The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 22, 1930, Image 1

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Always working for the best
interests of Maupln and all of
Southern Wasco County.
Publishes only that news fH
to print. Caters to no particular
class, but works for aB.
Number 2S
C1m of Eight Graduate la Plaudit
of FrUnd Novel
. Prof ram
Balance n Hand a Rtt of
Coed Management
The elm of '30 Maupln High
school graduated with honor, each
member acquitlng himself in a man
ur which showed cartful preparation
and thorough knowledge of his
A novel feature of the exercises
wa the Introduction of "Father
Time," a part taken with exactitude
by a Junior, Glenn Alexander. In
that character Glenn gave worthy
advice concerning future life of each
graduate and cautioned them agniimt
world temptations and frlvoltle.
Wfc would like to make individual
mention of each graduate part in
the program but apace and a balky
type aetting machine obviates that
on our part.' However, we will men
tion the exeellenOwork of a few of
the clam, notably that of Gladys
Martin, Lelah Weberg and Nina
Gladys, a valedictorian, reviewed
the work of the class during achool
life. She emphasized the cordial
relations exlaitlng during the period
and asked that they be continued
during the coming year. Concluding
her talk Mi a Martin acted aa Intro,
ducer to Father Time of the rest of
the cla, She used language plain i
to all Her remark along that line
were well timed and were delivered
with perfect enunciation and proper
Lelah Weberg' address waa In
perfect tune with the occasion. That
young lady made an Imprevlve stage
appearance and In a voice full and ,
moment told of the entertaining
feature! of the school year.
Nina Mathew reviewed the work
of the various 4-II clubs. She re
counted all the activities of each in
manner that showed full acquaint
ance with her subject.
Bobby Shcpflin told of assemblies
Elton Snodgra s reviewed athletics
of the year and Albert St. Dennis
spoke of the school publication, The
Maupln Hi Times. Orville Fralcy
culled attention to the work done by
the Manual Training department and
Richard Crnbtree. treasurer of the
Student Body, recited a statement of
the finances of thBt body, giving
receipt and expenditures, from what
source derived and for What paid,
; Judge Fred W. Wilson was the
speaker of the occa ion.
0. F. Renlek as treasurer and Mrs,
D. L. Rutherford, president of the
local 4-II clubs, have mad up their
financial statement and below submit
same to our readers. It will be no
ticed there remains a substantial
balance In the treasury, this being
due to the efficient management of
those having the direction of th
clubs In hand. The report follows: .
Money on deposit from 1029
$ 20.40
Receipt from Jan. card party
Food sale. March 23.00
Track meet sales, April 141.77
Track meet sale,", May 7:10
Big Furniture Store
Changes Ownership
J. R. Doeberty Acquires later Of
Powers la DU Brcai ''
Big Salo Oa
Senator Joseph Wins
In Recent Primaries
J. R. Docherty, for years manager
of the Pocherty-Powera ' Furniture
company's store at The Dalle, last
week concluded negotiation for the . fice of governor, was completely up
stock and good will of the institution 'ret on Friday last when Senator
Election Showed Commipn -Ppf
' Did Not Want Profioal
. Offieo SrW.
The political pot, so far s as the
republican campaign went toward
nominating a candidate for the of-
Nib Club ComplaU Organisation
For Year' Activities
Nine standard 4-H clubs in Wasco
county completed their organization
in the part week, according to W.
Wray Lawrence, county agent
These clubs are taking the follow
ing projects; pig, sheep, calf, rabbit,
poultry and wheat. ;''
The districts and local leaders for
these clubs are as follows: Columbia
and the nam has been changed to 'George Joseph spilled the contents , community, sheep club, Martin . R.
