fhursjay, May 20, 103d. fat mi Personalities 7 ' V', -."' lWi wJ Ilurstel Hollia wai down from bin sharp (arm on business today. Take kodak on your fishing trip. All sizes at the Maupin Drug Store. A. Lincoln Hartman waa in from Waplnltla on business Tuesday after noon. Leonard Wcbug and wife tarried a time In Maupln Monday while In uwn on buiintsa, Rob. Twlss, The Dalles electrical man, waa transacting business In Maupin on Monday. Con Buckley waa transacting bunU nest with Kramer Bros. Motor Co. on Monday afternoon. ' J. W. Temple and wife spent Sun day with Maupln friends, driving over from The Dalle. At Cillia waa over from Ma Wamlc ranch Monday, coming for the pur pose of having a broken pump fixed. Frank McCorkle waa Dufur resident who transacted business in Maupln on Wednenday. Claud Wilson and nam-ake aon weit in from the upper Bakeovcnfor several years, country yeatcrday afternoon. "Dad" Griffin went aa far aa Nena creek thia morning, returning with a nice baki-t of red;.ides. Oeorge Claymier wa,i in town on a l'Uincn iiiiHitlon Tuesday, taking time off from his Juniper Flat ranch. George Cunningham and family attended the ahowing of the Al G. Barnes circus in Portland Tuesday. Oliver Rah conveyed a truikload of fat cattle to the Portland stock yard Tuesday, hia wife accompany ing him. Dolph Mayhew and family came down from the Flat on Tuesday and transacted buaincsa with Maupln merchanta. W. W. Richmond has concluded his work at tho George Mallatt ranch and l.i now at work on the new Rich mond garage. Bobby Davidson made a couple of trips to Portland with liveatock thia week, making one full trip in less than one day. II. K. Kaircr, wife and son, and ! Mra. Kaiser's father, "Dad" Griffin, went to lone today to attend Mem orial Day exerciser there. John Stovall arrived in Maupln on Saturday and la spending a few days with his brother, Dr. L. S. Stovall, Hnd wife. John has been rcrving us principal of tho Condon schoola Stat Craaf. Mtiog The date of the State Grange meeting at Redmond is June 9th to nth. There are 24 communities an- nouticed 3 of 3 members each; 4 of 6 members eeh and 17 of 5 mem bers eerh which Insures considera tion ef a multitude of important matters. Roaading Up Cattla Ranchers on the Flat are rounding lip cattle with a view of making a shiphent of seven carloads over the I Oregon Trunk to Portland Saturday night. This move ig made to fore stall shipments reported soon to be made by cattlemen from cart of this section. Boaatiful Raia Nature exerted evening and Wednesday, rending; down a most welcome rain. The i foil ....ij i' .mi ri. mini VJ inn uiiuer una ana late Wednesday fell in quantites in the valley of the Deschutes, extend ing as far as the Criterion country. Nw Pattaager Stag- itself Tuesday j Manager Hoover of the Eend Portland Stage company, arrived oa Monday driving- a brand new 10-pa scnger stage Hoover is improving his line slowly and the patronngq ha is receiving h most encourging. Hi-, route is over the cut-off. The Versatile Tomato Mrs. Juliai Shepflin left for Port land last Saturday, intending to re main there during the summer. "Billyl Hunt cam down from his Criterion sheep ranch Tuesday and spent a ihort time here on busi ness. ' Shippad RaBa Horn, Horse wranglers shipped five car load j of range horses, procured on the reservation, to Schlesser Bros., Kenton millers todsy. The horres will be killed for their hides and to be ground into chicken and fox foods. They went over the Oregon Trunk raiway. F the united tomato were an JJ actor, critics would be boding I him to the skies, praising his versatility. For the well-known canned tomato now appears in new guises. . For instance, consider up-to-date tomato sauce. Put up in 8-otinee cans it it evaporated until thick and then highly lessoned, ready to be used as a sauce or in a made dish. To make a tomato omelet, chop a small onion and half a green pep per fine and tautl in a tablespoon of butter until tender but not brown. Add contents of a can of tomato tance, one-half teaspoon of sugar, ash and pepper and three table spoons of chopped ripe olives. Heat to boiling and poor over the omelet before folding it Tomato oaste. is a further evap oration of tomatoes in fact it is so thick that its consistency re minds one of butter. Paste is used where the tomato flavor is desired, but added liquid is not desirable. For instance, to make Thousand Island dressing mix together one cup of mayonnaise, three tablespoons of tomato paste, one tablespoon of chopped green pepper and ten , chopped, stuffed olives. Chill and, serve on hearts of lettuce. Many Other Varieties Of course there are other tomato . products on the market Puree tomato juice is put up all ready for use in aspics or cocktails. There are strained tomatoes and tomato puree. Tomato soup varies in coo-i sistency; tome are thin, others so thick that they may be used as a meat sauce just as they come from the can. And the good old favorite, plain canned tomatoes, stifl retains its leading place in our market J. R. Bocherty