The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 05, 1930, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Thursday, luns fc,
Arc You Married? Coins to be Married! Have been
You are Invited to witness a Special Sale and Display
' of the Famous
"The House of Shame"
A Drama of Vital Interest and Power
Virginia Drown Faire
Creighton Hale, Uoyd Whitlock, Florence Dudley
JUNE 9th, 10th, 11th, INCLUSIVE
Through special arrangement an expert for the MONARCH Factory-the f
Range Factory in America-will be here to explain to you-the superonty of MONARC lJonr"ctsift"
-the many time and fuel saving features as well as the details of our special offer during this sale
You are going to have an opportunity to see the most beautiful range display ever shown anywhere, ft
display of the remarkable New MONARCH Range Design.
The Range
Built to
Conform With
The Most"
Practical Ideas
Of the Day
Z&l VV:
Whether you need a unge now or later, come in and sec this interesting and educational display.
Every housewife appreciates the advantage of compactness and the disadvantage and Heedlessness of
great, large kitchens with ungainly equipment.
That's why large kitchens are not being built today. MONARCHS are COMPACT in all their dimen
sions without sacrificing a fraction of an inch of needed space.
REMEMBER TOO-that a beautiful, practical 12-piece set of Never-Stain Steel Cu cry. r yaluablc
setof Vollrath Enamel Ware in pink-pearl or Apple green finish will be given ABSOLt ThLi r KLb
to everyone purchasing a MONARCH Range during this Special Sale.
The MONARCH Practical Payment Plan enables you to buy your range now-dunng trw sale-on
convenient monthly or single payments if you haven't the ready cash..
Remember the Dates-June 9th, 10th, 11th, Inclusive
At I region Hall, Maupin, Oregon
Sunday, June 8
1 I. murk rafter In avoid Weeds
by getting high quality seed, rven
I though it is a I'ttle more expensnve,
than to pUnt weeds in the lawn and
then spend time and money on get
ting them out.
In cutting bread or cake, where
only a few slices are desired at a
time, if they are cut from the center
and the two remaining portion
pushed together, it will not dry out
so quickly.
The Idea that thinning fruits will
overcome what U known as the al
ternate hearing hnbit in incorrect,
savs the Oregon Kxpcriment station.
Alternate bearing I-, frequently
varietal characteristic which seems
only (.lightly modified by anything
the grower can do.
It his long been the policy of the
lla lrnKlon icrlvo and its
county agent staff to sponsor and
actively aid cooperative marketing
movement. Many of the successful
cooperative marketing associations
which are operating in the state to
day have heen rendered definite as
sistance by the county agents or the
extension specialist in marketing.
Overhearing has marked influ
ence on the color of many fruits.
saya the Oregon Kxeprimrnt station.
When peaches, apples or many
varieties of highly colored pears
touch each other during the ripening
period, coloring is poor where the
fruita come together. Observations
have shown, too, that coloring of
fruit la usually more sprightly when
llpht cross are borne than when
heavy crops are produced.
In slicing oranges, if the knife la
not shnrp enough to cut them eailly
without spoiling their shape, the
pealing may he left on until after
they are sliced. In can them be re
moved easily and the slices will be
thin and round.
If only clean frtbh, sound vege
tables and fruit arc used In pre
serving, fewer germs will have a
chance to penetrate and the food
wit' he easier to preserve.
Dufur Dufur garage Installed
modern car greasing outfit
. wide Tom Thumb mlna-."re
j.- If rtnrc opened t public
Milk contains all of the proteins
that are needed in the body.
To order to utilize or pre "rve
all the minerals and vitamins con
tained in the liquor of canned vege
tables, pour the contents of the can
into skillet and heat rapidly until
It Is evaporated.
T u-niVilnp Rninach or other
rreenr. if they are lifted out of the
tpr. Instead of the water being
poured off, none of the aan will
cmain on the leaves.
All persons owning or ' payhuj
taxci on
monly railed graxlng lands, In Wnw
county east of the Deschutes river,
are requested to meet at Shanlko at
1:30 p. m. on Saturday, June 'ith,
next, 4 ,
Objects To determine the rw
average of such lands, to dlacuso
the rota of which they ere and
ihould be assessed for taxable put
poses and to tak action as may
iecm ad viable In th premises.
J. W. Fisher,
A. M. Bennett,
J. J. Brogan,
E. E. McGreer,
II. C. Rooper.
28-12 and many other.
Free to Public
TU wly el t tU U. 1. wby ufcmm4
pWlfiHo l lK Amtffaaa bUurtJ
intrt4 tai mm 411 hpnmpmtU.
ailaMrtaillU!iaa Cklaaa. UK
A Dollar DimusfK
for Four
Pine Grove Items
' Mrs. Chaa. Cox returned from
The Dalles last Friday, after having
pent aome time there attending to
her aon Leonard, who is in a hos
pital The mother reports the son
a Improving, he probably being
able to return home this week end.
.' lira. Bronner accompanied Eirl
Blrehard to Portland last week.
