The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 31, 1930, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Thursday, July 31, 193d.
Good tender Beef, pound . . .20c Best Steak in town, pound 28c Cured right. Per pound . . .30c
Just right for boiling, lb . . . 15c Ground from fresh meat, lb. 20c Needed in pastries; 2 lbs. . . 28c
Quick or plain, 9-lb. sack . . 49c Gallon tin, per tin 59c Gallon tin, per gallon . . . . . 65c
Large size, 10 pounds for . . 95c Glass jug, per gallon .... $1.55 Curve Cut, 25 lbs. for . . . $1.87
Our special brand; 10 lbs. $2.43 The best grade, 25 lbs. for$1.87 Oronite; very best; gallon $2.00
Our Tobaccos come direct from the factory. Our prices are the lowest and the tobacco is fresh; buy here
and save. In fruits and vegetables our stock is large and our prices are right. See us for canning fruit.
Blackberries are next. How many crates can you use? -There's a short crop on peaches and they will be
1. 1 ..U -f -v ae wi i - I t-l rv PflinflD lirill Kn r.1 rta-i 4ln 1 nnrl n!iAn iril I K wirvVit
liigii iui iaii....i& x lunvo ttiii mv
. Pprssnti n 1 Mips -
-Mayor Henntghan ind wife erc
in The Dri'd n Wednesday.
.. - ""
Mrs. Harry limner and little son
were in Maupin from Shady Orok
on Tuesday.
Mrs. Clarence Zigenhagcn rotura
cd Monday' from a week end with
relatives at Bend.
Bates Shattuck and wife returned
from an outing at East Lake the
first off ho week.
Misg Tcarl Guyton, from Kent, Is
visiting her brother, Contractor Guy-
ton, on tho new rond job.
The F. 1). Stuart and James Chal
mers families enjoyed a family pic
nic at Bear Springs lat Sunday.
Osrar Rcnick tranrarted business
at The Dalles on Tuesday. His
young hopeful, "Buzz," accompanied
John Stovall arrived yesterday
and is at the home of his brother,
Dr. L. S. Stovall, and wife for a
short stay.
Timothy Brownhill, former news
paper man of this section, now of
California, was a caller in Maupin
on Tuesday. 1
Richard Johnson and wife left for
Falrview Tuesday and visited with
the lattcr's brother, Ben Cook, fur
a .short time,
Harry Lewis, mayor of Smock,
was In Maupin on business today.
Mr. Lewis reports a shortago of wat
er on Smock at this time.
Fresh Every Day
Home Town Bread
Cakes, Cookies, Pastries
i, . ' , x
Ask Your Dealer
Dr. J. A. W. Howard, A. C Ruby
and E. Williams accompanied At
torney Win. Dugan up from Portland
on a business trip on Sunday.
A. E. May hew is up from his
Woodburn home and is visiting with
his sons and other relatives herea
bouts. He arrived on Moi!ay.
J. G. Kramer and wife came in
from their Criterion ranch today for
a short visit whh their daughter,
Mrs. Fred Curtis of California.
C. A. Robinson and family, after
a visit at the home of Mrs. Robin
son's parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. s
Turner, left for Spokane last Satur
Mrs. J. II. Kramer, son and daugh
ter, Ernest Kramer and wife and
Harold Kramer visited at the Sylves
ter Kramer home in Dufur last Sun
day. Lois and Catherine Tuzey, sisters
of Mrs. Roy Pattee, are guests at
the Pattee home. They live at St.
Helens and will bo here a couple ol
The special meeting of the com
munity club, called for this after
noon at the library, was postponed
because of the absence of a major
ity of the members.
The Dallcs-Maupin stage line
seems to be doing a good business
these days. Mr. Hartman carries
quite a lot of parcel express as well
as passengers each trip.
Mrs. G. I. Derthitk spent Satur
day and Sunday in The Dalles. On
her return she spent a day with hrr
mother, Mrs. C. L Lofton, at Tygh
Valley, arriving home on Tuesday.