Furniture Co. (Formerly Dochcrty-Powcrs Furniture Company) .Remooellig Sale l We must clear our floors to make way for workmen and materials Our entire store will be remodeled, starting June 1st, therefore we're launching our Remodeling Sale at this time. Hundreds of pieces of line furniture radically reduced; in fact, every item in the store, con tract goods excepted, has been marked down for this sale. You Save From 15? to 50 19 Just a Few Items to Show Our Great Price Reductions: $22.50 Mahogany Gateleg: Tabic DRAPERY MATERIALS All remaining stock of Voiles, Marquisettes, Scrims and Nets, values to 36x54-inch large semi-oval leaf, nicely finished $1.50 per yard r 2)1 4.75 Three Yards $t0 Thrcc-Piecc Ivory Group Round Oak DINING TABLE, Values to $15....$6.85 with dainty floral decorations, 3-piece group consist $89 eight-piece OAK DING SET.'Table, Buffet, 6 of bed, chest and vanity $32.85 Chairs $49,75 3-Picce Dresser Suite OAK LIBRARY TABLES, several shapes and in walnut, bed, dresser and chest $59.00 sizes , $6.95 3-Piece Group $15 Used KITCHEN CABINETS, glass doors, lots Full size bed, console tyjp vanity and chest in fine 0f drawers and bins - v... $10.75 walnut veneers with decorated overlays of maple $28 Coil g j DA-BED, Walnut finished three major pieces $83.50 d $14.50 $ibb.f)U 4-nccc uroup tn r p. Blended walnut, large dresser, Console vanity $30 5-Piece OAK DINING SET, table, 4 chairs $19i50 and bed :. $98.50 $180 3-Piecc Group Used IRON BEDS .... $1.50 up with Dresser, High Boy and Bed matched walnut Used STEEL COIL SPRINGS $3.00 up venecrs r 9m $30 Oak frame BED DAVENPORT Upholstered in $155 4-Piccc Mahogany Group Leatherette .:. $14.95 Consist of vanity, dresser and bed and bench, dull w , n . Tnn npwF rvw Pnnrl fWi rubbed mahogany finish, 3-Piecc ...$89.50 f? Used ,ak Flat ToP FFICE DESK Good Condi- . mi I)- - tion vu Thrcc-Piecc Group -., , , in walnut, bed vanity, chest $43.50 Assorted lot of CENTER TABLES, various shapes Thrcc-Piecc Group and styles, choice : $t95 in decorated green enamel, bed chest, vanity $45 Unfinished Pinch Back Type JHTCHEN CHAIR... $157.50 3-Piccc Group . .......4 ..4 $U5 Group consists of large dresser, high boy and bed, Unfinished BOW BACK CHAIRS 98c matched walnut veneers $89.50 $16.50 Unfinished BUFFET :...y.. - $12.85 mDocherty Furniture Co. Tum-A-Lum Tickler Published In the ineresta of the people of Maupln and vicinity b4' THE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO..Pho. M.fc 7S Vol. 1 Maupln, Oregon, May 29, 1930 Number 40 Editorial We can't understand why the Soviet govern ment hs to persecute the pasents to ' stop J them from attending church, when the same objective could 1 reached by teaching them to play golf. 0. V, Kenkk, Editor Though you arc not; the man your mother ll ks you are, don't worry, your wife can identify you. Today's Fairy Story Once upon V time there was a movie act ress who never endors ed any soap, shampoo, powder, toothpaste, or cigarettes, .hats or bakr Ing powder. She was a trained :eal. Hint la th Hoat.wif. Although we know mora about lumber than about cooking we think this is a good idea When pouring paraffin on jelly, to pour a small amount on, lay a short string across, then pour on more paraffin. The cord enables you to pull off the paraffin more easily. Besides ' good Ideas about the remodeling of the home. Do a room or two every year until the house is completely re juvenated. . Window , boxes and trellis effects will add to the beauty of any home , and they are very inexpensive when made . of - Tum-A-Lum lumber. It's a good idea to consult the Tum-A-Lura about building. Down by the mill He tried to kLs Mlse, Wright , But she 'wouldn't do St, Not by . a dam site." ' "Crops Is'goin' to b good this year," ges Dock "especially tha crop of brides.' Carpenter Job Crab tree is doing some cabi net work at the schcel house. Mike Van Laanan Is working on the Joa Kramer residence. , Our Idea of nothing Is a hot air ballon w'th the cover removed. ! I P 'MEW;'-''?'' 1 . 1 It . 1SEPT.30 B ' ' ' - "a ( OCT.3I - VcholeeifRluV't . Uberal Stoporers S I i . Tam I STi.tW WnMilii SI4I.S' w I g pf Gm East aver the Claabla' I K (ff I . I 'l l - Rlwr Scenic Roate on cither I i I ! !' the Empire BaUderor the IVerth 1 J E' W' GRIFFIN, Agent, Maapia Ore. " l'' j r2 L .S. DAVIS, Trav. P.ir. Agt. ' 1 I Fresh Every Day 1 Maupin I Home Tom Bread Cakes, Cookies, Pastries x AsK Your Dealer La GranderFountain and dairy lunch opened at Union Pacific stage depot. CORNEIi THIRD and WASHINGTON THE DALLES, OREGON Maupin $hoe Shop ; MAUPIN, OREGON Shoe Repairing Well Done. Bring in the old Shoes E. A. CYR, Poprielor. Your Watch Haywire? If it is not doing its work bring it to The Times office and Mr. Semmes will seud it to , , GUY A. POUND fiaiM-'anru-tnit Jwtler odd WaUshinaker , : ; ' huaMMw (a U Lindaulst CRANDALL Undertaking Co. The Dallas, Oragaa. ' Phena 35-J LADY ASSITANTS Maupln Mr. and Mri. Charlu Crofo.l Waptnitia 1 'J1' Tygh Valey- Roy Ward ;"V' w. b:sw QUIET SERVICE . r i 5 lUtC DAI. I US ORKGON