the J. K. Docherty Furniture Co. 4 over the candidates and carried off Teterson; pig club, Marion Neal;
In order to effect completeithe nomination for jthe office of , wheat club, no local leader selected
change in the stock of the stora and 'governor of the state of Oregon. yS Wamic, pig club led by Leslie
to enable workmen to remodel theJwasco county favored Corbett, with Woodcock; sheep club led by Willie
t.A i . r tt..L.u r..Uu. 'u i i i . t l . t . rtiir? o1f fink A rtv Xtmrtr fl mmi
Mr. H. F. Bothw.ll' C1ms Apooa
la Mnclcal Snaday
Total receipts $215.52
Stamps, stationery t 2.00
Track Meet Expenses:
Shattuck Bros. 14.00
RcKh Co 5 55
Dalles Soda Work 12.36
Western Dairy Products 23.00
Freight 4-40
Telephone call 60
Total dk bursemenU ....$60.80
On hand May 10, 1930 $152.72
Interior, the J. R. Docherty Furniture , Norblad a clone second but Joseph
company has begun a stock reducing , ran e far ahead of the others that
salo at which every article In the store I none .of them figured much when
will be sold way under former J the "total votes were tallied through
markings. The stock include t)l i out the state.
that goc Into the making of a home,! The figures for Wa co county
as well as thourands of articles that
serve as embellishment. F rices
have been placed within a radius
that will move the goods readily and
those of our people who have an
eye toward saving and who need
anything carried by the company,
will do well to make their selection
whllo the slock h intact. Things
are moving rapidly at the store and
those who do not get in early will
have to take what is left and at
that there will be plenty to choose
Scan the advertisement of the
firm in this issue of The Time,
then go to The Dalles and make your
wants known to Johhny Young,
Jack Docherty or any other attaches
of the ttore, and they will show you
just what you desire and will quota
prices that mean a treat reductioo
on all you buy.
County Will Collect Tea, oa Coon
try Canine
Sheep flocks In the neighborhood
of The Dalles have suffered greatly
through the attacks of maurauding
dogs. As a sequel to such raids the
oounty court )as announced 'that
a concerted drive will be made to
collect state dog taxes. Sheep, some
of them costly pedigreed rams, 'to
the value of over $500 have recently
been killed, and the claims of own-
ers who have suffered damage ex
ceed th revenue raised from dog
The county court has extended th.t The annua convention of variou.
time limit for payment, without ap- branche. of the Odd
plication of a $2 penalty which then are in convention at Portland thi.
apply, up to June 1. The state fee week. Delegate, from .11 the lodge
la $2 for males and $3 for female, of the order, including the Petri
A county dog tax collector will be arch Militant. Odd Fellow, and Re-
put in the field. . . M
To date 106 licenses have been " "
issued, while the records of the tax pin will be represented, the follow-
assessor show 353 owned. , M e,fate8 Jfw,n ,ef
metropolis on Monday: J. C. Pratt,
Grand Lodg Convoaa at Portland
With Detog ( Ptat
From Local Lodge
Norblad .. 616
Joseph 432
For county offices no question was
raised. T. F. Brumbaugh ran ahead
of Ruh, the latter receiving but 398
rvote to Brumbaugh's 1460. For
county commissioner George Cham
berlain reccivinK 480 more votes
than his opponent. Spurgeon, al
though Spurgeon advertised the fact
that he war, the endorsed candidate
of the grange. Chamberlain's vote
was 1098 to 618 for Spurgeon.
Ralph Williams seemed to have
aatisfied majority of the voters in
hi work a national committeeman.
1016 ballot were cast for him and
but 693 for Walker.
Nominee Joseph entered the race
at the last moment He made a
vigorous personal campaign and re
eeived hi majority in 10 counties,
receiving only 18 per cent of the
vote cast. Norblad carried 17 coun
ties, running econd, while Corbett
carried seven and Hall one county.
Joseph won by approximately 6,000
Th Democratic campaign was a
fight between Wilbur of Hood River
And Bailey of Junction City. The
Utter won the nomination. His
managers prophesy Bailey will re
ceive many Joseph votes at election
time. That idea should be taken
with a grain of salt, for when a state
like Oregon decides between six can
didte. and nominate what might be
called a dark horse, it usually follows
that candidte will carry the election.
Wasco county officers now in of
fice and running- were nominated
Driver", calf club led by Mary Gesh;
poultry club led by Hans Hanson.
Maupin, rabbit club led by Mrs.