Mrs. Fred Curtis, Sacramento,
1'iuiiLiiui aiiu piico
California, sisVtr 0f the Kramor boys
of Maupin,' leaven for her home to
morrow after having spnt a week
at the home of It. Kramer in M .lu
pin. . . ,
Mrs. Charley Walker la handling
the steering wheel of a grain truck
during the renent wheat harvest.
Mrs. Walker says that hauling wheat
is her mode of enjoying a vacation
from farm work.
B. F. Turner, our efficient post
master, enjoyed a few days' vaca
tion, visiting and attending to busi
ness at Portland this week. During
Frank's adsence the postoffice was
taken care of by Mrs. Turner.
Hugh Wood, ma,iojer of the Twin
Peaks Auto company, .The Dalles,
was greeting old friends n Maupin
this afternoon. Hugh has moved his
family to his Shady Brook ranch for
the balance of the snumncr.
Miss Velma Jean Duffy with her
aunt, Mrs. Helen Jensen, both from
Portland came in Wednesday and
left today for Crater Lake. Miss
Vclina is daughter of Mrs. Minnie
Duffy of the Rainbow cafe.
Sun Proved to B Hot
Bates Shattuck saya that sun tan
may be all right for women out for
men it is not juit the right fiing.
Ltst week Bates and wife were at
Esm Lake. During their stay there
Fate: donned a oathing su't urtd
slvrt sweater, ile got aboar a
bone and procoeJed to bathe in th
sun. As a result he . is hobbling
around like rheumatic, just be
cause the sun blistered spots on his
legs and on other spots burned
clear through tho skin tissue. When
he came home he went under the
doctor's care and showed up for
work yesterday a. m. Hereafter
Bates will do his gun bathing under
Tonsil Removed
James Vaughn and wife went to
The Dalles last Saturday and while
there had his tonsils removed, Dr.
Coborth performing tho operation.
Sunday morning Jim and wife start
ed for lower Oregon towns, Intend
ing to visit a time at Portland then
continuing to his old home at Rose
burg. They expect to be gone until
next week Monday.
Ladjr Delivers Wheat
Mrs. Ray Kaylor Is acting as chaf
fcur on the family truck these days,
hauling the wheat Ray pounds out
of tho heads to the Maupin ware
house. Mrs. Kaylor handles the
truck as good as any man and makes
frequent trips each day.
mil uc uiiu
Tn) jjljF Maupin's leading Cash Grocery
Raiting Cold Fiah
Mrs. L. S. Stovall has an outdoor
aquarium in which she has had a
number of gold fish. Recently Mrs.
Stovall noticed several tiny min
nows swimming in the water and
upon close scrutiny found they were
progency of the other fish. There
were about 30 in number. Nearly
all those died off and later another
school of minnows were seen. Mrs.
Stovall says she is sure the older
fish spawned and that the little fish
are the result One of her gold
fish recently committed suicide by
flopping out of the aquarium.
Mr. Frank McCorklo Gaining
While returning from The Dalles
on Tuesday iThe Times men talked
with Frank McCorkle, lately report
ed to have suffered a second attack
of paralysis. Frank says he had jio
more paralysis that any healthy man
and that he felt as good as at any
time of late years. Mr. McCorkle
had just returned from Odell lake,
where his wife was sojourning. He
said the outdoors was working a
miracle with his wife and that she
was gaining in weight daily, also
that her general health was mprov
ing. He will return to the lake the
first of next week.
New Tow Car
Ben Fraley recently went to The
Dalles and while there invested some
good hard dollars in a tow car. The
machine is a Studebnker six and is
equipped with necessary eranesi pul
leys and other adjuncts used in tow
ing cars. The Maupin garage is now
in possession of a tow car second to
none in this neck o' the woods.
Dr. Clarke Coming
Dr. Clarke, eyesight specialist. In
Maupin, Monday, August 4th, at
the Maupin hotel.
Kinzula Kinzua mills resumed
Hood River Andy Rand opened
restaurant on Third street.
