The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 29, 1930, Page Page Four, Image 4

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T " ,' I.., .
i.uwuHniiimnnmmimimimiiiu muMnTim,m,ttT1
TKurday, lUj 15, Cm.'
Our stock is too lae, and prompt and drastic action is iweet-sary to bring it
down to where it should be at this season of the year. The result is all to the
advantage of the buyer of shoes, for the following prices are again proof that
when Wemm;ark put on a sale it is a real one. Don't fail to take advantage
of this opportunity to buy fine merchandise at a fraction of its value.
150 Pairs of Women's Shoes
Broken lines, odd sizes, but (JJO or 2 pr ' $C ((
good shoes in spike heels Oo for pD.UU
mmmam urn m , ....
Brown velvet spike pump, Regular
$8.50, now ... $1.95
Patent pump, spike hecL Regular
$5.50,- row .... $3.35
Patent Tie Spike Pump. , Regular
$5.50, now .. $3.35
Black kid "strap, arch, Cuban heel
Regular $8.00, now ..: $4.85
Brown Oxford, double sole, low heel,
regular $5.85, now . $3.95
Black and Brown oxford, low heel.
Regular $5.50, now $3.15
Men's fine oxfords, formerly $6.50,
now $3.90
Men's fine oxfords, formerely $7.50
now .. $4.90
Men's English Brogues, : formerely
$8.50, now $5.85
One lot of Children's (Jl A O u One lot of Children's 1 QQ
Shoes marked at . . . $1.40 Shoes marked at . . . tLvO
Sale Continues Balance of This Month
This sale is for cash only, and there will be no lay aways and no refunds.
To be sure of geeting what you want, at these prices, be there early.
WEIR N M AlRlk'.
204 East Second St (- n nLt nMH
o : : .
Measured . by carlot shipments
alone, the Oregon " commercial egg
production business has increased
300 per cent since 1925.
by brushing the top of the Die care
fully with milk or water before
putting in the oven.
The Europenan of Du.ty .Vein
walnut aphis which has appeared in
a certain sections of Oregon and
feeds on the. midrib and veins of the
leaves of walnut trees, can be con
trolled by dusting with a 2 per cent
nicotine dust applied with a powder
duster, says the Oregon Experi
ment ttafion Early morning appli
cations is necessary to avoid air
current which lessen the effectiveness.-
Befre the potato improvement
campaign was started by the coun
ty agent staff of Oregon State col
lege, nearly all fields of potatoes in
the tate carried large amounts of
disease. Now, in the principal po
tato producing counties, it is diffi
cult to find f kids carrying a high
percentage of diseased plants. In
most counties, at present, nearly
every potato field traces back to
certified seed.
As a means of protection against
thieves, more than 400 poultrymen
in Oregon have had their poultry
tattoed and the brand registered
through county agents' offices.
Most of these have been turkey
growers. .
A meringue will be less likely to
fall if one-fourth teacpoon of bak
ing powder is mixed into it Careful
regulations of heat also plays a
large part in keeping a meringue
tender and fluffy.
Fewer tears will be shed in ex
tracting the juice from an onion if
j Eugene 4400,000 big auxiliary
power plant will be constructed here,
j La Grande Tranchell and Pare-
hus received contract for building
new $160,000 railroad depot here.
Pine Grove Items
Mx. and Mrs. Roy Woodside from
Portland are visiting at the Laugh
Hn home this week.
The fronds of little Leonard Cox
re glad to know that he is improv
ing in health, he being a very sick
boy when taken to The Dalles hoc
pital about two weeks ago. He has
trouble with his heart and kidneys,
cawed by the after effects of
scarletina. ,
Fran Richardson and wife and
the letter's small sister, Hope, spent
Monday and Tuesday last at Clack
amas lake, trying their luck at firh
ing. .
John Maroney of Sandy was a
visitor on the upper Flat last Sun
day. He sold his homestead here 22
years ago and left for tha valley,
last Sunday being his first visit here
since then. He had his friend. Mr.
Baker, with him.