While at the big town she had den
tal work done and also had a visit
with bcr sister at Oregon City.
Mrs. Ed. Davis was called to Mau
pin Monday to take care of Mrs.
Aaron Davis and new granddaugh
ter, who was born to Aaron and
filk' Sunday morning. The baby
weighed H pounds.
Ceorge Beebe and family, George
Davis and Mr. Murdock are camped
in the mountains where the men are
making fence posts for several of
the Flat ranchers.
; Oswald Bronner is Wking for
3. P. Abbott during bheep shearing.
: Ruftts Abbott and family from
Hood River were visitors at the J.
S. Pro-an home latt week end.
Ben Richardson left for Prineville
on Tuesday, to be gone for an un
certain length of time.
Hazel Laughlin has been on the
sick list for some time but is better
at this waiting.
Hcpe Walters ha been numbved
among the sick this week.
Doings at Frieda
Willis Roberts, Jr., is breaking
colts for Ed. Fitzpatrick, and will
le at the Mutton Mountain Sheep
company's ranch for tome time.
Ed. Fitzpatrick forked bis horse
and rote to Tygh Vaii-j Tuesday,
returning Wednesday.
Elmer Ryland of Oak Grove visit
ed with the Roberts family .'ast
week and while here indulged in
successful fishing.
Mr. and Mrs. Saylcs of Portland
fihed In the Deschutes at this place
last Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
They made some fine catches.
The "Gallopin' Goose" on the 0.
W. R. & N. railway made a trip to
Bend on Monday.
The Maupin Timer, man, Albert
St Dennis and Laco Greene were
among the fishermen who.cnsl flies
in the Deschutes t Frieda last
Friday, also visited with the Willis
Roberts family.
Lloyd Roberts landed a dandy
redside on Monday, which caused
the lad's chest to expand several
The record redside of the year,
for these waters, was caught by Joe
Fake of Portland on Monday. The
trout measured 20 'a inches in
Orrion Farlow. who is now em-
! ployed at the Hinton sheep ranch,
Shaniko, was a caller at the Roberta
home last Sunday.
Mr. Willis Roberts is having ex
ceptional good luck with her chickens
this season, having 39 little fluffs
added to her flock. Mostly Whito
Alva Wilcox and Howard Blacker
by moved a band of the Abbott sheep
to the shearing pens last Friday.
Frieda is becoming well known to
fishermen and its popularity ; is so
great that Bome "" Portland people
have erected a summer cottage here.
Other Portlanders are considering
doing likewi. e.
Willis Roberta came over from
the Fitzpatrick ranch and spent Sun
day at home, returning in the even-
Three-cornered wire sink baskets
make good receptacles for du:ty and
oily clothes in the cleaning closet, as
they permit a circulation of air and
reduce the danger of fire. They
take up very little Bpacc in a small
If you have not tried making a
budget for a year, you might make
one fr I1 month just ahead. This
is a good plan when changes are
likely to occur in the family situa
tion and there is some -uncertainty
an to what the Income will be or the
demands upon it. At the end of a
quarter or year you can look both
backwards and forwards, determine
better wht the probable outlay for
ordinary household expenses cornea
to each month, and so make a more
! comprehensive budget
ROBABLY you, along with hun
jq dredi of otheri, have emerged in
f to th New Year with hoardes
of good resolutions in your head.
And, doubtless, one of them was to
be more economical. In order to
Id you in this laudable plan, we
are presenting a menu and recipes
to snow that you can purchase the
materials for a dinner for a family
of four at a cost of only a dollar.
Here's how it's done:
Frankfurters with Parsky
Ptot $-47
Tried Bananas ., .14
Bread and Butter. 08
Lettuce, French Dressing.. .10 ,
Cup Cakes, Raspberry Sauce .20
Frankfurters with Parsley Peas'.
Heat the peas from an n-ounce can
In their own liquor, then drain, add
mi. htilunnnn nf flutter. nd imi-
. son to taste. Pour into a shallow
baking dish. Fry eight frankfurters
apd place on top ot we pas, ar
ranging them like 'the spokes ef I
wheel, ftprinkk with two table
spoons of chopped parsley and re
heat in the oven a few mlnutea.
Hen'g the Dessert
Cup Cakes: Cream two table
spoons shortening wita one-tmra
cup of sugar, add one well-beattt
egg. Sift -together two-tniroa eop
flour, one and one-Dan teaspoons
baking powder and ft few grams W
ult. Add to nrit mixture alter
nately with two tablespoons ei
milk. Flavor wi raspberry et
vanilla flavoring, take in (he form
of cup cakes in a tnoderate (37S)
oven for 20 minutes. While warn
serve with this sauce : I
Raspberry Sauce : Empty con
tents of an R-oonoe ean of rasp
berries Into a sauce pan. Mix
three tablespoons of sugar with
one tablespoon of flour, add twe
tablespoons of water and one table
spoon of lemon joke. Add to the
berries and cock until erearojv
Serve over te cup eakes. ;