THE MAttiMN TIMES Thursday, July Zi. Iv3$. The Maupin Times AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER C. W. SEMMES, Editor C. W. Semmes and E. R. Semmei PublLhers Published every Thursday at Maupin, Oregon Subscription: One year, S1.IQ; six month, 11.00; three month, 6 let. Entered as second class jpaill mat ter September 8, 1014, at the pott offloe at Maupin, Oregon, under the act of March 8, 1876. METSCHAN NOMINATED (The Republician State Central committee, in meeting at Portland last Saturday nominated Phil Met schan as the party's candidate for Governor. That choice will satisfy a majority of the Republicans of this state, as Mr. Metschan has long been identified with the party of Ore gon, having been chairman of the state central committee the past eight years. One thing is certain and that is that Metschan does not -and will not V I I p St Hv4 it. -1 i.. i Mi PHIL. METSCHAN OREGON NEWS NOTES North Bend Mountain States Power company will build 600-foot dock here in connection with power .plant Powell Butte Contract awarded for erection of Powell Butle grade school building. Bids will be opened for construct ing and improving Canon Ci,y Burns grading project, in Malheur National forest. FreeWater-JJTexas company plans construction of service station at cost of $6,500. Klamath Fal's Klamath Tractor atd Implement c.mpan opened for business at 1317 Sonth Sixth street. John Day Mr. and Mrs. Jack "Meeting the Needs of MiMionnQ off IPeopie Tit Uprif4 tutomoblU ha$ brought greater opportunity mni mddod fours of rtcroatloit to million of men end woman. ""SUDscriDe to we aocxnne or ine iie George Joseph, who secured the party nomination through promises ! that could not be carried out. Julius Meier has been mentioned as a possible independent candidate to oppose Mr. Metschan. If that gentlemen accepts a nomination at the hands of a few disgruntled poli ticians it will mean political death for him, such as visited Bob Stan field when he violated his promise to adhere to party usages and became a candidate on an opposition ticket In the event of two candidates run ning on the republician ticket the democratic candidate, Bailey, will stand a better chance and we would not be surprised at his election over the other two republicians. 'Tire Water Promised" was a headline in Wednesday's Oregonian. Booze fighters should not think that stood for the firewater of the In dians as it headed an article telling that sufficient water would be guaranteed the Gresham fair board to combat any fires that might be started during the coming Multno mah fair. BECAUSE the automobile Is such an Im portant factor In tbe Uvea and pros perity of to many people, the purpose of the Ford Motor Company is something more than the mere manufacture of a motor cart There is no service In simply setting up a machine or a plant and letting It turn out goods. The service extends Into every detail of the business design, production, the wages paid and the sell tag price. All are a part of the plan. The Ford Motor Company looks upon Itself as charged with making an auto mobile that will meet the needs of millions of people and to provide it at a low price. That is its mission. Thai Is lit Aaty and Us oVUgwiw" w Villo. The search for better ways of doing things is never-ending. There is cease less, untiring effort to find new methods and new machines that will save steps and time in manufacturing. The Ford plants are, In reality, a great mechanical uni versity, dedicated to the advancement of industry. Many manufacturers come to see and share the progress made. The greatest progress comes by never standing still. Today's methods, however successful, can never be taken as wholly right. Tbey represent simply the best efforts of the moment To morrow must bring an improve - ment in the methods of the day before. Hard work usually finds the way. Once it was thought Impossible to east gray iron by tbe endless chain method. All precedent was against it and every previous experiment had failed. But fair prices to the public demanded that waste ful methods be eliminated. Finally the way was found. Abetter way of making axle shafts saved thirty-six million dollars in four years. A new method of cutting crankeases re duced the cost by $500,000 a year. Tbe perfection of a new machine saved a similar amount on such a little thing as one bolt. Then electric welding was de veloped to make many bolts unnecessary and to increase urrl strength. Just a little while ago, an endleas chain conveyor almost four miles long was In stalled at the Rouge plant. This conveyor has a daily capacity of 300,000 parts weighing more than 2,000,000 pounds. By substituting the tireless, unvarying machine for tasks formerly done by hand, It has made the day's work easier for thousands of workers and saved time and money in the manufacture of the car. All of these things are done in the Interest of the public so tbst the benefits of reliable, economical 7 B transportation may be placed within the means of every one. FOIIB MOTOn COMPANY Bergland formally ooened new cafe in remodeled Dacheney building. Klamath Falls Second midgut g'.lf course completed at Altamont camp ground, one m'le south of city John Day Roy INyenport pur chased sheet in-ilal n.1 plumbing de iartment ol J jlm Day Hardware company. Klamath Falls