fig fwJ " THE MAUPIN TIMES Thursday, May 2$, 1430. The Maupin Times AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER C. W. SEMMES, Editor C. W. Stmnw and E. R, Semraee Publishers Jhtbllshed every Thursday at Msoptn, Oregon SubKripUn: Q y.Tr, J 1.50; six Bwotba, $1.00; tferoe month, Llcta. Entered at second clan maill mat ter September &, 1914, at the post offke at Matrpin. Oregon, under the act of Marsh 8, 1876. Broka Track Aalo While nearing Wamic Monday afternoon the freight truck driven by Tom Swett broke down, an axie giving way. Tom phoned to Joe Xrame; and that worthy soon pro cured a substitute for the broken part and had it installed. Tom got home in time to go to bed. Former Pobluher Ctlt Mrs. je;siline Morrison, former publisher of The Maupin Times, ith her daughter, Miss Edith, called at our sauctum on Monday. Mrs. Morrison is now conducting a job printing shop at buttle Ground, Washington, and is taking her annual vacation after a strenuous year's work She is at present at Wamic on a visit with her mother. Completed School Term Mrs. Anna Bradway has complct d her school teaching term at the Frieda school and on Tuesday left for Portland. She will return for i short time and them go to Roseburg. here she has a home. Mru. Brad way's work at Frieda was much ap preciated by the pupils there and it waa with reluctance they saw her leave for the summer. Nowlyweds Here Archie Swtvt and wife, newlywed. from Dufur, came over Sunday am sjcnt the day with the groom';; broth er, Tom Swett, and wife. The ex p?ct to make their home at Dufur. Taking Form Down Richmonds completed filling th( forms for their new garage building on Sunday and on Tuesday began removing the lumber therefrom The walls show up smooth and firm and v.ork will now be commenced on the roof and interior finishing. The building adds much to the appearance of Maupin's main street Big Order For Boards A. Lincoln Hartman recently re ceived an order for 600 toy ironing boards, they being made the same at his regular utility board, but on a smaller scale. The order came from the big Meier & Frank Portland store. Link made his initial ship ment to the firm on Tuesday. Company Not Operating J The Mt. Hood Land & Wa'.ar i r.rriy, in reality the old Wapinitia rriMtion company, does not seem tr be operating to any great extent on he Flat lor a time they had n ' row f Kicn, tw , at work th.. TYGH VALLEY May 31June 1 FEATURES Band of Bucking Hores, A Real Wild Buff al9 Four-Horse Chariot Race Standing Ronjan Races, Merry Mix-Up Ride , Dance, Concessions, Etc Everett Wilson, Manager Adults 75 cents; Children 25 cents SHIP BY TRUCK RE0UI.AU FREIGHT LINE SERVICE . Between '.. PORTLAND THE DALLES MAUPIN THE DALLES TRUCK LINE Inc. SPICKERMAN'S TRUCK LINE PORTLAND-THE DALLES THE DALLE3-MAUP1N and Way Points and Way Points ' BONDED & INSURED CARRIERS is, i hey vrcre (apposed to work out the ditch leading from the mountain". The tw0 men succeeded in dumping a few wheelbarrow loads of earth in a break that occurred in the canal a year ago, after being on the job two weeks. Water is reaching the alfalfa field, but only through the effort! and work done by the Contract ho'd ers. MotJ Beltdi Joe Chastain has moved the main part of the residence building re cently acquired from Frank Creager, to the foundation and will build up a modern hon e. When that is com pleted Mr. Chastain will proceed with the erection of another resi dence building. Wool Pauiag Threat Several trucks loaded with wool pass ' through Maupin djaily now. The clips come from farther east and the sacks seem to be packed with heavy wooL U. B. Sunday Srvico , Rev. Clark Smith announces that there will be a daily Bible school at Wapinitia all next week, beginning n Sunday. The school is conduct ed by the Misses Ada Swett and Eva Smith and is for children between , he ages of four and 14 years. Sab bath school at 10:00 a. m, preaching service? after Sunday school and again in the evening. Bible Sthool Program A vacation Bible school program was- given at the church at Maupin on Sunday evening last, Miss Ada Swett having the matter in charge. The program consisted of excerpts 'rem lessons learned at the Bible school, thete being interspersed with singing and talks by those in charge. A lirge attendance greeted the little students. Work Hone to TroatdaJe The Sherlock Construction com pany, road builder-', has been buying p work horses in this vicinity this jreek. This (Thursday) morning