Oscar Rcniek, and Tygh Valley, sheep
club led by Mrs. Mamie McCorkle.
The piano students' of Mnr, H. F.
Bothwell appeared in a muaicale at
the High school building ' last Sun
day afternoon and showed much Lra
provement since their lasf previous
appearance. The program waa
made up of numbers by beginners,
second year pupiL and advanced
classes, and included a large variety
of compositions.
Those who took part and the se
lections render follow: ;
Piano solo Douglas Bothwell
Beginners' exercise.:, rhythm and
(note writing "
: I "Sleigh Bella" Kathleen Foley
Primary markets ' in ' Australia'. "Good Morning, AIT..! .Louise Duua
which have been closed for the past ! "Across the Brook"Genevive Allen
two weeks opened this week, at an I "Playing Catch" ........ Jack Bothwell
advance of from 5 per cent to 10 "Drifting" . .. Albert Troutman
per cent. There wa a slight advance Primary chord building in all keys,!
in London. The United States wool second year pupils l
market,; follow London from one to "Hunting Song" ........ Helen Conley.
three month and it is expected by "Wood Nymph's Harp" .......... Nina
some of the leading marketing ana- j Chastain
lytical bureaus that domestic wools "Banjo Pickaninnies" ......
U. S.
Uioatly Follow Month Later
Than Loadoa
are due for an advance in the early
Driven j
''Tarantella" .... Laura May Harvey
"The Dirigible" ......... Guy Harvey
"The Swallow" Lee Bothwell
I "The Tempestuous Wind" Leslie
Tent Fillod Each Night and Aa Troutman. , f
Receive Merited Applaao I Note writing with triplet and
'dotted notes f
Community Cluh to Provide Food
For Memorial Day
Next Thursday will be Memorial
The judge i)ay, and on that occasion many will
told of his long acquaintance with u,.nt to take a dav off from house-
Maupin schools, how he had address-1 hold duties and spend the time away
ed former classes, of the great im
provement made in buildings and
from home. To obviate cooking on
! that dav the ladies of the Maupin
campus and of the courses of itudy j Community club will hold a cooked
followed. During his talk Judge fon(j BRie t the Shattuck store on
Wilson said that ho had attended Wednesday. There will be all kinds
many graduating exercises and was'0f cooked food offered for sale and
sincere in stating that the one he was as the ability of the club members as
then at by far exceeded all others in Cooks is well and favorably known it
quality of closi membership andoes without saying that the variety t Jt, , the loc1 jfebekah lodge,
novelty of the proceedings. j nm excellence of the things on sale . . ;, ., .,
Willard Cunningham aj represent
tlves of the Odd Fellows; R. E. WU
son as delegate from the Encamp-; without opposition,
menti Mrs. Crystal Welch, Mrs. J.
H. Woodcock and Mrs. Chas. Cro
foot, delegates from the Rebekah
lodge; Mrs. F, D. Stuart and Mrs. R.
E. Wilson a alternates. From Tygh
Odd Fellows lodge went Callie Dun
can and Jack Savage, while Mrs.
Nerval and Mrs. Callie Duncan repre
' sent the Tygh Valley Rebekah lodge.
I During the convention the Degree
of Chivalry will be conferred upon
Mrs. Stuart, that being a degree used
in the work of the military branch
of the ! Odd Fellows. Mrs. Wilson
eoes as musician, sne noiuuns mo
; The Golden Bros, show, now giving
entertainments under a large canvas
near Chalmer's blacksmith shop, is
drawing a capacity house each even
ing. The performance includes
acrobatics, music, black face sketches
trained dog acta, singing and comedy
sketches. The actors are- all old
timers and are creating a most fa
vorable impression with Maupin
An admission charge of but 10
cent ir, made, although on ; Satur-
"Greek Runners" Mrs. Alfred Brown
Key signatures Douglas Bothwell,
Blanche Northrup, Bernice Hollia.
"Narcissus" .... Bernice Hollia
"Roman Candle-" Blanche Northrup
Advanced cla. work consisting of
musical terms, study of operas - and
entertaining by Nova Hedin, Bessie
Starr, Charles Bothwell I
"Days of Yore" ......... Bessie Start.