Natural Gas Cor poration of Oregon to build gas plant to serve this city with natural gas. Vale Rex theatre installed elec tric cooling system. Vale Signs to be erected on highway entrances to town. Old Oregon Trail, 14.5-mile widen ing and regrading job. between Ka mela and Hllgard, will be completed by August 31st. Better Breakfasts SHIP BY TRUCK REGULAR FREIGHT LINE SERVICE , Between PORTLAND - THE DALLES - MAUPIN THE DALLES TRUCK LINE Inc. SPlCKERMAN'S TRUCK LINE PORTLAND--THE DALLES THE DALLES-MAUP1N and Way Points mni Way Points BONDED & INSURED CARRIERS ijjjTERE Is the right way to start iglths day wrong coffee, crul C Men, and a contrary cross-word puzzle. It isn't the fault of the cross-word puzzle, however, for any puzzle becomes cross when one's brain isn't functioning prop erly. And coffee and crullers are hard to beat on occasion. But one has to humor brains because they are so necessary, and they work best when the whole system is working at top speed. The best way to fuel the body engine is to provide it with a breakfast that Is adequate, balanced, "peppy" and pleasing. It should begin with fruit of course, and end, if you are a modern, with a sweet, Here Is a good tip on as early mM m tiVAAlrfflat Chilled Canned Lopanberriu Creamed Ham and Eggt on Wafftet Scotch reach Cake Eoef Coffee Scotch Peach Cake are mads as follows: Cream one-half cup of shortening And one-half cup of sugar, then add one well-beaten egg. Make one-third cap of peach pure by pressing canned peaches both fruit and syrup through a sieve. Add to the first mixture, Then add one and one-halt cups of pastry floor, one teaspoon of baking powder and one-fourth tea spoon of soda. Last, add one errs of quick-cooking oatmeal. Chill. Drop by small spoonfuls on a greased baking sheet, leavtrg two Inches between, as they will spread. Bake in moderate oven 850 degrees about tea minutes. Successful Business Enterprise Demand working capital and Banking Credit available at need. Every accommodation consistent with sound banking practice is cx tion. LET US SERVE YOU Maupin State Bank (INCORPORATED) HAY FEVER ATTACKS BOfH YOUNG AND OLD Hey FTr ,ad Aithnu are Couiini Aceerdiag te Dr. Strieker, Noted Eptdmiololil Flowers may look and mirll as good to the hay fever vlcitims a to the rest of us but sneezing, soro eyes, running nose and asthma make up the price they have to pay for enjoying them. It is estimated that about five percent of the population of tha United States are suffering frt: some form of hay fever or as thma. Until relatively recent years there Was little that could be done for the relief and curs of these two ail ments. The offending substance in the majority of cases of seasonal hay fever la th pollen from wind-borne pollinated plants which include many of the flowers, grasses, weeds and trees. By no means are pollens the entire causa of hay fever. Many pa tients have symptons throughout the entire year, not due to pollen at all, but due to substance which arc in haled, such as dandruff from various animals. These arc, for example, dandruff from cats, dogs, rabbits and horses; from fowls, such at chickens, ducks, geese j or from dusts such as orris root, talcum powder, face powder or from other dusts. Many persons, especially children, have asthma due to a sensitivity to one or more foods, or to a combi nation of fods, which we eat. In heritance determines largely whether or not an individual will develop hay fever or asthma. From the standpoint of prevention it is Important to protect persons from coming In contact wiih massive doses of the substance to which they frequently become sensitive. They should be protected from contact with the pollen of certain plants and the dut of various animals such as dogs, cats, horses and cattle, and the dust from powders. Pets In the house should not be allowed. Fsath rr beds and feather pillows should be refilled with cotton or kapok. Hi-ppner Construction started 0n new ga station by Standard Oil company. cLlssiFiEDcacui.iir HOME FOR SALE The R. H. De Camp in Maupin. Two lots, some fruit troes, fins laws. One of the best properties m Maupin. Will trade for chicken ranch. For particulars address or call on R. II. DcCamp. Maupin, Oregon. 3011 DODCE FOR SALE Dodge ear with platform bed, ia good run ning order, $76.00. K, E. Stewart at McFarlane mill, route A, Mau pin. 39-11 HAY FOR SALE Loom, baled or ground alfalfa hay for sals at the Buckly ranch. SS-tf TP- ! CRANDALL Undertaking Co. Tho D alios, Orogoa. Ptoao 35-J LADY ASSITANTS A hS- Maupin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crofoot Waplnitia Tygh Valley- Roy Ward W. B. Sloan Ok QUIET SERVICE Now in effect dally 30-day Limit ROUNO TRIPS Portland - m S0.48 Vancouver $9.48 Stevenson - $7.85 Ask for further particulars E. W. GRIFFIN, Agent L. S. Davis, Trav. Psgr. Aft O. T. RY. WE RN MARK SHOE STORE Shoes and Repairing Wa$co County $ Exclusive Shoe Store thoes for tba Whole Family Goneral Repairing The Dalles, Ore. Wm. A. SHORT Denti$(t MAUPIN . . ORECON WAPINI1TA i. o. o. r. Lodgo No. 206, Maupin, Ortfoa meets every Saturday night la L O. 0. F. hall. Visiting members always welcome. Roy R. Crabtreo, N. C B. W. Welch, Secretary. WhiteRestaurant ! PRIVATE BOOTHS Where the best 85 cent meal is served in The DaUes Next The DsJIes Creamery C. N. Sargent, Prep,