Thursdoy, July 3, 103d. i r , 1 n ii i .I, M More Mye Openers: Coming Next Woek Watch for Them i Save the si;i Labels for Valuable IjgElEj Premiums There's Cream In Every Drop i The 4th of July came this week and trade kept us too busy to look up specials. We'll have a few next week Real Hot Ones Maupin's Leading Grocery O. P. Resh . Co. Everything: Fur the Table Maupin, Oregon pwMwvw, ranch on t business trip yesterday. Personalities ! -o- . Cww r. r-ToC" "TTJ ' p'n'n,,r, w1(h ""d Don Rulher vwo wwy ; f ,rd were in Tbo Dalles couple of Pete Kirwh was In town from his ', djv this week. Criterion ranrh yesterday morning, j " o j I'nve Donaldson, after a few days John PowpII whs down from the' spent in town and in fishing, re turned to Government Camp on Monday, Dun otlibs came in after some eating tobacco and some other table necessities Wednesday. Andrew Wittman, one of the firm Tram Vail tie OIF o SdDIUMDD HDlEn(BM New Ford engine (five ft outstanding acceleration, speed and power without sacrificing reliability or economy TlIE (jock! prrformanoB of tlie Fowl car, '" ao apparent on every highway, U due '' largely lo the aouml mechanical flralgn , of the engine. '. It ha outstanding acrrlrrntion, ee(I and power, yet that i only part of it value to you. Creator ml ill N the fact that It hrlnx you nil thru features without narrifirlng either rdiuhility or economy. That ia I he reason the lord ear' linn given anon untinfaelory nrrviee to mil liona of motorist all over the world , and lias been ehosen by bo many large companies that keep aceurate eoat fig ures. In every detail of construction it has been carefully planned and made for the work it has to do. The design of the compression cham ber is an important factor in the effi ciency of the Ford engine. It is built to allow free passage of gases through tho valves and to thoroughly mix the fuel ATif that built the new bridge, Is in town for a few days' vlnlt. Miss Hazel Laughliii of Waplnltla was a guest of their cousins, the! Weberg girls, yesterday. Mrs. James Vaughan spent Tues day night at her parental home in Maupin, returning to Oak Springs yesUrday. Mrs. Vivian McMorrls has resign ed from the Rainbow cafe and has returned to her parents' home at Silvcrton. John MfMilllsn has gone to the mountains for the summer, having taken a band of Fargher's thecp to the high spots. Mrs. Gus Dcrthick went to Oak Springs yesterday morning and visited with htr daughter. Mrs. James Vaughan. Tom and Emmctt Ashley were in town a short time yesterday morn ing, being on their way to the moun tains with sheep. ' L, D. Kelly is attending the regu lar monthly meeting of the county court at The Dalles this week, going down on Tuesday. Nick Karolus and Jack Berthala have gone to the mountains, where they will remain until after the huckleberry season clones. Ye editor, son, Edward, and Ira Kiddtr enjoyed a vacation of a few days last week, se nding the time at Longview, Washington. Willard Cunningham is the first around here to get into his grain harvest, Yesterday he combined his rye and realized a good crop. Coqullle -Plana proposed for con struction of building at State High way Department shops In this town. Toledo 116,000 bond issue ap proved for purchasing additional right-of-way for Newport-Ciirv&llii highway thrugh this city, John DayStone building next to Hachncy Home blng reimxlled and refurnlnhed for a new occupant. Aanaa! Meeting Both of Maupin's warehouse com panies will hold their annual meet ings on Saturday, July 12 These meetings are for the purpose of go ing over the year's business and to transact other business that may come up for dissussion. Hut EryipU Mae Holloman went to the forest to cut fence posts Monday morning. He attempted to fell a tree but was taken with a spasm of erysipelas which caused him to return to camp, which is on Salmon river near Swim. Mae came U town yesterday and 5btainrd a remedy for the ailment. m mr f vfj, ,;' by producing turbulence within the cylinders during compression. The spark thus fWhrs quickly throueli the whole fuel charge, resulting in quieter and more effective engine performance. Other factors are the direct gravity gnolinc feed, the specially designed carburetor, the new hot-snot manifold, aluminum pistons, chrome silicon alloy valves of larger diameter, statically and dynamically balanced crankshaft and flywheel, the simplicity of the electrical, cooling, lubrication, and fuel systems and accuracy in manufacturing. NOTE TIIESE LOW PniCES Roadster ' $135 Phaeton 440 Tndor Sedan ' 495 Coupe , 495 Sport Coupe . . ... 