Reuben Walters hod the misfort
une of breaking hi arm last Wed
nesday. He was riding a road
graders on a timber hillside, when
the grader struck a root and threw
mm to the ground, breaking both
bones near his left wrist. Pr. El-
wood was called to the act the break.
The dance at Linns was well at
tended last Saturday night. It wa
olmost broken up by a bunch of
roujrh necks, but they were put out,
the dance going on smoothly the
resi ol the night.
Dorothy and Alice Davis will not
be hum during vacation. Thoy plan
i;n retting work at Eagle Point dur
h the summer months and enter
High school there again next year.
Neat Cans' hi Neat
Kitchens 1 vi
Wapinitia Jottings
Mr. and Mrs. Walmcr and sons,
Lonnie and Anton,' and daughter,
Fordine, from Portland were guests
of Miss Velma Teschncr at her home
in Wapinitia last week.
Ma e De Lore and Anton Walmer
were dinner guests at Mrs. G. R.
Bell's home Sunday,
Tony Allen visited at the G. R,
Bell home on Friday last.
Anton Welmer, Misses Velma and
Zelma Teschner ai.d Lou Delco
were guests at the home of Mrs.
M. DcLore Sunday.
"VIITH the new movement for
XJhesuty in industrial design, the
New York Art tenter hit been
kept busy stylizing products every,
thing from automobiles to cemeiit
sacks. Women, especially, are de
manding beauty in utilitarian thing.
Rockwell Kent's name on the mar.
gin of wallpaper makes American
designed papers compete, for the lint
time, with imported paperi. Winold
Reiss, brilliant Viennese designer,
produce beautiful accessories for
milady's dressing table.
The kitchen, too, is coming in for
Its ihire of beauty. Not the luxuri
ous betuty of the drawing-room, or
the exotic beauty of the boudoir,
but beauty that lies in limplicity and
orderliness. Cam, for example, wear
their neatest labels to appear on
the shelves of modern Polly Prim.
When jhe dons her polka-dot apron
to harmonize with her pojki-dot cur
tains and shell covers,' the opens
the door of her kitchen eaMnet to
gaze on i row of earn that art far
more modern than those of her
mother'i day.
An Artiide Array
Thtre art low oval tut of sat
mon, tall stately cant of aiparigua,
flat golden cant of tardinea, and a
flock of others which are modern
in form. Their iabelt art color
ful without being gaudy, and irtiiri
cally designed to catch the m of
the beauty-loving housewife. Many
of them are luggettive of their
contend. That tall gulden-brown
can, for example, holds a treature
of golden-brown ginger-inapt, and
that smaller ereamy-mied container
is filled with rich creamy milk. And
beholding this beauty in Oieful
tilings, what housewife it not eager
to terve more attractive meiU
pleasing to the eye at well at tha
paUtei '
Farmers Mutt Organize if
Dclra to Proper
! The Wheat Grower. Journal of
Kansas in analyzing the financial
Ills of the farmer concludes: "No
other manufacturer but the farmer
thinks of letting others carry hi
products, to the consumer. Th?
farmer produces blindly and sell
his ttuff the same way. He doer.n't
know what it cost him to a
crop; he doesn't ask anything for
n; consequently he receives fre-
qucntly a price that Is far below
"' of efficient production. That
will continue to bt tht way of farm
ts until they organize. Th busl
nvm cn never be on a permanently
itiercsKfu! bnsis without ibmt unity
of action. Say what you willbut
the grower whose ao-cali.d indt
pendenco keepa him from supportlnf
he farm board is a menace to hit)
industry and a brake on tht wheefc
of rrogress. It cannot ba at A
strongly upon growers that tht
'independent farmer la following
the way of destruction to himself
and lo his industry."
World War Soldiers' Craves Re
cciva Markers
if ; ... j- v i j , 1 p"- J me American juegton
tlT -f three veteran, of the
lemon squeeser that if it it done by
the usual method of grating.