he company shipped a carload of such horses to Troutdale, to be taken -o Gresham, and from there to road work sites. The O. W. carried the norres out of the s.'Wthern Wasco country. DeVo on Vacation- , A. W. DeVoe anfc wife left yes terday for Lost !La1ke, Idaho, where they expect to spend the major part of the vacation at the summer resort of Mrs. DeVoe'e parents. During their absence our popular teachere will make fide trips to Canada and other points of Inter est They will return in time for the opening of school next fall. Crabtreci t. Leave ' We are informed that Job Crab tree and family Intend to soon leave .Maupin, going to tome place down "he Clumbia river. The Crabtree family has been in Maupiin about four years since leaving Astoria, but lack of work in the carpenter line lbout this place rauses them to again seek other fields. Just when the move will be made we have not lcarn jd. :nt St will be soon. Sauerkraut -inii'!ii!i!!!'!i:trr hm R'.w' 3 i It ' I Mi I 1 ' h I t' I 1 iVK- " "ml I t h pi i '1 Hi M W Wtar OrlETTER cabbage makes better ii Kraut, t ins it me principle on which caunrrj are wurkinu in every field of the ministry m or der that the huustrwuc may have the best foods possible. It was fii this purpose of securing the ben possible raw products to go into cans that a Canner's Cnnurcuce a held recently in tl.e Horticul ture an Fcestiy Building of the Ohio bute University, at Colut.i bus, GUo. Limelight on Kraut One of the interesting discussion at the coui'crence wus concerned with growing kraut cabbage. With the limcltpht foci.sed on saMorkr'it as iKver before, accl.iitnd by physi ibm and Iwalth-authoritits, served on famous restaurant menus as well as in hunies everywhere, and with kraut juice joni. ar s a !n;ik m hotels and nr. r; diniriR-rur!' s!I il; country, it ii i:ucor- Filled U Front Yard Mike VanLaanen has been busy a few days this week filling in and leveling the front yard at the Joe Kxamer residence. Mike also con structed a walk leading from the house to the side walk. Maupin Defeated Maupin and Tygh Valley baseball teams clashed at the fair grounds last Sunday. The Tygh boys proved too fast for the Maupin players, winning the game by a tcore of nine :o four. Will Begin Shearing Shearers have begun their sea son's work, beginning on the Abbot bands. . The Connolly woollies are being bereft of their fleeces at this time, machines being used. The shearers will shear the Hunt flocks when through at Abbott's and aftsr that will go to Fitzpatrkks. Dogs Kill Chickens Chicken killing dogs ran rampant about Maupin yesterday morning. They got into R. W. Richmond's chicken yard and before becoming satisfied had killed 13 small chick ens. Richmond hus declared war on dogs and the owners are notified to either keep them up or make ar rangements to bury tltem. Engagement Announced The following from The Dalbs Optimist will be of interest to many Maupin people wh0 are friends of the groom mentioned :n the following announcement: "Mrs. J. Scow Call ihan entertained at bridg? Fridav evening to anwince thi engagement fjf her sister, Miss Aieiinie White, Every able bodied man in Mau pin who is not working and who is interested in our schools, is so licited to turn out on Monday, June 2 and help level and grade ground back of the High school to make a Maupin school Athletic Field This is a community movement and should be assisted by all. Meals will be furnished both men and teams, so please turn out. Everywhere ji ...... 18 II t int that pcrtert cabbage go into ir.e vats. tii.ewive want ouality canned Io'kIs, it was generally agreed at this eoi.lertrue. It does not require h yli ir.-.'sur.'. siitcsmaiisliip to sell thi best m tamted iimxI. lint qual ity taw products are necessary to iM.luce ti-.Mii'y cjuned loods. ami .r this re-isn leaders in the can 'in. il.untry conferral with the n.ition's leading horticultural au !.i"itifS. 