TTn About
riVK UpS Town
Bates Shattuck is not much of a
believer in sun treatments. He re
cently spent several days at East
Lake. Durine his stay there Bates
was hit with the idea that sun bath
might do him what some doctors
claim to be good give him a coat
of tan and loosen up a few muscle
bound bodily members. Never again,
savs Bates. He got the sun bath all
right and in acquiring the coat of
tan lost several inches of cuticle
I from his nether limbs. Not only
blfryrs appeared but in places thej
sun burned clear down to the scar
tissue, leaving our worthy merchant
and ardent fisherman in a somewhat
lamed condition.
In speaking of Tho Times family
leaving Maupin a certain man it
credited with the statement that he
had taken the paper 10 years and
had not paid a cent on subscription.
We looked up his standing on our
list and it showed that he had paid
us 14.60 t one time and still owes
three years' newspaper dues. Of
course he will nay un. for he is one
man who loves a joke and who is j
known as a man who always pays
his just debts. So why should we
-x- .
Some people do not seem tj real
ize that a car gains momentum when
going down hill and that danger
lurkes cn every carve. The specta
cle of a fine Cadillac car beinrf
ruined because of a driver's anxiety
to get somewhere should prove a
Jeter mt to others. Hills slant'
downward as well as upward. '.'-
ing tho latter way there is not much
danger, for it takes power to over
come gravity. Traveling down hill
gravity is somewhat overcome and
a car will speed along, gathering
momentum rh rod traveled. It if
then that a little slower should be
the medium of safVty and would
obviate many srriotjs skills and loss
of life.
"Shorty" Miller, besides being
some paint slinger, is a daady fly
caster. Tuesday evening, while
waiting for his better half to pre
pare supper at their-camp on , the
flat on the cast side, took his rod
and made two cafts. Each one pet
ted a fine trout, whvh provided the
Miller family with fresh fish for the
evening repast. Shorty did not give
us the length of the fcrout but quali
fied his story by saying the two
gave the four in the family all the
trout they could eat at one sitting.
C ";" x i :"
The Times, after this week will
be a thinff of the pat so far as lo
Shoe Shop
Shoe Repairing Well
Bring in the old Shoes
E. A CYR, Poprietor.
cal publication goes. We have w-
form to the size and progessive spirit ,
of Maupin. That we have succeed
ed that undertaking is shown by tho
manv words of rerret that we are
about to leave. It comes hard to
say goodbye to the many whom we
have come in contact with during
our atay here. We wish all here
and hereabouts the best of luck and
hope to learn of the eventual com
pletion of the Wapinitia irrigation
project and a colonization of the
many rich acres covered Dy mat sys
tem. When that has been accom
plished Maupin will come into its
own and become by far the best and
areest town in this section oi ure-
a .
Announces new round irip pas- .
senger and Light Express Line Ser
vice between The Dalles and Mau-
. r.... i rr u '
inn via iiiiiur mnu ivicn bjiuy.
Schedule effective July 1, 1930. ;
Running dally excent Sunday.
Morning Schedule
The Dalles 8:00 a. nu
Maupin 9:45 a. m.
Maupin 10:00 a. m.
The Dalles 11:45 a. m.
Afternoon Schedule
The Dalles 3:00 p. m.
Maupin 4:30 p. m.
Maupin 4:45 p. m.
The Dalles 6:30 p. m.
Hotel; Dufur, Grant's Cafe; Tygh;
Valley, Muller's Cafe; Maupln.j;
Rainbow Restaurant.
C A. HARTMAN, Proprietor
Free to Public
Tli only place In U U. 3. Wi cW. mi
arcrtuinf matter cormrmg invlina of buainna
Of product cu b obtmhwdFreeaaal Without ,
ObHiatioa. la tha Americas Industrial Library. ,
Writ ror Buiinaaa Advcftiairii Matter you ara .
intaraated inaama will baproaaptlyforwardad.
EaalaaarUiBailaUBa. Calt (So, Uliasla i
Your Watch Haywire?
If it is not doing its work
bring it to The Times oiF.ce
and Mr. Semmes will Bend
it to :
Manufacturing Jeweler
aod Watchmaker
SuLuuwur to U. Lindquiat