52-1 De Luxe Coupe .... 515 Three-window Fonlor Sedan 600 De Luxe Phaeton .... 625 Convertible Cabriolet . . 625 De Luxe Sedan . . , 610 Town Sedan ...... 660 Alt prim f. a. fc. Detroit, ptutfrrtfht nl VWtwrjr. Dumper and tpart tin txtrm, al low eott. The Nnr Ford Town Sedan Ash the nearest Ford dealer for a demonstration Maupin, Sunday, July, Gth " " 1 i Funniest Farce of the Year Uye Head of the Family FEATURINC Virginia Corbfn, William Russell, Mickey Bennett and other stars of the Film Eirmament "A LAUGH A DAY ' KEEPS VHE DOCTOR AWAY YOUXL KEEP HIM AWAY FOR A YEAR AFTER SEEING "HEAD OF THE FAMILY." OVER 200 LAUGHS-- ALWAYS A GOOD SHOW AdminioB Adult. 50c, CLildr.n 2S. BK7 mm EFFECTIVE HAY JInd TO SEPT. 30th FINAL nETUim LIMIT OCTOBER 31" LIBERAL STOPOVERS OOINO AND RETURNING BOUND TRIP TO DENVER. 17.20 OMAHA... KANSAS CITY.... 7S.Se ST. LOUIS CHICAGO W.I0 DETROIT .. lOt.M Cincinnati ite.e NEW OBLF.ANS...111.IS CLEVELAND lll.M Toronto ATLANTA .... 1J1.SS riroiii'RGH ... WASHINGTON . iU.M PHILADELPHIA 14B.SI NEW YORK lt.7Q BOSTON 1S7.7S Leave MAUPHN 11:10 A IU Sundays 10:36 A. II, mwetiagat SlterMMn with tbt CONTINENTAL LIMITED SKet Wind Rirer Tern Ashley has started his flock of sheep, numbering 1900 head, to Washipsrton, where he will jrraze them this season on the Wind River rartures. Since embarking in the sheep business the Ashleys have built up a fine flock. Maupin' Milkm H. E. Wray's. dairy business is growing daily. Since inaugurating the milk line Mr. Wray has suceed ed in working up a large clientele, he delivering around 100 quarts of milk to the stores and to private customers each Hay. In addition to this he also makes tlclrvery of a con siderable amount of cream and milk in bulk. The Wray dairy herd is made up of blooded and accepted milk stock and his dairy is a model of perfection, being modern and kept in the most clean manner. Onting at Clear Lake John Confer and wife packed up their ftaip outfit and on Tuesday filled their tin Lizzie with gas and oil and pointed its head toward Clear lake. There they will enjoy tho mountain breezes and incidentally pull a few trout from the waters of the lake. Wmd lo Get Plates The secretary cf state on Mon day telegraphed all state traffic of ficers and peace officials advising them that motorists who have not procured their 1930-1931 license plates are operating in violation of the law and are subject to arrest Alio Connection with tho famous PORTLAND LIMITED ,On!y Thru Tnin Portland to Chicago - IFAVEf TBS DAM If Site P. M. DAILT ODC3D0CI PA0'FDf3 R. B. BELL, Agent, Maapui, Ore. ) 'A H. D. ATHON, Tra. Freight .nj P .. Agt., Bend, Or.. HlJ Fresh Every Day Maupin 1 Home Town Bread Cakes, Cookies, Pastries Ask Your Dealer "fTrrrmrw'A-Jt nut 1 3 ON CASH BASIS We hereby notify the public that on and after July 1, 1930, our business will be for cash only. This includes gas, oils, accessories, tires, tubes, parts and repair work. Please pay attention and be prepared to pay cash when dealing with us. KRAMER BROS. MOTOR CO. THE FOURTH IS COMING La Grande Fountain and dairy lunch opened at Union Pacific stage depot Maupin 5hoe &hop MAUPIN, OREGON Shoe Repairing , Well Done. Bring: in the old Shoes E. A. CYR, Poprietor. Flags for the Fourth all sizes ! 6c, 10c 16c and 25c each at the Maupin Drug Store. Klamath Falls 18-hole Bantam Golf course constructed at 7th and Walnut by Harry E. Tclz and Chris Barnstable. Condon New cooling and venti lating, system being installed in Li berty theatre. Your Watch Haywire? If it is not doing ita work bring it to The Times office and Mr. Semmes will send it to GUY A. POUND aiiuiM&eturing Jeweler and Watchmaker Sueewwor to U. Lindquist TUB DALLKS - - OREGON CRANDALL Undertaking Co. The Dalles, OregM. Phone 3S-JP LADY ASSITANTS Maupin ' Mr. and Mri. CharU Oofoot Wapinitia Tygh Valley- Roy Ward W. B. Sloan QUIET 3EKVICS