce-pulp fillers and es
pecially treated strawboard fillers
are used considerably in packing
eggs for cold storage. These fillers
help to prevent the . characterise
flavor of cold storage eggs.
Sweet potatoes, when properly cur
ed, can be ground into a moal or
flour which will last indefinitely and
xx m
Dixie Bread! '!!
The Quality Loaf
t C. E. FOSTER. - . - Proprietor
x -
masMU M m.wm ormrS
will not lose ita flavor when used