"Love's Young Dream" l...Charlee
Bothwell , j,., 4
"Perpetual Motion" .Nova Hedia
f i . x ill . J
aay nigm inai raw win oe e.cvaieu Four of 4he student who were t
to 25 cents for all. ' u)w K Jn the ieeital unavot4-
The popular lady contest js prov- detained t the Wt , m0ment.
ing a drawing card and about 16 Kj Alfcfd Brown Ern
Maupin ladies have been nominated, j Conf Jean Rcnick ud Erma Webb.
Among the leaders are Gladys Mar-! , ( ,
tin and Helen Weberg. We expect
to learn that the leaders will , gain
many additional votes before the!
Prof. Devoe next explained the
honor roll and explained the procur
ing of clss pins. He then handed
the pins, in nice boxes, to Father
Times, who, as tho names were call
ed, delivered each honor student his
clasj memento. Those receiving the
pins were Nova Hedin, Charles Both
well, Bethel Snodgrass, Alta Chastain
Evelyn Powell, Lelah Weberg,
Gladys Martin, Richard Crabtree and
Blanche Northrup.
Dan Poling was in charge of the
singing and he and Wade Hampton
will be such as to tempt the appetitea
of the most exacting.
Buy LlttU Ranch
Ellis Hughes has decided that
Maupin holds attractions sufficient
to cause him to settle almost within
our city limits. At least we suppose
that is the reason for his purchase
of the Lester Kelly home ranch, a
short distance up Bakeoven, which
ho acquired thU week. Ellis Hughes
contemplates erecting a modern
residence on the place and has estab
Rodoo At Fair Ground
Everett Wilson1 haa secured the
fair grounds for the dates of May! 31
and- June 1, and on the latter day
will stage a rodeo there. Everett
sayc he has a better Bhow than ever,
hasving secured several outlaw
horsea and enlisted a corps of rodeo
riders. He will give a dance in the
pavilion on the evenings mentioned.
Watch for program and list of events
in a later isrue of this paper.
FUhermcn' Special
The Oregon Trunk railway will be-!
gin its fishermen' special trains this
week Saturday, it leaving Portland
for the Deschutes at 10.00 p. m. and
returning will arrive at Portland
earlv Monday morning. A round
trip fare of $5.00 will be charged.
We may expect that the banks of
the Deschutes from North Junction
to Shersrr. will be lined with fisher
men Sunday, as the Portland sports
men have learned that our stream is
the best in the country for redsides
and each will be out after trout
finat announcement
on Saturday
, Soft Seat
"Where were you during the sixth
and seventh dances last night?
"Jack wa; showing me some new
steps." .
"Were they very hard?"
"Oh, no. we had cushions."
Notice is hereby given that the
County Superintendent, of - Wasco
county, Oregon, will hold the regular
examination of applicants for state
certificates at the court house'The
Dalle", as follows: Commencing
Wednesday, June 11th, 1930, at 9
o'clock a. m. and continuing until
Saturday, June 14, 1930, at 4 o'clock
p. m. :' '.' :: " ",:y "1
sang two beautiful duets. Mr. Poling ished his family on the place. The
also led the school dnglng. Nova
Hedin and Charles Bothwell render
ed several pleading selections'on the
ivf.6 pianos. ..
Near the conclusion of the pro
gram Chairman Kaiser of the school
board presented the graduates with
their diplomas, prefacing that act by
a few well chosen remarks.
thus closed another school year
,for the Maupin schools. The class to
complete the cotuhp was one of the
largest ever graduated from nur
school and each one leaves his and
her schoolmates with regret and
with a wish that the future succcbs
of Maupln students be of the great
est. v
recent purchase contains about 40
aTC8, part of which is planted to
Underwent OperaM
Mrs. G. I. Derthlck waa taken to
the Mid-Columbia hospital at
fruit and contains as fine a garden i Dalles last week and on Tuesday
spot a: exists anywhere. Fhil Starr
has the place under lease until Jan
uary next, using it as a market gar
den.1 ' ..-;.-'
underwent "en operation for an ail
ment that had both-red her for
some time. Her . condition at last
report was favorable and she expectf
to soon ne awe 10 reiurn nomc.