1 vo .if the most popular and hcjtl.lul dr.nks that h;;e acquired :t vo.;jc in reant years are saucr kruiit jttice and tumain juice. Here :$ wav of com!nuing them both; ;:n'r (-ri;ur o., I o. unto CnetlHil'. Mi tOKcrhei with cracked ice in ,i fvikt&il sli'..tT, me part juice i;.inl cmii-.xI saur' raut and one ' (art juice from canutd tomatoes, -.,lt an I V';i'n!:a, and shake mil' I cry cold and foam v. Serve at or-e in mia'.l s' to Addie II. Wray of Maupin. The wedding will tske place during the summer. Five tables of bridge were in play." J. Debarred For Life' Gubernatorial Nominee Joseph and his arch enemy, Attorney Mannix, both of Portland, were debarred from the practice of law by a deci sion of the supreme court handed down this week. The disbarment is for life, although Joseph may square himself by a retraction of the state ment made by him that Oregon's supreme court waj a body of 'grafters." Suit on Note Filed W.,E. Hunt has filed suit In clr cuit court to collect on notea ag' gregating $1500, which the com plaint allege were given to him on December 30, 1927, by Peter Kil burg and W. O. Miller. The notes, Recording to the complaint bore 10 per cent interest. A payment of $100, the complaint stated, was made for interest in December, 1928. but no other payment was ever made on the notes, it was declared. DR. CLARICE COMING . Dr. Clsrgc of the Clarke, Optical Co., 326 Vi Washington street, cor ner 6th, Portland, Oregon. EYE FIGHT SPECIALISTS, will be In Maupin, all day and evening, Mon day June, 2nd, at the Maupin Ijotel. SEE HIM ABOUT YOUR EYES. Bring us your picture developing A free enlargement with each 60 rents worth of work. Maupin Drug Store. t Successful Business Enterprise Demand working: capital and Banking Credit available at need. Every accommodation consistent with sound banking practice is ex tended to patrons of this institution. t t LET US SERVE YOU Maupin State Bank (INCORPORATED) , NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 84, of Wasco county, State of Ore gon, that the annual t chord meet ing of said District will bo held at the High school building; to be gin at the hour of 2:30 o'clock p. m. on the third Monday of June, being the lGth day of June, A. D, 1930. This meeting Is called for the putjose of electing one director and ckrk and the transaction of busi ness usual at such meeting. Dated this 21st day of May, 1930, II. R. Kaiser, Chairman Board of Directors. Attest: Blanche E. Hedin, District Clerk. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. 8. Land office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 8. 1930. Notice is hereby given that WlllUro FUcbor of Maupin, Oregon, who, an January 23, 1925, made H. E. 023005 under act February 19, 1909 for SE14, sec tion 25, T. 6 S., R. 13 E., Lot 4 sec tion 30, Lots 1, 2, section 31, T. 5 S., R. 14 E. W. M., and on November 26, 1927, made additional II. E. 025326 under act December 29, 1916 for NEK8EVi,Sec. 13, 8WUNEH.EH SEK, 8ec. 24 T. 6 S., T. 13., and Lot 4, Sec. 18, NEViSWVl, Sec. 5, Township 6-South, Range 14-Eant, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final thrcu year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, United States commissioner, at Mau pin, Oregon, on the 22nd day of July 1930. ' Claimant names as witnesses: John Foley, Frank Lister, W. J. Harris, W. H. Williams all of Maupin, Ore gon. M22-J19. J. W. DONNELLY, Rg. CLASSIFIED COLUMN" FOR SALE! Dry pine and fir wood, $4.60 per cord In timber or $7.50 delivered in Maupin or in vicinity. Inquire of C. H. Walker, Maupin, Oregon. 28-t4- FOR SALE OR TRADE Gentle saddle horse. Address Everett Wilson. Route No. 2, Dufur, Ore. 25-t4 BUICK FOR TRADE 1925 Btiick roadster to trade for horses. Ad dress Everett Wilson, Route No, 2, Dufur, Oregon. 2G-t4. Bend-Portland STAGE SCHEDULE LEAVES Maupin . , 10.00 a. m. Maupin 4:45 p. m. ARRIVES Portland , 2:00 p. m. Bend 800 p. m. BEND- PORTLAND STAGE CO. Depot Rainbow Cafe WE RN MARK SHOE STORE Shoes and Repairing Watco County's Exclusive Shoe Store 3fcooa for th Vhola Paml Oneral Repairing The Dalles, Ore. Cottage Grove New street light ing rystem inaugurated. Schedule Changes Oregon Trunk Sun., June 1st Effective above date general changes will go into effect between Portland and Bend, under which the time at Maupin wlD be as fol lows: Laavo for Portland, No, 103, li30 a. m. Arrive at Portland, 7i30 Arrivo from Portland, No. 101, 3:16 a. tn. Lave Portland, fiSO p. m. Full information of E. W. GRIFFIN, Agent L. S. Davis, Trav. Pagr. Agt mm TRUNK RY. Ceatnl Orten Uee Wm.A. SHORT Dtmtitt MAUPIN . . . OREGON 25 Cents buya the best and largest meal served in The l)alles, at The Green Front Sandwich Shop Next to Dalles Creamsry WAPINITIA I. O. O. F. J liOdgn No. 20$, ' Maupin, Oregon meets every Sitttrdjiy night In L 0. 0. F. ball. Visaing members always " welcome. Roy R. Crabtree, N. C. B. W. Welch, Secretary. WhiteRestaurant i PRIVATE BOOTHS Where the best 35 cent meal Is served in TheDaUes Next The Dalles Crtainery C. N. Sr.rgent, Prop,