The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 24, 1930, Image 1

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Always working for the best
interests of Maupln and all of
Southern Wasco County.
Publishes only that nw
to print Caters to no particular
class, but works for all
Number 37
Hummings From Tygh's
One and Only Newspaper
Eaterpt, From, Copy of Tyih Bee account of the death of Wm. Heis
of August 17, 1005 and lor, Sr., which occurred at his homo
Comment in Dufur August 14, 1905. Under
. Wamic news ia a note to the effect
We have eecurcd a copy of the that Wheeler & Magill were moving
Tygh Valley Boo, published at that their sawmill to the Simpton place;
place by Elmer 0. Shepherd and that Mrs. Lizzie Allen has a new as
riven to ua by R. C. Tunison. The slatant cook who can wash- dishes,
issue we have is dated August 17, peel potatoes and onions, and ad
1905, published nearly 25 years vises the girls to act their caps for
ago, him.
The paper is well filled with ad- An article lauding John F. Sto
vertUenenU, among them bolng , a vena as the best man to build the
three-column announcement of Sex- Panama canal occupica consider
ton 4 Walther, The Dalles. Hinman able space. In the Tygh Valley items
tt Knowles, Dufur also advertise a was one telliing that the Bowman
line of general merchandise. Scott stage suffered a broken axle while
AY Young's Tygh Valley Roller Mills coming down the Tygh grade; that
and W. M. McCorklo advertise flour one of the horses on the Burlingame
and mill products in fairly lurge ads. stage fell down and broke a shaft;
VanDuyn & Adams tell the world that wheat hauling and harvest oc
that they carry all gooods necessary cupies the time of ranchers; that
to keep up the houwj, and Mrs. It. Mrs. W. U. StaaU and son, Harvey
A. Driver calls attention of the ladles Slushcr, stopped In Tygh while on
to her stock of millinery at Wamic. their way from Dufur to Victor;
Tho Fifteen Milo stable- of C. P. I that the editor and wife were regal
Ealch, which was managed by R. B. ' ed with Ice cream and cake, the
(antreli, auk the patr'n.ige of tho 'gift of Mrs. Jim Scott; that Joseph
tri veling public, whl'.o tho Tygh Vsl-; Davics and wifo hud gone to Port
ley Drug Store advi.-tlses propria-! land to attend the Lewis and Clark
tary medicines and souvenir pos' exposition; that J. L. Hannah of
cards. Dr, J. L. El wood, now proctlc-.The Dalles was employed by .Wal
ing at Maupln. carries a card in lace Farghcr on Dead Dog; that
The Bee. Three orders, Odd Fcl-i Frank Batty of Juniper Flat was
lows, M. W. A. and Royal Neigh-'trading In Tygh recently.
bors ' give directions concerning
meetings in a lodge directory col-
umn. The usual run of patent i
medicinee also appeared in the
Among the news articles was an
Two acres of Ladino clover pass
ci tho field inspection for certifica
tion for seed purposes on C. A.
Buckley's form in Tygh Valley. ThU
Inspection was made by D. E. Ste
phens, superintendent of the Moro
Exeprlment station Monday, July
This is the only field of Ladino
do fst raised for seed purposes in
Wasco county, according to W.
Wray ' Lawrence, county agent.
This field of clover is exceptionally
good and should make a good iource
of loul grown seed for farmers in
terested in growing this valuable
crop for pasture or seed purposes.
, Ludino clover is one of the most
outstanding pasture plants that can
be obtained, Lawrence stated, and on
land where there is plenty of mois
ture It cannot be excelled in carry
ing capacity or quality.
Whore it is to be, used for pasture
purpowc only It is quite often ad
visable to plant a mixture of Meal
cw Focue and Orchard grass to
gether with Ladino clover as this hus
a duided advantage in doing away
with the danger of bloat.
, C'tiicr f armors having gooj fields
of Ladino clover this yeor an- Wm.
Melcher, Dufur; and Pine Dairy,
Mill Creek.
Addle Wray and Bride Return From
Honeymoon Trip
i Addio Wray and wife are now in
Maupln, having returned from their
honeymoon trip, which was spent on
the coast and at Portland. They
were married recently at The
The newlyweds have rented tho
Mrs. Frank Woodcock cottage and
have been busy arranging same to
suit their convenience. Addle is
the gentlemanly clerk at the Maupin
drug store, and his wifo was one of
the popular teachers in The Dalles
schools. They will ifdd greatly to
the 'social sot of Maupin.
Appeal Hearing to Ba Held
'The appeal of the Tygh Valley
fschool board from the decision of
the county superintendent in the S.