Improving Flour Mill
Cecil Woodcock is engineering a
wheelbarrow these days excavating
a tlace under the mill to make room
for more machinery. The Woodcocks
recently purchased -ome additional
machinery at Hood River and will in
stall it in their mill here, thus giving
them added facilities.
Will Go 30 Gallon
Floyd MsLeod and Elmer Horn
quist vl ited the Hugh Knight ranch
at Criterion yesterday. , They say
that grass conditions in that seetion
are the be, t in years, also that Hugh's
crop of voluntary rye 'promises of
yielding heavy production. Elmer
stated he was sure the rye crop would
go (,30 gallons to the acre."
... : i t
All Sorts of Soups
Try a bottle of "Billy" Baxter"
natural soda "water ' Bottled as it
comes from tho ground. ,Gct it at
th? Maunm Drug Store.
Hedin Will Lea
N, G. Hedin came up from Port
land yesterday and assisted in pack
ing the family household goods pre
paratory to moving to Portland,
where1 Newt is employed in a broad
asting . tetloni Cur people wilt be
anything but pleusod at the moving
away of this estimable family as the
Hedins have been a great asset to
the social and entertainment features
of Maupin society and their leaving
creates a vacancy that will be hard
to fill. All wish them the be.t of
I success la their new home. , '
Show ' Pane Throulh
The big Van Cleve theatrical ag
gregation was held up in Maupin all
day yesterday by one of their trucks
breaking down. The caravan con
sisted of six cars and was on the
way to Burns where it will pitch for
a week's engagement.
Full line of kodaks and kodak sup
plies on hand. Let us develop your
films.' A 5x7 enlargement free with
each ' 60-ccnt order. The Maupin
Drug Store. ' .
Narrow Ecpe
While poTfoiming on the swinging
trajKio Wednesday evening at the
show, Bay Wheeler had a narr iw es
capeOne of the ropes hold
rigging , broke allowing tho ir.n
em. dt los to , fall. WheeW ana
swinging on a balanced chair at the
time tu escaped injury by cll ping
t0 the i enter pole when thj .riging
. '( . ' ' ' Cautiou .
Bashful I hear that you have an
artist friend,
- EagerYeah. Eevry time he comes
to see me he draws tho ehado:.
OUPS have character, and
don't let anyone persuade jroa
to the contrary, fust consider:
if you were serving a form omner,
would you start it off with clam
chowder? Or at a beach supper
would you have consomme royal
for the main dish hi -jour menu?
Doesn't that prove the" point r
There are soup which are airy
nothing to stimulate the appetite;
titxtantial loud to ' serve m a
whole meal; and m between1 oup
wWch mav serve any ; of several
. n Heavy or Llf hi
T. IV itthttantial (TOttO COfOel
Tnffimit ftam chnwaer. Te
make it, dice one-eighth pound of
ult pork and ituti with onenedium
onion, lioed. Add one and oae ran of diced ooUtoe. taut
a few minute, then add oat en
one-eighth teaspoon of pepper,
pinch of thvme and oneignth tea
spoon oi ceiery teea. oinuncr ami
potato are almost tender. Adi
the- cuunt, cnoppea, ironi a ana
can.; aad: one tablespoon of ftotar
smoothed with two cup oi coic
miQk; fetirtuntil lihy kkene4
Add the liquid from the ciam ias
Serve witn plain or pii cracKer.
A liaht but ununal toot which
rnu Id well start off a February
luncheon celebrating St Valentin',
Washington' or Lincoln' birthday
i called Tomato and Pimienta
Soup. To make it, bring three cup ,
of Itralned tomato juice, turn cjipt
of water, two teaspoon w sait
onlrth teajooon of beoper and
six drops of Ubaseo Muce to tlie 1
boiling points' add two tablespoons
cd aeam of what tmcooked, and ;
two eaanwl pimientoe, cheeped.
Cook twenty tnautes. Serve wi Ji i
I O 3 d fa b w j