Like all dried foods, cocoanut is
better if the moisture that has been
removed by evaporation is returned
to it before it is used in cooking. A
good way to do this is to pour enough
sweet milk over the cocoanut to
cover it and let is stand in a cool
place for an hour or more. Then
drain it in a wire strainer, pressing
as dry as nocsible. Tha mria nut
will be nearly as delicious as when
newly grated. The milk may be sav
ed to cook with.
Effective results in cpraying de
pend to a large extent on use of
Troper methods in preparing and
combining sprays, and on correctly
timing their application. A spray
program for Oregon, issued in a
bulletin form by the Oregon Ex
periment station at CorvallU gives
detailed instructions. The bulletin
may be had from county agents, or
by writing to the experiment station.
When blanching fruits or vege
tables, time and. trouble can be sav
ed by placing them in a wire bas
ket, plunging the basket into boiling
water for the required number of
minutes and lifting out again by
the handle.
Amore flaky pie crust will mult
If. the fat is cut into the flour and
left in fairly large particles. ' It is
well to fold and roll the dough sev
eral times to form separate layers
wil.h air held between them. An. at
tractive appearance can be obtained
West Linn Bids received for the
construction of $16,000 sanitary
sewer system.
Oregon Caves Bids will be opened
May 31 for installing lighting sys
tem m Oregon Caves.
Hood River Construction of $16,
000 Yausi Bros, building progressing
steadily. '
Eitacada Portion of market road
No. 2 will be paved soon two miles
east of this town.
Klamath Fall: Klamath Business
college moved to Odd Fellows build
ing. New train service established for
handling of logs between Chiachalo,
the logging camp of Kestcrson Lum
ber company, and Klamath Falls.
Klamath Falls Stroud's Bootery
formally opened.
Union Farmers' Cooperative
Creamery company will build cream
ery plant here.
Bids received for surfacing Baker-Pleasant
Valley section of Old
Oregon Trail.
Bend Construction of new addi
tion to Pilot Butte Inn here will be
completed and ready for business by
Decoration Day.
Klamath Fall; Raluh
structing two-story apartment house
at Eighth and Walnut. " ,
Marshfield Plana nronosd fnr
construction of new St Monica's
church edifice.
Through the efforts of the local
post of the American Legion the
war were marked with suitable
monuments recently. The monu
ments were given by the national
government and have been placed at
the head of the graves of Delbert
McCoy at Kelly cemetery; Sidney G.
Mulvansy and Alfred Nice, both
buried in the Wamic cemetery. Other
deceased veterans will receive recog
nition in the form of monuments at
a later time.
Notice ia hereby given that the
County Superintendent of Wasco
county, Oregon, will hold the regular
examination of applicants for state
certificates at the donrt house, The
Daller, as follows: Commencing
Wednesday, June 11th, 1030, at 9
o'clock a. m. and continuing until
Saturday, June 14, 1030, at 4 o'clock
p. m.
All persons owning or paying
taxes on "NON-TILLABLE," com
monly called grazing lands, in Wasco
county east of the Deschutes river.
are requested to meet at Shaniko at
1:30 p. m. on Saturday, June 4th,
Object: To determine the real
average of such lands, to discusc.
the rate of which they are and
should be assessed for taxablo pur
poses and to take action as may
seem sdvkable in th premises.
J. W. Fisher,
A. M. Bennett,
J. J. Brogan,
E. E. McGreer,
H. C. Rooper,
, 28-12 and many others.
1HY not "o!ff inirW" tliia
i at. i-atneks JJay? This it an
Free to Public
Tka Mk plan ia th U. S. wht catalot sad
uvttttraf manor coming utjilin of huilneu
ot product caa ks nbuioad Fr. and Wlihaul
QMsatiaBw tha Aasetican Indurtrial Library.
Wna lor RunaaM Advartinna Matter you ara
iotcrattsd in: tama will bapromptly forwarded.
llwiM Bail dial, CUeaio.UUatoU
old Irish Ynrecinn iir j...,.,-
ing one'i neighbori in for roast pig
aim icsuvmei on uie;r beloved
March 17and for real innntan.
ous fun we have yet to find a better
nonoay ior entertaining. Anything
goes at a St. Patricks dinner.