D. Stephens case, will bo heard to
morrow before State Superintendent
' C.) A. ' Howard. Stephens was din
(Charged by the board, appealed to
the county superintendent, whone
decision was contested by the board,
the ' coming hearing being the re
sult. ' !';' ;
Oil Painting
Genuine oil paintings, 9x7 inches,
in frame ready to hang, 85 "cents
each at tho Maupin Drug Store.
The paper was nicely printed and
the make-up ananged in readable
manner. It is a five-column eight
page 'heel, four pages being patent
the other four containing
news end advertisements.
Hweit Sale of Groceries and Meats
Now Advertised
We call attention of our readers
to the half page advertisement of
the O. P, Rcsh & company in. this
issue of Tho Times. That establish
mcnt Is cutting profit with custo
mers and has made a special cut for
harvest time. Many necessary arti
cles have been slashed in price and
those Include meats, Mr. Resh says
the low price of cattle and hogs will
bo reflectod in meat sold by him
over the block, he thus giving.custo
mers the benefit of the drop in live
stock prices. The other articles list
ed are staple goods and at the prices
quoted will enable people to lay in
quantity 'lots. When you trade with
Rech you always get your mony's
worth while the goods are tho best
tho market puts out. Rend the ad
vertiBcnient then take advantage of
the borgains offered.
Mrs. Wm. Beckwith Suffers With
Second Relapte
Mrs. Wm. Beckwith, who has
been ill for many months, suffered
a second relapse and on Tuesday
was taken to a hospital at the coun
ty scat. Latest reports from her
bedsldo are to the effect that she
wns resting easy. Mrs. -( Beckwith
was taken ill about two years ago.
At times she seems to bo on the
gain, at others failing. Just what
her ailment is is not definitely
known, soma physicians diagnos
ing it ns one thing, others as some
ting else.
Brace Brothers' Occupy Commodious
Quarters at The Dalloe and
Handle Used Parts
Braco Brothers," two young men
who lived for a time in the Victor
section on Juniper. Flat, have erect
ed a fine business building in' West
Dalles and are conducting a wreck
ing establishment therein. Tho
Brace boys buy used cars, dismount
them and savo all parts that have
a value. Their yard is filled with
parts of nil cars and they are in a
position to . supply needed parts to
anyone. If your cars needs-a part,
and the car has ' seen considerable
use, you can save money by calling
on the B. B. company and get tho
part there. If you buy a new part
that part will outwear the car but
a used part will give you the same
service and conform to the wear on
the other parts. Try them the next
time you ore in need of repairs.
Owns Only Grain Field oa Flat to
Pass tho f Bisection Tost
for Certification
One hundred aixty acres of Hy
brid 128 wheat belonging to Ray
Crabtree passed the field inspection
for certification requirements at a
recent inspection made by D. E.
Stephens, superintendent of the
Moro Experiment Station.
This is the only field passing cer
tification requirements in the Juni
per Flat community, according to
W. Wray Lawrence, county agent.
Other fields of hybrid 128 wheat
passing the field inspection for cer
tification belong to Mrs. Ethel C.
Ingels, Dufur; Amounting to approxi
mately 1000 acres, and C. A. Know
les, Tygh Ridge, 45 acri.
Wapinitia Youth Seid to Hav
Polluted Atmotphere
The following story appeared in
the issue of The Dalles Chronicle of
Wednesday and has to do with sev
eral young men well known herea
bouts: Complaints charging five Wapin
itia youths with using indecent lan
guage on a public highway were
filed" In the justice court today by
G. R. Bell, alleged as the result of
a fight or argument last Saturday
night. The five named in the com
plaint are Fritz Hachlcr, Wilton Mc
Coy, Ed Beebe, Albert Hachler and
Nick Holloman. According to the
complaint, the youths wilfully used
profane, abusive and indecent lan
guage near the Wapinitia potoffice.
Angus McDoneJd Returns After
Nino Months Absence
Angus McDonald returned to
Maupin on Tuesday after having
spent nine months at his old home
at Ivcmess, Scotland. Angus left
for the land of bannocks and heather
last October. While in Scotland he
visited among friends and relatives,
making a call upon the father of
our James Chalmers as one of his
visits. He arrived at New York on
the 9th of the present month and
spent a week t Portland before
coming t0 Maupin. He went to An
telope today and after a time with
friends at that place will return and
again buckle down to hard work.
All his friends welcome his return.
A' lib
A Dollar Dinner for Four
. Lima Deans with Shrimp Coi'er $0.38
Catsup .02
Creamed Onions 14
'Sliced Cucumbers ,. .08
Bread and Butler .08
Fear and Roquefort Salad ttnth Crisft Crackers. ..... .26
Demi-tasse 03
Would you like to have a dol
lar for every dinner you've
cooked? "A dollar eared is a dot
lnr earned" so it you cultivate
the dollar-dinner habit, you'll
havo a dollar tor every dinner
rooked. Rut your dollar dinner
must he as dolidous and as diet
etlcally correct as the overage
two-dollar dinner, If it is to be a
real saving. This can be attained
by forethought In planning your
menu. Above, is a model dollar
Lima Beam with Shrimp Covert
Drain one No. 2 can of lima beans
and turn Into a shallow battered
Herd of Cows Hand picked nd
Milk Atteolutly Puro When
Delivered in Maupin
. The Times man visited the dairy
ranch of II. E. Wray recently and
was shown, Just how Mr. Wroy takes
Core of his milk and .ream, At
present Mr. Wray is milking 11
grade and pure bred Jersey and Hol
stein. cows, the very best for dairy
purposes. His barns are a model
of neatness and the cows are given
a thorough cleaning before each
The dairy proper is equlped with
a sterilizing plant, The milk is put
through this and the procedure en
tirely eliminates all matter detri
mental t0 the quality of the milk.
When tho milk is brought from the
milking room it is put through a
strainer. From that receptacle it
falls ovr series of water cooled
pipes into a huge vat. Connected
with this are two faucets, under
which the bottles are placed for
filling. When the milk reaches the
bottles it in cooled and when the
Lotties are filled they are capped
and then sUri.?.eJ.
It is Mr. Wray's Intention to
later install a milking machine.
When that is done much work will
be eliminated, as milking by hand
consumes much time and hard work,
and with a milking machine alt pos
sible contamination of milk is ob
viated. Mr. Wray is ably assisted
in his dairy work by his son, James,
and with their other ranch work
the two are kept on the jump every
working hour of the day. The
Wray dairy supplies practical! all
the milk and cream used in Mr.u
pin. It is gaining . In - popularity
daily and Mr. Wray will , soon be
called upon to add more cows to Iuj
already fine herd.
Kicked by Mule
While working with his "Mis
souri canaries" this morning H. E.
Wray was kicked by one of them,
the blow striking on the gentle
man's right hand. The member is
badly swollen and put out of com
mission for the time being.
Lady Loeee Pune
Mrs. Harrold, wife of one of the
rond oiling crew, mislaid her rurse
on Tuesday. She left it in a lavatory
and then went away and forgot it.
When she recalled her act and re
turned to .look for the money recep
tacle it was not to be found,. The
purse contained the sum of- 85.00.
baking dicta. Sprinkle with salt
and pepper. Drain one 054 -ounce
can of shrimps, and spread over
the beans. Add two tablespoons
ot cream. Cover lightly with but
tered crumbs and bake In a hot
oven nntil brown on top.
Pear and Roquefort Salad Kith
Otop Crackers: Drain and chill
half of a No. S can ot pears; then
place half a pear on each lettuce
leaf. Crumble ene halt wedge, or
package, ot Roquefort cheese over
tho top and sprinkle lightly with
paprika. Pour over four table
spoons of French dressing. Serve
with saltines crisped la the oven.
McCorkles Enthralled With
New Home In Ashland Town
MeophTi Former Poetess Dictate
Lines Regarding Her Now
Hon I. AUaad
Having thrown aside tho cares
And work incident to ranching on
Juniper Flat and having deckled to
abide a while at Ashland, R. W. Me
CorLle and wife are now happily
ensconced In that thriving city. In
order to express her appreciation of
the new home, Mrs. McCorklo sub
mits the following verses to The
Times, and we are sure they will be
j read with pleasure by all in this sec
tion, woo know the author:
(By Jay L. McCorkle)
Days So balmy nights so cool.
Both Just pleasant as a rule;
But, when evening shadows fall.
And the sun's behind the wall.
Directly when one goes to bed
Needs, soma covers, it is said
' Here is Ashland
rull up blanket feather light.
It's woolen yes but that's all
right .
One can not afford to freeze
In the cbi;lng July breeze.
Then whin one hai hit the hay
He may rncic till peep o' day
Here in Ashland.
Mornin-; break?, oh, grand surprise,
Morri Greene Will Build Two
Mile of Content Rend
Morris Green hai taken a eon
tract for the construction of two
miles of the rond being ouilt to con
nect with tho Wapinitia eat-off
highway at the Brown service sta
tion,, Morris,, contra ijjls or tV
construction of the extreme west
end "of the new rosi He exwets
to have a crw of men with horses
and equipment ready for w.-rk by
Monday next. ' . ,
Morris built A coutile of tni'es of
the cut-off road and hi section U
one of the best oti tit whota stretch,
lie also built a portion of The
Dalles-California highway near Cri
terion. Nw!ywd.MSoraded"
Addle Wray and wife were re
cipients of an old-fashioned chari-J
vari this evening, the donatora being
a flock of women and kids. Of
course some men were among the
musicians. Addie responded in the
usual manner, after which he and
his wife were left to their peace
and quietness.