Your living room will take on
an Emerald Isle atmosphere with
the lights softened by green iham
rock shades and the bowls rilled
with green carnations. A rack
full of clay pipei beside the fire
place will provide after-dinner
smokes when the guesti sit before
the blaze and tell their best Pat-and-Mike
Games if your guestt are the
gsme sort may be as un-grown-up
as you please. Men like an ex
cuse to play marbles, and lince thii
is a typical Irish street-gamin game,
you might supply each guest with
a green net bag of marbles and or
ganize the guests into groups to
play marbles "for keeps." The
heaviest-winner should be to elated
with his tueccss that he will be
willing to do a "ttunt" for the
losers like ihooting an exhibition
Table Decorations
By all meant buy tome green-
.and-white checkered gingham cloth
and make a cover for your dining
table. You will find it U most
decorative and also givei the key
note of informality. And since no
one ever quite outgrowt a love for
castles, why not build an Irish
castle for a center-piece?
can be limply constructed with
oard. and covered with crepe- j
paper which comes in stone-wall
design. Vari-colorrH lirrliu trimm
ing from wax-paper windows give
a fascinating color-effect which may
be supplemented for actual lighting
requirements by green candles in
potato nomers.
The filaee-eanlt mav V iinrrtA
to tiny pots ot growing shamrocks,
t...a t. - , " . '
uui oc sure 10 icave space above
the name for earh cnirsi tn tvi-it uc
own limerick, the last lines of which
must rnyme witn his name whether
oe jones or .rauerewski,
And now a In iii 1iii,- .11
- " wvuuav ail
Sons of St. rat Vinvn 9 tnft nnt
in their hearts or stomachs or some
where lor food. Doesn t this green
menu .strike you as good to eat ti
well as to look at?
Cream of Asparagus Soup
Baked Spinach Souffle '
Broiled Smtah flu Tnn tl
Potato Croquettes with Mint Jelly
uressea waier Lress
Shamrock Rolls
Radishes Olives
Tipperary Tarts
Sailed Pistachio Kuls
Green Bon Dons
It't a menu that in rr.iltv n'mnln
to prepare and if you'll don your
Dublin anron in the. mominc vnti
can have things almost ready pre
pared to there'll just be finishing
touchet when the guests arrive.
You ean tine the rannrr! oinirimn
soup because it is most delicate in
flavor, and it may be party-ficd by
simply topping with whipped cream
and aprvinr with rrrmtnn Whin
the cream beforehand, of course, and
place next to the ice.
Baked Spmach Soufit h mad
by preparing a white lauce with
five melted tablespooni of butter
blended with five and one-half table
spooni flour, adding two cup milk
and cooking until imooth and
creamy. Four cupi of boiled or
canned ipinach ihould be finely
chopped and added to the white
sauce with three tableipoont but.
ter and four eggs which have been
beaten until light. Season with
and a little paprika. Pour into but.
tered moldi and tet in a pan of
hot water. Bake for one hour fa
an oven 350 degrees F,
Other Irish Foodt
Mint Jelly; Dissolve three and
one-half tablespoons gelatin in one.
naif cup cold water and pour over
the gelatin a syrup made of two
cups of water and one and one-half
curs sugar. Steep fresh, washed
mint leaves in a cup of boiling
water for an hour. Squeeze through
a piece of cheese-cloth and preit
out all of the moisture. Add ti.i.
. - " Kill
mint to the gelatin and sugar mix
ture ana sua atso a tablespoon of
lemon juice.
Tipperary Tarts my be made in
the morninff and t-rv.M 1..
dessert. Combine a No. 2 can ol
aDOle laUCe With nn.-h! ...
sugar, the juice and grated rind ol
one lemon and four well-beaten
egg yolks. Fold In the four ttiflly
beatcn esir whites. l ine imti
or muffin tins with pastry; fill with
the mixture nd halt, hivtnn
oven hot at first until the crust it
well tet, then reducing the heat
When done remove from the oven,
sorinkle a littln m-.-itd rh-... All
each tart while jt it still hot