Ford Flopped Orer
A Ford car drivea by a Vortland
man who, with his wife, was on his
w.-y tv. nd the IS l"'-1, lipped over
at the old rock crusher s:te on the
Maupin grade on Tiuuday. Joe
Kramer hauled the car down and
fixed up some crooked wbels,
tightened the brakes and sent the
travelers on their way. The driver
! admitted going rather fast, also that
', he was engaged In rubbering around
I and not watching the road when the
flop occurred.
Oiling Upper Highway
An oiling crew working for the
state, is at work on the Criterion
grade and is putting a coat of oil on
portions that have been badly worn.
The crew recently completed re
pairing part ef the highway near
Driver Injured
A Ford truck, the steering ap
paratus of which gave way near the
top of Cow Canyon on ' Tuesday,
threw the driver out when it capsix
ed, badly Injuring his head. He was
brought to. Maupin by a tourist and
Dr. Elwood fixed him up. The truck
i3 at Richmond's, where it will be
put, into condition again.
Went Clamming
Frank Klimpt and wifo spent
several days of the past two weeks
at Jetty, near Rockaway Beach.
While away Frank spent some time
digging clams and also catching
crabs. He says he got many of the
nicest crustaceans ever pulled from
their ocear beds and deplores the
fact that ha work on the O. W. sec
tion demanded his return to Maupin.
Streams of gold gUam from the skys,
With enchanting aeroplane . ,
Scadditi thr;un the fleecy aula,
One must turn ones eyes on Ugh
And view the w nderi of the sky
Hers ia Ashland - .
One may saunter hi the park,
'Neath the shadows cool and dark
But we would rather sea tho deer
And pet them when they draw near.
Tho ducks, the swan, and birds of
feather -All
go to roost and squst together
Here in Ashland
Then, one doesn't have to spend
Dimes and nickles to no end
For sods-pop and foolish matter.
For one may drink the Lithia water.
One puts the fountain to his lips
And then the cooling necter sips
Here in Ashland
Howdy! to our friends back home.
As in distant lands we roam.
Some day, when our journey's dona
Then well face the rising sua.
And well send our Model A,
Hootsey tootsey ali the way
Back to Maupin
Oh, my goodnes Hully gee!
When again our friends we s
We will dance around and sing
And well cut the pigeon wing.
Mercy on us now it's dark
And we're strolling in the park
Here in Ashland
Club Membere Send Pregrnns to
County Agent
Fout programs of work from the
i-ll clubs in Wamic have been re
ceived recently by County Agent W.
Wmy Lawrence. '
. . Shoolmanship . contests, judging
contests, field day tours,' picnics,
achievements day programs and
completing final reports are the
main events eovered by these pro
grams. ,
The dubs supplying these pro
grams and the local leaders art as
Proud Ten Poultry club, led by
Hans Hanson, Wamic; Wooly Win
ners Sheep club, led by Willis
Driver, Wnmic; Paddle Your Own
Canoe Calf club, led by Mary Gesh;
and Lucky Strike Pig dub, led by
Leslie Woodcock. Wamic.
4-11 Club Enthusiast MaU Rule
for Exhibitor
Preparation of rules which 4-H .
club members will follow In making
exhibits at the Wasco county fair,
state fair and the Pacific Interna
tional was the main point discussed.
These plans' will be prepared in
mineograph form as soon as they art
completed and sent to each 4-H club
member in the county. The purpose
of the program is to make club work
uniform throughout the county and
all members will be judged by ono
class of rules.
Plans for sending demonstration
teams, judging teams, and tho four
outstanding club members of tha
county to the state fair and Pacific
International were als0 discussed.
A new premium lut for the live
stock divisions will also be prepared
which will give a better division of
livestock. Als0 the rules which club
members must follow in preparing
and exhibiting livestock ia being pre
pared. North Bend Aldermen
Chas. Kaiser, brother of Man
pin's barber, an alderman of North
Bend, with his wife, visited with his
relatives in Maupin lsst week while
on his wsy home from the conven
tion of Spanish-American war vet
terans, held at Bend. H. R. Kaiser
and wife accompanied the other
Kaisers as far as Government Camp
on their way to North Bend.
Drilling at Criterion e.
Henry Holland moved his well drill
ing outfit to the D. L. Rutherford
ranch yesterday and will drill a well
there. Mr. Holland has been at the
Louis Walters ranch, where ha lost
quite a few tools, falling to strike
water after going down several hun
dred feet. 1 .